Thunder Up

The Bodyguard
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Irene frowned as she pulled her car onto the freeway, the streetlights above her flashing by like a blur.

It had been a while since had driven home herself, but luckily she still hadn't lost her touch.

And yet, something didn't feel the same.

All she could see, was the road in front of her, and the city lights in the distance, getting closer and closer. All she could hear, was the engine humming along in the front, and the soft sound of her tires cruising along the tarmac.

It's so quiet. 

She tried turning on some music, but that didn't really help as well. 

Why do I feel so empty...?

Is something differe-

Ah... She's not here.

She pulled the car off the freeway as she neared her apartment, driving down a side lane.

Seulgi... she did seem a bit off today... she usually jokes around with me.

Is something wrong?

She did say she had a headache...

Could that be it?


Turning the keys, she opened the door and stepped into her apartment. And naturally, being the ceo of a company, that came with benefits of it's own. Irene lived a penthouse suite, on the top floor of the building she was in. The apartment was extremely spacious and decked with all sorts of creature comforts; luxuries that the majority of people could only dream of enjoying. An open style kitchen was the closest thing to the door, and it had a full compliment of silver stoves and ovens. The living area came next, where a massive plasma screen stood in the middle, speakers on either side. Doors to the toilet and bedroom were on either side of the living room.

And in the middle of this vast area, stood Irene, alone.


She sat down to eat, having made a quick dinner for herself. And that was completely fine; Irene was accustomed to spending time by herself. In university, when Joy wasn't around, that was pretty much how all of her meals went. She'd usually put on something on the TV to watch, or some music to listen to. It was just a good time to switch her brain off after a long day of work. And yet today, her mind was churning, almost restless. She simply stared into abyss, lost deep in her thoughts as her brain got to work.

N-nothing special happened today right?


Nothing special...

All that was different was the girl had a headache, and she wanted to go home. Simple. 

She also said she'd be fine if she got some sleep.



Everything's going to be the same again by tomorrow morning.

She's going to be there, leaning on the bonnet of my car.

She'll say good morning with that smile on her face, with breakfast waiting in the car.

I-i mean it's not that I really want her there...

But like-

I w-wouldn't mind if she was...

I'm a grown adult. I can go to work fine without her!

I was fine before I hired her so...

I can.... handle myself just fine.



Jesus christ Bae Joohyun why are you stressing yourself over this so much!

Headaches happen to everyone right? It's nothing special.

That's all there is to it.

Everything... will go back to the way it was.


It will be.

I-t... will be...

It will be!

Irene shook her head unconsciously, sliding her hand into her hair.

Why can't I think of anything else? 







As the men yanked open the doors of their vehicles and stepped onto the pavement, Seulgi could clearly tell what she was dealing with.  The men that came in the vans were ordinary goons. Lackeys. There were dressed the part as well. Boots, jeans, workshirts and bombers made up the majority of their clothing pieces. Your typical 'bad-guy' look. Some of them even had steel rods in their hands. The four the came in the coupe were clearly higher ranked. They were dressed relatively smarter, but still kept the general outlook.

However there was one that caught Seulgi's eye.

He was sitting in the back seat of the coupe, and one of the goons had held open the door for him. He was dressed differently, too. He had a pair of loafers on, paired with trousers and a dress-shirt, which had the sleeves rolled up and was unbottoned to the middle of his chest; probably to show off the tattooes underneath. He had a cigarette in his hand, and had a lean, tall figure. 

The men stood in a horizontal line opposite to Seulgi, in front of their vehicles. They stared at her with menacing expressions. Some spat on the floor, while others brandished whatever weapons they had in hand, almost taunting her. 

'Ahughh...' The leader groaned. 'Why are we doing late at night...'

He seemed tired, uninterested and unimpressed.

Seulgi felt her annoyance start to swell up.

'What do we have here...' He breathed, flicking away his cigarette and pulling out his phone.

'Kang Seol.... Se.... Sel-'

'Seulgi. Kang Seulgi.' The bodyguard stated firmly. 


The man didn't seem to hear her, or at least he pretended that he didn't, as he continued scrolling on his phone.

'Let's see here... hmm...'


Seulgi stood in silence, glaring back at him.

'Hmm-... wow. That's a lot of debt you got there little girl.'

I've got it all here. I worked hard for it.

And despite her anger boiling up even more, the bodyguard forced herself to stay calm.

Keep your composure Seulgi... there's no point at lashing out at him now.

'Oh. And it's not even yours.'


'What a terrible example of a father you've got there.'

Seulgi found herself seething.

How dare you.

'Must've been miserable to be raised by a gambling addict.'

How dare you talk about him like that.

'Ah. People like this never learn do they.'


Hold it in Seulgi...

'Well. Not that I care. Since that money is mine.' 



The man finally put his phone away, and looked at Seulgi for the first time that night. It was dark where they were, especially with the overpass above them. And yet, with only the faint lampost in the distance for illumination, he could make out Seulgi's features.

'That's an angry face you got there little girl.'




The man stuck his head, almost as if expecting a reply.

Seulgi gave him nothing, staring straight back.

'And with a body like that... how bout after this let's say I show you a good time?'

The men in the background sneered, some even laughing and letting out jeers.




'Whoa, that's a big fist you got there. Planning on hurting someone with it?'


Oh I am so gonn-

Seulgi blinked as something hit her.

This guy... is different from the rest... different from the people I've dealt with before.

He's arrogant and cocky. And rude. And annoying.

But he's also intelligent. He's trying to provoke me and rile me up.

He's also studying me. Reading my body language. Even from that distance.

Remember what you came to do Seulgi. Pay the debt, then get out. Getting angry won't help anything.

Ms. Bae... will be expecting you in the morning.

You don't want to let her down now do you?



Seulgi took a deep breath, even risking her safety to close her eyes for a brief second. She relaxed her fists.


Can we just get this over with?

'I have the money here.' She said loudly, enough for everyone to hear.

'Oh~' The man in front exclaimed. 'She talks.'

A laugh spread through the goons.

I already said something but you weren't listening you .

'Why don't you give me your number and we can talk some more~'


'We could alw-'

'I have. The money. Here.'



'Meh.' The man nonchalantly replied. 'No fun.'


'Kick it over.' 

Seulgi dropped the briefcase on the ground, then gave it a firm kick. It wobbled around on the uneven surface, but that was enough to get it across.

It slowly slid to a halt. 

The 'leader' signalled with a jerk of his head, and one of the goons came up, taking the briefcase. He moved back to where the cars were, and opened the briefcase on the bonnet of the coupe, going through the contents. 

'Is that the amount mentioned in the email?' He asked.

'Yes.' Seulgi replied, her voice cold.

The goon took up one of the bundles of cash, and flicked through it, making sure there were no fakes hidden between. He checked one or two more stacks, then came back up, and gave the 'leader' a nod.

At that moment, Seulgi could swear she was dumbstruck.

That's it? That's how you check it?

Just go through three stacks, give it a flick and that's it?

No need to count the total sum? Jesus...

I could've just put in any amount I wanted and that would be fine.

'Good.' The 'leader' stated simply. 


Seulgi breathed.

Am I free to go no-

'And the rest?' 

the rest?




'You do have the rest right?'


Seulgi felt her heart rate pick up again. A hollow unsteady sensation starrted to swell inside of her.

'What are you on about.' She said loudly. 'I gave you the amount stated in the email.'

'I know.'




'What about my interest, honey?'



'Your debt is almost twenty years old. It would only be fitting if I took some interest for my troubles... am I correct?'

Seulgi involuntarily took a step back, not knowing how to react.




'Forty percent i'd say is fair... does everyone agree?'

A sneer rose up from the lackeys behind him.

 Stay calm Seulgi... stay calm.


You can still talk your way out o-

'Plus...' The man continued, 'You just rejected me just now. That hurt my feelings. So another ten percent as compensation.'

Uncertainty suddenly turned into rage.

You just made that up you bastard.

I worked so hard, for so many years, and gave up so much of my life...

For something that I didn't do.

All for this?

This must be a ing joke. 

This is an absolute ing joke. 

'So?' The man sneered. 'Do you have the rest of the payment my dear client?'


The man reeled b

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Chapter 19: this is soooo cruel leaving a story with this kind of cliffhanger.. 🥺
1060 streak #2
Waiting with respect authornim!!
Chapter 20: Wait, is this an abandoned fic or just on an extended hiatus?
AnneTokki #4
Chapter 20: Still waiting 🥺💗💛🫶
Chapter 20: Sad this won't continue. It was an interesting story
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 20: still waiting author nim, take care and stay safe, come back soon 🤍
Chapter 20: Woah. I blue screened for a moment 🤡 damn. Still waiting and rooting for u author! Gotta reread this tho hehe 🙃
Chapter 20: I really thought there was an update. Guess it's back to waiting game again then. Willing to wait though.
Chapter 20: Ngl was excited for a sec lol, but anyway, forcing writing is not good, for u and for readers. So don't push yourself too hard, writing is supposed to be a something enjoyable, so as long as u really want it, then I'll support u 100%
Slay-88 #10
Chapter 20: Willing to wait 🫡