The Conversation

The Gamer
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Jennie's POV

It was a beautiful and perfect Saturday morning until I heard my alarm ringing. With a groan, I lifted my arms that felt heavy to grab my phone and turn off the alarm. I had set an alarm for 10am as I would be meeting Chaeyoung, the prettyass girl and the prettyass girl's friend.

The moment I remember why I was waking up this early again, all sorts of frustrations left me and it was replaced with excitement.

This will be our first meeting with Jisoo and Lisa. After exchanging numbers a few days back, we didn't continue any more conversations as it felt awkward. Plus, we had no common topic and we were both busy with our lives.

I skipped happily to my bathroom to take a quick 30 minutes shower before putting on a simple white off shoulder top and a denim jeans paired with a white adidas sneakers. Not forgetting to take my chanel slingbag and my car keys before I left my house.

We were set to meet at 11.30am as we were going to catch the afternoon movie that was currently showing Detective Pikachu. I wasn't a very huge fan of the Pokemon series, but I did love the cute squishy pokemons especially Pikachu itself.

Pikachu has those chubby little cheeks with his short hands and he just reminds me of a ball of fluff. Anyways, Jisoo was the one who suggested we watch this movie and we all agreed to it.

As the clock striked 11.30am, I reached the cinema to see the other three already there.

"Jen, get your slow over here because we have been waiting for the past 10 minutes!" Chaeyoung shouted and waved her hand to get me to walk faster. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her. "I'm on time, you guys are just too early."



When I stood beside them, I waved and greeted Lisa and Jisoo who were having small talks amongst themselves. I took a quick look at the outfit Jisoo was wearing and I must say, she looks good. Like breathtakingly good. She had on a baby blue summer dress and a white sneakers but she seems to be a Victoria Secret model instead.

I didn't know how long I had been staring at Jisoo's face because I only came back to my senses when Chaeyoung cleared . I snapped out of my thoughts and made eye contact with Jisoo.

Crap she caught me staring. She probably thinks that I'm a creep.

Thankfully, I put on a light shade of pink blush on my cheeks today which managed to hide my cheeks that were turning pink from embarrassment.

Jisoo had bought tickets online last night when we were all discussing in the group chat and we managed to save time from the long queue. We also managed to get some pretty good seats.

"So who's sitting at which seat?" Lisa asked out of curiosity and we were all speechless as we were thinking. "How about we shuffle the tickets and all choose one randomly?"

Agreeing with Chaeyoung's suggestion, she mixed the tickets up and flipped them behind so that we couldn't see which seat belonged to which ticket. "On the count of 3... 1, 2, 3."

Being the mature one amongst the four of us, I let the other three take their tickets first and took the last one for myself.

"I'm at B4!" Lisa raised her ticket up high and did a little dance. "I'm B6!" Jisoo followed behind Lisa and they both did the Fortnite dance together. I looked at the seat number on my ticket. B5, I was smack right in the middle between Lisa and Jisoo. This means that Chaeyoung had gotten B3 and she was right at the end with Lisa.

"I guess I'm stuck with you for the next 2 hours!" Jisoo flashed me one of her pretty smiles and I felt my heart race. I was getting all the jitters and unconsciously, I smiled back at her.



We all went into the cinema hall and sat at our respective seats. Chaeyoung and Lisa were engaged in a conversation whereas Jisoo and I were enveloped in silence.

Should I say something? Or should I just keep quiet? What if she doesn't want people bothering her? What if-

"So... Jennie, do you like Pokemon?"

"YES! I mean... yeah I do..." I meantally face-palmed myself at responding so energetically. Plus what was I even saying? I don't even like Pokemon that much. I only like the creatures in there.

"Really? I love Pokemon too! Oh oh, what's your favourite pokemon then?"

"Uh... Pikachu I guess." Pikachu was the only pokemon that I love and remember. It was also the only pokemon who's name I know so Jisoo probably thinks that I'm one of those basic girls that likes Pikachu.

"Oh my gosh are you kidding me?"

I swallowed my saliva and nodded my head. She's probably going to unfriend me.

"I LOVE PIKACHU! Like super in love with him. I almost treat him as my son or a little brother." Jisoo began to rattle on about her love for Pikachu and I only sat at my seat in silence to listen to her go on and on. The way her eyes lit up when talking about Pokemon. The way she smiles when she talks about the memories she had about Pokemon. The way everything turned pitch black as the lights went off... Stupid lights

As soon as the lights were off, Jisoo had stopped talking and had her eyes fixed on the screen. Meanwhile, I was wondering if she could be the movie instead so that I could actually focus at watching it. Reluctantly, I tore my eyes off of her and directed it at the movie that was starting.

When Pikachu finally appeared for the first time, Jisoo was giggling in her seat and clapping quietly. She tapped on my hand lightly a few times and whispered to me "Pika pika pi!" This got me laughing at her quietly at how cute and child-like she was.

There were many occassions where Pikachu was so adorable that he made me go all 'uwu' on him. There were many mummerings around us about how Pikachu was even cuter than little children.

Finally, the movie came to an end and both Lisa and Jisoo stood up from their seats and started clapping like they had just watched an amazing drama performance. They managed to attract the attention from everyone in the audience and people started laughing about them. Suddenly, Chaeyoung stood up as well and started following what Lisa and Jisoo were doing. This made me sigh as the next thing I knew, I was up from my seat and doing the same thing.



We got out of the cinema and we were still talking in our pairs. I took a look at Chaeyoung and Lisa who were both talking happily. They seem to have really good chemistry with one another. They were talking happily and the next

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archive__jj #1
user42431 #2
Chapter 12: more plz
Laboli #3
Chapter 12: I need an update:(
montefalcoelle #4
Chapter 12: They are so cute. Floorsé is rosé i think :D
montefalcoelle #5
Chapter 12: They are so cute. Floorsé is rosé i think :D
Fluffybish #6
Chapter 12: Please continue this amazing story 🥺
1120 streak #7
Chapter 12: its okay authour well just be here waiting for you to update again😙😙😙
1120 streak #8
Chapter 1: Lol FriendlyChu and mandus4life cute names
rookiex5 #9
Chapter 12: Yesss please 🤲
Leticiakim #10
Chapter 12: We still here!!! Please comeback :)