031019 (eric/ailee)

drabble collection

prompt: “Now? Now you listen to me?” 

(pairing: eric nam/ailee. genre: au, fluff, supernatural. rating: pg. words: 862) 

It’s a terrible plan. No, scratch that, it’s an awful plan. Everything about it is decidedly y, and not in a way that could ever be interpreted as ‘good’. They’re all there, Joshua, Amber, Luna, even Kris and Victoria from way up north. He can’t remember the last time so many of them were actually gathered without there being blood spilled or wars started – but maybe that has more to do with the fact that there’s a vampire hunter in their midst than anything else. Vampires aren’t exactly known for making house calls, especially not their kind.  

Now, Amy being a vampire hunter would probably be a bigger problem if Eric was anything like any other vampire in existence and mainstream media. He isn’t, however, and actually takes great pride in that. But he can’t actively say the same for the rest of his entourage; they’re wary of her, and he can’t blame them. She has, after all, tried to put most of them in the ground for a quick buck. “Eric has a point,” is the first thing anyone in the room has said for a good ten minutes, and the fact that it comes from her of all people doesn’t really do anything good for anyone. Amy senses it too, because her shoulders are tense, her stance is anything but relaxed, and her heartbeat is hammering in his ears like a loud drum. A quick scan of the room tells him that Amber notices it too, and immediately grabs into the back of Joshua’s jacket when his thoughts start getting the better of him. It's never easy being a newborn, especially not when there’s a living, breathing meal two feet away from you.  

Him and Amy have.... Some history, one might say. It’s been like a cat chasing a mouse for the better part of almost 10 years (Amy’s the cat), but somewhere along the line they’ve decided to try and bury the hatchet. Or, in this case, the loaded crossbow. Amy’s defected from her high-paying state job as a vampire hunter, and has decided to try and help her newfound.... Friends, to stay under the radar. It’s not easy, and Eric knows Amy’s been putting a lot on the line, and he’s grateful for that. His friends are too, even though they haven’t quite opened up to her yet.  

“The anti-terror corpse has seen plenty of newborns over the last years; they know what to look for, and hiding in plain sight is not ‘hiding’, it’s giving them moving targets.” Someone mutters, “yeah, wouldn’t you know about moving targets,” but Amy merely huffs and puffs her chest out. Luna’s not evil, everybody knows that, but the first time the two met, Amy tried to stab her. Mainly because of the fact that Luna tried to bite Amy, but those are insignificant details.  

“The point is,” she says sharply, “that trying to outsmart them is not going to work. They’re going to be on it within seconds.” Eric holds back a snort. He’s been trying to say the same thing for years, actually ever since Amy decided to try and be a double agent. Kris cuts in just then, with his low voice and stoic expression. He's not exactly a king, and Victoria is not exactly his queen, but it’s pretty close. When either of them speaks, people tend to listen. “So we won’t,” he says, aknowledging the huntress’ words. “We find another way. The main point is that we protect our own kind.” They all nod. “We have friends out west. Beyond the border. If we can get them to help us, maybe we’re one step closer to a probable solution.” And that’s... That’s it, really. Kris has some finality to him, and the vampires don’t exactly feel like discussing the hopeless into oblivion, Joshua doesn’t feel like challenging fate and destiny, and Amy doesn’t feel like turning into the next meal – all very valid points, and so the meeting slowly dissolves. Amber is the first one to leave, pulling Joshua along a little too firmly to be considered gently, but Eric knows he’s secretly very grateful. The kid doesn’t have an evil bone in his body, and actually hurting somebody would kill him. Soon it’s only him and Amy left in the room, and it pleases him immensely to see her shoulders drop an inch when the door closes on them.  

Eric breaks the silence by gently poking her. “So... Now you listen to me?” She doesn’t reply immediately. “Where was that kind of hindsight five years ago?” She chuckles. Five years ago, Amy conducted a plan to break into her old office to spy on her employer. She made it to the foyer before Amber and Luna blocked her way with impressive force, and gently coerced her back to the hideout. Amy hits him lightly. “Are you complaining? As far as I recall, you like being right and awful lot.” He doesn’t reply; he only smiles, and reaches down to grab her hand to intertwine their fingers. She's very warm, even for a human, but that’s one of the (many) things he likes so much about her.  

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2078 streak #1
Chapter 4: I miss your style of writing so much. Welcome back!