Chapter 8

Between Us
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Yuqi grunts lightly getting bothered by the sound of her phone vibrating on top of the bedside table near where head sleeps. She reaches it out with her eyes still close shut not wanting to know who is buzzing her at this hour. Without looking or peeking, she rejects the call, thru the phone on her bed and goes back to sleep. The next call is very much unheard because it’s now on something that produces less sound


Lucas that night had 3 cans of beer, not drunk, can’t refrain himself for calling Yuqi after 6 days of not contacting each other. It’s 2 in the morning. What do you expect you ? His inner voice  scold him after Yuqi ignored his second call






Time turns slowly to 6, the time Yuqi sets her alarm to wake her up for the last day of attending music shows and fan meets before having to go back to China


She yawns sitting up and discover her phone was not on the bedside table like she place it to be last night. She sit still and focus where might the sound comes from. She felt a slight vibe near her thighs, “there you are” her voice croaks finding her phone


Lucas? 02:35?!, Yuqi reads the miss call notification. She rubs her eyes twice didn’t believe that Lucas actually tried to call her at that time of hour


Hearing noises coming from Yuqi’s part of the room, “What time is it?” Minnie opening her eyes and turns to Yuqi


“It’s still early. I’ll wake you up at 7” she told Minnie to go back to sleep






Living with 5 girls and a bathroom sometimes can get boisterous in the mornings. Especially when everyone waking up not according to the plan. Nonstop knocking on the bathroom door becomes a melody with lyrics consist of telling the person whose inside to hurry up when they shower and the one to enter will only have limited time to get ready


Yuqi, who is not a big fan of being rushed, intends her every morning with getting up the earliest to be the first one to use the bathroom and the first one to get ready






(G)i-dle manager, same manager who took care of Yuqi in China, lives 15 minutes away by car from the girls dorm building arrives one hour earlier than he is scheduled. And because it’s a dorm full of girls, he chooses to sit on the stairs that’s right in front of the entrance door to wait for around 20 minutes before knocking


“Oppa come in” he turns around seeing Yuqi between the doorway inviting him in , “I heard the elevator bell from inside. I peephole and it was you”


Before going inside, he wanted to make sure that’s it’s alright too, “Did everyone shower yet?” he asked


Yuqi smiles and giggles, “Everyone has except the dog” she says insisted him, “I won’t be opening the door if we haven’t” she winks at him as he passed her by, “we’re not late are we?” she asked taking turns wanting to make sure


“We actually have an extra hour” he answered, “There’s time to eat breakfast. Do you want me to go downstairs to buy a sandwich like every other day or…?”


“Nah. I’ll prepare a quick one for us all” she says walking to the kitchen that’s designed open penetrating to the living room. She turns to the fridge and takes a couple of eggs, “Scrambled or sunny side ups?” she asked walking over to the cabinet beside the stove to get a pan for her to cook the eggs


The manager grabs one of the breakfast counter stools, “What are you planning to make?” he asked


“Scramble. Time saving” Yuqi opens another cabinet and taking a big bowl out


“Scramble it is then” he agrees, “By the way. Did you inform Yan an about the episode finale yet?”  he leans his both arms to the breakfast counter


Yuqi crack the eggs and starts beating, “Text him yesterday telling him to come over tonight to talk about it”


“You two do remember that you guys live in the same building right?” he sighed hearing Yuqi have not yet talk to Yan an when she had a week to do so


“Well… When Yan an ge doesn’t have any schedules he tends to sleep very well organized. I come home at 8, he sleeps at 8” replied Yuqi turning on the stove and put butter over the pan. She let the pan heat up for about 5 seconds. After the butter melts and spread itself to the pan, she puts in the beaten eggs and starts cooking. Once the eggs cooked to medium done, she turns off the stove and set it aside for a bit, “If I'm not mistaken today schedules ends around 4 right?” she asked putting in a pinch of salt and pepper to the eggs before serving


The manager went over to grab his organizer, “5 not 4 but could be 30 minutes earlier” he comes back sitting and corrected her


Before placing the scrambles to the breakfast counter, she went over to one of the kitchen counters to get the bread, “And the time we get back here is around” she walks back to serve the scrambled eggs and bread, “positively sure Yan an ge is still awake at that time of hour”


“There still the next day before going to the airport if you can’t today or you can just do it via calling” he suggested an alternative in case they cancel meeting tonight


Yuqi takes a piece of bread and a full spoon of eggs and make a simple fast egg sandwich, “I prefer talking in person” she says before taking a bite, “besides, it’s been a while since the last time I hung out with Yan an ge” she smiles and finally take a big bite out of her sandwich






Meanwhile across the country, WayV’s manager, not the same manager who took care of Lucas, enters the boys dorm using his spare keys 2 hours before their schedule for today starts


Unlike girls, boys can sometimes be such a homework in the mornings


Waking them once is never an effective way because they’ll crawl back inside their blanket to sleep again and never ever leave them if none have not yet shower because the possibility of them leaving the dorm without showering is big


Kun is always the manager favorite first pick to wake up because he is the easiest one too, “Kun” and he can be a big help waking the others up


Kun felt a gentle shack on his shoulders and the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is the manager, “What time is it?” he asked


“Time for you to get up” the manager answered, “help me wake Xuxi and Winwin” he helps Kun getting up before moving to Yangyang and Xiaojun side of the bed, “Oh and you don’t need to make breakfast. There will be food on the set”


Only just gaining half of his life back from his sleep, Kun stumbles out of his bed to Lucas and Winwin’s room. He turns to Winwin side first because it never needed more than 3 times to make him get up, while Lucas, “didi wake up” Kun softly slaps Lucas’s both cheeks, “didi wake up before the manager comes in to make you” Kun speaks to his ears


Lucas grunts and peek with one eye before pulling his blanket over his head, “Give me a minute mom” he mutters curling up


“Didi” Kun pulls the blanket back down, “don’t call me mom again or I might have to drag you like any mother would do if their child refuses to wake up when they have too” Kun exclaims and Lucas slowly sits up, “What time did you sleep anyways last night?” Kun ask remembering that Lucas was still in the living room drinking his second beer when Kun was about to go to sleep


“I don’t know” Lucas’s scratches his hair, “around 2 maybe?” he continues to mutters and flashbacks to that hour of dawn of him calling Yuqi, “uh oh” he says searching his phone on his bed. He opens the call history as soon he got hold of it and see Yuqi's name at the very top, so I wasn’t hallucinating that time?, his inner voice speaks

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Between Us : The Month of September, chapter 1 has been updated. enjoy :)


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Chapter 21: YEY. luqi wins. Ugh. She should have drank some more tho. Lol
01lulu #2
omg I didn´t expect it to end at alllllllll…!!! thank you for your efforts, I really enjoyed reading it. I hope you start writing what happens after her birthday very soon! can´t waiiit (once again)
Chapter 21: Hskdkakdksks any bonus chapter please ??
01lulu #4
can´t wait for the next chapter!!!! is about to get doowwn...
01lulu #5
Chapter 17: when is the next chapter coming??
Chapter 18: I'm gonna go watch Keep Running til you write another chapter(since I only have watched up to ep2). I really like this pair. It's that even if Yuqi is known to have shot down potential suitors, she doesn't with Lucas, that in itself is a good sign. Anyway keep up the good work, author :)
TatiReis95 #7
Chapter 13: I cried in this scene too Yuqi ?
TatiReis95 #8
Chapter 11: Oh God this gonna be hilarious with crybaby manager oppa XD
I love this fic so much <3
owoo_owo #9
Chapter 11: i love ur updates so much it’s the only thing i look forward to every week
owoo_owo #10
Chapter 9: SO GOOOOODD