
A Love She Deserves
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Ji Eun doesn't have any plan to go out, but her two friends insist her to meet them in one of the private rooms of an exclusive club in Gangnam. It's 7 days away from Ji Eun and Dong Joon's wedding. Ji Eun had been anxious lately because of it. Dong Joon is a dear friend to her. He's her best friend, but there's something in her that makes her doubt marrying him.

She arrived at the said room. She doesn't understand why do they have to meet here. They could have just met in one of her restaurants or something. She sighs and opens the door. As she enters, a loud pop came and confetti falls around her. She looks around and saw Hye Yeon and Ye Won clapping their hands for her.

"Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, Unnie!" Ye Won said.

Ji Eun chuckles. "What's this?"

"Your bachelorette party." Hye Yeon said as she puts a sash on her that says 'Bride-To-Be' while Ye Won place a plastic crown above her head. They lead her to sit on her 'bride chair' and they sat on the chair on her each side, facing each other.

"Wait! You didn't bring men, right?" Ji Eun asked.

"Yah! I'm a lawyer. Do you think it's good for my image that a male dancer comes here? It's just a party for us three." Ye Won said.

"We're just going to eat and drink, Unnie. Don't worry." Hye Yeon assures her. Ye Won opens the wine and pour some in their wine glasses. They get their glasses.

"To Ji Eun Unnie, I hope you will have a happy and healthy family life with Dong Joon-ssi." Ye Won said.

"Cheers!" Hye Yeon said. The cling their glasses and sip their wine. Ji Eun still looks anxious after their toast. Hye Yeon noticed it.

"Ji Eun-ssi, are you okay?" she asked. Ji Eun looks at Hye Yeon. She shook her head. She placed her glass back on the table.

"What's wrong?" Ye Won asked.

"I don't know. I just feel a little pressured and worried about this wedding. You both know that Dong Joon and I are getting married for convenience, not for love. I feel like trapping Dong Joon because I have trust issues with men." Ji Eun mutters.

"Did you tell Dong Joon how you feel?" Hye Yeon asked. Ji Eun shook her head. "I can't. He's working really hard now before he will take a vacation with me for our 3-month honeymoon. And I know he also has his concern about this wedding." she looks at Hye Yeon and sighs. "Am I doing the right thing?"

"Ji Eun-ah, I can't answer that for you. You're the only one who can answer that." she points out.

Ji Eun took her glass of wine and drink some.

"Unnie, maybe it's just wedding jitters. Since your parents and in-laws are so involved with this wedding. You need to relax or something." Ye Won said.

"Maybe. Dong Joon's mom already sends me six sets of jewelry, gifts from their friends in the business. My Mom is stopping me in eating carbohydrate food because I might not fit my wedding dress." Ji Eun complained.

"Just relax. Don't think of it too much." Hye Yeon advises her. Ji Eun smiles. "I'm really glad I have the two of you."

"We're here for you, Unnie." Ye Won said.

"Okay, okay. We have a gift for you." Hye Yeon said as she presents a small gift bag to Ji Eun. Ye Won did too. Ji Eun opens her gift. Hye Yeon's gift is a couple apron while Ye Won's gift is a couple mug. Ji Eun likes it. They had a meal and used the karaoke machine in their private party room.

They wrap their party at 10 pm. Tae Sun was the one to pick them up since they are all had a drink. They took Ji Eun home first, then Hye Yeon. They had a great day.


Five days before the wedding.

Hye Yeon is asked to deliver some documents to Park Dong Joon's office so he could sign it before he takes leave. Hye Yeon went to the ground floor first to deliver something in the reception. She's waiting for the elevator when a sophisticated woman arrives. She's wearing a white sleeveless, pencil skirt dress and high heels. She's carrying a beige bag and she's wearing Chanel sunglasses. She went directly to the elevator. And then, the woman looks at Hye Yeon.

"Excuse me, I noticed that the person in the reception is busy with some call so I didn't bother talking to her. Can you tell me what floor Park Dong Joon's office is?" the woman asked. Hye Yeon looks at her suspiciously. She hopes she's not another Na Ji Woo.

"May I know who you are?" Hye Yeon asks. The woman smirks and she looks annoyed. She removes her sunglasses and directly looks at Hye Yeon.

"I'm sorry. I'm Park Soo Jung. I'm Park Dong Joon's sister."

Hye Yeon was shocked. Of course, how can she forget? Park Soo Jung is Dong Joon's older sister. She's an executive producer in a TV Station in Canada. And since Dong Joon is getting married, his sister will attend it.

Hye Yeon bows to her. "I'm sorry, Ms. Park. I didn't recognize you. Uhmm... Vice President's office is on the 9th floor. I'm heading there too." Hye Yeon said. Soo Jung looks at Hye Yeon carefully. Then she gazes at her I.D. and read it.

"Choi Hye Yeon, Production Assistant." Soo Jung said and looks up at her face. Hye Yeon nodded and smiles awkwardly. The elevator door opens and Soo Jung enters first. Hye Yeon follows her and she pressed the number nine on the buttons. The door closes and they start to ascend.

Hye Yeon remains quiet but Soo Jung speaks. "I've read that you're good friends with Dong Joon and Ji Eun."

"Ahh.. yes, Ms. Park." Hye Yeon said.

"You're also Cha Gwang Jae's sister and Lee Jung Woo's girlfriend." Soo Jung said.


Soo Jung smiles. "Good thing you still keep your private life." Hye Yeon looks back at her and just smile. The elevator door opens. Soo Jung held her hand out, pertaining that Hye Yeon should lead the way. Hye Yeon walks out first followed by Soo Jung. She leads her to Park Dong Joon's office. Hye Yeon waves her hand to Haru and Haru stands up to open the door for them. Hye Yeon lets Soo Jung enter first.

Dong Joon is busy reading something on his computer when Haru informs him that he has a guest. When he looks at the door, he immediately saw his sister Soo Jung.

"Noona." Dong Joon said as he stands up. Soo Jung approaches him and hugs him.

"Ommo. Our Dong Joon is getting married in a few days." Soo Jung said as she let go of him. Dong Joon smiles but it didn't reach his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Dong Joon asked.

"I'm having lunch with some friends later. I decided to drop by to see you before the wedding. I'm staying with Mom and Dad. You're supposed to stay with us before the wedding." Soo Jung points out.

"I'll be there the day after tomorrow." Dong Joon assures his sister. Hye Yeon knocks on the door so Dong Joon and Soo Jung look at her direction. Hye Yeon smiles and lifts the folder she's carrying to show it to Dong Joon. Soo Jung looks back at her brother and she noticed something. He's smiling genuinely now and there's a spark in his eyes.

"Ms. Choi, come in." Dong Joon said. Dong Joon leads his sister to sit on the sofa. Hye Yeon approaches them.

"What is it?" Dong Joon asks her.

"These documents need your approval and signature." Hye Yeon said as she places the documents on the table.

"I see. Thank you." Dong Joon said. "Oh, by the way, Ji Eun said that you gave her a surprise bridal shower. She showed me the couple apron and mugs that you gave her. It's adorable."

Hye Yeon smiles shyly. "Ahh yes. It was Ye Won's idea. We're really glad that Tae Sun drives us home that night." she paused. "I'll go ahead." she bows and left the room. Dong Joon stares at Hye Yeon until she's out of his sight. Then he looks at the document in front of him to check it.

"How's your work in Canda so far?" Dong Joon asked without even looking at his sister. Soo Jung didn't answer. Dong Joon looks at her and saw her staring at him. "What?"

"You seem to like Choi Hye Yeon-ssi." she said.

"What are you talking about?" Dong Joon said in a defensive voice. Soo Jung laughs. "How silly. Dong Joon-ah, we may be living apart now but I know you. You're my brother. When I enter a while ago, you smile but your eyes are sad. But when she enters, you l

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Chapter 52: Awwww I am really touched that you mentioned me. Thank you.
I am very happy with this ending. This couple went through so much that they deserved a happy ending. You set it in a very romantic setting too. I loved that they both helped at the restaurant and how he handled unwanted attention- Wow!
I am just very pleased with your story and I really liked that it was non-Kpop. In my mind I can picture it as a drama, I would watch it for sure. Thank you again!!!
Chapter 50: I hope this means a reconsiliation! <33
Chapter 49: This is sad and painful. This poor couple has been through a lot.....A LOT!!! I hope their wait is not a long one.
Thank you for the update.
Chapter 48: The Yeon will need to tell Dong Joon soon what is happening to her along with setting up therapy sessions. Poor girl. Thank you for the update.
Chapter 46: I am so glad that she is awake!!
Chapter 45: Oh my goodness! These poor people! So much drama and heart ache.
You are doing so well in this story!!
Chapter 44: Hye Yeon is such a good and sweet character. She is treating Jun Woo's mother so well while she is on vacation with her boyfriend. I really hope the best for her.
Thank you for the update!
Chapter 43: There was a lot packed into this chapter! I felt bad for Jung Woo, depression is a horrible feeling so I am glad you write that he will be getting help.
Then you added some cute fluff :-)
Then you ended with some suspense!!
Good chapter! Plus I read your blog, thank you for the update.
Chapter 42: I loved this chapter. You are doing so well with this story.
Chapter 41: Am with Yoo An on this one, I got a bad feeling too. Something bad is going down at the party.....