Chapter 3.2; Rendezvous

Hold Me Here
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Title: Unveiling Shadows: A Journey Through Minju's Monochrome Symphony


In "Unveiling Shadows," Minju invites you into the enigmatic realm of her artistic odyssey, where each brushstroke narrates a poignant chapter of resilience and self-discovery. Born from the crucible of personal tribulations, Minju's monochrome portraits transcend mere artistry, becoming windows into the complex emotions that define the human experience.


The collection seamlessly weaves a narrative thread through the tapestry of Minju's life, tracing the evolution of her creativity from a realm of self-assuredness to the humbling depths of vulnerability. These hauntingly beautiful portraits are not just visual masterpieces but profound reflections of the artist's journey—a journey marked by brokenness, self-reflection, and the transformative power of humility.


Yujin carefully read the board on Minju’s exhibit corner. It’s been a week since they last saw each other. And for her to feel like she’s missing a little piece of her seems wrong but neutral at the same time.


Yujin was in a constant battle with herself. Perhaps the reason she’s feeling anxious today wasn’t about missing her ex, but the fact that it’s only 2 hours before the opening of the event–and Minju’s nowhere to be seen. She could see Seulgi and the other artists whispering in panic. They were worried.


The tall girl looked at her phone, she didn’t really get Minju’s number and wouldn’t want to. She wanted to be in the gray area of things. As much as there’s an urge to ask her co-artist, Yujin stopped herself. 


She was torn.


“I knew this would happen,” Yunjin was massaging her left temple. 


“Didn’t she ask for help at all?” Seulgi sounded concerned and a tad bit annoyed. 


“Nope, I’ve asked her numerous times, she said she’s alright,” 


If there’s one thing that Kim Minju hates doing, it would be asking for help. And Yujin knew that very well. 


Some things don’t change.


She could hear the panic and the constant checking of wrist watches. It’s only a matter of hours, and Minju seems like she couldn’t make it. 


Deciding for herself, Yujin looked at her car.


“There’s no way all of her pieces would fit there,” she muttered to herself. She bit her lip and shut her eyes. She needs to let go of what’s holding her back. She needs to do something.


Even if that means saving her ex from all this chaos.


When Yujin opened her eyes, her attention was now on a white construction van near the entrance. It’s as if a light bulb appeared at the top of her head.


The things I’d still do for you, Minju. 


Yujin let out a defeated sigh.







Meanwhile, on her front porch, Minju sat there, looking at her packed masterpieces on the grass. She looked at the time and started losing hope. She kind of expected this but still got a lot more disappointed that it’s going to happen. She knew that she’d get killed by Yunjin for rejecting her offer to help, but the sole reason Minju didn’t want that was Yunjin offering to pay for the expense of the transpo, and she feels a burden already by the thought of it. 


There’s just too much in her mind and past traumas that she can’t just ignore, it’s like a reflex for her already.


There was a tear rolling down on her face. She can’t believe that the universe really chose to ignore her today. Although the story behind her art pieces was a wreck, Minju wanted to share these to the world, but her entry to do that seems to vanish.


 Losing hope, Minju lifted her head up from crying. She heard the sound of an engine coming nearer. She saw a white van, carefully making its way to the rigid paveway to her house. Written on it seems to be from a construction company. She was confused.


formed an ‘o’, then the window rolled down.


And then there, she saw the familiar smile that still holds a special place in her heart.


“Sorry, I don’t have spiderman powers, but will you be my MJ today so I can pull off this superhero thing and save you from this disaster?” 


Ahn Yujin smiled again, and Minju stood there dazed.


All those years of not seeing Yujin took a toll on her, and now she can feel her heart is about to explode from the cage from where it has been resting for a while. 



Yujin carefully looked at both of her side mirrors. Minju was on the passenger seat, still wearing worried eyes. 


Both of them felt like they went back to college, they looked like two seniors rushing to put all the things behind the van hurriedly but carefully. 


As Yujin drove her way out of Minju’s property, she gulped. She was shaking because with one wrong move, both of them might end up falling on a steep cliff. 


“Yujin, you don’t have to do this if you can’t” 


She heard Minju, she looked at the latter with determined eyes.


“Don’t worry, I got you,” Yujin smiled. “We’ll get there on time, okay?”


Minju had to break her gaze at Yujin, trying her best not to show the forming smile on her lips.


And she failed miserably.


“Why are you smiling?” 


Minju shook her head, “Nothing, you’re playing brave,” she teased.


But deep inside, Minju trusted Yujin. As always–she felt safe with her.


Seulgi ran towards the entrance of the building as she saw Yujin and Minju getting down. She stopped and looked at them puzzled for a moment, but nonetheless, she ran towards them and started helping the two unload Minju’s artworks. 


“Hey, Minju! I’m glad you made it,” Seulgi said, panting a little. 


“I’m so sorry Unnie~,” 


“It’s okay, I’ll go get the others to help us carry all these,”


Seulgi then saw Yujin walking towards a mad construction employee and a confused Mr. Ji.


“Come on, team, 30 minutes!” Seulgi yelled. She saw the crew start to pick the things up and all of them rushed to the floor and put all of Minju’s artwork.



It’s already evening, everyone was restless, they didn’t expect to have a long line of people wanting to go inside and have a look at their works. Some of the artists are getting interviewed, some of them are socializing and Minju stood there, looking at her corner of art pieces.


She can’t believe that today’s almost over and the event was also successful. 




Minju jumped a little, she looked at the woman standing beside her. Then there was her heart again, beating with joy.


“Thanks,” was all she could say.


“I never loved coffee this much, but I guess as time goes by, things change a little don’t they,” Minju added.


Yujin nodded. “It’s a good thing, they say coffee’s good for the heart,” 


“Is that the reason why my heart’s beating so fast right now?” Minju mindlessly said as she wandered her eyes on her own artwork.



“Huh?” She looked at Yujin who was wearing an unreadable expression.


“You haven’t even took a sip on the coffee I gave you,”


Minju felt her cheeks heating up. She cleared .


“Well, unless you’ve had some earlier,” The latter didn’t answer Yujin, she felt embarrassed in front of her ex.


She didn’t need to clarify that her heart still belongs to Yujin.


“Congratulations today, by the way,” 


“Thank you, couldn’t have done it without you,”


Yujin felt goosebumps. The way Minju said that made her feel like she was the only person in the room as Minju looked at her deeply. It wasn’t anything weird, but then sincerity in her ex’s eyes was something else.


“I just can’t sit back and have all of your efforts sitting at your front porch,” she lightened the conversation. She heard Minju chuckle. 


Yujin had a small smile on her face as well, her mind traced back on how Minju looked pretty today while being interviewed earlier. 


“I hope the construction employee cooled down,” 


They both chuckled. 


“It’s a bad idea, but they got an extra pay from Mr. Ji,” 



“Congratulations to everyone!” 

Mr. Ji raised his glass for a toast, all of the crew and members of his organization sat in a restaurant, eating dinner and having laughs to celebrate what they had just accomplished today.


They were at a Korean restaurant, missing the cuisine badly, everyone agreed to go to this small Korean place in Portland. 


Yunjin and Mino were singing with their spoons which was good entertainment for everyone. All of the artists sat together and Yujin–sitting in front of Mr. Ji, who excused himself to go to another table as he wanted to check-in with everyone, leaving her alone. 


She looked at Minju’s table, they were clapping and suddenly her eyes met Minju’s briefly. She saw the older woman looking down on her food, avoiding her eyes. She was confused but it didn’t bother her as much. Yujin felt another presence on the table.




“Oh, may I know who..?” Yujin greeted her. 


There sat a woman with jet black wavy hair, eyes looking huntingly deep and beautiful, enough for someone to look down on their feet because of the tension they would feel.


“Jimin, but you can call me Karina,” 


“Nice meeting you, Karina,” 


As a formality, Yujin extended her hand. Soon she felt Karina’s soft and warm hands on her own, feeling a slight squeeze. 


“I haven’t seen you around the org,” Yujin got curious, she’s so used to small talk that building rapport with people is just as easy as today.


“Oh yeah, I’m one of the five artists, but I couldn’t make

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WheeinMamamoo #1
Chapter 14: Authornim are you still updating?
Biancakes #2
Chapter 14: hoping for the update huhuhu
Chapter 14: Goshhhh good!!!!
I hope they are not running away from each other after this. Winter words help them to think. I hope they will remember what Minjeong said and build up their relationship to be better.
Jinjoo next phase will be them supporting each other and have a stronger relationship coz....Minju had suffered enough after what happened to her family ToT
KhessyV #4
Chapter 14: thank you for the update and happy holidays!!
Cooor_n #5
Chapter 14: happy holidaysss.. thanks for the update.. really love this but why do I have this feeling that this is end up an angst 🤧
1760 streak #6
Chapter 14: happy holiday and a happy new year! thank you for the update!!!
1760 streak #7
Chapter 13: oh gee!!!! what's going to happen next!>!
future_mrs_liu #8
Chapter 13: Oh my god. 🥹🥹🥹 another definitely! Thanks for the update author!
Biancakes #9
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: i love how minjoo said "ahn yujin, it might be difficult to leave this time" god my gay is hyping rn WHAHHAHAHAHAHA anyways more excited in the next chapt. thank you for update author-nim!🥴
Cooor_n #10
Chapter 12: jinjoo end game