
roommates? (it's temporary.)

chapter summary: 

seungwan panics (a little bit) over figuring out what to do for sooyoung's birthday. 

(ft some anecdotes they've shared about themselves irl, e.g., seungwan's avril lavigne necktie wearing phase & hate for high school musical).

By the time Seungwan rolls off the bed and gets all properly washed up, she wanders out to find Sooyoung already cracking open the lid to one of those weird waxy paper boxes. Seungwan smells garlic. Pesto. Her eyes drift across Sooyoung’s bare arm, pale and, as she’s come to notice lately, increasingly toned from all the free time in which Sooyoung’s been killing at the gym.

“Oh hey, you’re just in time for dinner. Help me get the cups from the kitchen.”


“Yeah, figured that since we had soba yesterday, we might as well get more noodles. What’s your opinion on Sichuan noodles?”

“Er… Never had them. But they always looked kind of spicy.”

Right, I’d forgotten you were at eating spicy food. Hmm. Guess that’s out then. Did you remember that this is my favourite cup, or was it just a coincidence?”

Seungwan shrugs, setting the cups down as she reaches for the bottle of juice from across the coffee table. “Your favourite colour’s red, isn’t it?”

Sooyoung hums, a small approving noise that makes Seungwan’s mouth curl into a smile. “For that, you get to skip the Sichuan.” Sooyoung slides the box with pesto pasta in Seungwan’s direction. “Since you don’t have to suffer through some of this fantastic spicy Sichuan, and since you know, you owe me and all, I get to pick the movie.”

“Yes?” She’s not sure if Sooyoung’s really asking so much as simply saying.

“I’ve already decided, by the way.” A devious glint. Oh no. Surely not.

“It’s not horror, right?”

“Unless you want it to be.”

“I don’t.”

“Great. We’re going to watch High School Musical.”

Seungwan groans. Maybe she shouldn’t give up her veto rights so early the next time. “Do I get any say in this?”

“You did. But not anymore. Well, technically you still do. It’s HSM, or horror. Huh, they both start with Hs.” Seungwan groans at this. “Also, I hear I imitate those dead wet girls in Japanese horror pretty well.” Sooyoung flips her hair over her face in demonstration. It’s a pretty convincing look if she wants to be cast as Sadako 2.0.

Fine, fine. We will watch High School Musical.” She does owe Sooyoung a favour, and HSM isn’t the worst of the lot. It is pretty far down her preferred list of films though.

“Great! Be an angel and pass me my dinner, will you? Come on, you get to sit on the couch, with me! Don’t you know how many people would die to be in your position?”

“Careful, your ego is showing Sooyoung-ah.”

Confidence, darling. Learn the difference. You know, I never got why you didn’t like it. High School Musical is…” Sooyoung considers for a moment before she settles on, “defining.”

“Only if you really like bad 2000s hairstyles.”

“Babe. I’ve seen your middle school photos. You wore neckties after Avril Lavigne. That’s like… you’ve definitely forfeited every last shred of your rights to critique fashion in the 2000s.”

What? Neckties are great! High School Musical, on the other hand, is not even as good as Glee is even if Glee didn’t turn out that great after a while! Have you seen High School Musical 3? That’s a cliched, cheesy mess!”

“Such slander, oh my god,” Sooyoung huffs, pulling Seungwan to sit beside her as she leans to click the play button. “I should kick you out of my house for saying stuff like that.”

“Would you?”

Sooyoung smile is small, a little cryptic. “There are already various strikes against you. Respecting High School Musical is merely going to be a small act towards your possible redemption. If you sing enough of the songs, properly, mind you, I might even consider it appropriate penance for some of your other sins.”

“Really? You mean to say that if I provide my best rendition of all things Sharpay, I’d wipe the time that I dropped your favourite shoes into the pond off my slate?”

“Don’t push it,” Sooyoung warns. “I can consider, since I like you so much and all. But it sounds like I’m on the losing end right here, so… do your best and we’ll think about it.”

Seungwan’s still stuck on the since I like you so much and all bit – her cheeks are so distractingly warm that she almost forgets that she’s held a decade-long vengeance against What Time Is it?

By the time she remembers that is supposed to work its way towards the excellent goal of redeeming herself, Sooyoung’s halfway through the song by herself. There’s a somewhat unsure look on Sooyoung’s face when she looks at Seungwan, as if to ask, you know, if you really hate it, we don’t have to, but…

Quickly, she yells, “What time is it? SUMMER TIME!”

That unsure look is chased away from Sooyoung’s face. Sooyoung doesn’t comment about the lapse, or whatever the Malfunctioning Seungwan Moment was, and for that Seungwan is grateful. Instead, laughter bubbles from Sooyoung – Seungwan wants to make her laugh, it’s a pretty, pretty sound, and Sooyoung’s eyes crinkle just so. And really, it’s all she can do to yowl the lyrics to a song that’s plagued her whenever she walked down every hallway back in the awkward-braces-Math-Olympiad-lacrosse-band-member era of Son Seungwan.




When she goes to bed that night, she knows that there are things she doesn’t want to admit to Sooyoung:

  • High School Musical 2 is fractionally less annoying with Sooyoung there, grinning as she uses her pretty voice to sing every single song, word for word, only checking the lyrics once or twice per song;
  • The smell of Sooyoung’s Sichuan noodles made her eyes water a little and okay Sooyoung is right, she is weak;
  • That even though her eyes were watering and Sooyoung’s breath smelled like garlic after she steals a bite of Seungwan’s dinner, she’d rather lean into Sooyoung as she sang and pretended(?) to sob over the scene when Gabriella leaves Troy; she’s not sure if she’d ever pursue the question of asking Sooyoung if her voice was trembling during Gotta Go My On Way because of how good she is at acting or because she was actually affected by the film;
  • Did she mention that High School Musical 2 was slightly less annoying with Sooyoung around? (She is not sure if she’d stomach another re-watch of the film anytime soon though);
  • She’s not 100% sure why the warmth in her cheeks never really went away all film – and those flutters in her stomach? (Okay, she is 90% sure why… but…)

God help her.




This is unfamiliar territory.

Okay, it’s familiar enough. It’s not like Seungwan’s not had this small, tiny, minuscule, little, itsy-bitsy, crush on Park Sooyoung for a while now. It’s not like these feelings are particularly unwelcome either. Park Sooyoung is attractive. Park Sooyoung is right – everyone would fight her for the chance to even talk to Sooyoung. She’s pretty. Smart. Gorgeous. Funny. Confident.

The list can go on and on. Seungwan wouldn’t want to stop. Barely knows how to stop.

It’s only unfamiliar because Sooyoung’s always right there. Wherever she is, Sooyoung kind of is there too. Even though they don’t share every class together, the two of them actually wake up in time to have breakfast together before class. Sooyoung even skips a lecture to do so.

(Seungwan suspects it’s more of an excuse to skip the lecture. Even with the reluctance Sooyoung effected in her pout when she told Seungwan that she’s missing the dashing Professor Reid’s class while they have breakfast at Macdonald’s – Sooyoung steals Seungwan’s hashbrowns, damn her – Seungwan’s not entirely persuaded that Sooyoung just didn’t want to wake up earlier for classes.)

Oh: waking up. Seungwan’s always punctual. Never late. Always arrives for class at least ten minutes before even the T.A. walks in.

But somehow, in the entire week after that HSM episode, her schedule is thrown into a tiny bit of a mess.

Sooyoung continues to insist that they share a bed. After all, Seungwan’s already imposed on her once. Stop protesting. Sooyoung’s explanations don’t always get more logically compelling per se – only one of us has to set an alarm, you know? Setting an alarm is never exactly a monumental chore. But midweek, both of them oversleep because neither set their alarms to ring. That day, Seungwan lets Sooyoung pull her back into bed instead of running out of the house with her hair half-combed, makeup half-done, for class.

She sleeps worse, nervous as she always is around Sooyoung nowadays.

More nervous, correction.

Falling asleep with so tight and her stomach flipping whenever Sooyoung pulled her close is difficult. Doesn’t help that yes, they both smell like Park Sooyoung so the smell is truly all-suffusing – a scent that is so absolutely everywhere and so absolutely messing with her poor heart. She tells herself that when Sooyoung pulls her back into bed it’s to compensate for the reduced sleep Seungwan gets every night because it takes her so long to finally slip into dreamland.

If one is being honest, though, she’d say that okay, maybe Sooyoung’s warm body snuggling next to her is a positive contributing factor towards the whole come on, let us just stay in bed for another ten minutes thing.

“Seungwan-ah,” Sooyoung mumbles blearily. Even her sleep-voice is cute, God please have mercy on her. “Stop thinking so loudly. Your paper doesn’t need to write itself in your brain when we’re supposed to be actually snoozing a bit more, y’know.”

Seungwan exhales. If only she was really thinking about a paper. Has Sooyoung submitted hers? She better have had, dear lord, why didn’t she check…

“And Son Seungwan? I’ve uploaded my paper already. Chill, babe.”




Seungwan doesn’t really say why, but the next day, she heads back to her own apartment to “get some stuff back home sorted out”, which is really just code for “I think I need some space?!? Help??” in Seungwan’s dictionary.

The post-its that she leaves behind for Sooyoung only informs Sooyoung that:

SY, btw, I’m heading back to my place to grab some stuff.

Hope your back’s better,

Love, Wannie.

All she’s done for the past half an hour was pace about in the apartment. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking.

What’s going on?

She sits down. Heaves a sigh.

The texts that she has sent to Seulgi last night didn’t really help. She pictures Seulgi having laughed at Seungwan in her room all the way at the other end of the Earth’s Hemisphere before quickly sobering because it is a Serious Matter and she was going to try to be a good friend.

To be fair, she thinks that it’s Seulgi’s fault. Seulgi’s the one who sent left her hanging on a text that sent her mind spiralling with a million and one questions.


From: seulgom

-23:49-: hey seungwan. seungwan. seungwan. guess what sooyoung asked joohyun

(23:56): what? i just showered

-23:57-: i know

-23:57-: sooyoung’s on the phone w joohyun

-23:58-: she asked joohyun how she knew we liked each other? like how we got together and how she knew she wanted to date //meeeeee//

(23:58): yeah ok

(23:58): i was there

(23:59): u guys took a stupidly long time to get together

(23:59): i had to watch u being useless all the time around her it was maddening

-23-59: sure, sure. thank u seungwan-ssi u were very kind

27 August

-00:00-: have you finished your paper? sooyoung’s complaining that she’s up doing hers and like you guys are in the same class for that

-00:01-: joohyun is not letting her off the hook for changing the topic lol

(00:01): yes

(00:01): ofc. what do u take me for?

(00:01): but wait – sooyoung??? why isnt she talking to me

-00:02-: yknow

-00:02--: maybe u shd ask her?

-00:02-: you’re still living w her right

-00:03-: sooyoung said she likes having u there, it’s still good

-00:03-: mostly

(00:04): mostly??? ??? ???

-00:04: yes

(00:04): what do u meannnnn

-00:04: idk u gotta ask her

(00:04): oi

(00:09): i helped u with sooo many things last year

(00:09): r u rlly gonna leave me hanging like this????? seulgiiii

-00:09-: wait wait patience

-00:09-: i was trying to eavesdrop ok

-00:09-: do u want baejoohyun to throw me out of the window if she caught me eavesdropping??

-00:09-: damn

-00:10-: she kicked me out of the room ok

-00:10-: like

-00:10-: get out

-00:10-: shoo

-00:10-: and all

-00:11-: im on thin ice already :/

(00:11): what DID u do

(00:11): er that’s not impt it’ll be fine i will deal w it

(00:11): anyway okay

(00:13): from what i can get sooyoung’s a little bit confused by something, smth to do w smth she likes, i think, joohyun was v concerned with a capital C, and u being ard isnt helping

(00:15): ??? idk smth smth sooyoung doesn’t knowwwwwwwwww

(00:15): joohyun’s a bit exasperated but also i can hear her trying to be vvv nice and patient okay!

(00:16): idk joohyun wasnt gonna say anything to out your baby crush on sooyoungie and all so dw about that

(00:17): come to think of it what r u gonna get sooyoung for her birthday?

(00:17): think yeri’s already mailed something over on our behalf btw, it shd arrive soon

(00:18): but u?? whatchu doing

(00:18): dont tell me u forgot

-00:20-: idk actually. am still thinking about it

-00:20-: it’s at the end of the week ok

-00:20-: i have

-00:20-: a BIT of time

(00:21): well, good luck

(00:21): anw i think their call’s ended.

(00:22): u know u can talk to me anytimeright

(00:22): like anythingiwill

-00:23-: ???

(00:29): sorry oops that was joohyun

(00:30): i was gonna say u can talk to me about anything

(00:30): love u ok

(00:30): if u need help figuring out what u are gonna get her

(00:31): lmk i can try and help

(01:29): TALK TO HER omg




Seungwan doesn’t. Doesn’t go talk to her immediately, that is. Her half-a-day foray back to her own apartment turns into an overnight one even though her toothbrush is still at Sooyoung’s place.

(Gross, Sooyoung might say. You’re getting as gross as Seulgi is.)

It makes her feel a little, well – there’s no better way to think about it really – chicken. But time to think always helps her. She’s the kind to blurt stuff out at without much thought, and most of the time, it tends to work out. She thinks.

But… she’s not sure what Seulgi means when she said talk to Sooyoung and why she sounded so urgent about it. Subsequent texts to Seulgi only results in Seulgi’s sidestepping, cheeky innocence lacing all of her responses. Seulgi even manages to rib her about her crush. It’s absurd.

Or it would be absurd if she wasn’t living through it.

Right now, her brain’s swimming with confusion. And confusion is again, not something that she’s familiar with. It’s not something she enjoys. She knows that it’s lucky she’s always worked hard, or that she’s been smart to begin with, or whatever it is that determines better-than-average IQ, but right now, she is stupid enough to ask herself if she’s ever been born less smart and she’s used to more confusion through every single test in her life, would she be less terrified of confusion? We are scared of things we don’t know. Things we don’t know well. This is a feeling so foreign she doesn’t quite know what to do except flee – though space only seems to have given her more confusion than anything else.

She checks her phone. There’s a message from Sooyoung. She doesn’t want to read it.

But she does anyway. What if Sooyoung needs her to help get something?

Groaning, she scrolls through her messaging app to see that Sooyoung’s only sent her a cheery set of stickers and a get home soon, be safe, sort of message. It’s completely useless in helping her figure out what Seulgi meant last night.

Her phone buzzes again. It’s from one of their fellow exchangers. It takes her a while to place a face to the name, this Jung Yerin person. She’s one of Sooyoung’s batchmates – they went out drinking on Yerin’s birthday a couple of weeks ago, she vaguely recalls – and now Yerin’s asking if Seungwan has any plans with Sooyoung on her birthday because “i'll take her out if u dont, unnie”. (Does Yerin even know how Seungwan looks like outside of a poorly lit bar?)

She doesn’t have plans though. Not yet.

But damn well she would when the day rolls around.




She admits that she’s not too good at this.

Her brain parses through a variety of different plans. What should she do for Sooyoung’s birthday? How does she well, make the girl feel special, valued, and all the nice stuff, when Seungwan’s not quite sure where they really stand?

Well, yes, where they stand is this point of friendship, but Seungwan knows that she likes Sooyoung a bit more than she really wants to say aloud to Sooyoung.

(For fear of what, scorn? rejection? Probably the latter – Sooyoung probably likes her enough to not crush her heart so brutally. The same could not be said for the bunch of boys Seungwan’s watched make that attempt, only to walk away with their chosen props-for-The-Confession in their arms, their faces downcast, face tinted red from the embarrassment of being turned down rather bluntly, and in some cases, publicly, by Park Sooyoung.)

(Still, Seungwan has to admire that they even tried.)

(The same could really not be said for Seungwan thus far.)

(Not that she even stands a chance, does she?)

Disregarding all her personal angst over a certain Miss Park, she wants Sooyoung’s birthday to be special. Ageing up is not an everyday affair after all! And while she wants to spoil Sooyoung utterly and completely, and that she knows Sooyoung would love the attention being lavished on her, what with having younger sisters to contend with usually, she’s not sure if Sooyoung would be completely comfortable with Seungwan deciding to operate on a larger-than-usual budget.

But damn it, she will have something prepared for Sooyoung by the time the 3rd of September rolls by.

At least she’s already started on something.

She’s tasked Seulgi to help collect a bunch of video messages from Sooyoung’s friends. Both she and Seulgi have a decently long list of friends/acquaintances. Though, they’d also confess to stalking Sooyoung’s list of friends off Instagram over a late-night video call just to ascertain they were messaging the correct people for their mini project. 

Then of course, Seungwan gratefully accepts Seulgi’s offer to help. Her friend helpfully points out that Sooyoung would appreciate anything that comes across as sincere. And those handicrafts and folded notes that take hours of labouring over usually translates well into sincerity.

Yesterday, when Sooyoung remarked about the lack of greenery in her apartment, Seungwan decided a trip to the florist was a good idea. She purchased a cactus – easy to care for, less prone to dying. She also couldn’t resist ordering a bunch of flowers. It’s a mix of pretty colours. She quashed the urge to do the obvious dumb thing of buying a bunch of red roses even though her fingers were definitely twitching to point at the lovely crimson petals. The florist was full of smiles, started the question with, “A pretty young lady like you – roses? They’re always popular amongst couples.”

She responded by sputtering for a bit before worked to hastily deny that “No, no, no, I’m just getting flowers for a friend!”, to which, the florist only tutted and pointed out that it was such a shame. That had been rather presumptuous of her, Seungwan supposes, but at least the florist had been pretty helpful about picking out the flowers for her. Seungwan’s not exactly an artist – too bad Seulgi’s not around – and her sense of colour is passable, but nothing really beats a seasoned professional when said florist wasn’t being nosier than she should.

Seungwan also goes through those online lists about “Gifts for Best Friends”. She takes a few peeks at those “Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend” lists too. She’s surprised that these lists yield similar suggestions, what with those Best Friend lists expecting, quite fairly, in her summation, that one would also love to spoil the closest friend in their lives. She jots down a note to bake something. Are toaster ovens going to be able to do the job? She supposes she’s not going to be able to make something too fancy, but maybe a jar of cookies would do the trick?

Notes. A video. Flowers. Baked goods. Now all she needs is a pretty trinket or two. And maybe she should order some cupcakes from a cupcakery?

She swings by the markets. Buys a bag that is simultaneously vintage, fashionable, and decidedly feminine. She picks up a pair of dangly earrings that she’s sure Sooyoung would like.

That should be enough presents, right?




It is D-3 to the day when Seungwan calls home to update the rest of them on her plans.

By this point, Seungwan’s already started stitching the video together. She’s produced test cookie batches. Bought a jar to store the stuff in. The florist confirms that the flowers will be ready for pick-up on the 3rd of September. She’s gift-wrapped all the presents she’s purchased. Almost finished personalising all fifty-two notes (complete with coloured pens and even some glitter) to be placed in yet another jar. Everything she’s prepared is stashed back in her own apartment.

“So, I’ve gotten everything ready, I think? I hope she likes them.”

Through the screen, she sees Joohyun’s brows rise. “Is it a little… too much, do you think?”

What? No, no, no, do you really think it’s too much?”

“I mean… has Seulgi gotten me this many presents for a single day before?”

Seulgi’s wincing protest is audible as she’s smacked soundly on her knee. “Ouch! Joohyun-ie, c’mon.”

“Did you tell Seungwan it’s okay to get all these things for Sooyoung?”

Seulgi shrugs. “It’s Wannie. Don’t you think it’ll be weirder if she doesn’t do an over-the-top thing? I mean, didn’t she get you some pretty pricey jewellery earlier this year?”

Joohyun rolls her eyes but concedes the point. “Have you figured out what you’re going to do on the actual day though?”

“That’s where I’m kind of stumped, guys. Some help might be nice?”

Joohyun hums. “Have you asked her where she might want to go?”


“I told you – Seungwan-ie’s not asked Sooyoung about anything yet.”

Joohyun’s gaze turns back at the screen more sharply this time. “You haven’t?”

“What? What am I supposed to ask her about?”

“You’re smart. You can figure it out.”

“Joohyun!” Seungwan cries, only to be met with Joohyun’s slight quirk of her lips. She’s amused and wholly indifferent to Seungwan’s plight.

“Oh, come on, Seulgi? Seulgi, Seulgi, Seulgi, aren’t we friends? C’mon. We’ve been friends for longer than you and Joohyun have been a thing, come on, don’t tell me you don’t care about me at all…”

“Careful, it sounds like you’re making her pick between the both of us, Son Seungwan,” Joohyun warns. “And you have… a bit of time to think about it if you want to spring the question on her birthday. It’ll be cute, I think.”

“What will be cute? Why are you guys being like this?”

Seulgi smiles, somewhat apologetically. “Can’t tell you more, sorry Wannie. But you’ll figure it out, I’m sure of it!”

“You’re very encouraging.”

“I really am,” Seulgi agrees, beaming, completely ignoring Seungwan’s sarcasm and entirely immune to the droop of Seungwan’s brows and shoulders.

“You won’t even help me along, just a little bit? I promise… I promise I’ll buy you like, a month’s worth of milk tea when I’m back! It doesn’t even have to be Gongcha! I’ll even run out at night to buy you stuff from the convenience store! Or, or, or… I’ll buy you a new set of colour pencils?”

“This is bribery,” Seulgi grumbles. “Joohyun’s like, right here, you know, Seungwan. Even if I was tempted by your growing list of offers, I don’t think Joohyun’s gonna be swayed at all.”

“Joohyun, pretty please?”

“No. You can figure it out. Please. I think she’s going to want to talk to you anyway. Goodnight, by the way.”

“No, no, no, Joohyun—”

Goodnight,” Joohyun insists. “Shoo. She’s going to be home soon, right? Go talk to her. How many times do we have to repeat ourselves, Son Seungwan?”


She’s too late. The last thing she sees is Seulgi’s somewhat apologetic smile and Joohyun rolling her eyes before her hands click on the button to end the call.

What is she going to do?

Joohyun’s right, though. Two minutes after the call, the door to Sooyoung’s apartment is pushed open to reveal a slightly tipsy Park Sooyoung. She’s a little unsteady on her feet, but she’s smiling, her grin wide and open in a way that makes her heart squeeze more tightly than it should with every hastening pulse of her heart.

“Wendy-unnie!” Sooyoung greets, stumbling over.

Without invitation, she crashes straight into Seungwan’s body, her long arms wrapping around the smaller girl even as Seungwan barely remembers to brace for impact. She doesn’t fall over. But maybe what remains of her braincells might’ve tipped over into the void and she’s not quite sure if she’ll ever be able to form a coherent sentence with again.

“You’ve been drinking?”

“Yeah! I went out with the others. It was fun.”


“Yeah! I drank a little bit. Just a little. Needed to get home you know. Didn’t want to get too drunk. Hayoung says that you’ve booked me for my birthday?”


Sooyoung pulls back, pouting. Even though her lipstick’s somewhat faded, probably smudged on some glass surface or other, she’s still gorgeous and Seungwan wants to tell her that, but bites back the compliment at the last second.

“Are you not going to? I mean, if you aren’t, I… Well…” Sooyoung flounders for a bit, her pout intensifying into a slight frown. “I don’t know. I told the others you definitely will take me someplace on my birthday. Turned them down. I think it might be a bit embarrassing if I was going to have to invite them out again now.”

“Oh! No, no, we’re definitely going out on your birthday. Together. Okay?”

Sooyoung cheers up immediately. “Where are we going to go?”

Seulgi and Joohyun’s voices sound in her head, remind her to be a little honest about things. “I… I’m not quite sure yet, actually. Do you have anywhere that you might wanna go? I can pay for everything—”

Sooyoung groans. “Unnie, you don’t have to offer to pay for everything. Besides, my parents will send me some money on my birthday.”

“But I want to pay for you.”

“I’m not… I don’t know, you just can’t pay for everything, unnie. Anyway, I want to have ice cream on my birthday.”

“That’s it?”

“Well, that’s for starters,” Sooyoung admits, giggling. “If you really wanted to you can pay for that, okay?” Seungwan’s heart nearly stops when Sooyoung leans in to sniff her, remarking, “You smell nice, Seungwan-unnie.”

A flush creeps up the back of her neck. “Er, thanks? But I smell like you.”

“Yeah, it’s a nice smell, I know.” Sooyoung giggles again, but a bit more cheekily this time. “Anyway… ice cream! And we can do whatever, honestly. As long as you aren’t making me go to school.”

“It’s going to be a Saturday, Sooyoung.”

“Well. So it will be. Point still stands, okay? I don’t really want to walk around the campus on my birthday either.” Sooyoung untangles herself from Seungwan and Seungwan wants to protest at the loss of warmth. “Maybe the beach? We can even go skydiving, actually. I’ve always wanted to do that here.”

Seungwan immediately perks up. “Skydiving?” That can be arranged. She hopes that there are still slots available on the booking site. Seungwan’s pretty sure that hurling herself out of the sky is going to be less terrifying than that second Park Sooyoung leaned in to smell her anyway.

Ice cream. Skydiving.

She grabs her laptop as Sooyoung ambles away to get a shower.

Hang on. Sooyoung shouldn’t be skydiving in the first place! While Seungwan’s not the med student of the friend group, she’s almost sure that free-falling at high velocities doesn’t really do the back any favours.

She’s back to square one.

Or square two, she supposes.

Ice cream.

Okay. Okay. She’s got this. She can do this.

Time to get to work, Son Seungwan!

A/N:...to my great embarrassment and contrition i realise i've not updated this since may 2019 and it's already feb 2020... rip. (i admit i don't actually know when my next update might be since i have committed my spring break for other things, *bows a little bit in apology*)

(i will also always find ways diss wendy over her love for gongcha - wendy pls up your bbt standards when you are well enough to chew on pearls proper...)

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...as usual i don't edit the drafts that extensively so feel free to yell at me for bad grammar/(tense consistency esp)


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ForeverLuvie #1
Here's me wishing there are more WenJoy fics as beautiful as this one.
cutey111 147 streak #2
Chapter 4: Seungwan already gave her, her present when she watched HSM with her! LOL! And seulgi you are not helping at all!
9h0t05h09 #3
Chapter 1: ohmygod they were roommates
garensuhanazono #4
Chapter 4: Hahaha no surprise with Wannie going over the top like that for Sooyoung's birthday xD
How much longer would both if them stay oblivious towards each other's feelings? I will stay tuned ofc haha
Seulrene being the supportive (but still mischievous) friends that they are. I wonder where Wendy and Sooyoung would end up without their best friends advices.

Thank you for the update!
tiggerbounced #6
Chapter 4: I love the amount of effort Seungwan put into the presents for Sooyoung, also love the useless lesbian trope that continues to exist here. I note that Seulrene are judging both of them for their uselessness even though they are the original useless ones (as Wendy pointed out haha).

I also absolutely died at our dumb sunshine Seulgom missing Wendy's sarcasm

Also Seungwan comparing the terror that comes with skydiving to the moment her crush leans in to smell her is really just ;; so useless but yet why do I live for it??
Chapter 2: Due to the very limited Wenjoy stories available, I honestly thought I've read every awesome Wenjoy story in this site. I'm glad you updated, author, as I finally found another Wenjoy gem :)
Aaaaaaaaaaah I love this!!! I’m so happy you updated
minimuminput #9
How’s it going?
Chapter 3: this is so cute