Again & Again (Jinjoo - Again pt.2)

Onion's IZ*ONE One Shots Compilation
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Took me months to get this done and now it's finally here! Enjoy!

¤ ♡ ¤


"Big foot! I'm taking your chocolates!"


A duck quacked while she hoarded all the sweets on the junior's table. Annoyed by the pet name used to her, Yujin whacked her senior with a baton at the back of her head.


"Ow!" Yena exclaimed and rubbed the severed area.


"I told you to stop calling me Big Foot!"


"You didn't need to hit me that hard! Geez, it feels like all the things I studied has been shaken off."


"As if I will believe that you studied anything." Yujin rolled her eyes as she plopped back down on her seat.


"Sorry to disappoint you, but I really did. Yuri has been helping me study harder these days so I'm gonna take all these and offer it to her as a token of gratitude." The senior smiled dreamily while hugging the plastic bag full of chocolates and candies that the Track Team's Star Player received from her admirers from different departments and year levels.


"If that's how being in love turns me into, I'm backing out." Yujin grimaced as she opened her bottled water. Yena made a face.


"Oh yeah? Then, you should stop stalking that Literature Major."


Yujin ended up choking on her water and spilled the liquid on her shirt. She glared at the duck but Yena only smirked at her.


"I-It's not stalking!"


"Ahh, yes, of course. Because you are famous and pretty much a handsome-looking girl, we shall therefore call it admiring."


Yujin could already feel her cheeks burning. She tried to hide it but Yena knew her well and continued further with the teasing.


"Kim Minjoo is a beauty, right? Everyone calls her a nerd but she's a complete package."


"You're talking like you have a crush on her. Should I tell this to Yuri unnie and see what she does to you?"


"It's called art appreciation. I aced that class that's why Yuri chose me, so your threat is rather useless."


Yujin scrunched her nose. "What's your point really?"


Yena grinned at her. "I'm glad you asked." Then she plopped down on the seat next to the young track star and pulled her close by anchoring her arm around the neck.


"When are you going to make a move?" The duck whispered to her ear and blew on it. Yujin squirmed from her senior's hold and violently pushed her away. Yena just laughed at her. "Time to make use of those big feet of yours and go to her building. I know you've been dying to ask her out."


Yujin was torn between melting in her seat out of embarassment or grilling the duck for dinner. But she settled on beating her up with her foot. Yena tried to dodge her attacks and stumbled off her chair. The younger girl ended up having the time of her life laughing at her senior.


"Hah! That's what you get!"



"Yah! Ahn Yujin!"



A husky-toned voice yelled from the door and the track star stiffened in her seat. Quick steps came towards their direction then she felt a smack at the back of her head. Yujin curled in her seat and clenched her head as the newcomer went to help the duck up on her feet.


"You're both so violent." Yena commented as she pulled Yuri close to her, warapping her arms around the shorter girl's waist.


"I don't know about that dog but I'm just being protective. Can't have anyone hurting my ducky now, can I?" Yuri reached for Yena's cheeks and squeezed them together, the ducks lips protruded further.


Yujin almost literally puked seeing the couple in front of her. She made a gagging sound as she stood up from her seat.


"Both of you are so disgusting with each other. Yuck!"


"You're the one to talk. I bet Kim Minjoo can make you do much worse than us." Yena spat and Yujin just flipped her off with a finger.




Yujin moved away from the two as Yena stopped Yuri from hitting her again. She made her way out of the room as swift as she can before the violent hamster could escape from the duck's hold.



She initially planned on staying in the club room until their evening training but all of that is thrown out the window now. She finds herself wandering around the campus grounds and going in and out of some buildings, returning some dimpled smiles towards her fans she met on the way.


Her feet subconsciously led her to the Arts and Sciences building, specifically in front of the library. It didn't take long for her to figure out why she stood there especially when she saw the time on her watch.


It's past five already: the usual schedule for the Literature Major to be off her afternoon classes and sticks her nose in more books in the library until seven in the evening.


Of course, Yujin knows her schedule. She's that dedicated to following her interest's daily schedule albeit her excuses and denials that she bears a crush on the campus nerd.


Contrary to the public's view though, to Ahn Yujin, Kim Minjoo is not a nerd. She's just a hardworking and studious honor student. A complete opposite of her lazy and carefree nature.



Perhaps that is why she's attracted to her?






"What a surprise it is to see the ever so famous Ahn Yujin wandering around here." A girl with her thick Japanese accent spoke behind the athlete. Yujin recognized the owner of the voice and slyly turned her head towards the Biology senior.


"I have classes here, you know."


Miyawaki Sakura raised her brows, the corners of her lips curving upwards. "Really? Let me guess, is it KMJ101?"




"Kim Minjoo 101." Yujin's eyes grew wide in contrast to Sakura's teasing smirk. "It's pointless for you to deny it now. I'm always keeping an eye on Minjoo and it's not new for me to see you lurking around the area where she's at."


Yujin bit the insides of her cheeks. She's long been caught. She chewed on it for a bit before clicking her tongue and stood up straight in front of the foreigner, feigning a confident smirk.


"And what's wrong with that? It's not like I'm bothering her or anything."


"I must be an idiot for thinking you're not dense 'cause you immediately sense it when someone has a crush on you." Sakura blabbered in Japanese and Yujin's forehead creased after hearing everything.


"I can understand Japanese." She told Sakura, flexing the Japanese skills she has attained over the years of going back and forth Japan and Korea because of her parents' business.


"Well, anyway, if you think your flirting isn't bothering Minjoo at all, then you're just as naive as she is. You're both just so mutually yet individually oblivious it makes me want to bump your heads together."


Sakura was already talking in Korean but Yujin suddenly couldn't understand what she was saying. The next thing she knew, a small card was slapped onto her chest and the Japanese pat on it.


"As a concerned foreign citizen and Minjoo's friend, I will help you get to her; but first, you have to get rid of that flirting tendencies of yours. Once you've decided on what to do with that attitude for the entire week, you can come to the club written on that card. Minjoo will be there. And who knows, your encounter on that night might open up something for the both of you?" Sakura winked at her.


"You can bring your teammates if you want."


The Japanese went inside the library immediately after she was done and Yujin was left alone outside, still dumbfounded while she looked at the card given to her.



Highlight Club. An exclusive party club well-known to the students of Enozi University. But not everyone can go inside without an invitation. Luckily for Ahn Yujin, the Biology senior was being generous to her. That's already with a plus that she's given her consent to make a move on Kim Minjoo.


"Wait... Did she just call me a flirt?" She dumbly asked herself.


¤ ♡ ¤


Following what Sakura had told her, she stopped herself from reciprocating any advances made by people who are after her for the entire week and even longer. Everyone assumed that the star athlete was just feeling under the weather because of the tight training schedules, eventually avoiding her as she had rudely answered a girl or two in the hallways.


"What's gotten in to you, bub?" Yena asked, nibbling on a peppero stick after their practice ended. Not a single fan of Yujin was spectating on them during their morning practice for the fourth-straight day. And to her teammates, that's a very unusual situation for them, especially when they're not hearing any pterodactyl screams as she sprints out in the field.


It was pleasantly quiet for everyone.


"Nothing." She answered while she changed into her casual shoes in preparation for her classes that day.


"You being rude to your stalkers, nothing? I may at math but that really just doesn't add up."


Yujin heaved a sigh. "She hates it when I'm being nice to anyone else."


"There's that fine line between being nice and flirting. And you're evidently more of the latter."


"I'm AM just being nice."


"Whatever you say."


Yena bit her lip when the younger glared at her. When Yujin withdrew the look, that's when Yena continued.


"But wait, she? Kim Minjoo?"


Yujin kept silent while she stuffed her training apparel inside her duffel bag. Her senior didn't have plans of letting her go without giving a vocal answer and snatched the strap sway from her just as she was going to fling it over her shoulder.


"So it's really Kim Minjoo?" Yena probed. Yujin just averted her gaze. "Who told you?"


The star athlete sighed and took back her bag's strap. "It doesn't matter who told me, okay? I already made up my mind."


A smirked appeared on the duck's lips, mocking yet, however, looking proud at her junior.


"About damn time, slow poke. I was already getting pissed at your fans. Good to know you're taking initiative this time."


¤ ♡ ¤


HIGHLIGHT really knows how to treat their customers.


Yujin thought as she and her teammates huddled around their reserved table that Saturday night. The guys cheered upon seeing all the booze already served and waiting for them to feast on.


"Let's enjoy the night!" Eunbi, their captain, yelled and the entire table roared with cheers, their voices rising above the loud techno beats blasting off the speakers. Their schoolmates who heard them echoed their cheers as well.


Their vice-captain, Chaeyeon, poured a glass for Yujin and handed it to her, but before she could even chug on it, someone snatched it away from her.




"No drinks for you." Yena said sternly and chugged the content herself. Yujin could only frown as her senior let out a satisfied sigh. The latter's gaze fell on her and tilted the empty glass towards her.


"You want to change your impression on her, right? Then start by not getting drunk tonight."


"I just want a drink." She mumbled and sank back in her seat, cursing at moments when the duck made sensible points.



Her eyes wandered across the dancefloor all the way to the table at the other end of the club. The occupants there were just as rowdy and loud as her teammates, but one particular person caught her entire attention - and maybe the other people's too.


But it's already a given that she'd immediately have her eyes glued to the girl with just her beauty, even amidst the dizzying strobe lights; however, it was what she was doing that had Yujin fix her eyes on Kim Minjoo.


The Literature Major has her nose buried in a book while inside a party club. How much more peculiar can she get?


Yujin failed to stifle a chuckle when she saw how Minjoo coolly declined the drinks Sakura had been forcibly pushing towards her. Yena caught her and shook her head.


"You look like a lovesick puppy."


"This is better than looking like a dog, right?"


Choi Yena choked on her drink. Ahn Yujin laughed like there was no tomorrow.



The night went on with people starting to get drunk and lose theirselves on the dancefloor. Her teammates already blended with the people from the other table who left Minjoo - still busy with her book - with Sakura and Hyewon, another Biology Senior she knows, who both seemed to have a somewhat flirtuous conversation with each other.


Minjoo totally looked out of place and Yujin really wanted to go to her, perhaps to keep her company(?). But just as she was about to, Sakura's gaze shifted towards her direction, then a light shake of the head pulled Yujin back to her seat.


A couple of seconds later, her phone buzzed with a message from an unknown number.


It's not yet time. 
Got your number from the duck.



She looked back up and found Sakura waving her phone at her for a bit before focusing back on Hyewon.


Yujin remained settled in her seat.


¤ ♡ ¤


"So, any plans tonight other than waiting for everyone else to leave?" Yena asked when the party had died down and people were starting to go home. They were the only ones left in their table as the rest of their teammates had gone home minutes ago.


Yujin sipped on her iced tea - the only drink Yena allowed her to have. "I have."


"And what would that be?"



As her senior asked the question, the girl she had been eyeing on for the entire night at the other table was already up on her feet, talking to Hyewon whom the wasted Sakura had been clinging on to the entire time. When Minjoo has left them, the sober Biology senior turned to their direction and gave Yujin a brief nod.




"There's my cue." Yujin placed her glass on the table and got up from her seat.


"Wha- Where are you going?"


"I'm going to get my car, doofus. Wait for me outside."


¤ ♡ ¤


Sakura had mentioned that Minjoo can be much of an airhead sometimes but Yujin did not expect that it would be to the extent of actually mistaking someone else's car to be hers. A ghost of a smile lingered on her lips as she approached her own car that the girl have embarked by mistake.


She lightly knocked on the window and stepped back, waiting for Minjoo to get out. Her smile widened when the senior carefully got out of the car and her bowed apologetically at her. It was easy keeping a straight face not until they were looking at each other. She found it amusing to catch the Literature Major's eyes shaking and her face flushed with just a few words from her.


Her effect on Minjoo was to that extent and she found it adorably cute.


Before leaving, she even made sure that the senior will have something to remember from that night.


And surely, Kim Minjoo was keeping that night in mind.


¤ ♡ ¤


"Pfft, she's still ignoring you?" Yena queried after she witnessed how Kim Minjoo walk the other way the moment Yujin appeared in the hallway. It wasn't even hard to notice what she was doing when she obviously looks like a surprised frog whenever the star athlete is around and panics for a few seconds before shuffling her feet to a random direction in order to get away.


"As usual," Yujin sighed.


It has been like that for the past few days and the constant evasion by the Literature Major is getting on the star athlete's nerves, but at the same time, it made Yujin even more eager to actually have Minjoo as her own and ahead of those who are secretly after her.


"Hey, Yuri told me there's a baller planning to take Minjoo out. Did you know?"


Yujin turned to the duck with her brows scrunched. "Who?"


"Moon Sung Gi. The forward player."


At the mention of the guy's name, the star athlete's blood boiled, jaws grinded and fists clenched tight.


Of course she knew who the person is - a player that swings both ways.


A guy wearing the university's basketball varsity shirt suddenly walked past them and Yujin immediately came to a decision.


"What's her next class again?" She asked the clueless duck.


"How the should I know?"


¤ ♡ ¤


Yujin stood outside a biology class' room, patiently waiting for a so-called nerd beauty to come out after having - again - mistakenly entered the wrong door when she saw her.


She was glancing at her sports watch when she heard the door open and a round of laughter echoed from inside the room. It was then that the girl had stepped out while saying her apologies that the track star moved.


In a swift and smooth execution, Yujin pulled Minjoo back and pinned her to the wall, arms automatically securing their places on either sides of the latter's head. A smirk appeared on her face seeing how the older girl panicked and her face turning bright red (perhaps it was already from the embarrassment she suffered in that room?) as she leaned closer.


"Caught you."


The corners of Minjoo's lips stretched into a thin line before pushing Yujin away - or so she thought, because she could barely feel the force in it.



"Get off me, Ahn Yujin."


"Can't do that."



Not especially when it sounds so good to hear you say my name.






Just listen to that voice.



"You're such a sweetheart. Has anyone told you that?"



"I don't know what you're trying to do-"


"Oh, you know exactly what I'm doing." She cut her off. "I'm not even trying and it's already working on you right?"



Her dimpled smile widened as the senior only silently looked at her. She was confident that she hit the right spot as already shown in the Literature Major's actions for the past days.


She met Minjoo's eyes and her heart pounded upon seeing her reflection in those majestic orbs. The longer they stared at each other, the more she felt her insides melt. And she loved the feeling.



Suddenly, her mind is clogged up in a haze when she got pulled closer without warning and a soft pair of lips landed on her own.


Eyes wide in shock and unbelievable surprise, Yujin turned into stone and lost her senses. She did not even notice how long it lasted and how Minjoo wiped a smudge on her lips.


And most importantly, she did not hear what Minjoo said to her.



"I know how to play your game. And only those who are sincere with me can have more than that."



The star athlete stood frozen in place even after Minjoo had left and the hallways roared in mixed reactions to what they have witnessed, posting the videos and pictures on the university's online underground website and not missing on leaving an opinion or two.


A waddling duck who was standing right around the corner had to drag her away from the scene.


¤ ♡ ¤




Yujin cursed as her fingers swiped through the posts on their university's underground website on her phone. She couldn't help but to slap her forehead when she began reading various comments about it. Though some accepted it and showed their unbiased support, there were still people who are mad and started bashing the older girl.


"You should do something about it before it goes out of hand." Yena reminded her while handing her a canned soda. She mindlessly accepted the drink with one hand while the other was busy scrolling through her contacts, not minding how her hair was getting in her face due to the strong winds on the rooftop.


She let out a groan thinking about the consequences befalling on Minjoo's name for getting involved with her, never mind what punishment Eunbi has in store for her the following day for skipping their afternoon training. She immediately dialed a number in her contacts who can deal with, and hopefully put a stop to the spreading issue.


Five rings later, a girl answered from the other line, her voice lacing a disturbed and annoyed tone.




Yujin winced while Yena chuckled. "Unnie, I need your help."


"If this is going to be another one of those help-me-make-an-excuse-for-Eunbi, you're on your own."


"I-It's not."


A sigh. "Then is this the one involving Kim Minjoo?"


The fresh memory from earlier's incident made Yujin's blood go up to her face and ears. Though with her lightly tanned skin, she was sure as heck that her face already looked like a rotten tomato.


"Chaewon-ah, she's flushed!" Yena laughed and it irked Yujin.


"S-Shut up! I'm not!"


"Then why the hell did you trap her like that if you can't handle it?"


"I was caught off guard, okay? It's the first time she voluntarily..." ran dry remembering those soft lips, the thirst urging her to crave for more. She forced a small glob of saliva down before speaking again. "She was never that brave!"


"Yujin-ah, you can make every coward person in the world become brave with your charms."


She groaned. "This is not what I called you up for!"


"I'm just trying to knock some sense inside that dumb brain of yours. You're underestimating your admirers way too much, especially Kim Minjoo." Yujin's brows furrowed and she looked up at Yena in confusion. The duck mirrored her look. "What?"


"What's that supposed to mean?"


"How the hell should I know?" Yena scoffed and turned to look over the railings and down on the field where their teammates are, laughing loudly at every single hilarious thing she witnessed them do.


Yujin ignored her and listened in to the girl on the phone. "You just don't know how much sacrifice Minjoo can do for you and yet all you do is treat her like everyone else. I bet you didn't know she was the one who begged Mrs. Bae to accept your paper when you missed the deadline."


She recalled the time when she was half an hour late in submitting her research paper and her professor refused to accept it. That was her final paper and she thought she'd be failing the class and get kicked out of the team but then suddenly, at the end of the day, Mrs. Bae looked for her and asked for her work. She didn't bother finding out why her professor changed her mind and had long buried that memory in her brain until Chaewon brought it up again.


"I-It was h-her?"


"That's just one of the many things she did for you without anyone else knowing."


"But how did you-"


"Yujin-ah, I think you are forgetting that I am the Student Council President."


The star athlete immediately pursed her lips. "Right... Sorry."


"Anyways, I know you can treat her better than just treating her like the other girls. And you know she deserves more than just your attention on her. Don't waste the chance and do it properly."


"But how?"


"Ask yourself. You've been to dates before."


"But those weren't even anywhere near serious!"


"Then ask the duck, genius." Yujin frowned as she looked up at Yena who's still giggling to herself like an idiot.


What does the duck know about dating anyway?


"I have to go. I'll just see what I can do to handle your same old mess." Chaewon said it with a sigh and it made Yujin feel guilty for always having to run to her for her mishaps.


"Thank you, unnie."



After the call ended, Yena faced her with a teasing grin.


"Hey, don't think about it too much. It's not like you haven't kissed other girls before."


Yujin puffed a stray hair away from her face. "I'm not even thinking about that."


"Sure, you aren't."


She thought about Chaewon's words for a bit before deciding to give it a try now matter how absurd it is to her to ask a dumb duck. No offense.


"Hey, you know anything about properly asking a girl out on a date?"


Yena's face lit up and a huge grin surfaced on her lips. She moved away from the railings and hopped right in front of the indifferent star athlete, then she puffed her chest loudly. "You just happened to ask the right person, buddy!"


At that instant, Yujin already knew that it was a huge mistake to ask Yena for help.



¤ ♡ ¤


"Why can't I go to school?" Yujin asked incredulously that morning a duck popped up on her doorstep and stopped her from leaving.


"It's part of the plan." Yena simply answered and pushed her back inside her unit. "Don't worry about your grades. You won't fail for missing two days."


"And what about training?"


"We'll deal with Eunbi after we're done with this. You can handle her pretty well anyway."


"Unnie!" Yujin groaned in annoyance when Yena took away her bag and threw it on the couch. Then she pushed her to sit right beside it. "Why do I even have to stay at home for two days!?"


"Minjoo wouldn't even want to cross paths with you for some reason so we're gonna use reverse psychology on her."


"What do you even know about reverse psychology?"


"Nothing. But Yuri knows a lot so I'm taking her word for it. Anyway, the plan is simple: you're gonna make Kim Minjoo miss your presence." Yujin looked at her senior as if she wasn't making any sense. "The more she misses you, the easier she'll get drawn to you. Get it?"


"It's not gonna make any sense after she initiated the kiss on me!"


"Trust me, bud, it will. So be a good doggy and stay home. Focus on preparing your speech to her on the big day."


"Speech? The big day?"


"You'll see. Stay comfy!" Yena winked and ran out of her unit. Just. Like. That.


Yujin couldn't believe it and could only scoff at herself.


"What the hell is going on?" She asked herself, confused of everything that's been happening. She checked the university website on her phone and found an article about them.


"Chaewon unnie..." She mumbled in annoyance seeing how the girl allowed the article to be posted still. She didn't bother reading it and pocketed her phone.


Glancing at the clock on her wall, she made up her mind. There's no way she's gonna be staying at home all day. She has to be somewhere-or to be honest of her, she has to go have a glimpse of Kim Minjoo for the day.


¤ ♡ ¤


A face mask, a cap and an oversized hoodie did the trick for her in sneaking up in the university grounds. She doesn't even know why she's indirectly following Yena's orders. Luckily for her, not a single student paid any attention to her suspicious get up as they were all busily gossiping over their phones. She could only sigh as she spotted that they were talking about the article.


Yujin made her way to the Arts and Sciences building and casually sat on a bench right across the entrance with her can of iced coffee that she bought from a vending machine nearby. She warily looked around to see if there was nobody looking before she pulled her mask down. There's still a few minutes left until Minjoo arrives so she might as well enjoy her morning coffee.


Half-way through her drink, students began flodding in. Some where coming out of the building having finished their classes while most were power walking to get inside. Amongst those who were in a hurry is the girl she had been waiting for the entire morning. She checked her watch and confirmed that she was right on time.


10:23 AM




A squeal made her look up and saw Minjoo on all fours on the ground, her things sprawled out everywhere in front of her. Yujin clenched her jaw seeing nobody bothering to lend her a hand. Pulling her mask back on her face, she ran the distance towards the girl. Minjoo was already panicking on picking up her things and Yujin took the initiative to grab those that were out of Minjoo's reach.


"Ugh. Not a day without your clumsiness, Minjoo." Minjoo mumbled as she hugged the books to herself. Yujin almost slipped a chuckle hearing the girl scold herself.


Yujin stared at the girl while she arranged the things in her grasp. She has always loved seeing Minjoo's annoyed expression. She bets she'd still love it if her annoyed look was directed at her, but knowing Kim Minjoo, she'd always fail.


Yujin held out the notebooks and a few pens that she picked up and Minjoo immediately took them in without looking at her.


"Thank you."


After a quick bow, Minjoo was on her way again, leaving a lovestruck giant puppy smiling to herself behind the mask as she watched the girl's back disappear at the entrance.


¤ ♡ ¤


"Aren't you supposed to be at home today?" Sakura asked the moment she found Yujin chilling at a nearby coffee shop the second day she was asked to not go to school. Like yesterday, she went inside the university just to get a glimpse of Minjoo, which she successfully did, and retreated before anyone could notice her.


"It gets boring at home." She gestured to the empty seat in front of her. "You seem to know a lot about the plan. Want to tell me about it?"


"I'd rather not. But I will tell you this... the duck's plan is dumb. So I'm gonna offer you a second option cuz I know it's going to fail."


Yujin's eyes followed as Sakura placed two tickets on the table and shoved it near her.


"Lotte World?"


"You're both going to need it."


¤ ♡ ¤


"Sakura was right. Your plan is dumb." Yujin bluntly said to the duck after listening to the entirety of the plan. They are inside the tent at the backstage of the of the open theatre where a mini-concert is being hosted by their university. People busily rushed in and out of the place, performers and staff doing final checks filled the area while she just sat in the corner in her disguise with the duck and her girlfriend stopping her from leaving.


The hamster-looking girl standing beside Yena snickered. "I told you so."


Yena rolled her eyes at the both of them. "Come on, it's the best plan! You guys just don't know how to be spontaneous."


Yujin frowned. "I don't recall you being spontaneous on your pursuit to Yuri."


The senior equalled her frown as Yuri laughed at her comment.


The two biology seniors then came by. Sakura wore a teasing grin when she saw her.


"Last chance to back out."


"I -"


"Aw hell no! Nobody's backing out!" Yena interrupted and even blocked Sakura from Yujin. "I'm telling you on to Eunbi unnie if you run away."


"As if that scares me? You had me skip two days, you idiot! She's already bound to torture me!" Yujin said a matter-of-factly.


Sakura was every bit correct about Yena's plan. Yujin could already f

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Chapter 14: Thank you for coming back authornim..
Chapter 9: i just found this and i am happy with it. Ahhh so so cuteeeee
1760 streak #3
Chapter 14: uwu they're cute together and funny too!
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 9: This reaallly is the best! Uri clingy and romantic Roommates, i miss them so so much ㅠㅠ
Chapter 7: Omfg minjoo is a legend 😭😭😭
Chapter 5: WHATTTTT I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENEDDD who was the girl?? What did she do?? Why did yujin never see wonyoung again??
Chapter 10: uwu
Hibuble #10
Chapter 10: Bruh this is so cute