Chapter 2: Not So Leisurely After All

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It was early in the morning. Everything was so eerily quiet, it was so unusual. No chirping of birds. No small animals scurrying away to get their food. The skies are gloomy, full of dark clouds. And the wind is chilly, it was the start of winter. The ground are full of snow. It is not a great day to make a morning ride. But hence, there was a lone boy who is riding a majestic horse in the middle of a winter cold morning.

Prince Edmund and Kaylar, The Talking Horse, A Male Steed were on their way to the nearby town for some supplies for their trip to the woods. Kaylar was talking about his adventures in far-off lands, while Prince Edmund listened distractedly. Suddenly, there was a loud crack, and Prince Edmund was thrown off of Kaylar's back.

He landed hard on the ground, and Kaylar immediately rushed over to check on him. "Are you okay, Prince Edmund?" Kaylar asked worriedly.

Josiah, The Jaguar, one of the Royal guards of Prince Edmund, was patrolling the area nearby when he heard the loud crack. He immediately sprinted towards the source of the sound, and as he approached, he could hear Kaylar's concerned voice.

As he burst onto the scene, he saw Kaylar tending to Prince Edmund, who was lying on the ground, dazed and confused. Josiah quickly assessed the situation and realized that Prince Edmund had fallen off Kaylar's back due to a broken saddle strap.

Without hesitation, Josiah sprang into action. He quickly retrieved a replacement saddle strap from his pack and expertly fitted it onto Kaylar's saddle.

Edmund groaned, feeling a sharp pain in his ankle.
"Are you hurt, Your Highness?" Josiah asked, his keen eyes scanning Prince Edmund's body for any signs of injury.

"I'm alright," Prince Edmund replied, still a bit shaken. "I think I twisted my ankle," he said, trying to sit up.

Kaylar and Josiah helped Prince Edmund up, and they both inspected the area where they had been walking. They noticed that a large tree branch had fallen onto the road, and that was what had caused the accident.

"Thankfully, it was just a minor incident," Kaylar said.

"Thanks to you, Josiah and Kaylar, I'm okay."

Josiah nodded, relieved that the Prince was not seriously hurt. "It's my duty to protect you, Your Highness. I'm just glad I was able to help." 

Josiah gently lifted Edmund onto Kaylar's back and started walking towards the town. Edmund was grateful for Josiah and Kaylar's help, and he couldn't help but feel lucky that his mishap accident had not been worse.

As Kari, The Female Gryphon, soared high in the sky, keeping a watchful eye over Prince Edmund and his companions, she noticed the commotion down below. She saw Prince Edmund fall from Kaylar's back and watched as Josiah quickly came to his aid.

Kari had always been protective of the royal siblings, especially Prince Edmund. She remembered how he had saved her and her baby from certain death when they were attacked by a group of hunters. Since then, she had felt a deep sense of gratitude towards him and had vowed to protect him at all costs.

As she descended towards the group, she could see that Josiah had already fixed the saddle strap and Prince Edmund was safe. She landed softly on the ground, her large wings folding neatly behind her.

"Is everything alright, Your Highness?" Kari asked, her voice soft and gentle.

Edmund looked up and smiled at her. "Yes, Kari. We're alright. Thank you for your concern."

Kari nodded, relieved to see that he was unharmed. She remembered how he had risked his own life to protect her and her baby and felt a deep sense of affection towards him.

"Please be careful, Your Highness. I will continue to keep watch over you," Kari said, her eyes scanning the area for any potential threats.

Edmund nodded, grateful for her protection. From that moment on, Kari continued to watch over the group from the air, always ready to swoop down and protect them if needed.

As they continued on their journey to the town, Kari felt a sense of pride and affection towards Prince Edmund. She knew that he was a kind and brave soul, and she would do whatever it takes to protect him, just as he had once protected her and her baby.

Kiro, The Alpha Wolf, leader of the Royal guards of Prince Edmund, stood silently in the shadows with his team of elite guards. They had been trailing behind Prince Edmund and Kaylar, keeping a watchful eye out for any potential threats.

As they observed from a distance, they saw Kaylar rush over to Prince Edmund, who had falle

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