EP. 3 : Satan(g) Means Candy

No You No Life
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Wendy woke up to the sound of a camera shutter.


And three creeps staring at her.


Oh wait those creeps were here housemates.


"Hey, what the- YAH!" Wendy shot out of the bed, but she was held back by a certain Shiba draping her arm around her stomach.


"Hehe, it seems like you are flirting with the royal baby of satan unnie," Joy said with a smirk on her face.


"I'm not! She just had some nightmares- I- I couldn't just leave her!" Wendy explained, her housemates just shooting her looks of disbelief.


"She's whipped," Seulgi whispered, though her whisper was audible enough for Wendy to hear.


"Whatever- I gotta go se Rosie," Wendy shoved her blanket away, Sana groaning in the process.


"You should wake up your girl first- before she gets way too comfortable,” Irene pointed out the shiba, who was happily snuggling into Wendy.


"Yeah, yeah- but- where's Yeri though?" Wendy questioned as she groggily tried to wake Sana up.


"We don't know, probably a Dahyun's house," Irene said casually.


"Isn't Dahyun supposed to go to church or something?"


"Its Saturday dummy- did Sana drug you or something?" Seulgi questioned, the girl in question groaning at the sound of her name.


"Yeah, its Saturday and I've got work- have fun with Satan's baby!" Joy said, happily leaving the house.


"Mhmm, I have to see Mina right now, bye kids,"


"bBYE MoM!!" Seulgi said in a teasing tone, though the bear just came of as adorable to the rest of them.


"What are you doing today Seul?"


"Work obviously- and you!"


"Woah hold up- you're doing me?"


"Let me finish my sentences!! You should be getting ready- Rosie texted me and told me to tell you to get up since there's really no use texting a dead body. I sent her a picture of you and Sana though,"




"Iuhhsentherapictureofyouandsanacuddling?" Seulgi said, a loopy smile on her face.




Irene Unnie (+1) SeulBear (-1) Joy Satan I (=) Yeri Satan II (=)


“Kang Seulgi I swear to-” Wendy shut her eyes tight, knowing she’d probably forgive Seul if she saw her UwU face.


“BYE GOTTA GO TO WORK!” Seulgi said out of the blue, Seungwan snapping her eyes open to the door of their room closing and a rogue Seulgi sprinting out of the house.




Irene Unnie (=) Joy Satan I (+1) SeulBear (-1) Yeri Satan II (=)


Wendy let out a heavy sigh, turning to the unbothered Sana. Wendy slowly woke the devil’s princess- shaking her shoulders lightly. The shiba groaned and stretched, finally waking up properly with a rather obnoxiously loud yawn.


“Easy there tiger, don’t wanna break your jaw- I’m on a life or death contract with you here,” Wendy patted Sana on the back, the blonde finally properly looking at Wendy, a bright smile on her face.


“Sleep was the best!” Sana said cheerfully- and Wendy found her brain was having trouble malfunctioning with how smiley and cute Sana looked.


“Really?” Wendy said with her minimal japanese vocab, Sana nodding vigorously.


“Sleep is good next to Windy,” Sana said surely with a broad smile on her face.


Oh god Wendy’s heart was having premature ventricular contractions.


“Well- I hope you know how to shower Shiba- because there is absolutely no way in hell i’m showering with you,” Seungwan said in a part playful part dead serious tone, standing up from her bed.


Sana just tilted her head cluelessly, clearly not understanding what Wendy meant.


“Come on Shiba, let’s go visit the toilet,” Wendy pulled Sana by the hand, grabbing a fresh towel along the way and dragged her to the toilet.


Sana though- seemed clueless as to how to use a shower. Or bathe- in general.

What even? The girl knew how to put on clothes fine (thank god) but couldn’t manage a shower head?


What a strange Shiba.


“Sana,” Wendy said from the doorframe of the bathroom, her arms crossed.


Wendy wanted Sana to be independent, a woman of her own identity- but the goddamn puppy dog eyes Sana was giving her right now was giving her a damn hard time.


“Wendy~ What is this?” Sana asked innocently. Wendy sighed loudly, stomping towards the shower.


“Do you trust me?” Wendy asked, staring intensely into Sana’s eyes.


Sana nodded.


Wendy touched the hem of Sana’s shirt, inhaling a sharp breath. Wendy lifted the shirt up a bit hoping Sana would get the memo. But she didn’t, which forced Wendy to lift the shirt higher- til it reached her chest, yet Sana still didn’t flinch. Wendy was trying hard not to make eye contact with the blonde, the situation already awkward enough.


I mean- Wendy was trembling for godsakes.


Alas, she continued her doings, lifting the shirt completely and tossing it to the floor outside the bathroom. They made a brief eye contact, and Wendy saw Sana’s eyes were glossy, which made Wendy’s heart sink a little.


Be more gentle. She thought to herself.


Also stop checking Sana out you ert! Her inner voice continued, causing Wendy to scowl aloud. Sana had an indeniably y body for such a cute face, but she didn’t have the time to question her uality. (Major hint : she’s gAy)


Wendy pulled the sweatpants that were previously owned by Joy downwards, but she was shocked to find a few bruises and scars here and there around her lower extremities.


“Sana? How did you get these?” Wendy asked out of the blue, shocking the Shiba.


“Fell down,” Sana replied simply, and Wendy just shrugged it off, Sana was a hyper child- so she was bound to get a few scars here and there,


“Turn,” Wendy requested imitating the spinning motion with her hand. Sana understood, and what Wendy was met with elicited a gasp from .


A large scar that crossed through the ends of her back, there were multiple- all in the same area- it hurt Wendy just looking at it.


“Sana- how did you-”


“Accident. Very bad one,” Sana replied before Wendy could finish her sentence. Her tone was rushed, so Wendy lifted her hands in defeat, since it seemed like Sana didn’t want to talk about it anymore.


Wendy slowly opened the hook of Sana’s bra, proceeding to pull her down in the most gentle way she could. Sana then turned back to face Wendy, and Wendy found that there was a tear falling down Sana’s cheek- which shocked the older girl.


“Sana? What’s wrong,”


“Nothing,” Sana replied, looking downwards to avoid eye contact with Wendy.


“Sana, if i’m hurting you- tell me okay?” Wendy’s heart sunk deeper as she looked at the fragile girl in front of her, Wendy allowing her hand to touch Sana’s chin so she would look at her.


“It’s okay,”


“When you do it- it doesn’t hurt,”


“When you do it- it’s okay,”






After almost 15 minutes of teaching Sana how to use a shower (she showered in piping hot water once- and ice cold water TWICE - which was weird because Wendy doesn’t remember them ever paying for the hot water) the baby satan used her newfound knowledge to spray Wendy with warm water- the photographer drenched in water.


Sana was giggling- I remind you- as she continued to blast water on Wendy, her free hand messing with the water pressure and Wendy suddenly felt like she was in star wars and was getting blasted into a million pieces. Seungwan had no clue how to retaliate, so she just decided to bathe Sana.


Like a weird lil’ Shiba Inu puppy.


This was the exact reason why Yeri was the least favourite housemate.


“Yah! Shiba come here,” Wendy squeezed a whole lot of liquid shampoo out of the bottle, and walked towards Sana, the shortie smothering it all over Sana’s blonde hair, the girl still giggling as Wendy lathered the shampoo all over her hair, the blonde seeming to enjoy it very much.


“Heh? You like this you silly shiba?” Wendy scratched Sana’s scalp as if she was another one of her sister’s pets, the girl in question still acting all giddy and giggly. It was horrendously adorable.


Disgusting. Get it off my dash.


Wendy then proceeded to get the soap, and when she walked back to Sana- only then did it hit her-


You have to touch her body.


Wendy shut her eyes, lathering to soap on Sana as gently as possible while she gritted her teeth.


“Can’t you do this yourself?”


“Of course!” Sana replied, which caused Wendy to retract her hands.


“Yah! Then why didn’t you do it from the start?”


“Because I like it when you do it,” Sana said, and Wendy really wanted to slap the grin off her face.


God this was one, damn bold Shiba.


“Do it yourself Sana,” Wendy said sharply, she almost turned away- but the Shiba grabbed her hand and said-


“You promised to not leave me……..”


By this point, Wendy decided to look up if Sana actually meant the royal baby of Satan in Japanese.


Damn silly shiba.


But the sillier one was clearly the one following all of her wishes.


So whose boo boo the fool now? Who has been clowned to the point where clownery is longer the definition of clowned?


Definitely not Son Seungwan.




Dressing Sana was evidently easier than bathing her- and yes, they did end up showering together, though Wendy forced Sana to look at the door instead of her because what the right?- Sana was wearing a pair of white jeans a tad but to short and a hoodie that exposed a slight bit of her abdomen if she reached up. The small clothes ordeal occured due to Wendy being far smaller than Sana, and Joy’s clothes weren’t an option because if Joy knew she was sneaking around in her room, she’d slaughter Wendy and sell her body parts on eBay for 10,000 Million a piece and label her as high end pork.


But Wendy had to admit- Sana looked gorgeous in her clothes and very messy hair.


103 New Messages from Rosie Park <3


Oh god that girl loved to double text.


"Sana, let's go- Rosie is going to chokeslam me," Wendy said as she hurriedly grabbed her bag and filled it with her school stuffs, rushing towards the front door- but Sana only followed her to the point of the living room.


"Come on Sana- it's safe," Wendy said, holding her hand out from the front area where all the shoes were.


Sana shyly walked towards Wendy, taking her hand and squeezing it tightly.


"Safe with Windy," Sana said, and Wendy put on her sneakers exiting the apartment when she suddenly realized.


Sana doesn't have any shoes.


"Sana? D-did you come here barefoot?"


"Eh? Nani?"


"Oh god you did didn't you?" Wendy sighed as she opened the shoe rack, finding a pair of Joy's old sneakers.


"You know this?" Wendy held up the shoes, and Sana shook her head, pouting slightly.


"Oh god," Wendy sighed as she kneeled, looking at Sana expectantly.


"Sit down,"  Wendy commanded, and Sana did as told.


Wendy grabbed Sana's feet- turning gentle midway after remembering how soft the shiba was.


She slipped the shoe on, tying the lace delicately and repeating the action on the other foot. Wendy looked up to Sana, who was frowning.


"Too tight?" Wendy asked.


"No, don't like shoes," Sana said simply.


"We'll- uh- buy you nice ones- later?" Wendy smiled as she stood up.


Oh god how much are shoes going to cost in this economy?


Wendy took Sana's hand and dragged her out of the house, locking the doors and running out towards her car and off to Rosie's apartment.




"You know- a car would be a great investment for you Roseanne," Wendy said as she reached out for the passenger seat's door, opening it from the inside.


"And a time schedule for you would also be very convenient," Rosie retaliated.


"Not any amount of money could by a second of time," Wendy said with a smirk on her face.


"Hi babe," Rosé said as she chuckled- Wendy leaning in from the drivers seat to kiss Rosie on the forehead.


"Where's your sidechick?" Rosie asked with a tint of jealousy in her tone.


"First of all, she's not my sidechick- secondly, she's at the back," Wendy gestured to the back with her thumb, Sana messing around with a squirrel plushie that Wendy had at the backseat.


"Shiba, this Rosie-"


Sana peered her head from the back, looking at Rosé blankly.


"My girlfriend,"


And the shiba sneered.




"Hey Minari," Irene greeted Mina with a broad smile, hugging the fellow homebody.


"Hey unnie- how are we going to design this house?" Mina said, inviting Irene to sit at the loneliest corner of the café. (It was perfect for grandma's like them really)


"There's a lot of ideas I have in mind- but before that Mina,"


There was a dead silence as Mina gulped down her bubble tea.


"Who is Sana? And I'm sure you know what I mean when I ask that," Irene questioned, staring directly at Mina, who was refusing to make eye contact with Irene.


In Jisoo's voice : "scary, scary!"


"Sana is life!!!" Mina gave Irene a gritted smile.


"This is not the time for a korean lesson Mina-yah," Irene glared at Mina. (Lets say this a mild level glare, nobody is glaring at our uWu minguin)




"This Satang- you have no idea where she came from?" Rosie questioned, already giving a nickname for the shiba.


Sana gave a pretty okay reaction to Rosie, which surprised Wendy- or maybe Yeri is just that bad- but what Sana commented about Rosie was just wild.


"She smells like Windy,"


Yeah she was a weird Shiba alright.


"She came from Mina, and for all I know- she could be Mina's wild experiment that she's trying to hide from the FBI,"


"First of all, Mina is an architect. She has no time for wild experiments. Second of all, give me a more logical answer," Rosé pressed as they walked around Lotte Department store, Sana's mouth wide in awe as she looked at everything in the store.


"I have no logical answer Rosie, this girl just appeared at our doorstep and promised us 500 Million won,"


"W- woah? Don't you think it's a scam?"


"Think? I don't think it's a scam- l already know it's a scam- and you know I never think babygirl," Wendy said, nudging Rosie playfully.


"Ughh, you're gonna be more broke than you already are- taking care of Sana," Rosé commented.


"I- it's okay," Wendy stuttered out, the realization hitting her.


"You can always move in with me baby," Rosie said, slipping her hand around Wendy's waist.


"Nah, I can't leave my mates- not now at least," Wendy said as she stared at Sana, who was digging through the candy container where you choose your own candies and the price is based on the weig-


"YAH MINATOZAKI DON'T DO THAT!!" Wendy ran off to the younger girl, prying her away from the jelly worms while Rosie cackled on the floor, pointing at the two while she clutched her stomach.


"Whyyyyyy?"  Sana whined while she pouted, Wendy sighing as she intertwined her hand with Sana's.


"Don't let go," Wendy said sternly, returning to Rosie, who was still giggling.


The thing is- Sana didn't want to let go.


"You, hold my hand too," Wendy said in the same stern tone, Rosie smiling profusely as she grabbed Wendy's other hand.


They went off into the mall, Sana pointing at almost everything that was shiny. Rosé picked a whole loot of things for San

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_shorterthanwoozi #1
Chapter 8: awhhh it’s not continued :/ this story is pure pain
Paparapakyaw #2
Chapter 8: I'm still that this is discontinued 😔 I just missed Seungwan and her Shiba😔😔😔
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 8: Oh :(
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 7: I WANT MORE
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 4: Oh??
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 3: WENROSE
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 2: MOMO????
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 1: CUTE
Chapter 8: Stills here 💙💙💙
poplarbear #10
Chapter 8: Damn i just found out it's not an update, that really ... Hope you're doing fine!