32. Kim Chang-Min

Across The Universe
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Juhyun’s tears were non-stopping.

If Lady Miyoung would ignore her for the entire journey because Leader Taeyeon wasn’t with her, then Juhyun wouldn’t be able to live through it. If Lady Miyoung was so brokenhearted by her actions and felt betrayed by her handmaiden, Juhyun had to do something to cleanse all those feelings away.

If Lady Miyoung needed Leader Taeyeon to smile again, then Juhyun would bring that man back to her Lady Master no matter the cost!

Juhyun used the fabric of her clothes to dry her tears out and forced herself to not let her face show the intimate despair she was feeling inside. Gulping a few times, and adjusting her hair and posture, Juhyun approached the entrance gate of Stoneguard.

Two keepers came closer to her, taking a good look at her overall appearance. She was paler than most people in the Red Mountains, and the ordinary hanbok she was wearing from Stoneguard made her look like an outsider. She was somewhat afraid the keepers could take her as Taeyeon’s friend if she wasn’t careful enough.

“Speak your name.” The keeper questioned.

“Seo Juhyun.” She answered, firmly. She kept her trembling hands behind her back.

“Why are you entering the village of Stoneguard?”

“I serve the Mi Family Clan, originated from Kangwon’s Province.” She answered, reminding herself of the fake identities Heechul and Lady Miyoung used to get through the gate earlier. “My masters spent a couple of days at Stonegard heading their way to Gwangju, but they’ve forgotten a very precious thing in the village. And they asked me to come back and get it for them.”

The keepers exchanged looks to one another.

“I see. While in the village, have you seen this man?” They brought Leader Taeyeon’s bounty poster up.

“No, sir.” She shook her head. “I accompanied my masters at all times when they were staying at Stoneguard. And they’ve been using the high-end inns and spring saunas to enjoy the village. I’m afraid this man is poor and in no possession of money. I don’t think we’ve ever crossed paths during our stay, Mi’lord.” Juhyun answered, trying to be firm with her words.

The keepers nodded their heads, seemingly believing her. As they moved their head affirmatively to the others behind them, the west gate was finally opened. Juhyun gulped and bowing her head to the men, she allowed herself to enter the village once again.

The sky was getting darker and darker as it was already dusk by the time she decided to re-enter the city. People were already preparing meals for dinner time and gathering around barns and public houses.

Juhyun didn’t know exactly where to first start looking for Leader Taeyeon as the boy could be anywhere in that city. Think, Juhyun, think! Where he could be? A brothel maybe? Leader Taeyeon had spent a whole day in a brothel before, back in Midsummar, maybe he is doing it again in Stoneguard? Juhyun blinked. No. He wouldn’t dare. Leader Taeyeon had honour with him, Juhyun recalled, and she highly doubted he would spend time in brothels when he needed to escape that place as quickly as possible.

So where should she start looking?

With no better ideas in mind, Juhyun decided to go back to Mister Hae-Sun’s tavern. Maybe she could ask him which direction Leader Taeyeon had gone. She just hoped the bar wasn’t full of people or it would be a little embarrassing for her to search a wanted man in such a crowded place.

As she put herself in front of the tavern, there was a big sign in both chinese and hangul letters written “Closed.” Juhyun frowned her brows.

Closed? Why would Hae-Sun close his tavern when the evening had just begun? So many people would come out to eat and drink in his pub, why would he not put it open? Unless something happened to him?

And if something happened to him, it might have happened because he helped Leader Taeyeon.

Feeling a little anxious, Juhyun threw herself against the door of the pub, trying to open it forcefully. The door didn’t bulge and Juhyun tried once again. Juhyun clenched her fists, looking around to see if someone noticed her strange behavior. Apparently, no one did. Taking a one or two steps back, she took a bit of impulse and brutally kicked the door up. When the door creaked, Juhyun exhaled in relief.

She quickly entered the bar, closing the door on her way in. She looked around the place and found it dark and empty. “Mister Hae-Sun?” She called for the owner of the place, but got no replies. She walked closer to the counter and called Hae-Sun’s name one more time. “Mister Hae-Sun?”

When silence prevailed in the place, Juhyun decided to climb the stairs and go to Leader Taeyeon’s room. Maybe the two men were there making an escape plan or something. Juhyun knocked the door three times before getting tired of waiting for an answer, and walked inside.

Her eyes widened when she noticed Leader Taeyeon’s belongings still there. His sword was leaning against the wall, his satchel was on top of a small table beside his bed, and the bag he kept his tent up was in the corner of the room.

“Leader Taeyeon?” She called for him, but was aware no one would really answer.

Why would even Leader Taeyeon try to escape the village without his sword? That made no sense. If the boy needed to leave some of his stuff behind, certainly it wouldn’t be his sword.

Something certainly happened to him.

Was he attacked by bounty hunters? Did people already come up to collect his head? Juhyun started to feel bad about the whole situation. The memories of her voting for Gwangju instead of Taeyeon made her feel extremely guilty. If she voted for Leader Taeyeon, the whole group would have come back here and maybe it was in time to save him.

But she voted for Gwangju. Because she wanted to save Lady Miyoung.

She gulped, feeling bad and embarrassed with herself. Not only did she vote for Gwangju, allowing hunters to find Leader Taeyeon, but that made Lady Miyoung get mad at her.

Juhyun let her head fall down. “I’m sorry, Lady Miyoung.” She pitied, feeling sad for her lady master. It was all Juhyun’s fault. If she had followed Lady Miyoung’s wishes and heart, Leader Taeyeon could still be with them.

What would happen now?

“I’m going to save Leader Taeyeon!” “I’m going to bring him back to you!” She recalled saying towards Lady Miyoung.

And now that she was back to Stoneguard, Juhyun had to find a way to save Leader Taeyeon and bring him back to Lady Miyoung! So Lady Miyoung could smile again. So Lady Miyoung could be safe again. No matter the cost, Seo Juhyun had to bring Kim Taeyeon back to Hwang Miyoung!

Juhyun picked his sword up and put it on her back, adjusting the height of the belt of its sheath to be comfortable around her torso. His satchel quickly found its place over her shoulder, and although she would have liked to get his tent bag, there was no way Juhyun would be able to move with all that weight on hers. So, she decided to get what she regarded as essential only and moved on from his room with his sword and satchel along her.

As she climbed down from the stairs, she approached the counter again, calling for Mister Hae-Sun one last time. Just to be sure. When she obtained no answer, Juhyun turned around to leave.

When her shoes stepped over shards of glass, Juhyun looked at her feet. Small shards of glasses were scattered around the floor near the counter. A trail of a transparent liquid was gathering over a little hole on the floor near a certain table.

Someone was drinking there and dropped a glass on the floor, breaking it to pieces.

Juhyun touched the liquid and brought her fingers to her nose. She sniffed, trying to tell if there was an odd smell or scent that could indicate a drug or poison or anything like that. It smelled just like green tea.

Leader Taeyeon? Juhyun wondered. He liked green tea. Juhyun remembered him asking for green tea to Mister Hae-Sun when they were all together at that tavern. If he was the one drinking it, why would he throw the glass on the floor and break it?

Did a fight break out?

Juhyun gulped, feeling her heart beating faster. A fight broke out when Leader Taeyeon was not in possession of his sword. Bounty hunters might have come to the pub, recognized Taeyeon as the wanted boy from the poster and led him to the City Hall to collect his bounty. And they brought Mister Hae-Sun along with him!

And now what she should do?

How could she help Leader Taeyeon when he was under arrest? Was he brought dead to Master Shin? Juhyun couldn’t tell.

But she had to think of something. She had to rescue Leader Taeyeon!

Juhyun exited the bar, looking around her to see any sort of commotion happening. People have already lit lanterns and flames up to illuminate the village as the night had already settled. Claps and dances and laughter were crowding the area, making Juhyun feel a little lost.

When she saw some people gathered in front of the City Hall, Juhyun ran towards them, and sneaked herself through the crowd in order to see what was going on. The bounty poster of Leader Taeyeon now had a seal that read Captured in bright red color. Two Military officers were keeping the entrance safe from any visitor. A third officer, wearing golden tunics, walked outside and cleared his throat. His face looked around the crowd before starting to speak.

“Kim Taeyeon has been captured.” He warned, loudly, for everyone to hear. “The boy had been brought to us earlier this afternoon!” Juhyun clenched her fists.

“Is his head really worth 100 gold?” Someone in the crowd asked the guard.

“Did he really murder Master Hwang?” Another voice echoed.

“Yes. He is that dangerous!” Liar. Juhyun thought to herself. “The boy now has to suffer the consequences of his actions! We will not allow such acts of betrayal to happen on our lands!”

“What’s gonna happen to him?”

“His days are coming to an end!” Juhyun heard her heartbeat irrationally faster. No, no. Leader Taeyeon. Was he about to die? “He shall be executed!” A couple of gasps and claps were heard. Juhyun tried to maintain her composure.

“Tonight?” A man asked nearby.

“Master Shin is on his way to Stoneguard and shall be the one delivering the boy’s farewell.” Master Shin is coming to Stoneguard? Juhyun gulped, feeling her chest tighter. That man will have no pity over Leader Taeyeon. He will have him slaughtered.

“When Master Shin is arriving?”

“He shall arrive here by tomorrow evening.” The guard answered.

Juhyun tightened her fists together. She had to come up with a plan quickly to save the bastard boy or he would be dead meat by two days' time. She had to rescue him and escape that city before Master Shin set his foot to that village!

But how would she manage to do that?

“Leave, now. Go to your home and enjoy dinner. The bastard boy has been captured and you all shall rest well tonight. There is nothing to be worried about.” The man finished talking.

As the people started moving around and leaving the place, Juhyun stood there in front of the officer lodge. Would Leader Taeyeon be inside that lodge? Or would he have been taken prisoner to a different place? She didn’t know. She couldn’t know.

Feeling her stomach upset, Juhyun got back to Mister Hae-Sun’s tavern. How could she even save the bastard boy if Juhyun didn’t know his location? How could she possibly find Leader Taeyeon there and rescue him without guards even considering she could be a friend of his? There was no way she could fool the army of Shin Yunsuk so easily. It was impossible. She was outnumbered, outplanned and outmanned. What could she do?

What would Leader Taeyeon do?

When the

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I'll try speed up my chapter updates. One month is a long time between chapters so I truly apologize for making you guys wait so long for a new chapter.

I hope you guys enjoy what will be coming next and see you next time =)


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tehafaieha #1
Where are you author Nim? when will you update this gems💎?! We still waiting for u update this precious story..we want to know the ending.. please continue to update again.. please author 🥺🙏
qiugui #2
still not updated😭
Still here 😞 author pls comeback 😭
Chapter 58: Pls update soon auth
Movie91 #5
Still here, patiently waiting.
come here again..miss this story..take your time authorshi..thank you
Chapter 58: I finally caught up. I squeezed the hell out of my pillow when miyoung said "worth more than all the jewels and gemstone in the world" 😭😭😭
RiaMaee #8
Author-nimmmmm!!!😭please, I'm begging you to continue this storyyyy😭😭😭 this is my 100 times checking this story if there has been an update
RiaMaee #9
Author-nimmmmm!!!😭please, I'm begging you to continue this storyyyy😭😭😭 this is my 100 times checking this story if there has been an update
tehafaieha #10
Chapter 58: Author-nimmmmm😭 where are youuu!! please come back again author-nimm.. please continue this precious story...we miss your update!!😭 Please don't take to long author...🙏🙏🙏