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The weather forecasts are concerning, the coldest winter of the century is striking full force! All citizens should...

The animated voice from the TV was not overwhelming enough to prevent Jongin from falling into a sweet slumber, half asleep, but dreaming.

He was running in a lush pine forest, so fast that the snow under his paws didn't have enough time to crunch.

Next to his wolf there was another one, someone unbelievably fast. Jongin immediately recognised his friend Chanyeol's chocolate brown figure, with his messy fur and lanky limbs. It was just a normal thing for the two if them, to run, to dive into a wild hunting rush, no matter if it was snowing, raining or the sun was so bright that the earth underneath their paws was almost too hot to step on.

The only thing out of the ordinary was that Chanyeol was faster than him. Kai usually stormed a few metres in front of the older at the beginning of the run and never actually went full speed for the brown wolf to keep up.

Today, he was struggling, his cold legs were feeling heavy as he dashed behind his friend.

When they reached their destination, he finally understood why. Chanyeol was trying to get to his den fast, because there was someone waiting for him. In one small cave a bundle of golden fur was trembling from the cold and when the alpha stepped in he immediately enveloped the omega, his bigger body providing comfort and, to a certain extent, warmth, their matching furs colliding as they exchanged a few affectionate .

And there was Jongin, watching them, still staying outside in the cold - he wasn't by any chance entering another alpha's den, be he a friend or not.

And then he felt something - the sudden need, urge to do the same for someone. He knew the small rabbit he caught and clenched his jaw around the whole run won't be enough to feed him only, but suddenly he was ready to share, just to have someone waiting for him in his cold and empty den. Someone small and vulnerable, like a flower petal, someone who gives him a reason to run faster.

And since it was a dream, something under his control, there was immediately a cure for this loneliness.

He pictured the omega, white as the show, out in the cold, trying to dig under the icy blanket for leftover autumn fruits. He was so graceful, and his yellow eyes so deep that Kai felt as if if he touches him his dark as ink fur will stain him.

As the alpha approached, the white angel stuttered ( if it was even possible to shutter more than he already was because of the temperature ), probably scared, and those clear yellow  eyes were filled with guild, he knew well that he was searching for food in someone else's territory.


 I'm not going to hurt you.


Jongin thought. In the land of his dreams, everyone knew what he had to say.


Then what?


A stern voice asked, masking the pure terror of the white wolf and Kai came to the realisation that the omega was male.


A second of heavy silence passed.


 I'm going to love you, Snow White. That will be your payback for coming to my territory.




'This winter is expected to be the coldest one for decades, why don't you buy a new coat at least... ' Baekhyun said, eyeing his friend with a serious face.

'I'm not spending money for things I don't necessarily need. ' Sehun cut him off, sighting, already exhausted from having this conversation with the brunette three times today.

' Sometimes I forget that your dried hearth of a 40 year old man is the coldest thing imaginable, it couldn't be damaged by some snowstorm. ' Baekhyun snapped, but he was everything but angry, his concern for his friend had gotten him hot and bothered. ' Loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day... '


' Don't start... I'm not lonely. I have you, I have a lot of colleagues at work and I also have Vivi, I'm nowhere near lonely. ' the blond man said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

' When the winter holiday starts, you'll lock yourself in your unbearably small, cold and dark apartment and you'll send your projects to your boss by mail, most likely going out once a week to shop groceries. Like, you barely eat... ' the older sighted and started explaining his point further, trying not to offend the other, but scare him nevertheless. ' It will be your third year spending the winter months like that, you're graduating from university soon and you're acting like some antisocial high school kid! You need a someone to hug you at least, because you're refusing to buy a proper blanket or a heater...'

What Baekhyun said sounded sad, but that's how Sehun's li

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 1: I love a/b/o stories - not usually a Kaihun shipper but seems like an interesting story!!
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 13: wowowow...
finally jongin had some guts and sehun? man how can he be so?
glad you updated.
Keiko775 #3
Chapter 13: Yeah! Glad you decided to update this story instead of deleting it!

I wonder how everyone was able to see the bound... is it because they went in the spiritual world or because they are soulbound?

I would love to read the oneshots you have 😍 the day you post it I’ll read it!

Thank you for this update!
Chapter 13: Long time. But you came back blazing.
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 8: man sehun. jongin must be so upset and down ;_,
Chapter 10: Go for it.... I'm waiting patiently for a new chapter...

ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ
Chapter 9: Honestly... I hate sad ending.... I know there's a journey for Sehun and Jongin about their life ...
Butat least after all this bad and sad life there's still a light...

But this your story but don't be too sad..... I can't take it....
Chapter 8: I hope that Sehun will see his bond with Jongin is the most beautiful one...and the pup....

teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 9: i am very sad to read this, because this story was finally smething new...
teufelchen_netty #10
Chapter 8: oh no <<
this.. jongin must feel so y and sehun is such a egoist ><
he hurt them and still wants to dog further into breaking everything