The rider

Flaring Affection (FA)
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Baekhyun woke up in a dark cold cell. He was in pain, his head was hurting, and his right arm was bleeding and hurting so badly.


"..." He sat up and rested his back on the wall to support himself. He tried to look around, but all he could see was darkness. "Where the hell am I?"


"In a cell." Rex's angry voice echoed, and Baekhyun chuckled.


"Rex my man, I see you've been watching over me." The rider was mad, but seeing Rex get all angry was just so pleasing to the rider.


"Unlock the cell," Rex ordered, and immediately one of the bodyguards did as he was told. She made her way into the cell room and switched on the lights.


The rider glared at the mafia boss, but what he saw in her hand made his heart pound in fear.


"I see you're smart with words. Well, that's okay. I have my way of getting what I want from people, and your little cute sister, Alice, will pay for your stupidity." Rex threw the picture in her hand on Baekhyun's chest, and she smirked.


Baekhyun looked at the picture, it was his younger sister, the only family he has left. He felt his blood getting hot, he was getting seriously annoyed and all he wanted to do was to rip Rex alive, but he couldn't.


"Leave my sister out of this. If you hurt her, I swear I will kill you."


"I won't kill her, she's in good hands for now, but if you fail to tell me what I want, then I won't hesitate to waste her. She's with my men as we speak." Rex smirked when she saw fear in Baekhyun's eyes.


"Do we have a deal?" Rex grabbed his jaw, she glared at him and the rider gave up. He knew what Rex was capable of doing, so he gave up.


"I need you to give me your words. I will tell you all I know in exchange for my sister's freedom and mine as well. What do you say?"


"Your sister will be free, that I promise. However, I can't let you live, you know too much already." 


"Come on shorty, can't we negotiate?" 


"I don't negotiate with people like you. I trust no one." Rex sighed. "Tell me what you know, I hate wasting my precious time."


Baekhyun noticed that the boss was already irritated and he knew how heartless he can be. He wouldn't want his sister to die because of him.


"That night I heard your conversation and that was all I heard. I didn't sell out that information because it was none of my business. That's the truth and nothing more." Baekhyun explained, but Rex chuckled.


"Do you take me for a fool? You seriously want me to believe that you being at the same place I was that night was a coincidence?" Rex got seriously pissed and kicked him in the chest, and that hurt the rider so badly.


"I thought you loved your sister the way she loves you. She kept begging me to leave you alone. She asked me to kill her and leave you alone, yet you want to be the reason why I kill her?" Rex kicked him again. She was angry and so was Baekhyun. 


" you, Rex. I told you nothing but the ing truth. I only lied to you back in my apartment because I wanted to stay alive." Baekhyun caught out of blood, but he didn't even bother. 


"I was at that very place that night because I am the nightcrawler. I am the night walker with no identity. I gather top information and deliver it to my clients. Unfortunately, that night I was supposed to meet the ruthless and heartless Park Rex and give him the information about a very dangerous man, but then I heard what I shouldn't have because of your carelessness. How is that my fault, Rex?!"


Baekhyun punched the wall. He felt extremely angry because he was already feeling weak. He knew he was dying from the poison of the bullet in his body, and there was nothing he could do about it.


Rex was taken aback at the rider's explanation. She recalled getting a call from the nightcrawler, but she couldn't answer it due to the problem of the betrayer in their circle.


She looked at Baekhyun, but she noticed that the rider was slowly drifting away. It was clear that he was dying, and that was the last thing she wanted. All her life she has been looking for the man that killed her mother, and the man dying in front of her has the answer.


"Sehun, uncuff him and take him to our private hospital. Make sure he survives and do not let my father know about this."


"Yes, boss." Sehun bowed and did as he was told without wasting any time.




It's been over an hour, and Rex was still disturbed. She couldn't believe that the man she was about to kill was the nightcrawler. The same mysterious man she had been in contact with for over two years, and his work is always a hundred percent accurate.


She was in her office, but she couldn't focus on a single thing. For the first time in her life, she was worried about someone.


"Dammit!" She slammed her fist on her glass table. She was pretty angry at herself. She hated herself for shooting the nightcrawler who did nothing wrong.


"May I come in?" The right-hand man asked from the door.


"Come in." 


Sehun worked in the office, but he saw Rex in a disturbed state. It was pretty obvious that the boss was worried.


"Boss, the rider is out of danger and he's sleeping now," Sehun informed and Rex sighed deeply.


"That's better. I need you to search his apartment. I want to know if he's truly the nightcrawler. If you find his duty outfit, then that means he's the mysterious nightcrawler."


"Got it." Sehun was about to go when Rex stopped him.


"Let his sister go. Do not harm her by any means."


"Yes, boss." Sehun left in a hurry.


Rex watched Sehun leave before staring at the clock. It was already past five in the evening, past her resting hours. She went straight to her room. It has been a long day for her, she needed to rest and take off the wrap from her chest to free her s.




Sehun had done exactly what Rex asked him to and he found all the evidence needed to prove that the rider was the nightcrawler.


He wanted Baekhyun dead for reasons best known to him, but he can't go against Rex's order. He left the apartment for the secret hideout where he had kept Baekhyun's sister. He was about to carry out what Rex had asked him to do, but he was quite shocked to see the lady looking at him angrily, while the men beside her all had a frown on their faces.


"What took you so long, Mr. Sehun?" One of the bodyguards, Kim asked. He sounded irritated, but Sehun looked away. He had always been known to be a short-tempered guy.


"Relax, Kim. I had an important work to attend to."


"I see you did. So what do we do with this ? I'm so damn tired of her insults." Kim tried to hit her, but Sehun held his hand back before smiling.


"Don't worry, you won't have to deal with her anymore. Just chill." The right-hand man chuckled. He walked closer to the angry lady, but she spat on his face, luckily he was swift enough to miss her spit attack.


"If you're going to kill me, just know that I will hunt you till you're dead." She frowned but Sehun shook his head.


"Smart mouth you got there. Don't worry, I won't be killing you today." He untied her hands, but the lady adva

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40 streak #1
I would love to read more about them..hope authornim continues this amazing story ❤️ 😍
Chapter 20: Yes sure sis ☺️
Nlnz2016 #3
Chapter 20: Hi. Yes, I’ll read it for sure! Thanks
halforblack #4
Chapter 20: Yes I will definitely read this
40 streak #5
Chapter 20: Yup.. interested 😍🤩🤗
744 streak #6
Chapter 20: Yes, I would!
744 streak #7
Chapter 18: I am loving what I have read so far! I am looking forward to see what happens next!
744 streak #8
Chapter 16: Baekhyun is a true hero! <3
744 streak #9
Chapter 14: That was a harsh truth. :(
744 streak #10
Chapter 13: An interesting and hot chapter! ;)