Chapter 12

In Your Arms.
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Chapter 12 Begin.


Baekhyun had an urgent meeting that Sunday evening with some important clients. He saw YooJin's missed calls but he couldn't pick it because he was busy.


After the meeting was over he totally forgot about the calls and he headed home straight.


On getting home he was shocked to see Seoyeon lying on the couch in the living room.


He went to her and sat beside her before caressing her hair gently to wake her up, and indeed it worked out just as he wanted.


"Seoyeon are you are you alright? Why are you sleeping here?" Baekhyun asked while keeping his bag on the table.


"No Mr Byun, I'm not okay." Seoyeon's voice was very low, and just then he noticed tears streaming down her cheeks and knew that something was definitely not right.


"Tell me. Are you in pain or distress?"


"My health is alright, but Minhee just called me that my parents came over to my house with an elderly man to discuss my engagement." Seoyeon sat up and started sobbed while holding her chest.


"I don't know why they hate me so much to the extent of getting me married to an old man. I don't know what to do right now and this was exactly why I wanted to end it all that night." Seoyeon cried even harder and Baekhyun felt his heart hurting by seeing her cry.


Baekhyun pulled her into his chest and hugged her. He knew how hard life must be for Seoyeon and also the pregnancy. He kissed her forehead and pulled away to look at her in the eyes.


"Will you marry me Seoyeon?" Baekhyun asked with seriousness evident on his face.


Seoyeon couldn't say a word but stared at Baekhyun for few seconds. She was short of words that she couldn't say anything but locked her eyes with Baekhyun's.


Baekhyun didn't stop there. He went ahead and caressed her flat stomach, sending shivers down Seoyeon's spine and immediately she shivered at his touch.


"Will you marry me miss Seoyeon?" Baekhyun asked but this he gently brushed the hair covering her face away to get a better view of her beautiful face. Seoyeon leaned more unto Baekhyun's body and rest her head on his chest.


"You're the father of my unborn baby and Taesuk loves you so much. You're so caring and kind. I've been so rude and harsh towards you from the beginning, but not anymore." She looked at him in the eyes and finally she smiled.


"I know you're doing this to save Taesuk and I and for that I'm very grateful. So, yes I will marry you."


Baekhyun smiled and pulled her into his embrace.


'Thanks for saying Yes Seoyeon. Just wait and see how I fill your life with everlasting love and happiness.' Baekhyun thought in his heart.


"Thanks for your permission, now you leave the rest to me. I will protect you and Taesuk and our unborn child." Baekhyun wiped the tears off her face and got up to get her water, but she stopped him from leaving.


"Mr Byun I have a request, please."


"Go on, I'm all ears."


"Please could you make the wedding a simple wedding? Let's not attract the interest of my parents and in-laws, please."


"It's okay, I will handle everything." Baekhyun smiled and left, leaving Seoyeon with a racing heart."


"Why is Mr Byun so kind and why was my heart racing just now?" Seoyeon asked no one in particular, and just as she was about getting up from the couch Jongin Rita and the kids walked into the house without even knocking.


Seoyeon face became bright on seeing the kids and she quickly got up to embrace the boys.


"I missed you both. How was your stay at Uncle Jongin's place?" She asked after raining kisses on the kids face.


"It was great!" They exclaimed and Jongin cut in.


"The kids had a lot of fun just as always, but you don't look too good as you use to; are you alright?" Jongin asked but Baekhyun cut in.


"She's fine, just feeling a bit down. He set the tray of food in from of Seoyeon and hugged his best friend before carrying the cute boys.


"I missed you both, and I missed you as well Rita." Baekhyun said smiling.


Rita blushed and Seoyeon laughed over it.


"Go freshen up with the kids upstairs, then come down for dinner." Baekhyun said to Rita and she did just that and left with the kids.


Jongin sighed deeply and sat beside Seoyeon. Baekhyun noticed his friend's expression and he knew that whenever he sighs deeply something must definitely be wrong.


"What's going on Jongin? You look worried." Baekhyun asked.


"Yes, something is wrong and I'm sure it's not good. I was at Seoyeon's house earlier to drop Taesuk off before heading here, but guess who I saw there."




"DaeYoung. He was coming out with two people, a man and a woman so I had to revise my car and drop here instead.


Hearing the name DaeYoung made Baekhyun lose his cool and he slammed his fist against the glass table but no injuries were sustained, but his actions sure scared the life out Seoyeon and she flinched in fear.


Realizing the out come of his mistake, Baekhyun quickly hugged Seoyeon and kissed her forehead not minding Jongin's presence in the living room.


"I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" He asked with concern evident in his eyes.


"I was only scared, but I'm fine now." She pulled away and quickly took some water.


"I'm so sorry." Baekhyun apologize and stood up. He was still angry, but he couldn't hurt the one he loves so much.


Seoyeon stood up and held his hand and she stood in front of him.


"Who's DaeYoung and why are you angry?"


Baekhyun sighed; he looked at Jongin before looking at Seoyeon.


"He's my Uncle and he killed my wife five years ago for reasons unknown to me."


"Was he the one that called you back in the club that morning?"


"Yes, he was the same person. I don't know what he wants from me, and now he's also after you." Baekhyun ruffled his hair in confusion and he couldn't get a hold of the situation, but Seoyeon was in deep thought trying to connect the puzzle together and she did.


"DaeYoung is the man my parents wants me to get married to that's why he was at my house earlier." Seoyeon said calmly but it sounded like a bomb explosion in Baekhyun's ears.


"What?" Baekhyun folded his fist in anger, but Jongin quickly got up and stopped him from losing his temper and thereby hurting Seoyeon.


"How can that even be?" The CEO questioned his best friend, but Jongin tapped him on the shoulder to calm him down.


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39 streak #1
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Really enjoyed reading this whole story..loved it so much authornim...his character was so sweet, loving and caring from beginning till end.. loved the way he adored the kids all the time.. seoyeon and baekhyun's first meeting was really awkward... felt so bad for her and her kid at the beginning... specially taesuk.. but glad that baekhyun accepted and warmly took care of both of them.. saved the family from dark.. specifically oc.. her struggle and suicide thought really broke my heart.. TT TT TT... also taesuk's almost death part was so shocking and heartbreaking... I felt so heartbroken..also for baekhyun that he had to go through such tragedy of his wife's death... but time, love, situation and affection made these two broken people come closer..also these two kids too.. so sweet and adorable... felt so bad that all of them has to go through such pain and trauma in the past that broke them from inside.. but his strong and lovely character that made things more lovely and heartwarming than before... second chance....those evil people got their deserved punishment for ruining their lives.. but sad that seoyeon didn't come to know about the reason of her husband's sudden death..more like the culprit..also I think baekhyun also didn't know that that man killed his parents except the reason of his wife's death.. also I'm curious about their little angel's gender revelation..when baekhyun caught that culprit that moment was too amazing... loved all the lovey-dovey couple moments... it was so soft, cute, lovely and so overwhelming moments from the couple... also loved the way jongin and Rita were always there for them to help and support them... loved the way they took care of the kids.. also their love story was so interesting and quite cute.. changwook's appearance and his whole actions throughout the story was so amazing and heartwarming... glad that all of them got their deserved happy ending... specially the ending part was so emotional and heartwarming part...loved it... so happy how things turned out.. the drastic changes in life and relationship made this story more enjoyable and catchy... would love to read season 2..hope authornim share season 2 too... so excited to read more about them..I'll eagerly wait for the bonus chapters...yea... authornim fighting!! well written everything... thank you authornim for writing and sharing this awesome, interesting, catchy and lovely story ❤️ 🫶🙆‍♀️🤗🤩👍👌💕❤️👏🙌💛 take care of yourself and stay hydrated.. have a wonderful day authornim..
Chapter 1: I feel bad for Taesuk :'(
Chapter 28: It was a lovely story ❣️
Chapter 3: Yeah…. She was wrong for that. He’s just a little kid and doesn’t understand
Chapter 2: So… already not a fan of the mom. But keeping an open mind
Chapter 1: Wow- she really forgot her child!
jobless_girl #7
Chapter 9: when is kai's story gonnaaaa startttttttttttttttttttt