
Daisies, Daffodils and Chrysanthemums

"Did you heard about the latest news?"

A woman holding a bag of potatoes is in a discussion with one of the park guards. She's been standing there and talking for quite a while now. After a few more seconds a break from a mover's truck can be heard, both the guard and the woman whipped their heads towards the sound.

"So that's the latest news." The park guard mused, eyes still on the truck. A kid from the truck suddenly hopped out. She was carrying a little stuffed bunny, with wide smiles on her face. She saw the guard and the woman standing from a distance and beamed them a smile and a wave. Both adults find it amusing and adorable, for the child is just new to the neighbourhood but she's really jolly. The little girl approached the nearby park with her mother who resembles the same as her and another child who lools like the others but is quite timid and shy.

"Hello sir! Im Chaeyeon! Nice to meet you!" The child reached out her small hands towards the guard and beamed a wide smile that could warm anyone who sees it. The guard then shook the little girl's hand and pat her head. "Oh! Before I forgot. This is my little sister, we are just one year apart. We are not twins." The child continued, earning a chuckle from the older man. "Since you two are new. Do you want to meet a new friend?" The man asked with an eye smile.

The question was well received by the young one and nodded vigorously. The man gave out another heartily chuckle before he faced a group of kids playing in the jungle bar of the park. He smiles wide while looking at a certain kid. He then looked again at the new kid and back to the child playing not so far from them.

"Minmin!" The man called up the child whose chasing someone around the jungle bar while laughing whole heartedly. When the child notice the call from the older man she excused herself and ran as fast as she could towards the guard house.

"See how fast I am, pops!" The kid mused in victory. The older man just chuckled at the little girl's statement and whipped his head towards the new comers. "Minmin. This is Chaeyeon and her sister. They are new here So would you mind if you befriend them?" The older man carefully asked with a soft smile. He knows his daugther is a kind hearted person and would play with any kid he would want her to play with, but he made her daughter pick whom she would want to befriend. The girl looked up to the older man while shifting her gaze to the new kids. After a few moments of contemplating. The kid rushed towards the new comers. "Hello Chaeyeon! Im Minju! But you can call me. Minmin. It's nice to meet you."
The new kid, almost jumped in joy when Minju introduced herself. She then reached out to the girl's hand and enveloped the girl in a hug. It was a bit surprising for minju but she shrugged it off as she saw how happy the latter is. "Im Chaeyeon! It's nice to meet you" The other broke from the hug the looked at the kid beside her. "This is Chaeryeong. She's my little sis." Chaeryeong waved shyly at the girl whose a stranger to her. After that she scoot towards Chaeyeon's back as if she was hiding. Chaeyeon giggled at her sister's antics and faced Minju once again. "Sorry about this, she's a little bit shy around new people." Minju just shook her head with a smile not leaving her lips. "It's fine, Hello Chaeryeong." She peeked at Chaeyeon's back with a smile. "It's nice to meet you!" She then reached out her hand and Chaeryeong looked at it as if it's a foreign object trying to enter her safe zone. She then averted her gaze towards her sister which just gave her a smile and a nod. As she got the confirmation from her sister. She reached out to grab Minju's hand and lightly shake it while making a timid expression. Minju beamed an innocent smile towards the younger which was shyly received by the latter. 

Chaeyeon find minju approachable that the moment Minju took her hands away from the shake, she instantly grabbed the latter's wrist and run towards the playground. 
As the young ones started running. Minju's dad smiled at them with warmth. It was his first time seeing her daughter with this much enthusiasm towards a playmate. "Hope you get along well, until the end." Minju's dad whispered as he continued to do his work as the park's guard.






Its been weeks since the Lees had settled into their new neighbourhood. Chaeyeon and Chaeryeong has been playing with their new friends. Sometimes when the girls don't want to go out they would just invite their playmates at home and just play there. Minju is not an exception to this. They would always invite Minju first. The girls has been fund of her ever since they started to know each other some weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Lee didn't mind, moreover, they are quite pleased that Minju became a friend of their daughters and maybe soon to be friend of their expectant child. Minju is a nice and kind kid, that Mr. and Mrs. Lee would invite the girl for snacks. Because of the closeness of the kids. The Kims and the Lees became really good friends. It's is actually fascinating that because of the kids a strong bond could be form between two families.






It's the start of the new semester, Chaeyeon is a new transfer student in 4th grade while Chaeryeong is in the 3rd grade. Both of them haven't had a hard time fitting in for they had known their new classmates a month before school starts, because they would always go to that park. 

Chaeyeon and Minju are on the same class. Most of the time Chaeyeon would come up to Minju to play when it's their break time and Minju would enthusiastically entertain Chaeyeon.

A month already passed as if it was some gush of wind, and those months turned into years. Even tho it's been years since then Minju and Chaeyeon are still inseparable. They are now in their middle school days. It's the start of the semester and as always both Chaeyeon and Minju ended up in the same class. They don't know if it's just luck, fate or just pure coincidence but they are not complaining. They like each other's company that if they get separated more or less both of them would feel really lonely.






The first year of middle school came to an end  It's summer already. Minju and Chaeyeon would mostly do sleep overs and late night walk on the nearby river bank. Both of them are just happy having the presence of one another. Time moves by so fast when both of them are having a good time, and before they know it. It was already the start of their first semester as 2nd year middle schoolers.


Chaeyeon and Minju for the first time didn't end up in the same class. The slight disappointment can be seen in both of the girls' eyes as they stare at the publicly displayed class student assignments.

"we aren't in the same class, hmm." Chaeyeon slumped herself to a nearby bench while she slowly rocks her head backwards with her gaze fixated at the clear blue sky. She started to nibble on the straw of her emptied juice carton that she got from the bending machine a few meters from the bench. "This kinda ." She then again mused in a slightly disappointed tone. Minju just giggled at her bestfriend's statement as she continues sipping on her now half emptied juice.
"Hey, Minmin." Chaeyeon called with her gaze still fixated at the azure sky. Minju just looked at her and hummed, but before Chaeyeon could even say something the school bell rang.
"maybe later." Chaeyeon then stood up and smiled at Minju. She raised her hand and clasped it in the latter's wrist as she slowly yanked the girl up from her seat. 
"Let's go now, Minmin. I know they will spare us coz it's the first day but still. We don't want to be noted as tardy." Chaeyeon smiled through the whole statement while Minju is listening to her intently. The latter then nods and started following Chaeyeon as the girl started dragging her not letting go of her wrist. Minju was facing Chaeyeon's back while while beaming a loving smile.




It's almost the end of the day for Chaeyeon. She had met new friends in a span of one day. Well there is no doubt that Chaeyeon is one hell of a kind and friendly kid since then. So making friends is one of her special points. Wherever she goes she always ends up having a lot of friends. But unfortunately the friendship she always found would not really last long because of her dad's job. They would always move away, but still Chaeyeon creates good bonds with people she meet that she still has contact with the people whom has passed by from her life.

Chaeyeon is sitting at her desk and and arranging her notebooks and other stationaries. After she put those away inside of her bag, she picked up her sling bag and was about to walk out of the classroom when a soft voice called out to her. She whipped her head at the voice and there she saw a girl with black hair slowly approaching her while eating her snack. The girl gave Chaeyeon a knowing smirk which the later just shrugged off. 
"What is it, Kwangbae?" Chaeyeon teasingly called at the girl which the girl shook her head at. "How many times do I have to tell you to not call me Kwangbae!" the girl then wraps her arm on Chaeyeon's neck trapping the latter in a very light choke hold while the she ruffled Chaeyeon's hair in a mess. Chaeyeon just laugh at the latter's deeds. She was about to grab Hyewon's wrist to reverse the scene but a voice from behind called out.

"Kwangbae! Chaeng! Let's go! Minmin and Ryeongie are already waiting!" The bickering girls looked at the source of the loud call. It was Eunbi, their senior. Chaeyeon can't help but grin on the girl who has her arms warp around her neck.
"Hyewonie~, She called you Kwangbae. Aren't you mad?" Hyewon parted her gaze from Eunbi and returned it to Chaeyeon, only to be greeted by a knowing look. Hyewon, knows Chaeyeon would be teasing her once she make a little reaction over it, so she decided to keep her signature poker face as she started removing her arms around the latter's neck. Once her arms are removed she nodded at their senior while slowly walking towards the door leaving Chaeyeon to follow. The latter smirked at her friend's retreating back. She run towards Hyewon and cling her arms aroung the other's shoulder. 
"Still not confessing those feelings, I see~ " Chaeyeon whispered to the other, that made shivers down her spine. Hyewon whipped her head towards Chaeyeon. Hyewon kept her poker-face facade but unfortunately a tint of pinkish blush can be seen on her cheeks, which made Chaeyeon's grin a little bit wider. Chaeyeon was about to call out Eunbi to make Hyewon a bit more flustered but Hyewon immediately shoved a chip down Chaeyeon's mouth. She keep stuffing the girl's mouth until only muffled groans can be heard. Eunbi looked back at her juniors and a small smile crept to on her beautiful face. "Cute." Eunbi lightly utters as she looks lovingly at her two favorite girls. 

"HEY CRACKHEADS! Hurry up!" Eunbi shouted at the two, who suddenly came to her running like idiots. Eunbi could only shake her head at the sight and continued walking with a wide smile.






"Minguriiiiii~" A sweet voice came running to minju while she was busy scrolling on her smartphone. 
Hyewon then clung herself on Minju's left arm while acting like she's crying. "Minguriii! Chaeyeon is bullying me again." Hyewon then faked a cry and started pointing a finger towards Chaeyeon which the latter returned with her contagious laugh. "It's not my fault you're a coward!" She then again teases the cat like girl clinging on Minju's arm. "See! She's bullying me!" Hyewon whined at Minju, the latter just then giggled at the pouting girl on her left arm then playfully glared at the girl laughing her heart out in front of them. As Chaeyeon met Minju's playful glare she put her hands up in defeat. "What can I do with a 2 v 1 battle." Chaeyeon mused in a playful tone as she started to walk towards Minju.
"Hey? Where's Ryeongie?" Chaeyeon immediately asked after she had gone to Minju's side. Minju just smiled and pointed at a nearby ice cream van. "Someone called her out and the last thing I know, she's with that girl already having a nice chit chat. I haven't seen that girl before so she might be one of those new girls in town." Chaeyeon beamed a warm smile towards her sister. Although Chaeryeong is not facing her, she feels proud right now at the sight of her younger sister smiling and having a nice time with a new companion.
"It's a sight to behold, Don't you think?" Chaeyeon asked Minju who has been looking at her lovingly as she looks at her younger sister. 
"Yes, Yes it is." Minju softly answered while smiling oh so warmly at Chaeyeon. "a sight to behold."






Chaeryeong is now happily skipping towards the school gate, but before she could even reach Minju and her sister someone suddenly clung to her arm.
"Yuna?" Chaeryeong uttered in bewilderment. The girl named Yuna beamed a beautiful smile at her then dragged her towards the gates.
"You must be ryeongie's sister." the new girl stated as she looks at Chaeyeon straight in the eye. The unfamiliar girl continued to step forward and stop inches away from Chaeyeon. She then leaned in and examine the face of the now a little perplexed Chaeyeon. After a few more seconds Yuna pulled herself away and beamed a playful smile. "I'm Shin Yuna, Chaeryeong's future wife." Chaeyeon's gang almost dropped everything in shock. Hyewon's eyes widen and stops stuffing herself with her chips. Eunbi's mouth, now agape and was just looking at Chaeryeong in all shock and silence. Minju is coughing hella hard because the sudden statement from Yuna took her by surprise that the juice she was drinking got inside the wrong pipe and Chaeyeon being the good friend is patting Minju's back to help her sooth her coughing while still giving perplexed looks on Yuna and Chaeryeong. 
Chaeryeong slaps Yuna on the shoulder while her cheeks are tinted in pink. "Yaaah!  Don't joke like that!" She then reprimanded Yuna for her playful statement. Yuna just giggled, but as expected she did not take back what she said.  Chaeyeon faced Yuna and started laughing at her grumbling sister that is standing beside the cheeky girl. "Ryeong-ah, you didn't tell me you have someone already! How could you!?" Chaeyeon then started teasing her younger sister while holding up her giggles. Minju lightly pushed Chaeyeon's shoulder to get the girl's attention. Chaeyeon then whipped her head towards her back, only to be greeted by a frowning Minju. "Stop teasing them Chaeng." Minju stated as she continues to frown at Chaeyeon, but the latter did not care at all. Instead she continued teasing her little sister. Chaeryeong's pink tinted cheeks suddenly became flushed with an extreme rose color that reaches up to her small ears. Yuna just chuckled at Chaeyeon's teases while Chaeryeong wanted to dig a hole so she can bury her flustered self alive. 
Minju shook her head as she watched the sisters bickering. "Still like old times." She then whispered with a slight smile peeking from her lips. Chaeyeon suddenly looked at her and gave her a warm and comfortable smile. 

Minju thought how she had always loved that smile. Innocent, caring, kind. It feels like home. It's her home. It was.




Yeeeeeeet! So Im wraping this up here! Hahahahahahaha! The original plan for this was just to be a one shot but boy it's hard since the story is already on 8k words but the plot is just entering it's good stages. So my brilliant got an idea and here it is. I made it into a good chapter by chapter fic...hahahahah


Welp that's all for now~ 

Hope you all like this new fic of mine~

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Chapter 3: Dubidubidapdap! Why does sakura have a grand entrance? ?
Chapter 2: Hey this is nice! Uhuhuhu... I hope the shamed woman is not Kim Minju.
maomao88 #3
Chapter 2: What happened to the group of friends?