No You No Life
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Wendy opened the fridge for the nth time that day, still no food. It's not like she expected the fridge to be randomly filled with food, but she was expecting Joy to get her out of the house and buy the groceries.


"Park Sooyoung!!!" Wendy angrily trudged through the house towards Sooyoung's room, since she probably had stolen snacks in her room.


"Wai-" Wendy didn't wait for Joy to open the door, just slamming the old thing open to reveal Joy on the bed with instant noodles.


"AHAH!! WHERE'S THE REST OF YOUR STASH???" Wendy exclaimed, practically pouncing on Joy, who was more keen on  protecting her noodles rather than herself.


"KASGSJ SEULGI!!!" Joy called out, earning the bear's attention, yet the older girl gave Joy a look, slowly inching away from the wrestling duo.


Wendy thrashed around Joy enveloping Wendy in a backhug, only to yank her backwards and off the bed.


"YAHH!! WHERES THE DAMN GROCERIES!?" Wendy asked as Seulgi continued to watch from outside, sipping on her sprite, clearly entertained.


Seulgi had never been a fan of WWE, but she might consider tuning in-




Seulgi sighed at their level of brokeness- almost on par with major kpop stans buying albums every five seconds.


They needed a job. But what kind? They already had their part time jobs but those were only sufficient to pay their rental. Irene unnie was an Uber driver and had another 3 jobs to sustain her Cloth Softener addiction. While the rest of them had 1 job each.


College .


Job. Work. Job.


Was stripping an option?




"Hey Chaeng- you're buying today right?" Yeri nudged Chaeyoung, her devilish, extremely evil smile at bay.


"I bought yesterday though?"


"Oh come on, what 'bout you Dub? I know good christian girls loveeee generosity," Yeri smirked, continuing to nudge the tofu-like girl, who raised an eyebrow at the Yerm.


"You're broke aren't ya?" Dahyun and Chaeyoung said at the same time, Yeri almost choking on her choco milk.


"I- of course not!! I'm like, the richest in these streets?" Yeri said through gritted teeth, trying to maintain her swag.


", you need a job- and ing Saeron is not a job,"


"I didn't say it was??!!!" The gay panic in Yeri emerged, Dahyun chuckling at the squirtle.


"We'll get Lalice to pay for today- but once you get job- you're buying for the rest of the month," Chaeyoung proposed, Dub nodding furiously in agreement.




“Make that the next three months,” Lisa appeared in her apron, the label Jendeuk’s Café clear on the brown apron.


Lisa had a full time job at the café and took night classes at Seoul University in order to survive her run away from Thailand. She kept in contact with her mom, but she refused any help from her.


DubChaeRi never asked why.


“Yo, yo yo, Lice, Lisa, Lalice- my bro- I can’t even promise you guys a job?” Yeri argued, because of her history of lazing around, the chances of someone employing her were thinner than a piece of paper.


“It's fine Yerm, i’ve got the perfect job for you,” Chaeyoung stated, which caught the attention of the group.


“Man I know you love Yeri, but like- no right minded guy would hire her,” Dahyun stated, which Yeri reluctantly nodded to.


“Oh, but this time she’ll have to take you- she’s desperate, and most importantly, absolutely whipped,” Chaeyoung said with a massive smirk on her face as she showed off the picture of her girlfriend, Mina, on her phone.


“M- Mina has a job for me? What is it?”






“Yeri, I know you love Chaeng but this is literally a scam,” Irene commented, gesturing towards to flyer that Yeri brought home.


“I gotta agree with Irene unnie, the pay is way too much for a regular babysitting job- i mean- 500,000,000 Won a month??? That’s like- richer than the rich,” Seulgi chimed in, kinda scared- well- if this child required that much care, that was already sketchy enough.


“Yeah!! And we divide it into 5! 100 million each! That’s like- enough to feed our own asses and the whole squad for a year! And you guys know how much Rosie eats!!” Yeri continued to argue- because unfortunately, she needed that money- Lalisa Manoban wasn’t going to feed herself.


“500 million? Are we babysitting an ancient dragon or something? But, nevertheless, i’m in- I seriously don’t wanna keep stealing Irene unnies health snack- they taste like absolute ,”


“You! Ughh, Me and Seul are out of this- but it's down to you Wen,” Irene looked to Wendy, who had been trying to digest the whole situation.


500 Million Won.


Wendy had no clue who in their right mind would give that high of a pay, and why they do that. Were they seriously babysitting a dragon? It made Wendy curious, the curiosity pulling her closer to saying the words.




“What?!” Irene and Seulgi exclaimed, they expected Wendy to make rational decisions, but it seemed like the months of living on instant noodles had finally got to her.


“YESSSS!! THANKS WAN UNNIE YOU’RE THE BEST!!!!” Yeri screeched as she kissed the dazed Wan on the cheeks, running out with the flyer, most probably to tell Chaeyoung to tell Mina that they accepted the job.


Whatever they were babysitting- Wendy was just praying it wasn’t a drug addict. Having Joy in the house was already enough.


“So, let's make list of things that could go awfully wrong,” Irene suggested, and Wendy felt her stomach twist.


Please don’t be a mistake.




“MICHAENG!! STOP MAKING OUT I’LL DO IT!!!” Yeri banged on Mina's house door, it was pretty fancy for a college student, but Mina had a rich family in Japan apparently, so it made sense.


Yeri had ran from their apartment compound to Mina's house- she wasn't really sure why, she had a bike- running just seemed like the best choice at the moment.


The door swung open, revealing Mina, who was

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_shorterthanwoozi #1
Chapter 8: awhhh it’s not continued :/ this story is pure pain
Paparapakyaw #2
Chapter 8: I'm still that this is discontinued 😔 I just missed Seungwan and her Shiba😔😔😔
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 8: Oh :(
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 7: I WANT MORE
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 4: Oh??
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 3: WENROSE
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 2: MOMO????
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 1: CUTE
Chapter 8: Stills here 💙💙💙
poplarbear #10
Chapter 8: Damn i just found out it's not an update, that really ... Hope you're doing fine!