
`consequences : conflict of interest
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  chapter three The First Typhoon

“We've survived for decades.”

― Namgil, Certified Bussines Man. 


10AM - Loki ( Coffee Shop near the National Assembly Building )
"I can't believe you drag you me here." Sangyeob whines as he take his seat across his former wife.
"You're lucky I didn't decided to barges in to your office and make a fuss there." she said after sipping her americano.
"Get to the point, what do you want?"
Jihyun chuckles sarcastically when he said that, "What do i want? I simply want you to stop thinking only yourself, and let my boy lives the life he wants." 
"Oh, he told you?" 
"I can't believe you did that to him."
"I told him that he can take his time, get to know her first and let things run naturally."
"You know damn well that he respect you and you used it againts him."
"I was just trying to make things easy for him."
"Easy for him?" Jihyun quoted his word, "Or easy for you?" 
"He's my son too, okay. Stop being so possesive." he snickers.
"What are you planning, Oppa? I know there must be a hidden agenda."
"Jihyun please, it's been years. isn't it time for you to stop thinking so negatively on me?"
"How can i do it, Oppa? All you did all your life is using the people around you, just to reached your goddamn goals. Not even once thinking about others people feelings."
"See, this is why we didn't work."
"Are you really stil trying to blame it on me??"
"I was working my out there for who? For You and Chanyeol, but you left me to be with that gangster lord!" 
"Oppa! Stop calling him that! And i did not left you because of him. I don't know how many times i have told you that me and him happened way after our divorced!"
Sangyeob rubs his nape and sighs before leaning forward to look straight into her eyes, "Jihyun, Chanyeol is the only one I have in my life. I won't bring any harm to him And I love him, despite on how you think i used him, all i ever want is what's best for him."
Jihyun looks back at Sangyeob big dooey eyes and said, "And despite how much you love him, he deserved to decided what's best for him." 
Sangyeob laughs as he pulls himself back, "Why can't you just let this go? For christsake, you have another son you can get fussy on. While I only have him!"
Jihyun swear she almost throw her coffee to the man infront of him, "Oppa, you really haven't changed at all. I really don't know how to talk to you." she shakes her head and put down few dollar on the table to pay for her coffee then walks out on Sangyeob.
Sangyeob didn't try to stop her, he glance at his phone that vibrating on his pocket. "Prosecutor Kim Jisoo" written on the screen. Sangyeob took his phone and stare at the screen before he finally answers the call. 
"Prosecutor Kim, I've heard you've been looking for me." he said calmly.
"I guess asking your son to be a messenger works well." she said.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" 
"What about coming to my office and explain yourself, Sir? Because I have an interesting testimony that you might wanna heard, and denied the accusation -maybe if it's not true?" 
"Ah, sadly I'm busy. I don't think i have time for confirming whatever rumors you heard about me." he chuckles lightly. 
"Should i come to your place then? since you don't have time to come to my office."
"What a lovely offer, but aren't you supposed to do other thing right now?"
"What could possibly I should do? Because All i have in my agenda is to meet you, Sir" 
"I'm flattered, but I guess you haven't got the notices huh? Anyway I need to go now, Goodluck with your job." he hanged up the phone. 

10AM - Prosecutors Office
Jisoo blinked confusedly after Sangyeob hangs up her phone, what the hell is he talking about. she mumbles by himself. 
Jinwoo entered her room with a thick file on his hands, Jisoo frowns when she see that. "What is it, Sunbae?"
Jinwoo put the files on her desk and pats the top of it. "Your new case, this come straight from the big guy." he said.
Jisoo glance at the title and looks back at his supervisor, "Sunbae, but I.."
"Shush, stop whatever you trying to say." Jinwoo cut her before she started throwing tantrums. 
"This is our top priority now." 
"Sunbae, why? I mean we need to stop Park Sangyeob! Someone else can handle this case!" Jisoo said while holding one of the files. 
"Look, Kim Jisoo. I understand how you feel about Park Sangyeob, but right now, this is our priority." 
"They are inside the prosecutors office.." Jisoo mumbles before she made herself clear, "Sunbae, they are inside our office too!"
"What are you saying Kim Jisoo?" 
"I was on a phone call with Park Sangyeob, he legit said that aren't i supposed to do other thing, and something about i haven't got the notices."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, how come he knew about this case even before you bring this up to me??" 
Jinwoo won't admitted but he does get goosebumps when she said that, thinking about someone in their office is actually Park Sangyeob's people worrying him. 
"Sunbae, I think he's pulling the secretary of defense case forward with the help of people's here. Once the news out about the secretary is being investigates, he won't eligible to do his work anymore as secretary and will forcefully leave his position."
"So you're saying, This whole thing is part of Park Sangyeob is plan? Just To be the next secretary of defense?" 
"An a

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njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #1
Chapter 6: OMG, what an interesting story, I love the way you tell it, how each of the characters connect, the intrigue, the ambition for power, I know you stopped updating a long time ago, but I'll be waiting for if one day You give this story a chance again, I loved it very much, take care of yourself.