Cupid of the Day: YuWinKun

Neo Cupid Technology 2: The Grand Sequel

"Winwin?" Jaehyun called when the said boy walked past him. 


"Yes?" Winwin answered as he looked back at Jaehyun.


"Where are you going?"


"Yuta-hyung and Kun-ge are bringing me to a karaoke bar!" Winwin exclaimed happily. "Do you wanna come with us? Doyoung-hyung will be there too."



This made Jaehyun blush bright red. 



His effect on me, wow.



"Yeah sure, why not." Jaehyun mumbled and this made Winwin beam at him.


"Okay! I'mma go tell the hyungs you're coming." And with that Winwin walked away leaving Jaehyun.



Jaehyun sighed and retreated to his room to change.



In his room, he spent almost half an hour picking out something to wear.



You know how they are when they have someone they like.



After getting changed, Jaehyun went out to see Yuta, Kun, and Winwin waiting for him.



Oh, and also Doyoung.



Blushing, Jaehyun looked down at his shoes and mumbled. "Let's go."



The three shared knowing glances while Doyoung stared at them confused.



While on the way to the karaoke bar, the three we're happiy chatting meanwhile the two at the back are silent, shyness taking over them.



Even so, Jaehyun can't help but steal glances at Doyoung who is walking beside him.



Dear Doyoung's parents, thank you for making this beautiful being I fell for.


"Why are you so quiet?" Doyoung suddenly asked shocking Jaehyun.


"Cause you're also quiet?"


"I was waiting for you."



This made Jaehyun blush so hard and he doesn't know why.



Wait. Yeah right, wait. What I've been doing for the past few years I spent with you.



"Hey you two lovebirds!" Yuta called at the entrance of the karaoke bar. "What are you waiting for? A confession? Come and get in here!"



The two looked at each other before they looked away, blushing so hard as they entered the building.



Inside, they enjoyed themselves as they sang songs and laughed the night away. Mostly the three, with Jaehyun and Doyoung silently sitting as the three sang their hearts out. 



"Jaehyun come on, its your turn again." Kun said as he handed Jaehyun the mic. "Sing a song."



Jaehyun stood and took the mic as he chose a song while the others cheer for him.



"Go Jaehyun!" Winwin yelled happily, followed by a choruses of cheers from Yuta and Kun.



Jaehyun glanced at Doyoung to see him staring at him. Doyoung smiled at him encouragingly and Jaehyun smiled back before picking out his song choice. 



What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive~



Hollers and screams and yells and cheers were heard all over the small room as Jaehyun sang the first lines of the songs. 



Jaehyun ignored them and let himself focus on the song.



Meanwhile, Kun stood up and sat beside Doyoung, who was staring intensely at Jaehyun's back who was singing.



"Hey." Kun called making Doyoung jump.


"What is it Kun?" Doyoung answered before glancing at Jaehyun then to Kun again.


Kun smiled as he puts an arm around Doyoung, hand resting on his shoulder. "Jaehyun's choice of songs are nice."



Doyoung looked at Jaehyun's figure again who was focused on the screen before turning back at Kun with a slight blush on his cheeks.


"Yeah." Doyoung stuttered, avoiding Kun's gaze.



Kun smiled and looked at the two, who nodded like they are planning something.



Indeed they are.



"Hey Jaehyun!" Yuta yelled over the loud music. "Turn around and face here!"



Hearing this, Jaehyun turned around to where they were even though confused. 



Unexpectedly, Doyoung was pushed towards Jaehyun by Kun, much to their surprise.



Jaehyun caught Doyoung in arms just as Jaehyun sang the next lines of his song.



'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose~


They looked at each other, straight into each other's eyes while ignoring the blush on their cheeks and the yells of the three. 



Its like they are the only people in the room.



Looking into the eyes of the person he likes, no, love , and holding him in his arms, Jaehyun wishes that this moment will never end.



And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you~



"Yoonoh?" Doyoung whispered but Jaehyun heard it.




"You're eyes are so pretty. I'm drowning in them."



Yeah, me too Doyoung. Me too.






"Did it work?" Winwin asked Yuta and Kun later that night back at the dorms. 


"Of course it worked." Kun laughed as he messed Winwin's hair. "Did you see Jaehyun's face? He was so red."


"And Doyoung's too." Yuta added. "Those two like each other. They're just too scared."


Kun nodded. "Doyoung's in denial."


Winwin giggled. "And Jaehyun's a coward."


"Yeah whatever." Yuta grinned. "All I know is that we are better cupids that Johnny and Taeil-hyung."




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Waaaaaahhh a sequel
DoJae_Nct #2
Chapter 2: Yuta really confident that three of them better than Johnll ?
DoJae_Nct #3
Chapter 1: Finally , omo jaehyun really shy when comes to doyoung all thanks to Johnll couple