Meet Ups and New Starts

Dreams That Follow The》h e a r t
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[CONTENTID2]meet ups and new starts[/CONTENTID2]

[CONTENTID1]dreams that follow the heart[/CONTENTID1]

[CONTENTID3]The sound of sneakers squeaking against linoleum and music could be heard blaring from one of the many practice rooms in DAY INC. The soft sound of Jay Park's vocals filled the room as a single figure practiced the moves to 'All I Wanna Do.' The music pumping and blood rushing. When he danced, the world would fade, and Yoongi wouldn't have any problems. He was high on the adrenaline it caused. The high of knowing that he was doing what he loved and that it made other people happy.

The male being Min Yoongi of Night Blind. It may have been 3 am, but it didn't stop Yoongi from using this time to practice with all his might. Clad in a black tank-top with the image of a stylized Marilyn Monroe on the front and faded loose jeans tucked into white high top sneakers. The male appeared casual yet hip. He looked at himself in the mirror as his body flowed to the music. As he moved, the slits in the tank would give the mirror small peeks at his rib cage and the tattoos that covered his skin. Pale skin contrasted the dark ink. His sharp eyes caught the light with pure pleasure that shined through them. 

Even after being in the music industry for six years, Yoongi still spent most of his free time in the practice room or the studio. He has a full schedule that had him running around like crazy, at all hours of the day and night. It was exhausting, yet he loved every moment of it. He had worked hard to get where he was now, having started in debt, hated and alone. 

Min Yoongi wasn't always his name. He was born Fan Jun Jie in Busan. Yoongi's father had been involved with a gang called ‘The Clan.’ It was a disturbed and twisted gang, which would steal and murder for the enjoyment of it. Yoongi did not know until he was older, his father, a Chinese man, had kidnapped a young Korean woman while at a nearby village and forced her to be his wife. The young girl being forced to bear him a child. A son to carry on the family name. He remembers his mother would hold him tightly at night, whispering how much she loved him. He never understood how his mother could love him, a product of her torture, but love him she did. His mother's voice filled all his childhood memories. His mother's loving touches plus moving; they moved so much. Every time they would pack up and find a new place, The Clan would find them. Yoongi and his mother, Lei, were forced to move to Seoul when they went into witness protection. The government had tried to get them to move to America, but Lei had refused. 

Yoongi hit the repeat button on his watch to start the song over again. The sweat that dripped down his face was nothing compared to the pain in his heart. He was six when they arrived in Seoul with a new identity. His mother had been given enough money to rent a ty one-room apartment that didn't have heating or cooling. It seemed like The Clan couldn't find them in Seoul. Even with Busan being on the other side of the county. It had taken years before Lei and Yoongi stopped looking over their shoulders. Years before Yoongi could freely walk around without being afraid someone was going to snatch him off the street. 

The smooth vocals of Jay Park cut mid-body roll, which caused Yoongi to whip his head around to see who would dare touch his phone. "Yah! Yoongi! What the hell? It's 3 am! What did I tell the last time you stayed here this late?" A grin spread over his face at the woman who yelled at him, immediately he went over and threw his arms around her shorter frame.

"But noona!" Yoongi whined as he strangled her with his love. Taking the extra time to wipe his sweat-filled face all over her exposed shoulder. He held her tighter when she tried to push him away.

"Yah! Let go! I'm going to hit you!" The words caused the younger to laugh and finally release his manager. He watched with amusement as she tried to wipe the sweat off. The glare sent his way caused Yoongi to laugh.

"You crazy child, you're going to be the death of me." As she raised a threatening fist his way, he could only laugh again and admit defeat with his hands raised in the air.

"Aish, this kid. Why are you still here? I sent everyone home hours ago." Yoongi couldn't decide what was the better option, to tell her that he couldn't sleep because of the nightmares again or that he was working on a new dance. With one of her looks, he told the truth. "Couldn't sleep, noona. It's been a rough couple of nights."

Yeon loudly sighed, disappointment dripping from her.

The nightmares are something he has been battling ever since he was a child. Horrors of watching his father beat and torture people in their home. Visions of running from unknown figures. Illusions of that dreadful day, he had to walk away from the love of his life and then to watch his mother die.

That day, the day he ran away from one of his responsibilities to another, he can never apologize for it. Never make it up to the people he hurt. He had needed the money, needed it to try and save his mother. When he auditioned, they gave him a huge sign-on bonus. The Clan had been watching them, waiting in the shadows. Lei and Yoongi had thought they were safe, that they didn't have to be afraid anymore. They took her at night when Yoongi was asleep at a friend's house. He got a letter the next morning with the demands; pay or his mother would die. The bonus went straight to The Clan to pay for his mother's ransom, except it didn't stop them. He had given The Clan every penny they had saved. Even with the money, they only laughed in his face and blew her brains out. Yoongi would never understand the reasons they had let him live. 

The pain chipped away at the wall he has built around his heart, dancing helped keep the memories at bay. His thoughts betrayed him and caused him to tear up. Yeon was hugging him, his manager, the person who's been his rock for the past four years, the only person who knows about who he is, where he was born and who his father is. She kept his secret from the world. She was someone they needed. The Night Blind members like to and just be all-around pains in the asses, but they adored her. The group, all seven of them, had decided not to cause any scandals or do anything that could hinder her being their manager.

"I'm here for you, Yoongi, you know that. They can't hurt you anymore; they are all in jail. Now, let's clean up that adorable squishy face you have” He laughed at her as she wiped at his tears. “Tomorrow is a new day. Plus in a few days, I have a surprise for you!"

"Okay, Yeon-noona. Wait; what? A surprise? " Yoongi questioned as they both straightened up the practice room. Yoongi picked up his studded black backpack off the floor and started to follow Yeon out. Yeon tsk'ed at him, no secrets were going to spill from her lips.

"Noona!! Tell me! Nooonaa" Yoongi whined as he was a three-year-old. The older woman just smiled as she hooked a finger into a belt loop to pull him down the hall. 

"No! I'm not leaving until you tell me! " Yoongi didn't fight the pull to his hips; he did flail his arms around to pretend to fight. "So not cool, noona, so not cool." He heard her giggle in response. She still didn't tell him what the surprise was.  

The rest of the night was filled with fitful sleep. So he didn't wake any of s up Yoongi hed crashed on the couch. The next day was a blur of recording for two variety shows, and they filmed his teaser images for his first full solo album. The next few nights were a repeat of the one before. Yoongi spent a lot of time scrolling through his social media accounts. He had posted a few pictures and videos with s, always smiling, always happy, always showing the world the best parts of himself. Not the part that has been steeped in darkness and blood. Not the part that kept him awake at night, screaming and crying. He didn't want the fans to know how miserable he truly was. His past was sealed, so fans didn't know he wasn't completely Korean. They didn't know he was born to a , or that his mother's brains were once painted across his face. They didn't know, and he wanted to keep it that way.

A few mornings later, he got a call from Yeon saying he was needed in the conference room, that his surprise was on its way. What in the world did that woman do? He questioned himself as he sat in the conference room alone. The walls were an ugly beige color; the table was an enormous wooden monstrosity with high-backed leather rolling chairs. There was no life in this room. Yoongi wasn't sure why the CEO of DAY INC. didn't spruce the room up. It's looked the same for the last five years. 

He was alone, and he was bored. Was he waiting for a meeting? He didn't want another meeting in this room. The last time he had been in this room was when he had signed his contract all those years ago. The day his mother died. The anxiety and fear that had filled him then were nowhere to be found now — just a black hole where his heart used to be.

His mother was dead. His father was dead. He didn't have any siblings He didn't have anyone other than Yeon-noona and s. As much as he loves them, they don’t understand all the he has gone through to get where he is now. When he became a trainee he had to give up his phone, he also had to give up his old life. If The Clan had been watching him, then they would know who was important to him. He couldn't risk anyone's safety like that. So he didn't try to contact them again.

Especially Jimin, his best friend, his other half. They had done everything together since they met in middle school. Yoongi was such a shy child back then, barely speaking and always hiding behind the elder. Jimin was brash and was outspoken. Yoongi had the biggest crush on the older male. The amount of time he spent fawning over the other was just beyond crazy. The amount of time he still thinks about the elder is borderline obsessive. 

The feelings never left even when he was forced to leave everyone behind. Yoongi still wants to reach out to them, to apologize, to say something. He just can’t bring himself to do it. Can’t bring himself to say the words he needed to. After his training days, he was allowed to have a new phone and new social media accounts. Yoongi found them on social media. He created a dummy account so he could follow them. He just wanted to make sure they were doing okay, to make sure he didn’t up their lives. They had all grown into such amazing people. Taehyung, Hoseok, and Seokjin were fathers and company men. Jungkook had become a runway model and Namjoon owned a famous music store. Then there was Jimin. Jimin leading the life he had always wanted; being an underground rapper and all-around badass.

Yoongi was so proud of Jimin, he just... could never tell him. 

In his boredom, Yoongi was reminiscing as he swiveled his chair in circles. "Hello," At the voice, Yoongi turned around and stared slack-jawed stupid at the person standing there. What the was he doing here?

"I'm Park Jimin. I'll be your manager from now on. I'll work hard, so please take care of me."

"What?" He sputtered.

"No... Just no. Get out. " The words were harsh, which was so unlike Yoongi. He pulled out his phone as he stood to call the one person who would do this to him.

"Yah! Yeon! Are you crazy!?" The scream that came from him as she picked up the phone was not manly. Yoongi started to head out the door when she started to yell back, his stride pausing.

"Noona! Yeon-noona! Be respectful you brat! I told you that I had a surprise, well guess what: there he is. Surprise, you have a new manager. Surprise, it is Jimin. Suprise, I did something that you wouldn't like, well, what is new. You can thank me now." He wanted to kick the wall. She continued without waiting for him to respond. "He's my friend, and he's helping me out because your schedule is ing crazy compared to the others. Listen, Jaesun and Moon are filming, the photographer is ing up the shots, I should go. Be nice to my friend, or I'll kick your Min Yoongi," Yoongi stared at the phone as Yeon hung up on him.

In his shock, he started to yell in Chinese; "Stupid, stupid! I can't believe she did this! Why would she do this!?"

 What was he going to do now? "He can't be here... No. just no. I'm not gonna let this happen. I need to get out of here." What the is he supposed to say to him? Yoongi was not ready to deal with this. She knew... she knew what Jimin meant to him. Yeon knew all about how he grew up and who he grew up around. What had she said? A surprise, yes, this surely was one. 

Yoongi was still to himself muttering in Chinese when Jimin's voice cut in, in Chinese. “I still remember some Chinese, you know.”

What the .

Yoongi’s eyes were round and he just stared at Jimin for a full ten seconds before he dropped his body into the nearest chair, his head in his hands.

He was screwed.

No, completely and utterly ed. The look that Jimin gave him caused Yoongi's heart to skip a beat. He had never been on the receiving end of Jimin's angered glare. At least not that he could have seen it. He hasn't seen the man in six years!

Yoongi wanted to scream. He wanted to hit something, but the biggest thing he wanted to do was run up and plant a big fat kiss right on Jimin’s mouth. While Yoongi had grown taller, he still pretty much looked the same, less baby fat and more lean muscle. Jimin on the other hand, his photos did not do him justice. He had grown tall and muscular. Jimin's shoulders were broad, and his jeans were hugging his legs oh so perfectly. His hair was up in a swooped style that left his perfect face out to the world.

The vocalist of Night Blind was not shy about his uality or expressing himself. Yeon, and s all knew which way he swung, and they had figured out ways to hide it from the public. Yeon had thought that it would ruin his career in Korea, so they decided to just hide it. until he was ready to leave the industry. Yoongi had grown out of the shy stage and became a hopeless romantic. He showed his affection for the people around him, whether on stage, in varieties or just sitting around in the dorm. Even though he shows his affection for people through skinship, relationships are completely different. The country they lived in is not as accepting as his friends, so he kept himself from dating anyone, be it male or female.

There was also the fact that Yoongi has been in love with one person for most of his life.

Yoongi’s train of thought was derailed when Jimin spoke again, his voice deep and stern. “You're going to be late for your interview if you keep this up. Throw whatever tantrum you want, just do it in the car," Jimin had insisted. He stared at the muscular male with wide eyes. 

"Let's go... unless you want to explain to Yeon why you missed the appointment." After Jimin told him off, he snapped his file shut and left the conference room.

Yoongi sighed and rubbed at his face. He couldn't skip the interview, no matter how much he wanted to. He couldn't disappoint his fans or face the wrath of Manager Yeon. He also didn't want to get Jimin in trouble with Yeon. That girl could hold a grudge. She could also make his life hell. This interview was with W magazine, it would look really bad for him to not show up. Yoongi loudly groaned as he rubbed his face. He couldn't say anything to the other for six years, how was he supposed to sit in a car with him? He groaned again and stood, there was nothing he could do about it now.

After he sat down in the van, Yoongi had buckled his seatbelt and watched Jimin drive. It was quiet for a few minutes as he stared at the other before he finally looked away. There was so much he needed to say, he just couldn't. To keep himself occupied he started to softly sing a few songs. The first being SuJu's Hate U Love U. He didn't know why but it was the first thing that popped into his head. At first, he had been doing it quietly as not to distract the driver. Then he started to belt out those high notes as he moved from song to song. He couldn't help it; he sang when he was nervous. When they arrived at the location for the interview, Yoongi had his eyes closed and was still singing Jay Park's Joah until he realized the van wasn't moving.

The male peeked out the blinds to make sure no fans were waiting around before he jumped out. Usually, there were tons of fans waiting for him, but today's interview had been last minute and it wasn't on his posted schedule. At least he didn't have to see any fans and pretend to be happy when he wasn't.

The singer grabbed his backpack off the floor, rummaged around until he found his favorite black mask that said 'Suga' and put it on.  At least his mask covered half of his face. Then he moved to the back to get the clothes he was to wear. He found the one that was labeled with a 'W' and handed it to Jimin before he set off. There was no need for words. 

Yoongi made his way to the front, waved a hand at the receptionist, telling Jimin to make sure to check him in. Yoongi waited by the elevator for the older male. The trip up was fast, and Yoongi was in the make-up chair rather quickly. The make-up artist was one he has worked with before, and Yoongi greeted her with a large smile. The first thing she asked was who the person he was with was. He only laughed and said it was his new manager. The girl asked if Yeon had quit. Yoongi responded with a loud laugh. The stylist was shocked by his laugh, he could only shake his head. She gave him an odd look then had quickly rimmed his eyes with kohl, and freed him to get dressed.

Underneath a suit jacket, a loose shirt with white sleeves and a white triangle hanging over his waist, along with skinny jeans that fit him a bit loosely tucked into boots. It was almost all black, as his style is. Yeon had picked something that would cover most of his tattoos since they could be a problem with this company. It was easier to just cover them up before being asked to do so. It was all of ten minutes before he was sat in the interview chair. Yoongi honestly didn't know where Jimin had gone to, or if he was even still there. Yeon usually stood beside the monitors to coach him. There were more staff than Yoongi used to, and he couldn't see if Jimin was over there. The male never liked to be by himself with so many unknown people. It was a simple set with two low white seats and a coffee table with a few nicknacks on it. Behind Yoongi was a large screen, which was flashing between the picture of his current solo album and a few Night Blind albums. The cameras started to roll, and he was greeted warmly and asked to introduce himself.

"Hello there, my name is Min Yoongi. Please take care of me." He said while bowing his head down low. The interviewer was a woman, and she cooed at his introduction.

"Yoongi, were you told what kind of interview we are doing?" He was questioned.

"Yes, it's just I forgot a few minutes ago! This set is so pretty though." He pointed out as he tried to distract from the fact that he forgot. The staff laughed at his antics before moving on.

"Yes, it's very pretty. We are doing a '3 Things You Don't Know About Yoongi' article. We will publish some pictures along with it. Some of these questions are fan picked." She spoke as she pointed to the stack of magazines sitting on the table, it shows the 'W' logo, a few of them open to show articles.

The questions were fired at him rather quickly, and Yoongi handled them all with care. Being sure to say only good things about other idols or when he talked about himself. He was questioned about his allergies if they still affected him. He had nodded his head and made sure to remind the interviewer that allergies could be small or very serious like his were. His Epipen was one of the main things he carried in his backpack. Yeon and s also have one in their bags.  They never went anywhere without checking to make sure he had two within reach. He wondered if Jimin remembered that little fact or if Yeon warned him, he didn't want to die.

"The last question, do you have any regrets?" That was a hard one to answer; he wanted to lie and say no, but he just couldn't do it. So he solemnly nodded his head. As he went through the interview, his eyes would flicker around to try to spot Jimin behind the lights, equipment, and people scattered. When he wasn't able to find the male, a small fear had sparked in Yoongi’s belly. What if Jimin had decided he didn't want to deal with him? What of his attitude had ruined what little connection they now had? It wasn't much but it was more than he had yesterday, he didn’t want to lose that.

"Everyone has some regrets in life, do I make this choice, or do I choose that? No one thinks about how it will affect them later in life. So yes, I have some. I think about them often and can only hope that my actions can make up for my past." He answered while he tried to keep the pain from his voice.

With that last question, they wrapped up the interview. They asked Yoongi to move to a wall that had a few white sheets hung from the ceiling. They took a few shots of him posing in front of the wall, with and without his jacket. When the little photoshoot finished, Yoongi bowed to everyone as they started to pack up. He had eyed a few images before he left the monitors to the professionals. He could tell that the photographer was happy with the pictures. There were a few that had his tattoos peeking out, and Yoongi loved it when that happened. It meant that they could go on to the next schedule. The male immediately moved to the changing room to find his things and to find Jimin; he wanted to know his next schedule. No that was a lie, he just wanted to talk to him. That is if Jimin hasn’t left him there. That fear was still there, even if he was trying to push it down, as he's walked towards the dressing room.

“Yoongi.” When he heard his name called, Yoongi paused his stride, his eyes flickering over to where Jimin was standing. His attention became solely focused on Jimin as he walked over to him. He couldn't help the little flip his heart did when he realized Jimin was still there. Nor could he stop the smile that graced his lips as he drew closer to Jimin. Had he been over here the whole time? How in the world had Yoongi missed him?

"Did I do okay?” Yoongi questi

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Oooh (❤.❤) this sounds really good!