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Making Change

Amber scrolled through her Instagram, then paused when she saw that Krystal had updated. She couldn't help but stare at the photo of Krystal and her older sister Jessica at a private booth at a restaurant in Las Vegas.

She looked beautiful and happy, pale against the night sky. 

“What are you looking at?” her friend Emily asked, leaning against her arm on the large leather sofa, some reality show blasting in the background. 

Amber tried to tilt her phone away to retain her privacy, but Emily, in a rare show of speed and strength, grabbed her wrist and snatched her phone from her loose grip.

When Emily realized the object of Amber's longing gaze, she scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Seriously, ? All I've heard about since we started hanging out is Krystal this and Krystal that, but you still haven’t made a move? It's been years!”

"Not that long," Amber griped, snatching her phone back with a scowl. “It's not that simple.”

“Oh?” Emily asked, arching a perfect brow. She believed in going after exactly what she wanted thse days. She'd had enough of insecurities and regrets to last her a lifetime even though she was younger than Amber.

“I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” Amber explained quietly, thinking it was better to have Krystal in her life, close and unatainable, than not have her at all.

Oldest holdup in the book in Emily's opinion. She tried not to roll her eyes. “Look, if you’re pining after her like this-“

“I'm not pining.”

Emily ignored the interruption. “Then your friendship is already over. You either have to get over her or confess to her, cause imagine a few more years having to listen to her talk about her crushes. You drunk ed about that for four hours last month. Then you lie to her when you go on about someone you’re 'interested in'," she air quoted. "How long can you two continue like that?”

Amber rubbed a hand against the back of her neck, knowing she was right. She hated what she had with Krystal now compared to the easy friendship they’d shared before she made the mistake of falling for her. Now there were awkward silences where there used to be comfortable ones, avoiding phone calls to avoid hearing about possible new relationships.

A sudden tug on her arm jerked her out of her thoughts. 


“Come on,” Emily commanded. “I'm not going to let this go on. I'm sick of listening to you sigh day in and day out.” 

“Where are we going?” Amber asked, allowing herself to be dragged to the front door and her feet wedged into some old sneakers. She usually put a little more care into her footwear, but she was feeling down.

Emily compressed her lips and stared up at Amber’s faded and growing out year old dye job. “First, we’re going to see a stylist friend of mine. Second, you’re going to text Krystal and ask her if she’s going to be stopping in LA any time soon.”


“Third, you’re going to stop being a coward, and tell her how you feel, cause really, girl, this is just sad.” 

Amber ran a hand through her tangled hair and shuffled nervously on her feet. “What if-“ 

She got cut off again, Emily really not wanting to hear any more of her lame excuses. “If she doesn’t like you and if your friendship is all that, then you should be able to work through it. If she likes you, I get to stop hearing you complain about being a lonely loner for the rest of your lonely life. If your friendship ends,” she shrugged, “then it probably wasn’t strong enough to save in the first place.” 

She glared when she saw Amber about to open again. “Just shut up and get in the car," she snapped before even a small sound could come out. "At least you’ll get a cute new look from this. I’m tired of seeing that blue hair dye literally hanging on by a thread.” 


-Ur in Vegas?- Amber texted Krystal, sweating with nerves, Emily at her elbow. She hadn’t left Amber’s side since they’d come back from the salon. She knew Amber would chicken out if she let her have too long to think about what she was doing. -I saw the update with your sis-

=Yeah. It’s been fun.= The response was immediate. =I’m so bad at gambling, so I’ve mostly been sticking to the restaurants and the pool.=

“Ooh, ask for a bathing suit pic!” Emily interjected unhelpfully. 

“Shut up!” 

Amber bit her lip. -So will u and Jess be coming through LA? Been a while since we hung out- She chewed on her thumbnail while she waited for a reply. Emily smacked her hand away telling her the skin on her hands looked bad enough without her adding to it. 

“You’re going to moisturize those things every day from now on.” 

“You’re kicking my confidence right in the balls.” 

“Shut up.” 

They both jumped when her phone notification dinged. =Maybe ;-P=

“What's that mean?" Emily asked. "Never mind. Doesn't matter. Beg her a little.”

Amber rolled her eyes, then typed with limp fingers, -Please? I miss u-

“Heh, you sound so needy and pathetic,” Emily laughed.

“Oh god!” Amber buried her face in her hands.

“Some women like that," Emily quickly said comfortingly.

She received a glare for her efforts. 

=We’ll see=

Amber sighed and slapped her phone down on the table. “Ugh!” 

She ran her hand through her newly styled and dyed hair. Krystal had once told her that blonde looked good on her, so she’d updated her cut and gotten it bleached as white as possible so her tan skin stood out more. 

“Does she know your new address?” Emily asked suddenly.

“Yeah. Why?” 

Her friend eyed her critically. “I don’t know, maybe actually get dressed and put on a little makeup every morning for like the next two weeks or something. What if she just shows up at your door?” 

Amber’s heart fluttered at the thought. 

“Just your eyebrows and maybe a little gloss or something. Your lips are looking a little crusty.” 

The flutter changed to anxious butterflies wondering if Krystal had every looked at her lips and thought they were dry and crusty. She did often try to talk to her about moisturizers and natural looking makeup. What if she had been hinting that Amber’s lips looked like asphalt? 

She brushed her fingers over them and flinched. Emily noticed. 

"I'll get you a kit. Don't worry."


=I’m at your apartment. Where r u?=

“Oh my god. Oh my god!” Too soon. She wasn't ready! 

She looked down at her outfit. Sweats. T-shirt. Literally the same thing Krystal always saw her in. The outfits Emily had picked out for her to wear everyday just in case Krystal surprised her were at home lined up in her closet - where Krystal was.

The timing is garbage!

-Out.- She responded, so as not to leave Krystal hanging. -I'll b back soon. Have my roommate let u n-

=Already in.=

Amber groaned and stood up from the couch, pacing. Her friends eyed her with worry.

=U’ve got so much stuff on your bed= 

Three dots appeared then a selfie popped up. Krystal had draped herself on Amber's plushie mound, a llama on each side of her.

She's so cute. What am I doing?

Amber smacked a hand to her forehead. She was so screwed. She looked around at her friends. “I gotta go guys. Catch up in a few days?” 

They all waved a quick goodbye as she hurried out of Matt's apartment. 

Krystal was here.

The knowledge beat at her with each of her pounding footsteps.

Krystal was in LA. In her room. On her bed.

Amber put a hand over her rapidly beating heart. 

She was here. 


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Sorry for the long wait. Every time I update I have to read through most of them again so I don’t get the stories mixed up or forget information or which characters go where XD I used to try to keep outlines, but I at that T.T


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leslay #1
Chapter 9: Cute
2077 streak #2
Chapter 8: Awwwww
2077 streak #3
I like this story
2077 streak #4
Chapter 5: That’s so homo
2077 streak #5
Chapter 4: Krystal is straight?
2077 streak #6
Welcome back authornim!
Itsob_session #7
Chapter 9: Yoooooooo thank you very much author! Loved it
Chapter 9: More I want moaaaaar!!!! Thanks for the update😍
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 9: Waaaah thank youuu 🙌🏻
Welcome back!
Chapter 9: Finally.. please keep the ship sailing :')