chapter 2

Lavender Dreams
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It was near the end of the day meaning that Sehun was in his French literature class. Throughout the day he had learnt that Kai was in all of his classes, even his German class. And in each class Sehun was stuck sitting next to him because there were no other free seats. When the bell rang to signal the end of the class he rushed off to the practice room to meet up with the few friends he does have, a group of kids that were judged for starting a band in which they offered Sehun a spot as the singer. Sehun put his bag down and grabbed the hearing aids out of his bag then put them on, turning them on. He didn’t wear them most of the time he was at school to avoid hearing what people would say about him. He sighs as of course the first thing he hears is Fu tuning his guitar. 

“So what do you think about the new kid?” Rachel came up to him asking him in sign language. He was thankful for them learning so they can communicate without him always having to talk. He learnt how to talk growing up as an attempt to fit in more and has had hearing aids that whole time. And slowly his voice blossomed into something absolutely beautiful that he can even sing with.

“He’s in all of my classes and he’s cute but that’s all I have for you.”

“We asked him to join as the backup singer.” 

“Why? We could have asked someone else.”

“Because he has the voice of an angel. He was with Fu during lunch for a bit and that’s how Fu ended up asking him to join.”

“Ah I see.” He tried not to be mad about the whole deal because he knew they would have asked someone eventually when it was one of the major things they had been talking about. Not someone important; just someone who could help him if he can’t do certain parts. No matter how hard he tries he can’t do everything after all. He tried to keep his eyes toward the ground when Kai entered the room. The small practice room was suddenly filled with a confident air that suffocated Sehun. He opens his bag and takes out his notebook.

“Help me with this Fu.” Fu nods and looks over his shoulder at the half blank page.

“You haven’t finished it?”

“I’ve been having a hard time. It's like I have no inspiration.”

“Maybe you should have it where it’s a duet between you and Kai and one is in love with the other while the other male is oblivious and is still looking for his first love?”

“And how would we do that?”

“How about we just play it and you sing what you have and see if Kai can substitute more in and if we like it we’ll write it down.”

“Yeah let’s try that and test our compatibility.” Fu nods and gestures the others over. Once everyone is aware of the plan Kamil takes his place at the microphone in the middle. Fu stands a few feet away on his left while Rachel was behind him on the drums. A pattering of feet was heard down the hall and

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