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She's.... Sassy.

"I can make you fall in love with me, in the span of three seconds."

You said, with a hint of persistence on your voice, your eyes glimmering with conviction. I laughed and you took it as a challenge, scoffing and shaking my head in disbelief. You put your warms hands in my face, made me face you.

"Don't look the other way, just focus on me."

You said softly, like you were luring me with your magical spell. Your eyes boring right into my soul, like you're making a hole right through me, straight to my heart.


It takes three seconds for a person to fall in love.

Im.... Possible...

My ribs seemed to squeeze all of the air out of my lungs, taking a deep breath. What did you just do to me?

"Why isn't it working?"

I held your hand and remove it from my face, putting a facade that you didn't get to affect me. You really didn't have to try so hard though. Your eyes, your laugh or just your presence is enough to make my heart beat go erratically.

She's adorable...

"You... You eye smiling puppy! Why is it so hard to please you? Hmp."

You grumpily said, turning your back on me. Like I didn't do anything? Why are you acting like a kid who offered a candy and I don't want to take it? You're older than me by 11 months and here you are acting like a three year old kid deprived of attention. Again, I can only shake my head. I again turned my attention to what I'm doing, which is paper works, for our project.

As you noticed that I'm not paying attention to you, you grabbed my arm and shook it gently, my eyes travelled to your face you look like a pouting cat, if they can pout, asking for its master to pet her.

"Can I just be your angel instead?"

I heaved a sigh, again disregarding the papers like we don't need to pass them today. Why are you acting this way?

"So, you're an angel? Where's your wings? And the halo? Do angels really look like that?"

I asked, non-stop. You were caught off guard, you didn't expect me to join you with your vivacious play, but my last question seem to caught your attention the most.

"Like what?"

"Like you."

"Like an etheral goddess sent on earth to prove everyone that we are really just humans."


You blinked multiple times, seemingly in dazed of what I just said. Thinking that you didn't really get to understand what I just said. I shaked my head, I just want to tell you that you're too beautiful for this world.

She's elegant.. effortlessly elegant.

You huffed and ended our little play, finally. I smiled and we went back to our work, some guys passed by and waved at you, like they were fanboys hoping for their idol to wave back and you did, I heard one of them intake a sharp breath, clutching into his heart. I love it when you started with a small smile and it widens unintentionally, and I hate it that you're giving those smiles away freely, I want to be the only one who'll have the ownership to that, have you smile that way, only when it's me, with me. I glared at them, they scram their ways, I smiled in victory. You turned my way questioningly, giving me a suspicious look and I just gave you a shrug. It wasn't just you who have a so called fanbase, I share some of it too, having my own. Again, like it was a ritual, some students passed by guys and girls waving and saying hi's and hello's. I, in response greeted back, giving them my renowned eye smile, you scoffed and glared at me. What did I do? I asked mentally, giving you a questioning look.

People acknowledge your sense of fashion, some shared their envy but, wasn't that a given? Even your looks, the way you walk, the way you talk even if you speak slowly, your soft voice allures people. The way you hairs falls perfectly and how you flips it with elegance, the way you run your hands in your hair like you're doing it like it's some sort of commercial, everything you do screams elegance.

She's... Radiant.

Literally radiant, you shine like you've brought the sun with you or are you the sun? Literally a bright ball of energy who infects people with your light, turning those dark paths into a bright one. Like you don't have a gloomy day, but you have those.. you're just not showing it to people you aren't close with, you always ran to me, when you're sad. When in fact, you are the source of my sunshine, source of my happiness, ironic isn't it? Do you even know how glad I am that i am your run to person? You rely on me, cry whenever you want to. Shows me the vulnerable side of you. My radiant girl, stay shinning.

She's.. Optimistic.

You are dubbed as the 'Optimistic Queen'. People loves that personality of yours, you aren't that hard to love, anyways. Telling people that, happiness is a habit, they should carry it with their body. People haven't seen you in your dark days, I think you didn't show them 'cause you feel responsible. Oh? Have I told you how I admire you as a 'captain'. A student body president, a very responsible one. But you carry a lot of weight on your shoulder when you have people around you, that you can lean on. I've always told you that you can talk to me with your worries, right. Saerom-ah?

She's.. Magnanimous.

A pure heart, you have that. A heart that is capable of loving and forgiving people, caring older sister to your younger colleagues, you treat them as your real sister or even a daughter I would say and they'd call us mom and dad. Thinking of it makes me smile. You're perfect, without even trying. I hope people won't abuse your kindness, I don't want them to ruin what you see in your bright world. You have that generous loving heart, afraid that you'll hurt people but really, I just love you for everything.

Saerom.. Lee Saerom, that's who you are.


Thankfully we've finished that project of ours in time, from all those disturbance you made, questions you've asked, we've survived the day. We always walk our way home together, people said we're like inseparable. At first, I was just keeping a promise but as time passed by, I don't know but I long to be with you every single time, but there's a part of me that is afraid to let you know of what I feel. I've always watched you walk ahead of me, watching you enjoy the walk home like your were walking in some sort of park, like everything is like a scenery. When in fact, you are the scenery. I heaved a deep sigh, looking at you makes me contented. You stopped on your tracks, so did I. You turned and faced me, your hair was blown by the wind. The sunset make you even more picture perfect, I want to capture it real bad. But, I wouldn't take a picture of you in your knowledge.

"Will you walk beside me today, Gyuri-ah?"

You asked from a distance, I heard frail in your voice. Are you okay? You took a step forward towards my way, carefully you take those steps as you get closer you've opened your arms for an embrace. Cuddling me in me in your warmth, more like, I welcoming you in my arms. You nuzzled on my neck like it is the place that'll give you the best security. You sighed and sniffed in my scent. What's wrong, Saerom-ah? You stayed there for minutes and I let you be, I'm in no rush anyway. Everything is comfortable, aside from the wet patch i felt on my shoulder, are you crying? I lift your head and tried to look at your face, but you protested and still came back to my embrace, hiding your face.

"What's wrong, Saerom-ah?"

"I don't know, I really don't know, I just felt like crying. You don't need to worry, but can you stay with me longer?"

You said weakly, and who am I to say no? I nodded and you stayed still. Stay there as long as you want, I won't be going anywhere else. You held me closer, so I did. I kissed your hair like it was some reassurance that everything will be fine, I felt your smile on my neck and that is enough to make my heart giddy.

I don't know for how long we stayed still in that spot, but it was almost dark as we arrived at your home. You asked me to go in and have my dinner here, I agreed, your parents wasn't here anyways. I would like to keep you company.

"Can you stay with me? Don't go home please?"

You are extremely clingy today, I did not refute though. I've always believed in your senses, when you feel that something isn't right, it really happens. So I stayed, as you said. I asked you what are you sensing, you told me that if you've ever let me go today, I would never come back. I laughed, you punched me. I mean, why would I even think of not coming back to you. If only you know, that I wouldn't go. We are on your room, I was looking at those picture that you have c

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chadchad #1
Chapter 1: this is why we gays gotta fight for our love damn gyul is one lucky puppy and the way she described romsae chefs kiss
chadchad #2
bigyawn #3
Chapter 1: oh my god this is such a good story. the way you described her (saerom) is exactly my perception of her omgoi. i hope you will write more!
Chapter 1: Finally T^T
I'll be sad if it ends with tragic T^T
Chapter 1: Finally my gyulrom hearteuuuu
vousmevoyeznini #6
I love this so much omg. Thank you for writing this