Chapter 38: You..? Were him?

Girls of the Elites

# One more story and it's game time. Imagination brain cells fully charged up yet? No? GO DO IT! Anime style! OMY CRINGE 🤣


"HELLOOOOO!! I am hereeee! Anyone thereeeee?" I shouted across the foggy docks

"Chaeyoung! hello? do you read me?"

"well! I can hear you.. yes.." I replied back to Sana unnie on the earpiece

"funny.. well now just wait for someone to show up.. The alphas will be trailing your every move but still be cautious"

I see the Enigmas trailing on top of me, while the Aeris crawls in the shadows. Tridents should be somewhere here too, But I guess it should be safe.
"what are they taking so long?" Jeongyeon squinted upon the view of Chaeyoung looking around the docks
"why is no one showing up to Chaeyoung?" Momo furrowed

"HELLOOOO?!" Chaeyoung shouted once again, her voice echoes through the empty darkness.

"Seriously.. is Kato planning something else?" Jeongyeon squinted. until unknown figures dropped down toward them

"shh!" the figure gestured her finger covering her lips signaling to keep quiet.
"Yeri!" Tzuyu whispered in excitement
"let's get you out of here" Seulgi whispered as they cut their ropes and held onto them as they were being hoisted up by some Aeris alphas.

"Boy am I glad to see you.." Dahyun silently exclaimed by the roof deck
"glad you missed us unnie" Yujin winked
"here, we gotta hurry" Nako exclaimed as she and Hyewon began slipping the needle rings onto the remaining Elites and Momo.
"what about Suzy?" Jeongyeon asked
"yeah I only have prepared 4.." Nako sighed
"No worries.. We'll bring her somewhere safe" Wendy exclaimed
"for now, we gotta get ready for Chaeyoung's final dispatch" Eunbi elaborated
"Remember your training girls.. Do not lose balance" Seulgi reminded
"Yeah.. I never went training with you guys?" Jeongyeon's eyes widened and shook her head
"No worries, You're with us.. Dahyun, Tzuyu.. Protect Chaeyoung. We'll handle the rest.." Irene explained as she and Seulgi held onto Jeongyeon and Momo. hoisting themselves up on the other roof ledges. Wendy also launched over the outside roofs to bring Suzy to safety.
"Dont worry, the other alphas are also on guard with you" Eunbi assured.
"just always be alert" Yujin squinted as they all dropped forward waiting and aticipating for the next move on Chaeyoung trailing her with eyes piercing her surroundings.
"Are you sure we are at the right docks?"
"yes quite sure.. but I wonder why is it quiet.. too quiet.."
"girls? any vision?"
"No. Nothing in sight"
"Negative, but we have the Elites and Momo safe.."
"okay. keep your eyes peeled.. they will appear somewhere.."

"I'd suggest you tell the person behind that earpiece to switch off the network" an unknown voice called out to me as the shadow stood in front of me, surrounding me with smoke. His shadow was twirling something visible, probably a weapon of some sort. The vision went clearer as he walked closer letting the smoke disappear from his appearance
"Hello Son Chaeyoung. Nice to see you again.." He smiled deviously, continuously twirling a chain of spikes
"Kato.. I should've known.."
"it's been 6 years... You made my life miserable.. calling those authorities.."

"Wait.. you know him?" Sana spoke through my earpiece

"and to think..who would have known you'll be the lost princess, a royal descendant, granddaughter of the famous JYP- the king of Corona!" He laughed devilishly as he pierces his eyes straight to me. "oh look at the riches you'll give me once I send you to that boss of mine!"

"Who said I'll let you have your way?"
"Why wont you? For the safety of your loved ones.. I am sure you'd just give in!"
"what love ones? You have nothing on me!"
"are you sure about that?" he laughed. Men gradually appeared behind him and lighting storm broke out filling the demonish aura he has in his plan for revenge. Somi walked behind him centering a pose wrapping her arms around Kato.
"I dont care how many you are.. Fight me! instead of hiding behind your little possy"
"me? HIDING? Oh... you really think.." he laughed "Omy god! You really think this is a game little one?" He continued to laugh "I don't think you understand the situation.." He gritted his teeth and pierced his eyes towards me. The men behind him stood tall, yet all of them had activated glowing red eyes. Including Jackson and his gang with half of their eyes glowing red. Somi too, as Jeongyeon and Momo's replicas entered deviously smiling with Red glowing eyes behind her. "You see, I just don't have the intention to JUST deliver you? I also have the intention of delivering you...DEAD.." he smiled devilishly

"Alphas! Stand position!" I heard mina on the earpiece together with Sana alerting all the alphas in the area.

"You dont have anything against me! I will fight to the deaths!"
"Oh really? Does Mina know you are about to kill... her own big brother?" He smirked
"Wait.. what?"
"OH?! You didnt know?" He laughed "wait a second.. hold it! You mean... You came all the way here, without knowing who you are up against?"

"..No.. I knew you 6 years ago.. that is all.."
Kato laughed and laughed "oh my god! This is precious... okay okay okay.. wait.. You are telling me you didnt know I am your lover's big brother?"

"Chaeyoung! Chaeyoung!" Mina called out to me on my ear piece

"Oh you seemed to be listening to something important their buddy.." he continued to laugh "here let me tell you this... how my sister played a huge part in this scheme"

"Chaeyoung! Dont let him get into your head!"

"You see.. 6 years ago.. I knew who you were.."

"Chaeyoung! Do not listen to him!"

"And I was sure.. you were that kid who was with Mina when she was young.. am I right?"

"What.. is he talking about?" Mina asked Sana
"Huh? Why does this sound new.." Sana added
"No he must be making this up.. Chaeyoung dont li-"

"I knew Mina from the moment I met her on my first day.."
"Mina.. was Nia. Who I thought I'd never see ever again.. I knew it was her from the beginning.."
"Huh? Chaeyoung..?"
"That kid, who doesn't want to leave Gilmore.. that precious little girl that loved her friends and didnt want to leave at all.."

Mina's Flashback:

"Oooooy!" My sister waved at me
"Wait! You didn't say your names!" the small young boy shouted. I ran to go towards my sister, but he grabbed my hand instantly, he was breathing heavily just so he could run fast to catch up to me "I-I didnt know your name.."
"C-chaeyoung" I said "that's your name" I added with a smile
"Yes.. what's yours?" he puffed
"Mi-" "oyyyy! Chikoku suru yoteidesu!"
"I need to go.."
"Please tell me your name.."
"Sumimasen, wataachi wa ikanakereba narimasen" My sister grabbed me pulling me away from Chaeyoung.
"What?.. please, i know you can speak our language right?"
"Just a little.. but my sisters said we have to go."
"Go where?"
"We need to move houses.."
"Will I see you again?"
"I hope so.."
"Mina! Īkagen'ni e!" My sister is getting furious, So I had to run back to them
"Mi-what? What was your name?" he shouted
"Mina! Mina Hiyouitozaki" I replied, I hope he gets it.

It's dinner time and yet the family seemed so stressed and distant.
"Dakara, anata wa hontōni satte imasu?"
"Shikashi, watashi wa tada tomodachi ga imaa"

The family began shouting here and there, Mom and dad never gotten along, My sisters and brother were trying so hard to let the screaming voices go. I ran towards the corner of the living room. Sana, My older sister and the younger twin, came to hug me. I was crying.. I couldnt help the screams, my family is breaking apart. My brother was constantly being punched by my father. It was a disastrous night. Sana hugged me tighter, for a 6 year old girl having this kind of trauma is not healthy for me. So I ran away.
"MINA! Where are you going! Mina!"
"See what you've done! Now Mina ran away!" I heard my brother shout at my father and he was constantly getting beaten up
"If it werent for your negligence and stupidity! You wouldnt be beaten up like this." My father continued to shout as the conversation run faded.
I ran towards the park with tears in my eyes, I needed a way to escape, so I climbed the tree, Figuring out how to keep myself relaxed, I cried in the night sky until it drained all my energy.
I sniffed, and sobbed quietly in the night, hoping for someone to comfort me.

"Hello.."  I heard a small voice below me. Oh it's that boy.. what is he doing here?

"Hello.. any one here?"

"Up here.."
"Oh! Youre that kid.."
"Yeah.." I wiped my tears and sniffed "what are you doing here?"
"I went back to get the lens cover.. it kinda got buried." He grinned and chuckled
"What are you doing up there?"
"Looking at the stars and the moon.."
"Oh.. is it nice up there?"
"Yeah.. it is"
"So, what made you cry?"
"Nothing.. i mean.. i just didnt want to move.."
"Why are you leaving?"
"We dont belong here, but then I went to school here for 3 months and now we have to leave again.. I finally made friends.."
"We can be friends.."
"You're sweet, but i have to leave.."
"We can.. still be friends even if you leave.."
"You think so?"
"Yeah! I'll make sure of it.." He sure is persistent for a young boy.. I jumped down to see him clearly
"You sure have strong bones.." he laughed
"Thanks for being a good friend"
"Anytime!" He grinned and gave me a thumbs up. I leaned down onto him and kissed his cheek.
"I'll see you soon Chae,"
No one had been that supportive of me than him. Maybe because we were the same age? i suppose..
"NO! I dont want to leave dad!"
"MINA! You have to choose!"
"NO! I want to stay with Onisan!"
"Mina you can't stay with them here!"
"Sana Oneesan! Please!! Why do we have to-"
"Come now Mina!'"
"No! Let me go!!"

I got out of Momo Oneesan's grasp and wanted to run away "MINA!"
I ran and ran, I see them running behind me. Please make me run faster! Please! i begged for someone to protect me, some one... please save me!

"Over here!"  A familiar voice called out to me..
"Chaeyoung!" I am so glad it was him..
"Come on! let's go!" He instantly grabbed my hand and began running "let's go!" He shouted to his friend

The both of us began running but his two friends got caught my my brother. "Chae an alley.."
We turned and hid behind the dumpster

"I'm so sorry.. I just really didn't want to leave.."

"I finally made friends.. I just cant let that go?"
"Where are you going? maybe I can just visit you?"
"oh.. uh.."
"see.. you cant.."
"I'm just 6 years old.. but when I grow up, I promise to visit you in Japan.."
"That's just empty promises Chaeyoung.."
"I promise! Nia, I promise you, I will visit you in Japan.."
"Nothing.. I hope to see you soon Chaeyoung.."
"Me too.. I've never had a friend like you.."

"I don't want to forget you, and I am sure you'd forget me.."
"No I wont.."
"we are just 6.. you'll forget me.."

"No! I wont!" He pouted. "Here! take my baseball ball. Keep it! I wrote my name there! I got that in a baseball game with my dad! but I'll give it to you, this is one of my precious thing and I am giving this as a promise to you!" He handed me his favorite ball with his name on it.

"Thank you" I said with a tear "I-I don't have anything for you"
"You don't need to give me anything. I will remember you"
"Here.. take pengu.."
"What? no.. That's yours.."
"This ball is yours too.. here take my pengu.. It doesn't have my name but I know you'll remember me.."
"one more.." I said interrupting him as I leaned to kiss him.. "I wonder if you'll forget me this time..Chae-kun"

I did not want to forget him but he did not get my name right.. for a 6 year old, I guess it should be normal.. but I'll surely remember him..

"Hey. Nia.. uh.. When are you leaving?"
"Tomorrow night.."
"Okay.. Meet me at the park tomorrow night before you leave.. I have something for you.."
"Okay.." We returned after that and I calmly returned back to my family..

Sadly I lied.. I am leaving tonight, whatever it is he would give me I am sure it is not a big deal. I returned home with my sisters and the family packed up. My brother and my dad went onto their separate ways, and so did my mom and my sisters. this is something I didnt want to happen but it still did.. I am sorry Chae, I'll never forget you.. I am sorry I lied.

In a few hours our plane is going to depart, I held onto his baseball, until I fell asleep having it around me. I dont think we'll be able to meet again, but if red strings are true, I will meet him again.

"Mina! Let's go! We'll be late!"
"Momo unnie! Wait a sec!"
"We are finally flying back to Corona!!" Sana unnie squealed "we'll finally see dad."
"Don't get your hopes up kids, you'll also end up seeing the second family" my mother stuttered

Right, seven years ago, my parents divorced, and yet we are going to take high school back in Corona for an extra opportunity for college. I wanted to major in Chemical Genetics and Robotics. But I just needed a good opportunity from Corona to get there.

I wonder if I'll meet him again? I thought out loud but I am sure for 7 years, I am sure he forgot me.

"Mina are you ready?"
"Oh have you told Bambam you are coming?"
"NO? Why would I tell him that.."
"Idk, Maybe because we are meeting Kato and he is good friends with him."
"I dont need to see him"
"Well, It's been a while, You guys broke up long time ago. Give it a rest" Momo unnie laughed at me as she continued to munch onto her donut
"Besides, we are back in Corona" Sana unnie exclaimed

A few hours of travel onto Corona, my brother arrived with elegance in his posture. He sure have been successful all throughout the years he stayed here. Dad was well, the same, cranky and always had furrowed brows.

"Hey mom! Welcome back"
"Omygosh, Kato, you are so grown up.. heck you are even taller than me.."
"Oh mom!"
"Hii onichan!"
"Hey Sana, have you been taking care of your sisters well?"
"Hey! I am the oldest! WHY DONT YOU ASK ME?"
"Because I know you'd care more about food first Momo.." he chuckled and began to look at me
"Well? How about you Mina? Are you doing fine" I just nodded in silent. His smile faded but still kept the facade going.
"Come the car is this way.."

My brother always seemed reliable, he always knows whats best. He smiles at us, he takes care of us. He never failed to show us his love. This is why I love my brother and both of my sisters for taking care of me. I'd never do anything to hurt them.

It's our first day of school in Gilmore high, I haven't made friends yet, As expected, Momo and Sana had already have their own group of friends, since they are twins they are pretty much popular. And this is why my sisters cares for me so much

"Hey Mina-chan" Momo walked towards me together with Sana and a group who had been following them

"Oh hey Momo? is this your sister?"
"Oh she's the same year! what class are you?"

"I-I am at class A"
"she's the same class as us" Sana chuckled
"Oh! I am sorry, I  haven't noticed you.."
"I-It's okay.."
"Hey wanna be friends too?"

My sisters just smiled at me when the group of girls they had asked me to be friends with them and we exchanged names.

"See.. it's easy to make friends" Sana whispered at me
"For you unnie..for a prodigy not so much.."

The day ended as normal, I gained friends thanks to both my oneechans. but sadly I had to go separate ways cause they have club things to attend. I am never a fond of clubs. walking home I got to pass the park. The tree I was on was still there. I wonder If i'll meet Chaeyoung again. will he be coming back to the park even after 7 years?

"oyyyy!" an unknown girl waved her hand to me. I calmly waved back.

"Wanna play?"
"Play what?"
"I don't know.. my friend Jihyo is coming over and we are playing build up!"
"oh yeah! come in.. come in!"
"My house.."
"I ..., uh.."
"Come on!" She instantly grabbed my hand

"Jihyo! I found a friend!" She shouted
"Oh geeze Nayeon! why are you pulling innocent kids from the street!"
"She is fine,. she's very timid!"
"What's your name?"

"Are you new here?"
"Oh! and I see we study at the same school. but I am in Year 2, together with Nayeon."
"Sorry about Nayeon, She loves pulling innocent kids around the street.- I swear Nayeon, If these kids complain or a news of kidnapping breaks out.. I would assume you did it"

"eh?! I am friendly!"
"Friendly enough to pull them in and just say 'hey! let's play'- you creep" Jihyo poked Nayeon's cheek, knitting her brows at her

They seemed like good friends, i chuckled to their funny conversation.
"I am really sorry."
"It's okay.." I chuckled

"Cool! how bout let's be friends!" Jihyo exclaimed
"Yes Yes! Friends!" Nayeon looked at me with anticipation of accepting their friendship. I guess its genuine any way.

"Of course.." I smiled. they instantly hopped about and began pulling me down to the basement.

"Okay good! since we are friends.. I want to show you this.." Nayeon let go of my hand and she and Jihyo had been carrying something on to the table

"What.. is it?"

"Oh.. It's a hydro electro transmitter! Nayeon and I are building it- it's a radio transmitter powered by water and steam  forming a stream of electricity that sends signals for communication"
"Whoa.. you guys are into these things too?"
"too?.. don't tell me you are too?"
"Heck yea! it's the 20th century.. but.. I've never seen things being so finished.."
"Oh its not finished.. A few other friends are trying to help out too. but they are all out for school stuffs" Nayeon pouted

I walked around the transmitter, and was in awe "My sisters, would love these kind of technology" I thought out loud. Nayeon and Jihyo smiled at each other as they slowly nodded. "huh? something wrong?"

"no.." they smiled "We wanted to be good friends with you Mina." Nayeon said with a grin

"How about joining me and Nayeon with a mission.." Jihyo held out my hand as she reached for it.

"uh.. what mission.."

"Jihyo and I are currently.. making a team.. it's really small tho.." Nayeon began climbing up her shelf pulling out a rolled out paper

"Ever heard of Codename: Kids next door?" Jihyo laughed

"Yeah? My brother used to watch that a lot.."

"We are trying to replicate that!" Jihyo exclaimed.

"But even better!" Nayeon dropped the rolled paper which looks like to be blueprints. "My father is a Royal guard of Corona.. was.. he is helping me and Jihyo pull this system off.. with Jihyo's brains, and my massive connections, we can definitely pull it off."

"This is a joke right?"

"No. for two mere 15 year olds, you might just take it as a joke, but Jihyo and I are serious.."

"What made you want to do this in the first place?"

"Oh.. right.. my sister, ish. she is a very famous person. Every minute you'll hear rumors of being caught, tied, hurt, and all things wrong. I wanted to help her since her family wouldn't. Her grandfather is the worst of all. He never protects my sister. So I wanted to create a protection program, designed for any person. Especially just for my sister and her friends. I don't want to just stand there... and just wait for authorities to do what they can. I wanted to create something beyond what authorities can do, faster than what they can, SAFER than what they perceive."

"You sound passionate.."

"She is.. she is very fond of her sister, who she treated as a sister from the time she was born." Jihyo commented

"Okay then, let me help.."

"you will?"

"Yea.. it sounds fun.. My sisters and I can help with robotics if you'd like."

"Okay cool, I guess you can meet the rest of the team then.." Nayeon pulled a trigger opening a basement hatch. A small white room with a few people in it laying on the couch, watching tv and playing.

"Girls!" Nayeon shouted. they began to stand at ease. "Meet Mina, she said she'll help us build the team"

"Awesome!" they cheered in sync

"It's not that much, but we are planning on going all out.." Jihyo said "Come on. meet them.."

"Hello.. my name is Mina.."




Night has come and it was time for me to go, I enjoyed the stay in Nayeon unnie's place. I met different people from different areas of Corona and from different Schools of Gilmore City. It was fun watching them do, what they love.

In two years time, I kept meeting with Nayeon and Jihyo in school, together with my sisters Momo and Sana. We've been helping them establish the plan, and the more we go through it the more the kids in Gilmore knows about us. The people behind the ORS is unknown, but they knew there is someone else to protect them in Gilmore. Authorities had been looking for us, as we were operating illegally. They were furious of our work, we helped about 300 tiny crimes and 26 major crimes around Gilmore. Nayeon spread the team into cities now gaining a hundred more crimes solved in a month. The agents chosen were mere based on personality, and skills being trained. Jihyo created most of the gadgets the agents used. Together with other  child geniuses they caught to join the team. It was perfect, I found my peace, I found where I belonged..

"bye Mina, Momo, Sana!! we'll see you on Monday!"

"Bye guys! stay safe!"

"wooh.. that pizza was great!" Momo grunted

"Yes! It was!" Sana exclaimed

"Well, I guess what do we have to do after this?"

"I don't really know, how bout we go swimming!" Sana pounced around

"Yes Yes!" Momo joined

"No! I don't wanna the sun is too high up!"

"Mina come on!" Sana pouted

"Please" Momo joined

"But-" Suddenly a black van stopped behind me and pulled us three in it


"What! let me go!"


######## warning!!, this may trigger emotional sense, but if you cant take it, just skip to the next scene. I am sorry in advance ######


I saw them putting a white cloth over my two sisters and got them unconscious, I was kept a cloth onto me too, my vision was blurry, and it instantly gone dark.

In a few moments, my head hurts, and it is stirring into vision, I heard screams in the dark. It was Momo and Sana.

"Come on open wide!" the Men said.

I watched them got ganged up,I couldn't get my eyes off them.

"Oh look the young one is awake.."

"Mina! please.. not Mina!" Sana shouted

"Please! not her!" Momo shouted

"Shut up or I'll pull the trigger right up your !" The man shouted. Sana cried and began doing what she was forced to do "There! be a good girl and it all up, you ing !"

"Mina!" Momo continued to cry.

"You really want to die?" Momo cowardly shook her head "Good! now turn around and be a good girl!"

The man walked towards me, my hands were tied to my foot, I really cant move "That's it, let' move it.." He said creepily

"Please... no.." I begged

"Sorry, but.. this is what I was paid for.. I really needed the money.." he said.

"I'll give you money. please stop.." He began sliding his hand around my waist, rubbing my back and reaching out for my skin. "Please.. stop.." He tore my shirt from the front revealing my bare skin "Please!"

He wouldn't stop moving, he wouldn't stop sliding. He reached down onto me and tore every clothes I am wearing.. He didn't stop, he held me, and spread me "Please.. no" he didn't listen, and did things to me. I was crying and shouting. I could hear my sisters plead.. It didn't matter any more.




"M-Mina.." Sana was calling out to me, I could hear her, but I could never answer her back.

"Mina.." Momo tried to comfort me. All I did was cry. All I could say was through my tears.

"Okay girls! Round 7! let's go!" The men smiled wickedly

"Please! Stop!" My sisters tried to beg their way out. I was left staring at the floor, with no emotions left in my system.

"Okay young one! let's go" I didn't move a muscle. He pulled me as If I was a dead person following his every move. He held me once again, tore my clothing, bit me, punched me, grabbed me, kissed me, me, every little thing he would think of doing, but I never moved a muscle or shown emotion.. or pleasure. My spirit was dead. All I can do was cry. I never moaned like my sisters do, I was just laying there with eyes wide waiting for him to hit his . I bled and bled over and over again. but nothing made me sane.


It had been 10 hours before rescue came. Young men barged into the warehouse and destroyed every last bit. The men were all killed instantly and was sent to the morgue.

"Hey.. Mina. are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice calling out to me "mina.." It was Bambam. I cried out my tears to him without uttering a word. He saw me , with bruises. "God damn it.. why would they do this to you.."

"I..I" "Okay don't speak, let's go."

"Sana! Mina!" Men came holding out the girls. "I am so sorry we were late.. we didn't know where to spot you.."

"are.. you guys ORS?"

"N-No.. I am just friends with Bambam"

"How.. did you-" "No time to explain.. let's get out of here" Bambam interrupted me, he held me gently as we got out of the warehouse. Bambam took off his shirt and gave it to me "Here. to keep you safe."

"what.. is going on.." Sana asked

"well.." Bambam was very hesitant. but he told us anyway. "These guys.. uh.. well.. Kato owes them a lot of money.. there is something Kato had been doing... which cost him his life.."

"Wait.. what are you saying!" i raised my voice onto him
"YOU STOP JOKING RIGHT NOW" Sana pounced onto Bambam hitting his shoulder
"I am sorry.. but.. he died."
"You.. you're lying.."
Bambam sighed, reached out for a footage on his phone. "They.. sent this.."
A scene where Kato was tied up bleeding. Constantly being punched by men and hit by an alloy.
"That guy, he killed Kato.. and now, he's got your family too." The footage talked "well then Kato. Anything to say to your men?"
"Just dont do what he says!" Kato replied
"You son of a-" He was hit drastically
"Tell them what you want them to do!"
"My family.. save my family.."
"Good boy. So as you can see, My men are taking Kato's family as we speak, so If i were you, Get me what i asked, and you all will be free" he laughed and he punched my brother once more.
"Oh right, how bout let's start paying with your life" The man wickedly smirked and stabbed a knife onto Kato's chest.
"No!!" I shouted
"K-kato.." Sana and Momo mumbled

Bambam took the phone back and sighed "here."
He gave us four photos of girls we didnt know.
"These girls are the ones he wants. You dont have to know who hey are just bring them."

"How will we find them."

"They are on the way here.. bring them to me.. and your parents are yours.." an unknown voice stood tall in the shadows, however he does sound familiar.
Sana and Momo squinted and moved closer to the shadow but Bambam stopped them by grabbing their wrist.
"I wouldn't do that.."
"Oh let them.. why not." He walked forward to the light.

"You!" The man who was at the footage.. he.. he was there.
"Hello girls.." he smirked, popped a tobacco tube and breathed out smoke "So have you told them Bambam.."

"You work for him?"
"No .. I dont.. I am just a messenger to get you out of-.."
"Well girls.. do we have a deal?" He raised a video of our parents captured in a cell, crying and shouting

I havent spoken a word until.... "Deal" Sana said with strong will

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Chapter 45: ahhmm.. this was sooo weird..
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