The Dynamic


Wherein Baekhyun is confused every time people mention the great chemistry of Chanyeol and Kyungsoo, and he just gets more confused when his best friend believes in the chemistry.

Why did he have the urge to beat that dynamic?


Part 2 has come!

If you read this before 'Channeling Your Feelings' (aka pt. 1) it's fine - the order of reading it can be interchanged. Part one focuses more of Baekhyun's and Jongin's friendship.

hello, maybe u wonder, what's happening next? well currently i'm writing the last two incomplete scenes and smiling to myself so i hope it brings a smile to you too <3 (and if not, oh well)


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 2: Observant for others but clueless for yourself!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 1: Baek has it all worked out...or maybe not πŸ€”
Chapter 7: Chanbaek are such dorks, this was really nice!
Chapter 7: Had a really fun time reading
Whatislove0022 #5
Chapter 4: The story is really different and sweet! Especially The humor though! Love it!