I: The Higher You Climb, the Harder You Fall


I. The Higher You Climb, the Harder You Fall 



Baekhyun flinched when the man drove the spear of ice towards his shoulder.


He twisted aside, but it was too late to fully evade. The jagged point snagged his clothing, tore skin and flesh, but he focussed on turning it into water before it could do any further damage. The spear of ice immediately melted before it splashed harmlessly to the ground, the tip that had stabbed him instead alleviating the pain slightly as it melted into water.


It was enough to stop it from penetrating through to the other side of his shoulder, but it was too much of a distraction because his trainer landed another blow, square in the jaw, and he was sent stumbling back. Another jab, and Baekhyun had collapsed, the back of his knees burning. One more and he was kneeling on the ground, blood gushing from his nose and panting for breath.


The man stabbed his second spear of ice into the ground. “You’re lousy today,” he said flatly.


Baekhyun was still gasping for breath, but he managed to pull himself to his feet. “S-sorry,” he rasped, still out of breath. He managed to steady his breathing—somewhat, at least—and dust the dirt off his clothing.


“You’re distracted,” the man continued. “This isn’t the time.”


He took a deep breath. “Yes, sir.”


An impatient tap to the ground with his blade. “Get yourself cleaned up and see a healer for your shoulder,” he said irritably, gesturing at the red that was beginning to bloom on Baekhyun’s shoulder. “Then meet us in the front garden. Dismissed.”


Heart pounding, lungs and head aching, Baekhyun all but ran for the other direction. He wasn’t sure what he felt; elated, perhaps, excited and nervous and so frightened that he thought all the emotions would explode, but he managed to keep calm as he hurried home. Sure enough, a healer was waiting for him in the kitchen. The stern-faced woman didn’t waste a word before gesturing at him.


It hurt like hell, but Baekhyun managed to pull his shirt off. It was ripped, drenched with sweat and blood and dirt stains dotted all over it. He could only imagine how much worse his face looked, but the woman was normally capable of fixing it.


He didn’t know her name, but he knew she was one of his family’s only healers. She couldn’t have been that old—perhaps late twenties or early thirties—but from the way she acted, Baekhyun wasn’t sure.


She glanced at his bleeding shoulder and harrumphed in agitation, but nonetheless, didn’t speak. Baekhyun sat down in his chair, used to the ritual, as she ran her fingers over his wound.


The process of it knitting back together didn’t feel much better than it had when he had been stabbed, but the pain was something he was used to as well. Baekhyun grit his teeth as she worked her magic, his skin forcing itself back together. His shoulder still burned after she finished, but she had already moved onto his face. In another thirty seconds, the woman held up a small hand mirror to show him.


Not only had the cuts and scrapes and bruises been fixed, but there seemed to be slight changes to his face as well. He still looked the same, but… his skin seemed to glow, hair taken on a glossier sheen. Carefully, Baekhyun brought a hand to his face, only to have it slapped away by the woman.


“Quit it,” she told him bossily, then waved her hand. “Go get changed. Your clothing is arranged for you in your room.”


He lowered his hand. “Yes, ma’am.”


She waved him away. Baekhyun took the dismissal and mounted the stairs to his room, heart still pounding.


The clothing they had given him was simple. An all-black attire, although the black robe was lined with Vasileian sapphire-silver at the edges and at the cuffs.


He dressed quickly, then stared at his mirror for a good couple of seconds, trying to tidy his hair. Bright eyes gleamed back at him, and he tried to hide his excitement. He still hadn’t quite figured out just how he was supposed to act. His tutor had given him the worst possible advice: just as we taught you, which happened to be boring and stiff.


The last thing Baekhyun wanted to be his first impression to his father was boring and stiff. He tried to smile at himself in the mirror, but it only came out as a wince, and he cringed at the expression. Perhaps less of a smile would do. Maybe he could be stern, or smart, or talkative, or…


His reflection blinked back at him. And despite the fact that his skin practically glowed, despite the fact that his eyes caught light in ways that shouldn’t have been possible unless touched by a healer, despite all of that—he wondered if it would be enough. Impressive enough. Strong enough. Skilled enough. Smart enough.


He blinked again, then straightened the collar of the robe. Then, taking a deep breath, Baekhyun closed the room door gently behind him and trudged down the stairs.


His tutor, Byun Dowon, didn’t spare him another glance. Instead, he pointed his finger at his right arm (“straighten your sleeves, they aren’t the same length”) before turning away to march down the road. Baekhyun hurried after him, anticipation so overwhelming that he thought he couldn’t keep still no matter who forced him and how hard he could try.


The road was familiar when he walked, trying to make sure that the dirt from the path didn’t get swept onto his clothing. Some of his siblings slipped out of their own houses when he passed, whispers following them, but Baekhyun stared ahead like he had been instructed. Jealousy or admiration or awe, he didn’t care. It didn’t matter. It hasn’t been eleven years of training to impress his siblings.


The walk must’ve been the longest one in his life, but a while later, Baekhyun found himself approaching the central building of the Vasileian inner city. Dowon didn’t wait for him before trudging forward, but Baekhyun stood still for a moment, allowing himself to take in the intricate architecture of the building, designed with marble and Vasileian sapphire-silver, the color glinting vibrantly in the light. Spring was approaching, and while the temperature in Vasileia never rose much all year round, summers were mild enough for some species of flowers. In the middle of a pile of half-melted snow, the beginnings of a small, purple flower bloomed.


Spring was hope, spring was new beginnings. Baekhyun hoped so hard for so many things he wasn’t even sure he could name as he jogged to keep up with his teacher.


The hardest part must’ve been the fact that he had been more or less given no information on his father, and Baekhyun didn’t know just what he was to expect. He had heard rumours of the Byun family leader, but none of them seemed consistent. Even if they were, it wouldn’t have helped him much, now that he was meeting his father himself.


He had imagined too many things his father could be, so many ways it would play out. Baekhyun had convinced himself over and over that his father couldn’t have called to meet him if he didn’t care about him, or didn’t believe him to be something—anything—special. On good days leading up, he had told himself that maybe his father would be proud. On the dejected days when training didn’t go well, when he received a couple more cuts and bruises than usual, he wondered just how much he would end up disappointing. 


Now, standing in front of the giant oak doors that led into the Great Hall, every single thing he’d been anticipated seemed to catch up.


Dowon looked back briefly over his shoulder. “Calm yourself,” he snapped. “Stop playing with your sleeves. You barely look presentable after that beating you got in training. I heard you weren’t paying attention.”


Baekhyun forced himself to stay still. “I was a bit distracted today.”


“Yes, I know. Sloppy work.”




“You were nervous,” Dowon interrupted irritably. “Yes, I was told that too. You were scared of meeting your father, and so on. I don’t care what you feel right now. You’re going to act like we told you to, and you’re not going to disappoint or embarrass any of us. Only speak when you are being addressed. Does that make sense?”


Baekhyun took a deep breath. “Yes.”




“Yes, sir.”


Dowon gave him one last scan, lips pressed together in that perpetually dissatisfied line, before he raised his hand to the metal part of the door, iron engraved in the wood and rising in patterns that came from the hands of an obviously skilled carver. His power rose, unseen but prominent in the air, before Baekhyun could nearly see the way it simmered around the giant doors.


Then, all of a sudden, it died down around them. Dowon didn’t spare him another glance as the doors swung open slowly, scraping heavily against the ground. Baekhyun straightened as much as he could without looking ridiculous, already feeling self conscious and awfully small against such a huge hall, and followed his tutor inside.


There were a row of Vasileia’s usual guards lined up inside, then, at the end of the hall, an empty throne stood on a dais. Baekhyun didn’t dare look away from the front like he had been instructed, so there was no telling what Dowon was thinking, but he tried to scanned the room as inconspicuously as possible.


Marble statues rose at the side of the hall, fashioned as pillars that held the high ceiling of the hall up. Tapestries depicting—Baekhyun wasn’t exactly sure just what they were depicting, but he could make out bits and pieces of Vasileia’s history—and wars fought, some against other families, others portraying soldiers lined up for slaughter in a battlefield. Sunlight filtered in through the stained glass.


Still, the throne was empty.


Baekhyun followed Dowon as he headed to the steps that led up to the dais and the throne, then stopped. Heart pounding so hard that Baekhyun was certain his tutor could hear it, Baekhyun mimicked his movements and resisting the urge to fix his collar or his sleeves or his hair, or anything. Standing still had never been his specialty, and now, it was even harder. He was itching to move. To do something that would combat the nervousness.


He didn’t, though, just stood with his back straight and hands at his sides like he had been instructed so many times, staring at the empty throne, heart jumping into his throat. His father—his father wasn’t there, and there were a thousand possibilities Baekhyun could begin to think of. What if he didn’t want to see him? What if he had decided it wasn’t worth it, or decided that Baekhyun wasn’t ready, or simply figured that he wasn’t worth the time?


They stood absolutely still before the throne for at least four minutes before there was movement at one of the doors near the side. It took the remaining bit of Baekhyun’s self control not to turn over and look, but through his peripheral vision, he saw a woman emerge from the door. Her footsteps clacked loudly against the marble floor before coming to a soft stop in front of them. Only when she stopped in front of them that Baekhyun dared look up to see who it was.


“Dowon,” she said. Her voice was high, a sweet lilt to her tone that somehow seemed to match her elegance, the way her blood red robe billowed around her as she moved as if it were made from the wind itself. She was beautiful. Her face—she couldn’t have been more than twenty six, with large eyes framed with dark lashes and pale skin that made her features stand out even more. Her lips had obviously been painted a shade that matched her dress.


In his peripheral, Baekhyun saw his tutor stiffen as she addressed him.


“Yes,” he finally answered tensely.


She smiled sweetly at him, but there was venom in her expression as well. “You’re not needed here anymore. He wants to see Baekhyun alone in his study. I’m sure your pupil is more than capable of finding his own way home after this, so you needn’t stay. I’d trust the Byun family’s prodigy is that competent, despite you being assigned to train him?”


Dowon seemed to forget all about his own lessons of remaining calm despite anything that might transpire, because he bared his teeth at the woman. “More capable than you are,” he spat.


She gave him a dangerous smile. “Would you like a reminder, Dowon?”


“,” he growled back.


Her expression didn’t change, and Baekhyun had half the mind to wonder through his panic if he’d gone positively insane and the exchange hadn’t just happened in front of him. Dowon was the most stoic man he’d met, if not ridiculously uptight, and he wouldn’t usually get so worked up. Before he could think more about it, the woman turned to look at him instead, her robe spilling like blood on the white floor. She lay an elegant hand on his shoulder, and even as she stepped down from the stairs of the dais, she was taller than him. “Byun Baekhyun,” she greeted. “Come with me. Your father is waiting.”


Baekhyun had to remind himself to breathe. All thoughts of his tutor and his relationship with the woman fled his head, along with the questions that had just started to form. My father. My father.


Still, he cast one more sidelong glance at Dowon. The man nodded permission before he turned around and left in a flurry of black robes.


She led him away from the dais, down a path to the side. The guards behind didn’t move as they walked, and Baekhyun tried to keep his chin up and back straight, even though the nervousness that had pooled in his stomach was now uncoiling, untwisting until it seemed to stretch into ever fiber in his body. What if he wasn’t ready—what if he did something wrong? What if he said something wrong? What if everything went wrong?


They exited through a small door at the side. Only when they were out of the room did the woman let her hand drop from Baekhyun’s shoulder as she tossed her glossy black hair over her shoulder.


“I hate that place,” she complained as she walked, her shoes clicking on the polished floors. “So big. He doesn’t even sit on that throne half the time.”


Baekhyun could feel his own eyes widen. He wasn’t sure if it was because the way she was talking about the aforementioned he or the shift in demeanor. “My father?”


“Yes,” she huffed. “The poor guards. They do have shifts, but standing there must be so boring. Don’t take that job if they ever offer it to you.”


Nonplussed, he tried to think of a thing to say. Perhaps a protest about how it wasn’t a job that he would ever take, that there had been rumors that he…


“Of course,” she continued, “I highly doubt they’d offer a boy like you a job like that. You’ll score something pretty high ranking in your family, I reckon.”


Baekhyun blinked once, then twice. Your family. Not our family, or the family. He couldn’t be too sure if he were reading too much into her words, because from the casual confidence she exuded, she had to have pretty high a position (to tell Dowon off like so, and to be the one to take him to his father). And to have a high position, she had to be of the family.


, Dowon had called her.


She had started walking again. Baekhyun glanced at the red robe one more time—he could only see her back, but it dipped so low in a way that would’ve been improper for people in the family.


Or maybe she wasn’t from his family. Baekhyun hurried after her.


“What’s your name?” he asked, curiosity finally getting the most of him.


She turned down a hallway, and Baekhyun took note of the way they had come inside. Down a set of stairs, two left turns, and he would arrive back to the throne room.


She waited a couple of seconds before speaking. “I’m Kwon Miran.”


Kwon. Not only was she not from his family, but she wasn't from a family at all. He wondered how Dowon knew her, and what their history was. And moreover, the fact that a commoner wandered so freely through these halls, bringing him to his father, when even someone who ranked as high as Dowon couldn’t come.


He tried to choose his words as cautiously as possible. “You know my father well.”


Miran gave him him a breezy smile. She wasn’t from a family, but she was still stunning. “We’re well acquainted,” she replied. “Anyway, we’ll be there soon. Are you excited?”


Baekhyun swallowed the lump in his throat, though the nervousness didn’t retreat. “Yes. I mean—it’s an honour to be able to meet him. Most people my age don’t have that privilege.”


Again, she took her time replying. Baekhyun snuck at glance towards her, perfect nose stuck high in the air and red lips pursed. “Yes,” she finally agreed, and he couldn’t tell if her tone was darker than before or if his mind was playing tricks on him. “It’s an honour.”


She didn’t give him time to decipher the meaning behind those words before they arrived at a door and Miran came to an abrupt halt.


It was another door like the rest of the building, though now that they had stopped, Baekhyun could see the way it was designed, the patterns carved into the mahogany wood. Like the rest of the building, it was elegant and regal, and he had to shove down the feeling of being awfully out of place and remind himself that not only had he dressed for the occasion but trained for it all his life.


“Well?” Miran prompted. “Just knock.”


Knocking seemed an awfully mundane thing to do when it was his father, but Baekhyun raised a trembling hand—then forced himself to stop shaking—before rapping against the wood. He tried not to flinch at how loud it was, but it was in the disconcerting silence, and all at once, every fear he had worked on burying seemed to resurface. The mantra of I’m not scared and I trained for this turned into the very, very clear fact that he was terrified that he would do something wrong.


There was silence for what felt like too long. Baekhyun was half wondering if it would be easier, albeit painfully disappointing, if his father chose not to see him at all when the knob of the door turned slightly on its own. Then, with an ominous creak, it swung open slightly.


Baekhyun gulped. All thoughts of calm and collected and cool fled his head, and he stood frozen, hands unacceptably sweaty underneath the long sleeves of his black robe.


Miran solved the problem. She leaned over him with such ease and grace, as if the man behind the door was just… another person, then pushed it wide open with a faux exasperated sigh. “He’s here,” she singsonged.


Baekhyun tried everything in his power not to gape at his father’s figure.


The room was indeed a study, though if he had thought any of his rooms were huge, this was gargantuan. In the center of the room was a desk larger than his bed (which was already relatively large), a chair with a back so high that Baekhyun was pretty sure he couldn’t see over the top if he stood next to it, and then tapestry decorating the wall beside it. The whole room was adorned with dark brown, brown-red, and lush, forest green.


Next to his desk stood the man that he’d spent all of his life training to meet—


Baekhyun wasn’t sure if he would’ve moved if Miran hadn’t given him a gentle push. She leaned over, red dress spilling onto the embroidered green carpet, and waved her fingers at the man—his father. “How long will you be?” she called, like she was talking to just another person. Baekhyun still reeled at her tone.


He glanced at her. “Just wait at the door,” he said quietly, and slowly, Baekhyun approached the room. He heard Miran retreat, her heels clicking, before the door closed and he was standing alone with his father.


The man looked… ageless in a way that Baekhyun couldn’t place a finger down on. He was—early forties? Late thirties? His hair, otherwise a dark black, was streaked with white in some areas. Sharp features, equally dark eyes, undoubtedly handsome, but… cold. The more he looked, the more uncertain he felt, until Baekhyun realized that he had been staring stupidly and forgotten just about everything Dowon had told him. 

Cursing himself, he scrambled to kneel. He could hear his heartbeat pounding in his head, erratically loud. How had Miran managed to speak about him so casually and informally was beyond him.


“Father,” Baekhyun managed. His voice didn’t shake as much as he thought it would, which he supposed was a bonus. It was small, though, shaky with disbelief and wonder and… something else he couldn’t quite place.


For five long agonizing seconds, he didn’t get a response. Then, “Stand up.”


Baekhyun went for staring at his feet when he rose, too scared to actually look his father in the eye. It felt surreal—he’d spent months and months looking forward to this moment, but now that it was actually happening, he couldn’t place a finger on how he actually felt. It was a jumble of emotions—awe, disbelief, and…


“Dowon has told me a lot about you,” his father said, and Baekhyun forced himself to raise his head. He met the same dark eyes that felt unnervingly like they were picking him apart piece by piece. There was nothing to hide, though, he figured. Nothing he had done wrong, nothing that would warrant the cold feeling creeping up his spine.


“It’s a honor to finally meet you,” Baekhyun got out instead.


The man tilted his head at him, and Baekhyun took the moment to take in his features. It was foreign, a stranger’s face, and for some reason, part of that disappointed him in a way he couldn’t explain. This was his father, but he didn’t feel… anything. Maybe it shouldn’t have been surprising, because they’d never even met before, but for some reason, he couldn’t help but feel like there should’ve been something more.


“You’re quite the talk, Baekhyun,” his father finally replied. Baekhyun stood still as the man moved, steps fluid, like he was floating over the ground, not walking. “Are you really as good as they say?”


Baekhyun blinked. “I’m sorry, sir?”


“I’m sure you’re quite impressive,” his father mused. For some reason, the compliment didn’t feel like anything. “Dowon told me of your process and your power. Earth, air, water, fire, am I right?”


Baekhyun forgot what he had drilled himself about and began to chew his lip nervously. “I’m better at water and air,” he said, then chastised himself for the stupid response the moment it came out.


His father, a hand on the desk, leaned forward. “Show me,” he commanded, “one of the elements.”


A test. Baekhyun’s mind raced. Was it a test to see his power? Was it to see how competent he was? Still not daring to fully meet the eyes of the man in front of him, he opened his palm and called on the one that was easiest to show, and the one he favoured most: water.


Droplets, pulled from the moisture in the air, gathered above his hands. It was light enough not to require much air to keep it floating, but Baekhyun let it bob between the middle of them—the small orb of water, the size of a child’s fist. Then, when he thought that it had been long enough, he waved his hand and the water dispersed back into the air.


Sharp eyes pierced him, and Baekhyun didn’t have to look up to know that his father was scrutinizing him again. He waited nervously for a verdict. What if it hadn’t been enough? What if he had been expecting something more? What if this—his one chance—had been ruined by his own stupidity and inability to discern?


Then the man straightened. Baekhyun allowed himself to peer up, looking at his face but not quite meeting his eyes. He was half-certain that his father could hear his heartbeat as well, hear his thoughts that echoed so loudly in his head that it physically hurt.


“Baekhyun,” he started, his name spoken in a drawl, like he was testing out the syllables. “Do you know what they say?”


Baekhyun was glad that the sleeves of his robes were so long, because he could feel his nails digging into his palm from how hard he was clenching it. “No, sir.”


“The higher you climb, the harder you fall. Interesting little saying, right?”


He swallowed thickly. The higher you climb, the harder you fall. The higher you climb, the harder you fall. The higher you climb, the harder you fall.


It didn’t make any sense. None of it made sense, and the more he stared at the figure in front of him, the more foreign he seemed to see. For a couple more seconds, Baekhyun fumbled for things to say.


His father solved the problem for him. He rapped his knuckles on the giant desk twice, the sound reverberating harshly. Baekhyun barely had time to wonder what it was for when, nearly immediately after, the door behind him swung open. 

Miran poked her head inside, like greeting an old friend and smiled at them brightly. “Yes?”


His father’s expression didn’t change at her tone, nor did he look particularly surprised. If Baekhyun had been thinking straight, he might’ve noted more about it, but he wasn’t. His head was spinning from the words, from the exchange they had—brief, that was his only coherent thought, confusing and he didn’t understand why. He didn’t know if it were something he’d done or something even more out of his control that had ended this meeting—the meeting he had spent months training, preparing, hoping for—to go on a course he couldn’t even imagine. It wasn’t good. It wasn’t bad. It was simply…


“Take Baekhyun back out,” he instructed, then looked at Baekhyun. He didn’t smile, face set in that perpetual mask of impassivity, but instead said, “good luck with your training.”


Someway or another, through the confusion, Baekhyun managed to force his feet to move. He bowed—it was a miracle that he remembered—and he heard himself say father in a voice that didn’t feel like his own. Then he was moving not on his own accord but propelled forward by some sort of force as he headed for the door, a strange, unwelcome, unfamiliar numbness spreading from his chest.


The Byun family leader didn’t say anything else; no farewell, no more acknowledgement. Baekhyun didn’t either.


It was only when the door closed behind him and Miran, with her smile—that easy smile, like she didn’t have a care in the world—led him away that Baekhyun realized what it was that he felt.


He’d worked so long for this moment, and meeting a stranger wasn’t what he had expected, even though he should’ve. He didn’t recognize the man with cold eyes and sharp, regal features. He didn’t recognize the man with a silky voice, craftily chosen words and silver tongue. He didn’t recognize, couldn’t connect, couldn’t understand just what he had expected and at the same time, why it hadn’t gone the way he had expected.


All that, and as Miran walked him out, chattering something he didn’t quite comprehend and didn’t have the heart to listen to, Baekhyun realized that he simply felt empty.




Chapter one is FINALLY up!


Keep in mind that Baekhyun here is very, very different from the Baekhyun in Cutlass.


There's also going to be more backstory for other characters than I antipicated. But at this point, it's me, are you even surprised?


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Chapter 8: ok so i avoided reading this for the longest time bc I wanted to wait for it to finish first but ive been thinking about cutlass these days so i thought, screw it ill read it even though its not done 🥲 and i havent read cutlass in a while so ive forgotten the details of the events of his past that might have been mentioned, so its like reading a whole new different story which im really liking the feeling of bc its all this new information that i didnt know before but in a familiar au with familiar characters and its just fun!
i cant stress how much i enjoy your writing and especially in the Cutlass universe, its just so nice and pulls me right in. Like im inside the characters mind but also outside watching them? i love it and i love how excellent the world building is in the whole series bc having read the other stories before this one makes me so much more able to imagine the world that young baek is living through and makes me appreciate his character development all the more later on.
its so good how you map out the conflicting feelings hes having and the thoughts he has about everything. I like how the little details of his personality are still present even when hes older like his good memory and how he remembers the routes that he walks around in so that he can know which way to take back :’) im looking forward to where the split will come when he ends up leaving and just generally how he becomes who he is later on and how his perception of his life changes. and im wanting to know more about miran and her history and why shes so close to his father, and why shes fond of him!? and why was dowoon suspiciously calmer after his trip… im just so 👀 about everyone bc it feels like everyone is baeks enemy at this point and that he might be being watched omg.
i cant wait for him to see the ocean up close, and i love how he feels like its home for him bc of his power.
the world needs you emily 🥲 pls return and restore peace
2491 streak #2
Chapter 8: Yesss, Heejin is very unique and I love Breadboy's internal monologues about her, hehe. x] They're incredibly profound yet so simple at the same time in the best way possible and I feel like I learn so much about Heejin during these moments. ^^ And I'm ded at how easy it is to get Breadboy to do something once he's riled up, HAHA. XD No matter what, he's still filled with pride, even if it's masked by his anxiety at times, and I love how it's even easier to goad him when Heejin is involved, LOOOOOOL. :P And ooh, I've also never really thought about how his powers actually work either. :O Or elemental powers in general, hehe. I know I never really thought deeply about it when I watched Avatar, so it was really interesting to see how Baekhyun articulated his powers. x]

BUT WAIT, BREADBOY HAS NEVER SEEN THE OCEAN BEFORE?????? OMG, MY CHILD, I'M SHOOK. HOW AND WHY DID HIS FAMILY KEEP HIM AWAY?!?!?!? But oh my gosh, when he got to see the ocean for the very first time, that was such a beautiful moment. ㅠㅠ And I think it'll be even more wondrous once he properly sees the ocean in the daytime and see the waves rolling up to the beach, the tide going in and out, the foam curling up with the sunlight glinting off the water. :') It also reminds me of a similar scene in Attack on Titan (i won't specify too much in case it's spoilers, but yeah) and seeing how the characters reacted after a lifetime of only hearing about the ocean, not knowing if it was actually real or just a made-up place. And now that I think about it, it's no wonder he ended up sailing across the ocean later on. After being apart from the sea for most of his life, he must've wanted to always be surrounded by water to make up for all of the lost time. :') And ahhhhh, I also wonder when he'll reveal his real name to Heejin. >o< I hope she won't feel betrayed or blindsided, but I guess it'll depend on the circumstances under which he reveals his real name to her, since I think that'll definitely affect how she takes it. >___< But awwww, that's so sweet of her to offer to take him to the sea. T^T I love their growing friendship so much and I'm crying inside at Baekhyun slowly falling for her. (mostly bc i know it's not meant to be RIP :') LOOOOL)

But omg, when Dowon popped back in, I was just as surprised ats Breadboy because I totally forgot his absence was only temporary too, HAHA. ^^; But ahhh, there's still so much mystery surrounding Miran. >___< I feel like there're even more questions about her than there were before and I'm SO curious to find out what these answers are, since I feel like they'll play an important part later on. At the very least, the beef between Dowon and Miran definitely came in clutch for Breadboy, because that would've been BIG OOFS for him if Dowon didn't have someone else to redirect his frustrations to, LOOOOL. :') And again, the fighting scenes are SO GOOD and I love soaking in every detail so I can imagine every movement properly in my head, hehe. ^^ But oh my gosh, when Baekhyun let himself get distracted by the dilemma of actually slitting someone's throat, I felt my heart drop, especially when he ended up getting injured right after. Q___Q I feel like the consequences for getting distracted will get progressively worse in the future, since he managed to go unscathed the first time and now this is a relatively minor injury. But hopefully he doesn't actually suffer any big injuries in the future, because my heart is going to BREAK for poor Breadboy because his family and his mentors are most likely going to blame him for being incompetent WHEN HE'S NOT. T^T

And tsundere Breadboy returns!! x] Not gonna lie, I wish I also had some magic salve, LOOOOOL. :') And AHHH, THEY'RE GOING TO SEE THE OCEAN SO SOON!! HOW EXCITING!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR BREADBOY!! AND I'M SQUEALING AND DYING AT HIM FALLING FOR HEEJIN MORE AND MORE. Just gonna cherish these sweet moments while they last and continue deluding myself into pretending that everything will be okay when I know it won't, LOOOOOL. :')
2491 streak #3
Chapter 7: Ever since Heejin pointed out how formally Breadboy speaks, I'm so much more aware of it and it's lowkey HILARIOUS to see how stiff he is here compared to how carefree he is in other installments, HAHA. :') And it's also SO funny to kinda see the dynamic flipped on him with Heejin being the jokester and Breadboy being the strait-laced one, since he's usually the jester (AMOGUS) out of the duo when it's him and Cinnaroll Hei, LOOOOL. XD Oh, how the tables have turned. :') Also, I am DYING every time even the slightest bit of his budding attraction towards Heejin jumps out, because he's such an awkward lil bread slice and I love him for it, HAHAHA.

i too would say the same if i were her
bc this man is a LIAR and i will never get over his monster strip solo
even tho it's been YEARS and this is prequel!breadboy so obvs not the same person
but i will never let go of this since i'm v cringe LOLOLOLOL :')

ANYWAY, I digress. But OOH, a trap door!! How mysteriously exciting!! Definitely very curious to see where the passages lead, how extensive the network is, and what Heejin is involved in, hehe. And even if Baekhyun thinks she's foolish for doing so, I really love this theme of trust and faith that Heejin has in Baekhyun, even though she's only known him for a few days. It reminds me of how trust was such a huge part of the movie, Raya and the Last Dragon, which I watched recently with my sister during our Disney film binge-watch, hehe. ^^ And ahhhh, the way Baekhyun fixated on "next time" was so sweet yet so sad at the same time, with the connotation of how his evaluation went literally hours before. Q___Q But his tsundere moments literally make me laugh SO much and I love this lil Breadboy with my entire soul, HAHAHA.

But gah, Miran is SUCH a mystery and I have no idea whether or not to trust her. OTL She's been so nice to Breadboy, especially as of late, but I definitely wasn't expecting her to give him a gift, much less a bag of cookies and multiple times at that. :O Since she's involved with Moldy Bread, I don't wanna let down my guard in case she's secretly trying to manipulate Breadboy and eventually betray him for the "greater good of the family" or something like that. It would be similar to how "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" if she's intentionally buttering him up. >___< But if she ends up being a good person, then I'll feel sooo bad that I questioned her so much. The complete opposite of placing trust in someone, especially when you're vulnerable, which was prevalent in the prior scene. OTL

But awww, poor Breadboy spiraling into overthinking is very reminiscent of the many nights my friends and I have stayed up doing the same. OTL And he truly is a tsundere here, in every sense of the word, LOOOOL. :') But oof, Heejin's injury sounds even worse now. x___x It's not going to heal anytime soon if she keeps using it like she is, so hopefully the slow recovery doesn't affect her later on, especially if she needs a quick getaway. >___> But AHHHH, I knew the moment he brought the cookies with him that he'd give them to Heejin, BUT IT STILL MADE ME SQUEAL WHEN HE DID IT, HEHEHE. x]

also, now i wanna eat a cookie :')
can't remember when the last time i ate a cookie was LOOOL ^^;

But oof, yeah, even if Baekhyun's life seems lavish from the outside, he definitely doesn't get to enjoy it the way everyone probably assumes these poor kids do. :'( The trade-off here definitely isn't worth it. Working yourself to death isn't the answer (says me trying to juggle 4-5 part-time jobs OTL) and considering Baekhyun is just a kid right now, it's even worse that he's going through such severe and unnecessary hardships. All to please a slice of stinky, moldy bread. x___x And even if he doesn't consciously realize it yet, deep down, Baekhyun knows that this shouldn't be his end goal. That pleasing his father won't bring him the happiness that he seeks. BUT AHHHHHH, IT LOOKS LIKE WE'RE FINALLY GOING TO SEE THE PASSAGES!!!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!
2491 streak #4
Chapter 6: again im the worst
over 2 yrs since my last comment i hate myself

But omg, literally, the beginning of this chapter is hitting HARD with the angst and I just wanna give Breadboy the biggest hug, because this poor kid needs it and my heart hurts every time he falls into a hole of despair. ㅠㅠ At the very least, I'm glad that Miran is being so chill about him accidentally sleeping in, because waking up early is overrated and Breadboy deserves the rest, hehe. :') But OOF, I totally relate to Baekhyun feeling a massive wave of anxiety just before an evaluation. OTL And the constant repetition of "I won't fall" as a coping mechanism absolutely broke my heart. You can absolutely hear the desperation in his internal monologue and it's actually hurting me so much to see him in such a state. ;~; Especially since I can see myself in him and I know just how much he's suffering right now. :'(

And it's terrifying to know that Baekhyun would've looked down on that poor girl in the past, because of how the family members are brought up. How they're taught that emotion and empathy are weaknesses, and how they're made to shame others and shame themselves for not reaching stupidly astronomical standards. "Not good enough" is such a terrifying thought and again, my heart hurts SO much for Baekhyun, knowing that he's unnecessarily beating himself up because of the incredibly toxic environment he's grown up in. :'( At the very least, I do take a bit of solace knowing that he's slowing but surely growing out of the arrogant mentality that his upbringing forced upon him. >___< But I'm just as nervous as he is about the evaluation and I hope he manages to get through it without too much trouble. ;~;

I LOVE how vivid and descriptive the fight scene is, and it was so much fun imaging the choreography in my head, even though I was also gripping the edge of my table since I was so worried about Breadboy. :') But GAH, when Sanghoon whipped out the blades, my anxiety SPIKED like crazy alongside Breadboy and I was SCREAMING inside when the shield broke. Q____Q Not only because THAT WAS A CLOSE CALL, but just feeling all of Baekhyun's panic bubble up with each movement made everything so much more intense and I need this poor kid to ESCAPE THIS PLACE NOW. OTL Thank the wheat gods that his excuse managed to work, because I don't wanna imagine what would've happened if the evaluators had managed to figure out what's actually been going on. >___< Baekhyun's mental state is so fragile right now; it feels like he might break at any moment. ;~;

Being outside really is so much better for him. You can see just how much his spirits are lifted, how his shoulders immediately feel lighter, and how much freer he feels, even if he doesn't quite realize the extent himself. >___< And I'm just very proud of Baekhyun for following his instincts, because they won't lead him astray. He knows what's best for him, even if he doesn't realize it. :') BUT AHHH, HE BUMPED INTO HEEJIN AGAIN!! But OOF, getting her leg trapped under a heavy crate sounds SO painful. x___x Also, I'm dying at Breadboy being fixated on how much Heejin cusses, since he's just such an awkward lil grain and clearly completely out of his element right now, HAHA. :') But ooh, a network of secret tunnels?? I'm SO intrigued by Heejin's plans and if she's part of a secret group?? (my brain is mush so apologies if i forgot details that've already been explained OTL) But YESSSS, CALL HIM OUT, HEEJIN. BREADBOY REALLY DOES HAVE AN OLD MAN'S SOUL IN A YOUNG KID'S BODY, HAHAHAHAHA.

Chapter 8: I really like Baekhyun and Heejin's friendship.
It is cute that Baekhyun gave Heejin the tiny jar.

Take care!
minminsy #6
Chapter 8: Been waiting for your update. Thank you!! ;)
Chapter 8: I love that prequel story to cutlass so much omg thanks for update!! the story has this unique stressful but relaxed / inner city/ outer city duality feeling...very intriguing!
Chapter 8: Baekhyun is such a teenage boy around heejin, it's great! This feels very much like those dystopian novels that we had to read in school with a deep meaning. Except I'm enjoying this. Why couldn't we read this in school?!
AiiSoo #9
Chapter 8: Baekhyun and Heejin were warming up to each other. More from Baekhyun’s side I think. Hehehe. They were so cute. I guess this was the start of Baekhyun’s likeness towards the sea? Well, water is his main power but he had never encounter sea before, so he must be thrilled with the idea of going near it. And with Heejin too. Dowon was being surprisingly kinder? to Baekhyun. He must’ve some kind of history with Miran before.
Thank you for this update..!
minminsy #10
Chapter 6: So good! Thank you for updating! These two so adorable.