Five Benefits

Friends With Benefit


Haha no I lied :')

My wrist is still in a cast but at least it doesn't hurt as much now for me to move my fingers ^^

Will be slightly more active from now on but no update(s) yet! >< sowwy

This little fluffy piece is for my first anniversary here in AFF because how could I not :"3

Dedicated to the crackiest of the crack ship that is quickly climbing my list of OTP -_- can they like... off

Anyway... enjoy! <3






Not many knows that Park Jihyo of TWICE and Son Wendy alias Son Seungwan from Red Velvet are friends with each other. Sometimes, Jihyo herself doesn't know if she's friends with the little energetic ball of sunshine. She doesn't even remember why, since when, and how the heck did they become friends. One day Wendy just kinda... materializes, showing up here and there in Jihyo's life while at the same time she's not.

It's confusing, but eventually Jihyo gets used to it.

She also has to admit that befriending Wendy has its own benefits.

No, not that kind of benefits, but Wendy's overall kindness mixed with her weird behaviors give Jihyo at least five most prominent benefits she ever experienced in her life.







Jihyo clears , hands rubbing her upper arms nervously as she steps inside Red Velvet's dorm.

"What exactly do you need me to do here?"

Wendy twirls on her heels with a happy face, almost making Jihyo feeling guilty for being so suspicious of the older girl. Don't blame Jihyo for being suspicious. Because Wendy literally dragged her out of her dorm, saying, "My members aren't home. Come with me."

Jihyo had been taught to be wary of any questionable people out there, and Wendy tops that list in her mental note.

Then Wendy grins, hands clasped over Jihyo's as she excitedly pulls the younger girl.

"Let's go to my bedroom."

Wow, that raises the suspicion level to 100.

Jihyo gulps, worried over what kind of shenanigan Wendy is going to do as she lets herself being led by the older vocalist. She follows Wendy obediently though her mind races on forming plans on how to escape the dorm if Wendy decides to pull something stupid on her. The older yet shorter girl looks innocent enough, though, so Jihyo gives Wendy a tiny bit benefit of doubt.

"Okay, so," Wendy speaks once they reach her bedroom, pushing Jihyo to the bed and close the door carefully.

Jihyo eyes the nightstand lamp with huge interest.

The Red Velvet vocalist chuckles, oblivious of the younger's nervousness when she rummages the rack under her TV. "Yesterday, I bought a movie, and I planned to watch this today with Seul. But Irene-unnie suddenly asked her to go on a date and, well, knowing Seulgi, she forgets our plan and ditched me. Yeri and Joy are both having a few solo schedules so I was left to watch this alone. Which I, of course, can't because I'm a coward."

Then, she turns, showing Jihyo a DVD box of "Hereditary". Jihyo breathes out in relief.

Oh, it seems like she's just too paranoid. Like, come on. It's just Wendy. What's the worst that tiny Canadian could do? She wouldn't even kill a fly.

"So, because you're afraid of watching alone, you brought me here to keep you company?"

Wendy nods.

Jihyo seems concerned over the older girl. "You do realize I'm more of a coward than you are, right?"

Wendy doesn't answer as she takes out a jar from behind her back. "I baked you red velvet cookies."


Jihyo leans back on the pillows and crosses her legs over each other. "Play it."

Wendy's expression brightens in seconds, frantically turning on her TV and DVD player and sets everything up. After she's finished, she jumps to the bed, nesting right beside Jihyo with the cookie jar between them. Jihyo doesn't wait for the movie to start to pick a piece of cookie offered by the host.

Even though she ends up being the one scared out of her wits and has to hide her face into Wendy's hair, at least Jihyo gets her daily supply of self-made cookies. Wendy's cookies worth the many attacks her heart experiences today.







Jihyo do you know that ducks can breath through their ?



Tf unnie


Jihyo glares at her phone screen as she struggles to comprehend what the hell is wrong with Wendy's head. She's currently at the backstage to prepare a special performance with her group, but then Wendy just decides to be weird and send a random wildlife fact to her. She knows that Wendy is also here, somewhere in her own waiting room, probably either bored or just wants to mess with Jihyo.




Like that's so weird

Why from the , though?

Real weird




YOU'RE weird


Sighing, Jihyo puts her phone down. She reaches for the mascara in its pack, carefully applying the makeup to her eyes. She could hear her members doing all sort of ruckus behind her which she blissfully ignores.



"Oy, Dahyun! Chaeyoung! Quit running around and come here for fitting!"

"Calm down, Nabongs, they're just enjoying life as they're still young."

"What do you mean by that Yoo do you think I'm old?!"

"No, it's... oh God..."

"Tzuyu-ah you look so pretty~"

"I know. Thanks Sana-unnie."


"Momoring please stop eating you should put on makeup."

"Wueait Miwang the ruamuen ish howt–"

Jihyo sighs again when her phone vibrates with a small shriek of "happiness!" from the speaker. She will blow up if teased about this, but she had "begrudgingly" set Wendy's notification to that of Red Velvet's introduction speech so she would know immediately if it's Wendy who texts her. She might sometimes be annoyed by Wendy's weird and random conversations, but she also secretly adores the coughattentioncough and the memes Wendy sends her.



I'm bored

Seulrene unnies are at it again

I swear if Seul's a guy I would have five nieces already from them only

And Joyri, omg

They're getting bolder now that Yerm is of legal age


Aren't you bored?

How are your members?

I'm very bored

Please tell me you're bored


Wanna meet up?



Rooftop in 15 minutes




My bestie!

I'll bring you ice cream <3


They really do end up hanging around on the rooftop a few minutes later. The ice cream Wendy brings her is her favorite, and now Jihyo is leaning on the railing eating the gift with Wendy beside her, both simply enjoying the breeze in serenity.

Until Wendy opens again.

"Hey, Jihyo."


"I saw you on r/kpopfap yesterday."


"You look really gorgeous. I saved the gif in my phone."












It's Saturday. TWICE's comeback is coming closer and closer and honestly, Jihyo is beyond nervous.

Whatever happens to her, she doesn't know, but she feels like her high note in "Fancy" is lacking something. She likes the one in the recording, but it's a different thing altogether when she performs it. It gives her anxiety of not being able to deliver her best to her fans.

That's not good. She should do something about it, if at least it will help her to sleep at night.

So here she is, in the basement of Red Velvet apartment where Wendy's personal training room is located, along with the older vocalist to ask for her help to practice her vocals.

"Okay, so what is it that you feel lacking from your performance?" Wendy asks, the Canadian already playing the music and dances following Jihyo's previous example. "From what you've shown me before, I think it's decent."

Jihyo pouts and stomps her feet. "Just 'decent' is not enough. I want it to be extraordinary."

"Like what? Like–" Wendy belts an F5.

Jihyo, unabashedly, slaps Wendy on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You know I can't do that." Jihyo moans sadly. "You're just mocking me."

"I didn't, though." Wendy frowns. "Listen, that note I just sang is quite extraordinary for me. But your own 'extraordinary' is different from mine. You should just find the one you're comfortable and powerful most, not just belting out notes as high as you can. Remember to put your own well-being before the fans, okay?"

"Says the one going all out on RBB." Jihyo huffs, referring to Wendy's latest comeback.

Wendy simply shrugs. "As I say, comfort. I'm still good doing that but you're clearly pushing yourself too much. Just do what you're okay with the most."

The Canadian sighs when Jihyo still looks troubled, so she shakes her head and steps closer to the younger girl. "Alright, let's try it again. I'll point out things you can improve."

Jihyo's previously stormy face lightens up at the promise. "Will you, unnie?"

Wendy nods. "Well, for a starter," she puts her hand on Jihyo's chest, "I think you're pulling your chest voice too much when you sing. You should try doing mix or even utilizing your head voice for this."

Silence befalls them.

Jihyo looks down to Wendy's hand. "Unnie, those are my s you're grabbing."

Wendy stares at Jihyo. Flat. "Pulling your chest voice too much could make you sound strained and cracked–"

"You're not going to let it go soon, don't you."

"–so you better use your head voice. Another thing, the dance routine for 'Fancy' is, to me, also a bit difficult, so you might want to preserve–"

"Fine. But do anything else and I'll punch you."

"–energy to give your high note more 'bite'," squish, "to it."


Later that night, Irene screams when she finds Wendy curling on the couch, sporting a massive bruise on her face with all five Red Velvet colors present on her skin.






Jihyo supposes, it will all come down to this. Fame makes her vulnerable to rumors from the most harmless one to the one that brings actual destruction. Being the leader of the top girl group in her era doesn't make it less difficult. She has had her share of scandals, and yet, this one is the one hurts her the most. She doesn't know who the hell is stupid enough to spread a mis-information to this caliber, but the damage is done, less to her reputation but most to her heart.

"Park Jihyo of TWICE is involved in the Burning Sun case"

Thank you, random reporter. I hope you'll rot in hell soon enough.

Burning Sun. That's such a sensitive topic nowadays. The sun is burning, people burning, companies burning as well. Jihyo wonders how the heck did that one random reporter come up with the idea that she was involved in the case.

Mind you, she doesn't, she didn't, and she'll never will.

She, though, will happily commit murder to those disgusting men dared to even breathe in this already tarnished world if asked. But she can't, so she endures the harsh words and accusations coming her way as she lets her company take care of the false rumor. She'll just prepare for their upcoming concert in Japan to take her mind out of everything. She won't cry, no, that random reporter does not deserve her tears no matter how painful her heart feels like right now.

Then, her phone rings.

Jihyo, startled, quickly rummages her bag with difficulty considering how she's squished between Dahyun and Jeongyeon. She knows that the other two are staring at her, both worried and pitiful, but she ignores them not to further widen the hollow in her chest. She promises herself not to cry for something like this and hell she won't break it.

The girl doesn't spare a glance to her phone screen when she answers the call.


Silence for a while.

She thinks it's her parents, but before she could speak, the caller clears .

"Woah, sorry. The reception here is kinda bad."

Jihyo's the one falling to silence now.



"Aren't you in America?"

"I am."

"Oh, wow. Kinda surprised to have you calling me when you're busy with your concert."

"Yeah, no kidding," Wendy laughs, "I'm surprised myself."

The small laughter Wendy gives is contagious, and Jihyo finds herself giggling as well. "So? What is it? Why are you calling me?"

Jihyo could hear Wendy chuckling for another few seconds, before the older girl's voice turns softer. "I just want you to know something."

"Hm? What is it?"

A pause.

Jihyo grows impatient. "Unnie, what is it?"

Another pause, Wendy inhales.

"You will be okay, Ji."

And Jihyo breaks.

She wonders how the hell those five soft, whispered words could destroy the defense she had intricately built. It's as if Wendy had just taken the most crucial yet also the most fragile piece out of the fortress around her heart with just a simple sentence. She had promised herself not to cry, but the waterworks are only getting more and more intense as Jeongyeon and Dahyun wrap their arms around her.

There's just too much; too much to feel, to think, to be mindful of; and the constant barrage of questions, of accusations and hate are too much for her heart to take. She cries, ugly tears streaming down her face as she wails uncontrollably to the welcoming silence from Wendy's side. She doesn't mind the silence, because she knows that Wendy listens and understands, knows that Wendy is here with her wholesome support.

Because she needs the silence break Wendy offers to escape from all the noises the outside world makes.

"U-unnie." Jihyo sobs, miserable. "Unnie..."

"I'm here," Wendy calls back, voice as gentle as she could be. "I'm here, Ji. Let it all out. It's okay. It's okay."

Jihyo continues her horrible bawling until their van arrives at the airport. Somehow, draining out all her tears drain her out of her negative emotions, too, and she finds herself feeling somewhat better after crying the whole way to the airport to Wendy. She sobs, inhaling much needed air and addresses Wendy with a crack in her voice.



Ah, Wendy's still connected. She doesn't leave despite having to hear Jihyo wailing to her ears for the past thirty minutes. It warms her chest and Jihyo finds her heart flutter.

"T-thank you."

Jihyo could hear the smile in Wendy's next words. "I'm glad."

It puts a smile on her face as well, despite still ruined by her tears. "I'm... I'm feeling better now. I have to go... we have arrived at the airport."

"Okay," Wendy mumbles. "Call you later?"



Jihyo chuckles, heart lifted by how relieved Wendy sounds. She's about to close the call, but she waits for a while for Wendy to speak her signature final words.

"Fighting, Ji. Annyeong."

Jihyo exhales.

"You too, unnie. Annyeong."






"So how was Hawaii?"

Jihyo turns her head to the voice beside her, grinning when she sees Wendy raising her eyebrow at her. She simply sighs and leans back to the car seat before she answers, "Hawaii was good. I love it there. You should go there sometimes, unnie."

"I see." Wendy smiles, her gaze back at the road they're taking. "I'm glad you enjoyed that."


The faint rumble of the car's AC fills the atmosphere as Wendy continues to drive through the night. Seoul never sleep, as shown by the amount of cars around them, even when the clock on the dashboard already shows 11 p.m.

Having a short vacation time after the tour and the comeback filming in Hawaii, Jihyo decided to return back to Korea earlier than her friends, together with Jeongyeon and Nayeon. And Wendy, despite her busy schedule as she's currently in a promotion period, offered to take Jihyo out for a ride and dinner to catch up with each other. Of course, Jihyo would never deny an offer for free food.

"I watched your stage when I was in Hawaii," Jihyo starts again after Wendy rounds a corner. She notes that the older tilts her head slightly so she continues. "You look happy. Is this comeback that exciting to you?"

Wendy chuckles. "Yup. Zimzalabim is... for the lack of a better word, weird. But all five of us all love that song. Can't say the same for the outfit, though."

"Haha, yeah. What the hell was that green thing they made you wear, unnie?"

"It was a bag. I thought it was cute at first but now I hate myself for suggesting that for my stylist."

"I knew it was your idea to use that thing. Your stylist shouldn't have been thrown under a bus because of that."

Jihyo's laughter echoes in the small interior of the car, making Wendy roll her eyes but giggle herself at the remembrance of her own silliness. The conversation flows after that, mostly talking about TWICE's upcoming comeback. Jihyo promises to give Wendy a Jihyo-set copy of the album, just like Wendy who had given Jihyo her own Wendy-set album for free.

Yes, the ultimate benefit of befriending an idol by being an idol yourself is the one and only free comeback album trade.

Kudos to Kim Taeyeon for basically forcing CL to trade albums and being the one starting this tradition amongst idol groups.

"We're here, princess," Wendy mutters as her car stops in front of TWICE's dorm building. She looks up for a while, noticing that most of the lights are out except for the front porch and the living room. She turns her attention back to Jihyo, who is still sitting at the passenger seat just not with the safety belt anymore.

The older girl laughs when Jihyo tilts her head, looking as if she's expecting something.


"Well, I'm hoping for a proper goodbye," Jihyo says, shrugging her shoulders. "You won't forget that, right?"

Wendy laughs again, before she takes off her own safety belt and leans closer. But Jihyo beats her as the younger loops her arms around Wendy's neck. She pulls, rather impatiently, letting their lips meet as Wendy easily put her palm on Jihyo's jaw.

Nothing else matters for them now, only the warm feeling of their connected lips could be felt. Jihyo shivers at the soft touch of Wendy's fingers on her skin and the way the older deepens their kiss. Wendy's always been bold, demanding, but at the same time she's all fluff and comfort and Jihyo doesn't want it any other way.

Wendy chases her lips when they part, stealing another peck or two until Jihyo tugs her hair.

"Is that a proper enough goodbye?" the older asks, a naughty twinkle in her eyes shadowed by longing.

Jihyo heaves a breath, fingers tangling itself between Wendy's short hair. She pulls Wendy again until their lips ghost over each other. "Stay the night," she whispers, noting the way Wendy's brown eyes darken. "Nayeon-unnie and Jeongyeon-unnie aren't here."

Wendy visibly gulps, tempted, but she shakes her head and moves away. "I have a recording at 3 a.m. tomorrow. I'm sorry."

"Ah, too bad."

"After your tour," Wendy promises without missing a beat. "After your tour."

"I can't wait." Jihyo giggles, blowing a small kiss to the tip of Wendy's nose. "Night, unnie."

Wendy smiles, and pecks Jihyo again. "Good night, love."






Okay, so they aren't friends. Not anymore, at least.

They started as friends, sure, but now Jihyo is proud enough to call Wendy as her girlfriend. The older vocalist's weirdness and random quirks are still there, though Jihyo admits that she loves all those different spectrum packed inside Wendy's petite stature. There's a lot of benefits being Wendy's friend, more so being Wendy's girlfriend (Jihyo gets that benefit regularly too, now), and Jihyo doesn't regret even a single second of knowing Son Wendy in her life.






But with Wendy's "friendship" benefits comes also annoyance, and sometimes Jihyo wishes she's heartless enough to just wrestle her girlfriend right here and right now just to erase that teasing habit of hers.


Midget send a link:

WenRene moments compilation – Zimzalabim era



Unnie I swear to God send me something like this again and Imma block you for real




I find that cute

Are you jealous? :3









As long as you only kiss me




My gf is so kiyowo omg

Lemme kiss you :***









I don't accept virtual kiss

Only the real one












Jihyo, my girl

ing prepare yourself for when you touchdown Seoul from the tour

I'll give you a kiss you'll never forget until the afterlife




I'll have your words for that ;)

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