3,751km or 2,218 miles

89.35 FM


a/n:  This is actually a revised edition of the original blogs from 2019 this story is based on. This is the road trip movie both Kyungsoo and Sehun talk about at the beginning of the first chapter. The major edit was the change from the Volvo being dark green to yellow. Minor edits have been done.
I want to take my time again to thank my beloved friend Pepper. It's been three years since then, which just shows how long we're already friends. Thanks for putting up with my , I love you <3
Self promo: Twitter



Excerpts from the official 3,751km or 2,218 miles Reprint Edition.
O'Sehun, Pepper, Jay (eds.), 3,751km or 2,218 miles. 1st Reprint Edition with Annotations by Director O'Sehun, Kyungsoo Do and Loey, plus Comments by the Cast, slip 2021.


Pepper and Wine™

presents an

O’Sehun motion picture



3,571 km




2,218 miles



A Pepper and Wine™ production


Director: O’Sehun

Executive Producer: Pepper

Screenwriter: Jay

Characters: Doh Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin

     Oh Sehun, Kim Jongdae


p. 9


Kyungsoo and Jongin used to stick together like glue back in school, but once they reached adulthood they drifted apart. Five years ago, after Jongin married at the age of 28, the contact between him and Kyungsoo suddenly came to a complete halt. In an attempt to mend their relationship, they go on a road trip through Canada and parts of the US with Sehun and Jongdae. But soon, they realise that it isn't as easy as repairing a car that's broken down. Their friendship as it used to be is beyond remedy, the years having them changed into puzzle pieces that won't fit together, despite the ways they turn them. They couldn't be more different, that's why they try to make the best out of their time together.



p. 11



- Kyungsoo Doh:
Radio host, 34
Moved away after graduation, reminisces a lot about time and how it affects relationships
He was the one to propose the trip in the first place and personally contacted Jongin, smoker, quiet personality, mature, serious, bachelor, made numerous attempts to contact Jongin, didn't tell him that he was moving countries after uni (only Sehun)

- Jongin Kim:
Car mechanic, 33
Shy but can be bold if he wants to, married, works together with Jongdae in his own garage, smoker, listens to Kyungsoo’s podcasts while working, only small talk with Kyungsoo on social media, didn’t tell him about his marriage 5 years before (Sehun brought Kyungsoo along as +1 after Jongin said he forgot to invite Kyungsoo)

- Sehun Oh:
Independent filmmaker/ director of photography, 33
Best friends with Kyungsoo, a regular guest on Kyungsoo podcast or radio shows, aware of the relation between Jongin and Kyungsoo

- Jongdae Kim:
Car mechanic, 35
Works together with Jongin, married, acquainted with Kyungsoo and Sehun, Jongin’s safe haven, also aware of the two former friends’ relationship





An overall theme for the clothes of the road trip was casual, casual and casual since the men usually spent up to five hours each second day perched in a car with a lot of breaks. Some more sturdy clothes are in the mix as well, they did hike one or two times during the trip since a special radio host is not very keen on moving too much. 

Since the radio scenes are more or less shot in two days while Kyungsoo’s working, the theme was rather casual and homey again, sweatpants and loose, comfortable clothes.


p. 312



Somewhere on Highway 40, between Grande Prairie and Grande Cache. Sehun and Jongdae wandered off to the roadside kitchen they saw four km earlier and to look for possible network service. The quartet just passed their first third of the road trip earlier that day, when Kyungsoo's car engine decided to overheat in the middle of nowhere. Day six out of 14.

Kyungsoo sits on the roof of his car, Sehun’s Super 8 camera in hand, cigarette dangling from his lips, viewfinder trained on Jongin who’s hidden behind the hood of the car, checking the engine and refilling the cooling system. One hand is placed on top of the rim of the hood with a cigarette between his fingers. It’s warm but cloudy, the highway is quite empty around this time.


The car is a dark green yellow 1972 Volvo 144 Sedan, 5-door, the trunk was constantly filled due to the men's backpacks or suitcases plus Sehun's filming cameras. The only lady Kyungsoo will ever be married to.

Volvo 144, 1972 sedan


Grande/Scene xx/128: film stills





[Someone taking a deep drag from a cigarette is heard, exhaling slowly after a couple of seconds]


Overlay voice Kyungsoo:

Sehun, remember when we sifted together through the video material from Highway 40?

Overlay voice Sehun [laughing]:

You were so pissed your lady broke down. You had me in a headlock because I said something wrong.


[Next scene. Highway, the camera pans slowly over the expanse of the street before settling on an open car hood.]


KS [out of the frame, holding the camera]: Jongin?

[Jongin behind the hood, looks over it in response, before resuming checking the engine]

KS [still off-camera, films the road up and down in slow and steady movements, before focusing back on JI]:

That’ll sound cliché and I’ll risk turning the whole trip into something unbelievably awkward at the end of the first week, but what happened to us? Or why?

JI [stilling in his movements, before looking back up, straight ahead, into the direction SH and JD wandered off, he’s obviously pondering over an answer, taking a drag from his cigarette]: We turned into adults?

[JI’s still trying to come up with something, KS remains silent]

JI [from behind the hood]: It's not only that we turned into adults, but— [he stops abruptly] I wonder how. Remember school? I remember clearly sticking together on every occasion, even if we were in different classes, people even thought we were gay.

KS [muttering]: Kids…

JI [to himself]: It happened quite fast after we graduated, I guess.

KS [humming in response, camera still trained on JI]

JI [closes the hood with a thud, smiling at the camera/KS before rounding the car and checking the thermometer of the car through the driver’s window, pulling his head back from the open window, he leans with his back at the driver’s side, hands in his pockets, head craned towards KS]: We should wait a bit more for the engine to cool down. Sehun said something about trying to get a hotel in Grande—?

KS: Grande Cache. Yeah, I told him to book a room or two and check if there’s a garage. I don’t need my lady to break down a second time.

JI [nods in agreement]: So—
KS [silence settles between the two, KS is clearly nervous, he’s coughing off-camera and clears his throat]: We’re… we are both at fault, like, I knew you’d take over your dad’s garage, but we somehow never spoke about the future?

JI: Never had guessed you’d take a uni course, certificate, whatever in creative writing and in the end you’d become a radio host. The small, quiet Kyungsoo a radio host… moving out of the country— [bitterness is evident in the tone and body language of JI, he turns his eyes away from the camera and stares right ahead, taking a drag from his cigarette]

KS [taking a deep breath, taking a drag of his own cigarette]: Jongin, I already told you a couple of times that I didn’t intend that, also given the fact that we somehow almost stopped talking a year or so after my uni graduation. I clearly remember us not really writing, maybe every couple of weeks and at some point, we only wished each other happy birthday. [KS nudges JI’s elbow with the tip of his shoe] At least I invited you to my departure [KS stresses ‘invited’, his pitch drops].

JI [coughing, dropping the cigarette to the ground, stepping it out, walking up and down in front of Kyungsoo, visibly disturbed and uncomfortable, grabs his neck and ruffles his hair a number of times before turning back to KS]: I— [he groans in frustration], I said sorry and I know that it was somewhat, don’t know, wrong? Wrong of me to not share it with you? To not invite you?

KS: Jongin, I had to find out via ing Instagram that you got engaged! I even congratulated you, I ing called you! And you were just like ‘yeah, yeah, thanks dude, but I gotta go, thanks for the call.’ That was it. And then you forgot to invite one of your good childhood friends to your wedding!

JI: I— You’ll bring that up for the rest of my life, won’t you?

KS: You don’t really need an answer to that, do you?

[JI steps forward, hands on KS kneecaps, looking at him, not at the camera, the camera turns slightly away, JI is just in vision left-sided, -choked sound similar to a sob is heard behind the camera]

JI [out of frame, more or less]: I told you I’m sorry, We decided to marry almost on the spot, I forgot so much through that... [pause, runs hands up and down KS thighs in a comforting manner] and I’m seriously glad Sehun brought you along as his plus one.

KS: But that changes nothing regarding our current situation, you know that, Jongin. [redirects camera back at Jongin, pained smile on his face]

JI: I know. [takes the camera from KS hold, steps back and films how KS is still perched on top of his car, lighting a cigarette and staring off in the distance, he looks hurt and hopeless, body language, hunched over, heels rested on the lower rim of the open window]

KS [his hands jammed into his pockets, cigarette dangling between his lips, he looks straight at JI]: Jongin, what is friendship to you? What are your values? How did we end like this here, basically as strangers?

JI: What do you mean by that?

KS: How did we disconnect after spending half of our lives together?

JI: You mean the break of trust I did?

KS [looks away]: For example…

JI: I— I should have listened to you, seriously. I do understand why you’re so far since then and how we drifted apart because of that… I did consider you my best friend and still, I drove you away… [camera tilts dangerously low, JI walks back up to the car]

KS: We lost each other, I seriously tried to uphold contact with you and I’m at fault as well, I shouldn’t have been so harsh in the past, I know you were in love -even if I still object that- and it was just to your best, I wanted to protect you, same for Jongdae. In the end, I only protected myself and watched you from the shadows, with an aching heart, because I couldn’t help.

[JI hums in response, but doesn’t disrupt KS in his monologue]

KS [plays with his fingers, cigarette secured between the index and middle finger]: I still like you though, but not the same way as before, you’re not much of a priority than you used to be.

JI: I get that. [smiles] But I hope we won’t forget the wonderful times and memories we shared.

KS [smiles back]: We won’t.

[KS and JI continue the conversation, until shortly after SH and JD arrive back at the scene]


p. 329

Radio/Scene 05/14: film stills


Voice overlay KS: People listening to my podcasts or radio shows know that I talk a lot about the values and concepts of friendships, relationships. Not specifically the romantic ones, but the ones that can be more important to us. Your spouse may be your best friend, but what if there’s a person you trust even more than your own kin? It’s weird talking about such topics since I’m very well aware of Jongin listening to my shows and the trip helped us a lot to sort out our feelings. We talk more again, but it's just a matter of time.


[ Fade in of KS and SH sitting at his radio station, ashtray between them, KS has his headphones around his neck, looking nowhere specifically]


SH [in profile to the camera]: I remember us talking for a long time about that on our drive back to Vancouver after we brought Nini and Dae back to Seattle. We can go weeks without talking to each other, but we sense when something’s wrong or when we meet, it’s not like we didn’t see each other for weeks. It’s like nothing had ever changed. Like the distance is non-existent.

KS [tips head back and slumps further into his swivel chair, looking at the ceiling, taking a drag of his cigarette]: I agree, like, the concept of balance for example. Maybe Jongin and I were too similar? Or even too different in the end, like two magnets that repel each other. We didn’t balance each other in the correct manner? Like us two for example. Sometimes we couldn’t be more different and other times we’re eerily similar.

SH: I take that as a compliment. But you’re right, over the course of time, we changed with the years, but we held the balance or more like our balance adjusted itself, depending on how we grew and changed? While you and Jongin were borderline considered best friends you both went your own way and maybe you gained a different balance and changed it? 

KS [silently interrupts]: The balance was disrupted.

SH [continues]: Relationships change all the time. Some pass the trial of time, others fail it. Your talking went more fluently after Jongdae and I left you two alone when the car broke down, it was even more apparent when I sifted through hours of material. Let’s get back to the rest of the trip. 


[Fade into a different scene]




Producer Oh’s wish was something along the lines of “Fleet Foxes”-inspired for the OST, a general mix of Indie and Electro would be a nice overall theme for the soundtrack, not your usual soft or rock vibes, less focus on music in the end, because Oh calls himself an independent filmmaker, which could be read as “I'm a 33 y/o hipster, lemme do what I want, that's my movie”.  The screenwriter witnessed Mr Doh giving Oh the bird after he asked for musical advice and called him a “child with too many academy awards under his belt and a horrible sense of musical understanding.”

Director Oh tries to get a vocal mix of Mick Jenkins and Unlike Pluto for the title track, OST, somewhat Nujabes inspired, aka Jazz Rap. The overall theme is an Indie (Folk) vibe with “deep, meaningful lyrics” (Fleet Foxes, Far Caspian) soundwise like the older works of the Shins (Wincing the Night Away, 2007). Basically, a weird mashup of everything mentioned above and everything in between that isn’t fitting.


Asked about the naming of the title song, LOEY answered: 

“I like to think of relationships as radio frequencies. It is oddly similar. Sometimes people are in sync, in a way that their communication level is impressive, yet other people just have nothing in common, turning blank. But some people also drift away and lose themselves in a sea of mismatched frequencies and simply lose their connections. The two main characters of Oh's work reminded me of that, hence the choice of title. This frequency is close to a radio podcast, but not quite close enough yet to distinguish the words. That's where the two friends are standing.”



  1. Intro: Hae - Losalios
  2. 89.35 FM (From the Motion Picture “3.571 km or 2218 miles”) - CHANYEOL
  3. Conversations - Far Caspian
  4. Daniel Bélanger - Parapluie
  5. Blue Ridge Mountains - Fleet Foxes 
  6. Waterfall - The Stone Roses
  7. Ghostmother- Moderat
  8. Summer Madness (Feat. The Quiett) - Beenzino
  9. Dear Youth (Day 52) (rearrangement by LOEY) - CHANYEOL
  10. Bedouin Dress - Fleet Foxes
  11. Outro: Riptide - Unlike Pluto






Between the days of our refuge when we hid from the world

Back in time when we couldn’t help but be ourselves

I feel like Mya Waechtler conveyed what I feel today,

She said

“I used to know you the best but now I don't even remember your name”


Tell me, stranger, where did we do wrong?

Don't you feel the phantom pain by your side that overtakes you at times

I say

Tell me, stranger, where did we do wrong?

Was it me who took a wrong turn and left the path?

Was it you who turned back and walked back the track? 




Sample: Yael Naim - Toxic

Written, composed and produced by LOEY


®️ 2019 LOEY under exclusive license to slip

©️ 2019 LOEY under exclusive license to slip




Producer: O’Sehun

Director of Photography: O’Sehun

Screenwriter: Jay

Storyboard development: O’Sehun, Jay

Camera A/B: O’Sehun, Doh Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin, Kim Jongdae

Executive Producer: Pepper


©️ 2019 Pepper and Wine


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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 5: These 3 boys bickering is non stop haha... and Kyungsoo being so serious its like in real life hehe
736 streak #2
Chapter 5: 💗💗🌹💗🌹💗💗

It's always fun to see their interactions and the way Kyungsoo smacked Chanyeol. Aww, my poor baby! But it's easily imaginable, that's Our soo. Hehe 😉😉😈😈

'Stranded and dying Whale' - that part got me laughing like a maniac! 😂😂

As always, the boys know how to do the job and what guests to bring. I am impressed and FTISLAND's song is just wow! 🥰

What are friends for than to mock you at times, right? hehe 🤗🤗

Okay, Kyungsoo has serious mood swings lol But that's his charm, I can't complain! 😈😈

Aww, I loved the dancing scene of those two. So cute!! 🥰🥰🤗🤗

Thanks for the update! 

Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 4: Crybaby Chanyeol is cute hahaha
736 streak #4
Chapter 4: Yay an update! :D

Oh, I loved this chapter. :D
I thought about it and I now find the relation with Lucas! It hit me like lighting and I was like "LUCAS!"
Aww, Yeol cried but I also found it cute how Kyungsoo reacted.

Good chapter and thanks for the update!
736 streak #5
Chapter 3: The screenplay was fun and well written if I may say so myself. I love it and can't wait for an update. <3
736 streak #6
Chapter 2: Very cute, and I can so imagine them in the late-night radio shows xD
736 streak #7
Chapter 1: Very cute and funny interactions, as I read it I was able to imagine it all. <3 CUTE!!!