Bad Dream

Bad Dream

Kim’s Household

Dahyun and Mina has been married for 5 years. The couple was a high school sweet heart. They got together when both of them was sophomore year high school. They dated for about 4 years until Dahyun decided that she wants to spend her life with Mina. 


Dahyun still remember that one day when she woke up in the morning with  Mina in her arm. Starting from that day she couldn’t find any reason why she should not spend the rest of her life with Mina. The couple was still young that time. Dahyun just turn 20 and her girlfriend just turned 21. Despite their age, Dahyun was determined to make Mina her wife forever. 

So after about months of thinking and making sure she really want to spend her life with Mina. She finally told someone her plan. It’s none other than her best friends since they were in elementary.

No  Jam Apartment

“I want to marry Mina.” Dahyun just said out of nowhere.

“What? Did I heard that right?” Chaeyoung asked with a surprised voice.

“Are you sure you are ready for that commitment Dahyun ah?” Her Jeongyeon unnie said.

“I’ve been thinking about for a while now.” Dahyun said seriously.

“Unnie, no matter what you do we support you.” Tzuyu said giving her a big smile.

“Omg I am so excited.” Chaeyoung said while bouncing her body.

“Chaeyoung you need to keep this secret. You better not screw this up. I am talking to you as well Tzuyu. You both at keeping secret from your girlfriend.” Dahyun said.

“I promise unnie.” Tzuyu said.

“You better. You and I know Sana unnie is a big blabber mouth and can’t keep secret from Mina.” Dahyun reminded Tzuyu.

That day the School Meal Club along with her Jeongyeon unnie they plan the proposal and where it is going to happened. The only thing that she needs to make the proposal perfect was the ring.

Mall Store

So she went to the mall they always go when they have free time. She saw the jewelry store where Mina always go to buy her accessories. Then when she was looking around so she remember when they were just friends Mina has told her one time what she wants if she ever get propose to. It was a beautiful diamond ring with her birthstone in it. Dahyun decided to get that ring and fix the size for Mina.

A couple of weeks later Dahyun finally propose to Mina in front of her friends and family at their favorite spot which is the beach. The couple was thrill and happy. A few years later they got married as a gift Dahyun’s parents gave them a condo for their wedding. 

Then one day the couple started to talk about having a kid. Mina and Dahyun tried one of the experiment freezing the eggs and try the IV later. When it was the time Mina was nervous she did not know if it will work. She does not want to disappoint her wife but Dahyun make sure that no matter what happened it will be ok. After a few days the doctor has called them to verified that Mina was pregnant. 

The couple was so happy that they cried that night. One by one they let their family know about the good news. Finally the Kim is having their own kid. 

9 months later Kim Haruki was born. The couple was excited to start their lives as a family. Dahyun wasn't planning to have another kid but she really want a baby girl as well. So when they are both ready have another child they went to hospital and did I.V again. After a succesful I.V and few months later they found out they were going to have a baby girl. They name their baby girl Hana. 

End Flashback

5 years later Mina was preparing the dinner for the night. while her son Haruki was in the living room with her little sister Hana who was 3 playing while watching the cartoon that Mina put for them. Their Mama has just got out of the work and just on the way home.

Mina was about to finished cooking the dinner when she heard the front door of their house opened. She heard her two little munchkins running towards the door. 

“Mama you are home.” Haruki yelled with excitement while her little sister was on his tail running cutely.

“Hello baby boy, where is your mommy?” Dahyun said while she scoop her son and daughter in her arms. “Mommy is in the kitchen mama. She is making my favorite pasta with cheese in it.” Haruki said excitedly.

“Oh so mommy will make your favorite Mac and cheese.” Dahyun said with a smile. 

“Yeah!! Mac and cheese Hana and I favorite.” Haruki said one more time with her arms around her mama.

“Did you guys did something fun when mama was at work?” Dahyun asked her baby’s while heading towards the kitchen to see her wife.

“Hana went on a play date with Yuta while I had soccer game today.” Haruki said.

“Did you won today? Dahyun ask.

“Yes mama, I scored 3 goals for the team. Mommy was so happy and loud.” Haruki said while beaming like a baby.

“Mama is proud of you.” Dahyun replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Hana got jealous and took her mama face and gave her a kiss. Dahyun was surprised and just laugh at her daughter antics.

A few feet away was Mina putting the last minute ingredients on their food. The Mac and Cheese is cook but their dish is almost done. Mina was happy looking at her wife and two children happily talking about their days. Dahyun approached her wife and gave her a quick hello and a kiss on the lips. “Ewwww.” Haruki said while covering Hana eyes from seeing their mom kissing. 

“Haruki, when you get older you will do this with your wife.” Dahyun said while Mina get back to finishing the dinner. 

“No, mom.” Haruki argue.

“Really?” Dahyun asked sporting a surprise face. “Kissing is ewww. You get cooties mommy.” Little Haruki said. “Pfttt hahahahaha . You don’t get cooties for kissing the person you love.” Dahyun said to her son.

“Alright boys and girls please get the plates ready the dinner will be done in a few minutes.” Mina told her wife and kids. 

Dahyun took Hana and Haruki in the dining table to get the table ready. Once the table was set Dahyun went upstair quick to change to comfortable clothes and also to prevent a spill on her CEO attire. Once she was done she hurry down on the dining table where her family was ready and waiting for to eat.

The Kim’s eat dinner in joyful and comfortable manner. Mina asked her wife on how was her day and how was the company doing. They talked about when is their next vacation as family. They talked about where they should go. Haruki seems to love going  Japan to visit Mina’s parent . It’s been a whole year since Haruki and Hana seen their grandparents due to their busy schedule as a family and both children has started school as well.  Dahyun don’t mind going to Japan to see her in laws. Mina seems excited as well. She misses her parents.


After the dinner Dahyun has offer to wash the dishes while mommy will get the kids change and get them ready for bed as they have school tomorrow morning. So Mina took the two kids upstair to get ready for bed.

“Come on Haruki and Hana chan let’s go upstair and wash up before bed.” Mina told the 2 little ones.

“But mommy, I am not tired yet.” Argue of their youngest little Hana.

“You have school sweetheart.” Dahyun softly told her little princess.

“But mama.” Hana said who sport a really cute pout. Dahyun weakness is her little princess pout but Mina told her not to fall for it when during bedtime.

“No buts princess.” Dahyun said trying not to look at her princess.

Hana was about to protest once more when Mina has cut her off before she can beg her mama. “Hana it’s bedtime.” Mina said sternly.

Hana knew when her mommy used her big mommy voice that she is serious and that it is time for bed. “Ok mommy.” Hana said.

“Come on babies, Mommy and I will read you some stories before you go to bed.” Dahyun said to her two kids. 

After Dahyun has said that the two kids has race up upstairs to get ready while Mina and Dahyun watch their little munchkin making sure they don’t missed a step.

Dahyun stole a quick kiss on the lips before herself went back to the kitchen where a pile of dirty dishes awaits for her to be clean up. Mina on the other hand went upstairs to check on her little babies. 

After about 30 minutes Dahyun was done washing all the dishes and went upstairs where her wife and two kids was waiting  for her in their bedroom to read them a story book. 

“What are we reading tonight?” Dahyun has asked her little munchkins.

“Peter Pan mama.” Hana and Haruki said the same time.

“Peter Pan? Is that what you both want?” Dahyun asked them one more time.

“Yes mama.” Haruki replied.

“Come on babe and get in here. The kids needs to sleep soon. It’s 9 pm and they were supposed to be sleeping already like an hour ago.” Mina said to her wife.

“Ok baby.” Dahyun replied.

Haruki went on top of the bunk while Hana was on the first floor of the bunk. After both of them lay down and get tuck in and get their goodnight kisses Dahyun started reading the stories. 10 minutes into the stories both kids was pass out. 

Dahyun fix Haruki blanket and gave him another goodnight kiss and put the book down on the night stand. Mina on the other hand turn on the lamp on the side of the bed. The couple made sure that both children was safe before getting out of the room and turning the main lights off. Shutting the door softly the couple went to their own room and got ready for bed.

After about almost an hour Mina and Dahyun was ready for bed as both was exhausted by a long day. Dahyun lay down on the bed first before inviting her wife to cuddle who just finished brushing her teeth and washing her face. Mina gladly lay down on her wife’s arm feeling the warm. She just love being close to her wife feeling safe and sound.

“Good job today babe. Thank you for making the meals and thank you for taking care of our little munchkins.” Dahyun never fail to missed thanking her wife every night.

Mina smiled and look at her wife. “Thank you for working hard. Thank you for putting a hot meal every day in our home.” Mina said.

“You are welcome baby. We should sleep, the kids has school and I need to be in the meeting early tomorrow.” Dahyun said to her wife who she was holding in her arms.

“Ok babe. Goodnight love. I love you.” Mina said and gave her a kiss on the lips. 

“Goodnight baby and I love you too.” Dahyun replied and gave her wife kiss on the lips and the forehead before adjusting to comfortable position to cuddle  and both women close their eyes to catch on sleep.

It was 2 am in the morning when it’s starting to rain and thunder in the city for Seoul where their household was located. Little Haruki was awoken up by the thunder and her sister crying on the bottom bunk.

Little Haruki being the big brother he is, Haruki went down to check her little sister. When he went down the bunk he saw his little sister was shaking so much. He gently touch her and found out she was still sleeping meaning she was having a nightmare. Haruki woke her little sister because she was now crying on her sleep and Haruki got scare by it.

Haruki successfully woke up Hana. He hold his sister for a bit until she was calm enough to talk to him.

“What’s wrong?” Little Haruki ask.

“I g..o..t a..nightmare.”Little Hana said still shaking and crying.

Haruki was about to say something when the thunder strike so loud it scares both of them. Haruki end up jumping and now shaking because of his fear of thunder while her little sister is now fully crying. Haruki was unsure of what to do.

“Come on Hana. Let’s go to mama and mommy’s room.” Haruki said softly. Helping her little sister to get out of the bed. Hana took her favorite penguin plushy while Haruki took his favorite eagle plushy and the both of them march into their mom’s room.

Dahyun woke up when she notice someone open the door and heard her little princess. Dahyun woke up her wife slightly. “What Dahyun ah, I am tired need more sleep.” Mina said scolding her wife.

“Baby the kids is at the door and Hana is crying.” Dahyun said while getting up walking towards the door. As soon as Mina heard Dahyun said those word she woke up. 

Haruki and Hana was still at the door both didn’t know what to do until her Mama carry both of them towards the bed.

“Why are you both awake at 2:30 in the morning. What’s wrong baby?” Dahyun ask worried.

Hana couldn’t answer as she was still crying. Mina took her youngest in her arm until she calm but fell asleep due to tiredness.”Hana was having a bad nightmare. I don’t know why but she was crying.” Haruki said softly.”She wouldn’t stop crying so I bring her here. Sorry mama if I woke you up.” He added while putting his head down afraid that his mama would scold him and get mad at him.

“Baby, put you head up, you don’t have to be sorry. Mama and I proud of you by coming here and doing your best to make her stop.” Mina said to her eldest.

“She was scared and I got scare also I did not know what to do mommy.” Haruki said while shaking in fear when the loud thunder  strike once again.

“Is that so sweetheart. What about you how are you?” Dahyun ask the little guy who looks like trembling in fear. Dahyun took her oldest to her arm. She felt him shake meaning he was afraid of something.

“I am good mama.” Haruki said trying not show that he is afraid of  thunder or something. Dahyun clearly see that her son was scared on something on how much he was shaking. Dahyun was about to ask her son again when another big loud thunder strike. Forget about being brave Haruki turn to her mom and hug her mama tight putting his face buried in her neck and clutching her mama clothes. Haruki was now shaking more than ever. He hates thunder , for him thunder was his worse nightmare. The thunder was loud and scary. 

Dahyun finally know what scares Haruki. Her son was always trying to put a brave face in front of them. As much as she appreciate that she wants Haruki to be able to go to them when he is scared as well. “Haruki, remember being scared of something is okay. You can always tell me or mommy if something is bothering you. You can always tell me If something was just too scary for you. Mommy and Mama will hold you.” Dahyun told her son.

“But I am the oppa, I need to be strong. Hana needs to be always be protected.” Haruki said still buried in his mom neck.

“Baby boy, I know you love protecting Hana but sometimes it’s ok when you need someone when something was too scary for you. Mommy and I will be there be your protector.” Dahyun explained to her son.

“Ok, Mommy. Im sorry mama and Mommy.” Little Haruki said.

“You don’t have say sorry baby boy.” Mina said. “Mama and I is not mad at you. You been really good big brother. You been protecting your little sister. We are proud of you baby.”Mina added while she was holding Haruki hands letting him know that everything is going to be ok.

Haruki seems to be good now but the thunder is not stopping soon and he does not want to go back and sleep by himself. He look at his sister who was on the middle of the bed sleeping already. Haruki look at his mama and mommy for a while until her mama ask him something. “What is it baby boy?” 

“Can I sleep here with you and Mama tonight?” Haruki said while looking at his Mommy.

“Yes baby boy. You are welcome to sleep with us. Your sister is sleeping here as well.” Mina said. 

“Come on we need to go to bed. It’s still early.” Dahyun said while looking at clock saying it is only 3:30 am. 

Haruki went beside his sister right towards the middle. He lay down and went inside the warm puffy blanket. Mina on the other hand lay down on the other side of Hana. Dahyun was about to lay down but before she went lay down next to Haruki. She took her phone from the night stand. She turn her phone and went to messages. She find her best friend name send a quick text. After she sent the text Dahyun lay down next to Haruki. The Kim fell asleep once more with Dahyun wrapping her arm over her three favorite person. Haruki and Hana in the middle. Haruki smiled knowing he is safe and nothing to be afraid of as long his Mama and Mommy by his side.



Chaeyoung ah, I am not going to be able to come to work today. My family needs me right now. Let me know when you need me for something. Give me a call when it’s only urgent and emergency. Thank you Bro.


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