A Fairy's Warning

Moonlight Memories

It was an unusual night to say the least. The moon was out and shining, and the trees around Jisung where basking in its beauty.

Although the scenery around him was beautiful he didn't have the luxury to enjoy it for too long. Today he made a grave mistake, usually he'd go out into the forest to explore, occasionally coming home with old relics found within these vast surroundings. Jisung made sure to never go too far from his home, and to make sure of that he would place stones as he walked. But this time was different. This time he had wandered too far into the forest and had gotten lost.

He had gotten too enamored with an old leaf shaped map that he found tucked within a bottle behind a rather unusually large stone. As he walked on he noticed that the map seemed to have been woven with an odd fabric. The material was much different compared to the ones his mother would use. Bent on fully examining the material, Jisung failed to notice that he hasn't placed a stone down in quite a while.

The map had a few marks written upon it. At the top was a drawing of a tree with dotted lines beneath it leading to what Jisung assumed to be a rock drawn in the middle interjecting the path, which then continued on to the last drawing at the bottom, a house. He wasn't sure as to exactly what this map was meant for but he still tucked it away in his brown leather bag that was strapped to the side of his belt.

Jisung had found a small pile of colorful stones near a riverbank, just south of the forest earlier, and a jar of handcrafted wooden necklaces that looked surprisingly new. So when it was time to find a spot to fit his newly found discovery in his bag, he wasn't too surprised to have found that there was barely any space left. After all today's adventure seemed to have brought him quite the loot.

He opted for removing some of the colorful stones but compared to the gray dreary ones he decided that maybe it was best to keep it. This was Jisung's second mistake.

He emptied the leather bag of the dull stones in favor for the colorful ones. Grabbing a hand full of them and placing them at the base of the tree next to him. Jisung promptly filled his hands with his new stones and continued heading further down into the forest where his familiar hideout was located.

If only Jisung had checked to make sure that the path of stones he made were still close behind him, he probably wouldn't have gotten lost.


Jisung had been traveling for what felt like half an hour and started to feel scared. This isn't right, he thought. I should've reached my hideout a long time ago!

Jisung stopped in the middle of his tracks and took a good look around at his surroundings. Something he had been doing for quite a while. Even turning back around, following each colorful stone he laid out on the ground, but to no avail he reached a point where he arrived at the last stone with no trail to continue it. No matter what direction he walked, be it north, south, east, or west. He couldn't find the the gray stones he had placed before.

With no other landmark to go by Jisung started to panic. T-the stones where are they? I know I placed them around hear somewhere! He tried to look up at the sun, looking to see whether it was heading north or south so he could pinpoint which direction to head in before it was too late, but the trees around him where so tall and plentiful that it covered the evening sky. Leaving only a few of the sun's rays to shine through.

Deciding that it was best to keep moving rather than stay in one spot, Jisung took off. In what direction? he wasn't sure, all he knew is that he needed to get home before night arrived. He knew the creatures that moved around in the day where entirely different from the ones that are awake in the night. Sure Jisung had some exceptional combat skills for a 12 year old, but theirs only so much his small body could handle.

Jisung grabbed another fist full of colorful stones and placed them down as he walked. Making sure to look every now and then just to make sure his trail wasn't spread too far apart.


The sun's rays were beginning to dim down on the forest. The loud sound of chirping birds have decided to cease in favor of rest and were replaced with the sound of crickets.

"It's almost nighttime." Jisung said, rather drained. In just a few minutes the sun will completely set and he will be left alone in the forest to fend for himself.

Jisung's stomach started to grumble. With the lack of food and water the boy had barely any energy to keep walking so he positioned himself against a large rock. Guess my luck ran out.

His day started off pretty good in his opinion. His mother and him prepared a very delicious brunch that consisted of honey roasted sandwiches-one of his mother's self made recipes-raspberry custards, and rainbow pie-one of his family's secret recipes. Just thinking about the food made his mouth water and his stomach grumble even more.

Even before she went out to town to handle some personal business, his mother made him some dinner for when he comes back from his adventure today. Too bad I won't be there to eat it. A frown made its way onto Jisung's face. If only I didn't get so carried away...

His stomach let out another growl and he wrapped his hands around it. He needed food, he needed water, and most importantly he needed to get back home, safely. But how could even achieve any of those things if he could barely even stand? A few tears fell from his eyes. This .

He felt so useless. Maybe going into the forest today wasn't such a good idea after all. He should've just stayed home and help tend to his mother's garden or study instead. He started to sniffle a bit more, his urge to cry was strong and his current situation wasn’t helping him to keep calm either. Sitting on the warm grass with his back resting on a rugged rock kept reminding him where he really was. Not only that but due to him wearing his short sleeved shirt and shorts, he was the main attention for the flies in the area.

Jisung blinked a few times to make the tears that where welling up in his eyes fall. He then used his right arm to wipe them off his face.

Tonight is going to be a long night, Jisung said to himself, Might as well close my eyes for a bit to save up some energy.

Jisung arched his back and cocked his head to the side at an angle that was more comfortable. His sleeping situation wasn’t the best but there really isn't much he could do about it. However, if their was something he could do, it would be to hope and wish that his mother is back at home trying to get a search party together for him. Although his home was a little far from the town he's sure his mother would be able to find him before dawn.

He knew deep down inside he was actually quite terrified of the whole situation. He even doubted whether or not they'd really find him but once he felt some tears start to creep back up, he promptly shut his eyes and tried to make himself relax with the hope that the next time he opens his eyes he'll see his mother standing in front of him with her arms reached out.





"Lele get back here!"

A tiny middle aged woman with short forest green hair chased after her rambunctious son. Who knowingly to her, plans on making a scene in front of the council.

"Lele please!" The woman breathed out, her fluorescent lime green wings were gradually fluttering less and less, a sign that she was running out of the energy needed to stop her son. "The council will not listen to you my child! Without the collective backing of the other fairies they'll never hear you out!" The mother tried to plead with her son one last time before giving up. A plead that fell on deaf ears.

Chenle felt terrible for disobeying his mother like this but he had no choice. Their realm has been under a massive threat for quite a while and none of the council members seem to care, even the general public seemed to be unbothered. They are too lax!

This realm is too beautiful to be destroyed. Lush green grass, massive multi-colored flowers fields, an abundant plant life. Not forgetting to mention how many of the other supernatural realms depend on the fairies for organic food and materials. Years and years of hard work and history being destroyed and yet not one person feels the need to take action? What is going on?

Hopefully today he'll be able to make a change.

Once every few months the fairy council gets together to discuss major concerns within the community, usually pertaining to next season's harvest or the estimated amount of pixie dust that could be collected in the upcoming year.

Today Chenle is going to take this chance to question the council members, and since the meetings usually draw in a large crowd he might even be able to influence some of the other fairies. But the only problem was how he's going be able to get their attention, Chenle isn't the only fairy with concerns and/ or questions. He knows that if he waits for his turn they might not get a chance to even hear him out and he'd have to wait another couple of months for the next meeting, and even then there still isn't any guarantee.

"The second council meeting will now be starting!" Chenle hears a loud voice booming from above him. He looks up at the platform that's a few feet in the air. Deeming that he had enough energy, Chenle fluttered his lime green wings-usually fairy off springs will inherit either one of their parent's wing colors, in Chenle's case it he inherited it from his mother-and headed straight up to the platform, enlarging his body size so he could reach his destination faster.

"My question is regarding the winter harvest..."

Chenle flapped his wings with a bit more strength, causing some tiny balls from the fluorescent light illuminating around his wings to break off. Nothing too serious, it just meant that he was starting to over exert some of his energy.

"I'd like to bring an the issue that pertains to the human realm." Chenle's pointy ears perked up at this. After all it was pretty rare to hear humans being brought up in the meetings.

"The human realm? What are you be on about?"

"It's regarding travel." The man responded.

"Travel?" Chenle heard another council member reply, her voice filled with suspicion. "And just why are you bringing this up?"

Chenle heard the man let out a sigh before continuing on, "For years we've been able to travel back and forth between the human realm and ours, but ever since the incident you closed off all access. Why?"

When Chenle finally reached the top of the platform he could see a row of council members (10 to be exact) all scoffing at the man's question. The man, obviously offended by this straightened his posture and raised his voice a bit louder.

"What happened to the ex-prince will not happen with us! The prince is his own person! He does not reflect the thoughts of the rest of us fairies! Holding us accountable for his actions is ridiculous!" Chenle sat himself in a cross legged position at the edge of the platform. Quite intrigued by the conversation before him.

"The portals were closed off for your protection. We couldn't leave it open for free use."

"That's bull!" The crowd of fairies behind him burst into hushed whispers.

"Please refrain from using profanity in the meeting." One of the council members replied. "Also please do understand that we only want what's best for our realm. If closing off the portal to the human world is what it takes to protect everyone then that's what we shall do." The man who was standing in front of the council members walked over to the edge with an angered look on his face and jumped off the platform, his dark red wings gliding him onto the ground below.

"Who's next?" Chenle looked back at the council members then at the crowd of fairies looking around at each other apprehensively. That's when Chenle took his chance to go up. He immediately sat up and ran over to the center of the platform.

"It's that orange haired boy from clover lane." Chenle heard one of the fairies behind him say.

"Isn't he the son of Mr. Zhong, the historian?"

"Hey I've seen that boy before!"

"He's the boy that keeps passing out those weird pamphlets talking about some threat."

Chenle took a hold of the vine covered microphone before him, coughing a little to grab everyone's attention.

"What is your question boy?" Chenle's hands gripped the handle tightly.


Here we go.







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