Chapter (1) : back to Korea

The Mafia's Bride
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I currently live in Los Cabos in Mexico with my grandma, but she passed on three years back, leaving me alone to dance to the music of the dangerous city.


This situation was not what I budgeted for. It wasn't my parents' wish or plan for me. But after the calamity that took place thirteen years ago back in Seoul South Korea, my homeland, it seems I had no say, for now.

Los Cabos in Mexico is known to be the most dangerous city in the world with a murder rate of 111.33 per 100,000 people. This city's position on the list of the world's most dangerous cities is indicative of the increase in crime due to kidnapping, violence, drug trafficking, and organized gangs.


I've managed to survive in this city for the past thirteen years, but never have I forgotten about the reason for my sudden relocation.

Byun Baekhyun, the young heir to the Byun's industries was the very reason I had to leave my own mansion. The home my parents left behind before they passed on. It's a painful memory I never want to remember, but like they say, memories make us stronger and experience backs it up as a great teacher in the journey of life.


My Aunt Soomi was sent to jail by the same Baekhyun for a crime she didn't commit. She just wanted to help me retrieve my mansion back, but she ended up in jail and there was nothing I could do about it.

I stared at my broken door which serves as a purpose of protection, and a heavy sigh escapes my throat. My life is in danger and I'm aware of that, but there is nothing I can do about it. My time limit in this city will be over by dawn.


I've put my life at great risk just to learn the ways of gangs over here. I indulged in the drug trade at the age of 17 till my present age which is 25. I had to do it just to make a living, and my mistress was all open to me because I was good at my job, and never once have I disappointed her.


I acknowledge that my deeds were not right, but I had no other choice. Beside life hasn't been a roller coaster ride to me as well. I didn't kill anyone during my years of drug trade, but I'm going to slit Baekhyun's throat for sure, and his blood will be my happiness. My revenge.


I've neatly packed the few belongings I have, but sleep wasn't that friendly tonight, maybe because I was just too excited to leave this city and return back to my country. I am fully prepared for my early morning trip, so I wore a short Jean pants, above my knee, a jacket, and the only black high boots I bought a year back. I decided to relax my back on my broken chair, and after a while, I drifted off to sleep.





The loud bang at my broken door stirred me out of my stressful sleep. I blinked my eyes open, and I notice it was already bright. I quickly got up from the chair, ignoring the sharp pain on my neck, and I rushed over to the door.

I was supposed to be on my way to Korea by now.

"." I muttered, this wasn't supposed to happen like this. now my boss is here and she will never let me off so easily.

"Hana open up this instant, don't make me do something I will regret." I heard my boss yelling, and I knew that something must be done. I have to leave now or I might never have a better opportunity to leave this city again.


I grabbed my old suitcase and decided to leave through back door, but when I twisted the doorknob, I was met with one of my boss's men holding a rod. He wore black leather pants and an ped jacket. His hair is neatly oiled backward. His gaze is no joke and I figured that I have to do something as soon as possible.


"Please let me go, I don't want to work with you guys anymore," I said calmly, but the man smirked. He moved closer to me and made an attempt to grab me by the hand, but I swiftly stepped backward. It seemed like things were getting out of hand, so I had to act smart and fast.


"Jack," I called him, but this time my voice was hard and firm, I wasn't ready to take any just like thirteen years ago. I'm an adult now and I won't let any son of a damn oppress me. "Get out of the way and let me go. I'm asking you nicely, but if you don't, you will be sorry, I promise you."


"Then make me sorry Hana, I'd like to see you try." He said in a mocking tone and that was just the limit. I drop my suitcase and watch him as he approached me. He still had his dirty smirk, and I wasn't going to let it last long on his ugly face.


I balanced my feet and set my right knee in a move to attack. Jack came closer, and that was it. I sent a punch to his face as a distraction, and as he made an attempt to escape my coming punch, I went straight for my initial plan. I sent a hard kick directly to his groin, and it was enough to send Jack to his rightful passion, the ground.


I stood upright and picked up my bag. The man lay helpless on the ground, he wasn't even able to scream.

"See Jack, I did warn you, but you tend to take me for granted." I sighed and walked away, leaving the man to his own dismay.

I barely made it to the street, and quickly took a taxi to the airport, I really don't want to miss my flight. Having my revenge on Byun Baekhyun was my ultimate goal and I won't rest till I make him suffer and then I will finish him off like a piece of trash he is.




After some hours on the plane, I finally arrived in my country. The cool morning breeze blew across my shoulders, making my hair dance to its desire. It felt so strange being back in my country after such a long time. I stood still with my suitcase beside me while staring at the passers-by. The air was fresh and I loved it.

It didn't smell of cigarettes or heavy alcohol or death. Everything was so fresh and peaceful.


The people looked normal and not as scary as the face I see every day back in Mexico. Everyone is on about their business and I so much missed being here. My previous stay here wasn't that good and interesting all because of Baekhyun, but this time I will set the wrong right.


The feeling of having my revenge on Baekhyun was so strong, but then I have no idea how to get to my mansion. Thirteen long years is no joke, and I've almost forgotten everything including the way back to my mansion.

I was quite lost in my confused thought until I heard the chatting of some girls.


The beautiful girls stood beside me, they seem to

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41 streak #1
Chapter 15: Woah... finished reading another amazing story... mafia baekhyun really radiates another powerful aura... loved the whole story so much..really enjoyed the whole time.. the plot, plot twists and the characters everything were properly and well written... catchy, interesting, suspense, secrets and full mystery.. completely in love with the story and the couple... hana and baekhyun both suffered a lot.. felt so bad for them..loved the way their relationship started and developed slowly but too amazingly... after so many secrets and revelation, they got their deserved happy ending that was so heartwarming... really loved their hard but still soft characters... all those waiting and heartbreak were worth of their current status of their relationship... so happy for them.. that two men, specially A.. ruined everyone's lives.. glad that at the end, they got the deserved punishment and also justice..uww..really loved the wedding part.. actually hana's and specially sehun's truth were so shocking and heartbreaking... totally speechless... didn't expect such a twist at the end of the story.. but loved how all the secret unveiled at the the perfect time... so happy for all of them.. now eventually all of them are complete as a family... loved jongin's character too but his two slaps..haha... ugh..forget to mention about the action part.. it was fabulous and I really loved it so much.. both hana and baekhyun's action part.. haha.. perfect couple... loved the way how their story came to the end...thank you authornim for writing and sharing such an interesting, amazing and lovely story..🙌🫶🤗❤️🤩😍👍🙆‍♀️💕
41 streak #2
So excited to
Chapter 15: Great work❣️
brjvessh 44 streak #4
Chapter 15: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍
Ota9410 #5
Chapter 1: When I started reading, I felt terribly offended because I'm Mexican, and yes, Los Cabos was a violent place but it wasn't the most violent, I'll continue reading but I'm a little disappointed because I like your stories.