twenty-two: a shot

strange bedfellows
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a shot



SEULGI releases solo comeback MV for “I’ll Try”

NCT’s Jaehyun caught at Red Velvet’s Seulgi’s apartment; SM Entertainment yet to confirm dating rumors



She had others what it felt like. Wendy said it was a trip through the seven gates of purgatory, Johnny said it made eight years of training feel like a walk in the park, and even the usually silent and tolerant Irene said that it was a time of her life she would never go back to. Seulgi had contemplated the thought a few times, even had a nightmare or two about it, especially before the articles came out for Kai and Krystal, but she had to admit she never knew what it would actually feel like.

It wasn’t a nightmare. It was worse.

As her van rolled over the driveway, she felt her breath hitch. Scores of reporters, armed with cameras bigger than their faces, were waiting impatiently in front of the company. As usual, there was a dearth of security guards, as though the company was trying to say: You made the mistake. You have to face the music.

I know. Seulgi in a breath, simultaneously mustering her courage. She gave her manager a nod, and the door slid open. She heard loud shouting and cameras clicking, her head pounding into overdrive. She closed her eyes, let it fade to black, and pushed through the crowd.

Jaehyun stood by the tall, tinted glass windows. Watching Seulgi struggle to enter a place that had been her sanctuary for nearly twenty years, he felt his heart twist and turn in his chest. He swiveled around, ready to head downstairs and help her through.

But Taeyong caught him mid-turn, stopping him in his tracks. “You can’t,” Taeyong warned. “You’ll make it worse.”

“But–“ But I can’t let her go through it alone, Jaehyun’s eyes flashed back.

Taeyong shook his head. He guided Jaehyun back to the window, where a floor below Seulgi was still wrestling through the throng of vultures. She had opened eyes, looking ahead determinedly. “She understands,” Taeyong murmured, squeezing Jaehyun’s shoulder, “that this is her battle, too.”



“Is it true?”

In his lifetime, Jaehyun had met Lee Sungsoo probably less than ten times. Each time, it had mostly been over celebratory occasions – whether it was NCT winning some notable acclaim, Jaehyun achieving some record-breaking personal event sales, or someone else in the company throwing a wedding. Perhaps not Johnny’s wedding, though. He remembered Lee Sungsoo frowning the entire time, probably because he was doing the mental math of the eventual profit decline in his head.

So, seeing Lee Sungsoo bent over his table, sporting an austere expression, was an unfamiliar right. “Are you both dating?” he asked, rewording his question to two oddly silent people who clearly understood him the first time.

Jaehyun glanced at Seulgi. She was dead quiet, staring at the ground with her fingers steepled on her lap. She didn’t look like she had any intention to say a word.

“Not answering is not an option,” Sungsoo said, tapping his foot impatiently. He groaned and repeated his question, “Are you two in a relationship?”

Seulgi still wasn’t talking. Jaehyun drew his breath and turned to his boss, their boss. “It’s complicated,” he replied, wringing his hands.

Sungsoo narrowed his eyes. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” Jaehyun nodded quickly. Sungsoo clearly didn’t need additional affirmation, but Jaehyun’s reaction seemed to deepen his frown. “We have told you this many times – if you want to date, that’s fine. Just don’t get caught.”

He tossed a newspaper in front of them. Jaehyun wondered who on earth still read newspapers, but apparently, even irrelevant media somehow mattered in the lives of celebrities. Both Jaehyun and Seulgi craned their necks, staring at the picture splashed across the front page. It was a shot of Jaehyun holding Seulgi by the wrist at the parking lot of her apartment, shot deftly from an angle that meant the ing stalker was probably hiding in the bushes. They had seen it before, but the magnified version of it made their situation all the more real, all the more menacing.

Sungsoo stabbed a finger at the picture. “Even if you kids wanted to have a lover’s spat, couldn’t you have had it inside? Don’t you know this by now?” Sungsoo hollered.

Seulgi kept silent. She was still looking down, as though reverting back to her docile trainee days would have made their situation better. Jaehyun stared at her, trying to will her to turn to him –you have to look at me, Seulgi, we’re supposed to go through this together, you can’t leave me to fend for us both– but to no avail.

He heaved a sigh and turned to the fuming Sungsoo. “Look,” he started, “we’re sorry. We should’ve known better. But this was Seulgi’s apartment – her personal space! Shouldn’t we be suing this er for illegally trespassing and stalking?”

“Jaehyun – isn’t this your second dating scandal of the year? Among others?” Sungsoo hissed. Jaehyun felt a surge of red-hot anger shoot through him. He balled up his fists, digging his nails into his skin.

It was only then that Seulgi lifted her head, grabbing Jaehyun by the arm and throwing him a warning look, like she thought he didn’t know better, like his fist was about to fly – again. “Stop it,” she whispered.

His eyes met hers, his pupils trembling with fury. Is this all you care about, Seulgi? Is this the only time you give a ? For a split-second, her eyes softened, as though she could sense his pain.

“Enough. I’m not going to waste time watching you two act out Romeo and Juliet,” Sungsoo said, marching back to the back of his oak table. “Admit to the scandal and lie low for the next six to eight months. Seulgi, we’ll cancel all your live stages for your comeback.”

Jaehyun saw a flash of horror cross Seulgi’s eyes. “What?” Seulgi exclaimed.

“You heard me,” Sungsoo said, staring her down. The mantra was repeating itself: You made the mistake. You have to face the music.

Jaehyun felt sick to the stomach. Images of Seulgi lying on the floors of different training rooms, lifeless and enervated, pale as a corpse, flitted through his mind. Months of intense preparation, of working herself to the bone, of putting her life on the line – turned into ash.

Seulgi rose to her feet. She strode towards Lee Sungsoo, eyes unblinking. “No. I’m going to perform.”



Johnny observed Youngran as she put a petticoat on her doll, trying her best to do up the tiny buttons with her stubby toddler fingers. She was extremely focused, making sure of the smallest details. There was something oddly therapeutic about watching Youngran play – sometimes it let him learn a little more about the little human who was one half of him.

“Youngran,” he asked, her hair and putting his chin on her shoulder, “your birthday is in about one month, right? What birthday present do you want?”

Youngran looked up from her toys. “A Barbie.”

Johnny arched his brows, staring at the fully-dressed doll still clutched in her small hands. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Didn’t Daddy just buy you this one?”

She stared at him, slightly confused. He could tell she was seriously considering her options. She had a serious, yet innocent way about her, and honestly if she asked for a hundred more Barbie dolls, he would have just happily acquiesced.

He patted her on the back. “How about this? I’ll give you one wish. When you know what you wish for, you can tell me, and I’ll fulfill it.”

Youngran broke into a wide smile and nodded her head. She was so adorable, Johnny thought his chest would burst.

“Yeri – Yeri– Kim Yerim!” Wendy’s shouts echoed through the corridor. The door to Youngran’s door was ajar. Johnny heard her slam her phone on the table and march over the threshold.

“Everything okay?” Johnny asked, watching his wife stomp into his daughter’s room and plop herself on Yo

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Sorry for the delay in updates, I've been taking this week off SB to focus on "in the name of love", expect some SB updates next week :) In the meantime, if you'd like, please also check out "in the name of love"! :)


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Chapter 28: Just re-read the chapters all over again and it still makes me feel all giddy like the first time :'))
pinkypn #2
Chapter 28: I hope you update soon
peachwanda #3
I'm just so curious, who is Youngran? I mean is she a real tv personality? I'm not aware huhu
peachwanda #4
I'm just so curious, who is Youngran? I mean is she a real tv personality? I'm not aware huhu
peachwanda #5
I'm just so curious, who is Youngran? I mean is she a real tv personality? I'm not aware huhu
candypark #6
HIII CANDY! I came to stop and just re-read this whole amazing fic again <3 can't lie I really miss this story but no pressure thoo. I'm willing to wait for another update. This is the first story that got me hooked in you haha. Also, the character felt so real and so close. I hope you can find the time to continue this, but again, no pressure. I still love ITNOL updates and your other stories. Although for sure I'd be the happiest person if you decide to update this storyy <3
Chapter 28: How is it possible that every character feels so real 💗? I wish I had found your fics sooner.
It's heartwarming and heart-wrenching at the same time. I've always been a fan of SMTown and reading the part where they come together to support Seulgi makes me miss their concert interaction so much.
Jaehyun who's willing to take all the blame and Seulgi who refused to let him fall alone, my heart swells 💗💗 I'd never known that Jaeseul is the new OTP I need.
Thanks so much for your amazing fic, authornim. Keep up your great work! Stay healthy and stay safe 😘
kaistalee #8
Chapter 28: When are you gonna update authornim? 🥺
2490 streak #9
Chapter 28: Highkey, if I were in Seulgi and Jaehyun's situation, I don't think I would be able to stop myself from reading comments. ^^; Even though I know they'd be harsh, the urge to KNOW would make me keep refreshing those comments sections (and probably instantly regretting them, knowing how savage netizens can be OTL). At the very least, I'm glad that Seulgi has such a strong fanbase and I think her reputation as such a passionate, friendly, hardworking idol really helped keep the general public from turning on her as well. She and Jaehyun are braving this together, and that sets my heart at ease knowing they have each other. :)

And omg, the little kiddos are so sweet and funny, and I see that Doyoung and Joy have begun their own little romance now. :P And we're getting hints of Yeri and Jaemin too, hehe :D NCT really is sweeping the RV girls, sans Irene, off their feet. XD But awww, Youngran is such a sweetheart and it's nice to see her parents make up for her. ^^ Obviously things aren't over yet, since this is just a temporary little bandaid over some relatively deep problems, but gotta enjoy the calm before the eventual storm that takes place. :')

Gah, Krystal is such a complex character and my heart really goes out to her, because she's just trying to do the best she can in this crazy world we call life. Taking the unconventional road of doing things isn't easy, but I think it'll be rewarding in its own way in the future, even if it may not seem like that right now. She's got a lot of pride, but also a lot of affection and loyalty, and this combination drives her actions in ways that people wouldn't automatically expect at first. And that makes her all the more intriguing to learn more about!! :D

Also, Jaehyun's gift to Seulgi is SO sweet and my heart just feels so FULL, knowing what they've been through to reach this point. Can't believe it's been over a year, because what a rollercoaster it's been and I know there's much more to come!! Jaehyun and Seulgi moving in with each other will probably be that next evolution of obstacles they'll have to overcome as a couple, since dynamics do change once you're actually living together, so very curious to see how that'll turn out!! In the meantime, I'm just gonna enjoy the fluff and good vibes, hehe x ]
2490 streak #10
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhh, this beginning made me SO emotional!! SMTown is such a huge yet incredibly tight-knit family, and this is why I love these groups and their interactions so so much!! <3 And knowing how much Seulgi is loved by everyone makes my heart sing, because she deserves the world by her side and SMTown is that world. x]

And that conversation between Kai and Seulgi was so heartwarming as well. They've finally leapt over that hurdle that's been standing between them for so many years, and Seulgi being so staunch in her convictions makes me SO proud of her. :D She and Kai have been through a lot, and I'm glad that one positive that's come out of this situation is their friendship gradually rebuilding itself. Really gives a message of hope that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how bleak things may seem at times. :)

And ahhhh, the fact that Jaehyun is willing to sacrifice himself for Seulgi shows how much she means to him, and Seulgi refusing to let him fall shows how much he means to her. And my heart is just flip-flopping everywhere because there's so much LOVE and I love Seulgi's response about continuing to work to show the public that they're serious about their jobs. She loves the stage, but she also loves Jaehyun, and she's going to make it work somehow. She's really grown into such a proactive person and I'm just so happy that they're tackling this together, because I don't know if anyone else could do it like they do. :') Such a feel-good chapter all-around and I'm so excited for what's to come!! x]