Espresso & Latte

Coffee & Kisses
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How to learn a new language?

I wonder if it's true how difficult it is just like what they say. Some do tell that it depends on how complex the chosen language is. Or perhaps, how often you are exposed with the language itself. Familiarization is the key, apparently. Some says, its best to learn from a native speaker, than a book. So either you ask someone or just watch a tutorial video. That sounds easy.


"Yerimie, how many language do you speak?"  A question sprung out of my mouth all of a sudden.

My assistant looked perplexed and surprised at the same time. But she answers, nonetheless.   "Uhm, four? But, I'm only fluent with three; Hangul, English, and Japanese. I'm not that good with speaking French though I understand everything when someone speaks the language. Why though?"

I just hummed, drumming my fingers on the cover of my notebook.  "Nothing, just felt like asking."


She looked unconvinced but decided not to pry which is good. 'Cause I wouldn't tell the reason even if she insists.   "Oh, okay. Well, I better go now. I still have to bring these reports to the Finance department and endure the panic rants of Manager-Park. You know she'll break when I tell her the deadline you gave, right?"

I smiled slightly.   "Just tell Rosé that she'll be collaborating with the Marketing department with that report. She'll forget the deadline, try it."

"What's with the Marketi--- oh! Manager-Lisa! They're dating, right? Or is that a rumor?"  Yeri is forever excited with any gossip. 

"Lisa told me they just went out once. But Rosé looks reluctant to go out with her again and Lisa thinks it's because of CEO-nim."   I tapped my pen on the marble desk unconsciously. Half of my mind is left wandering somewhere else. 

"Aww, that's sad. What's with CEO-nim, anyway?"  The short blonde questioned.   "I thought office romance is banned within the department, but Manager-Lisa and Manager-Park are from different poles, literally. Finance is at the 7th floor West Wing while Marketing is at the 3rd floor East Wing."

I narrowed my eyes at the younger who now has my full attention.  "Isn't it too early for your daily gossip time?"


"Nah-uh. These kind of scoop shouldn't be kept waiting. Now, please be generous, COO-nim, and tell me why is CEO-nim being more y with this than she usually is."   Yeri folded her arms eagerly waiting for answers.

I sighed.   "I swear, Kim Yerim. You shut your mouth about what I'm about to tell you, alright?"


The blonde nodded so fast, I almost wince as if a screw in her neck will loose its thread.

"I think I need to be seated for this kind of revelation."    She pulled a chair and faced me, while I gather the amount of trust I'm giving this woman. I hope I won't regret this, whatever I'm about to disclose.

"You know whom CEO-nim is married to, yes?"  I started.


She nodded and replied.   "Yes, it's Ms. Jisoo, your cousin."

I confirmed shortly.    "And you also know the feud between CEO-nim and I, correct?"


Yeri tilted her head, her eyes squinting a little.   "Yeah? If I'm not mistaken, you two weren't in good terms even when CEO-nim was only dating Ms. Jisoo. But you told me before that you and CEO-nim used to be cordial and civil with one another, before she started dating your cousin."

I nodded again,    "That's partially correct. But your missing the part about why we started off the wrong page."   I breathed deeply, and the pen in my hand was already placed down.    "Kim Jennie is the only heiress of her father's fortune and most importantly, the largest share in Revel Industries. I arrived at the company and made a name, three years before she appeared. When Jennie took over her father's position, we had to work back to back. During that time, I'm already the Manager of the Human-Relations department while she's in the Business Development. When Mr. Kim and all the Senior Managers' retired, Jennie was of course, announced as the CEO while I took the position of COO through the majority of votes coming from the former Senior Managers."

Yeri looked awed the entire time.

"Wow. I didn't know you're that cool, boss."

I glared at her and almost throw my pen at my annoying assistant.   "Hey! I'm actually cool y'know. I'm even cooler than Manoban!" 


The blonde just snorted and rolled her eyes at me.    "Whatever, boss. Let's say I believe that. But anyways, proceed with your storytelling, granma." 


Why does my sister like this brat again? 


After muttering a few prayers in mind, I continued telling her my story which I'm very much hoping will not be spread outside my office.    "Jennie is undeniably clever and determined, which is very commendable. In all fairness, it's not hard to work with her. We even share take-outs late at night whenever we work way past office hours. It was a silent meal, in literal sense. We cannot be considered friends, but you can say that we're acquaintances. Just like her father, she's your typical stern and introverted boss who rarely walks along the hallways. So, it came out as a shock to everyone when she dated Lisa, the amazon woman."


My storytelling was interrupted by my now wide-eyed assistant.



I immediately hushed the blonde after her sudden outburst.   "Keep your voice down, Yerim!"

"Sorry-- sorry--- but, did I heard you, right? CEO-nim dated Manager-Lisa?"   She clarified.

"Yes, and before you overreact again, let me finish first. You know that Lisa is actually the only friend I only got here when we were just apprentices. So I was also aware that time that Lisa had a massive crush on our CEO. It didn't took a while for everyone to know that they were dating. Obviously, because her assistants Dahyun and Momo eats gossips as their lunch just like you."   The remark earned another snort from the blonde.    "However, their relationship didn't last long. Just about two months, they broke up and I didn't hear anything from Lisa until about a month. The only thing she told me was, Jennie and her can't find their common space. They're worlds are too different and they're differences made it worst for them. So, it ended."

My assistant looked confused and surprised at the same time. 


"Oh, okay. So, you mean it was a mutual decision?"  Yeri made a follow-up question.    "Also the reason why you're not in good terms with CEO-nim?"


"Not really, at first. But it's because just after a month, I found out that she's dating my cousin, Jisoo."  I answered.    "Jennie and Jisoo hid it from me and apparently, from Lisa too. Then, an incident happened during the engagement party of Manager-Byul. Lisa made a drunken stunt and called out to Jennie for a song duet. Then suddenly she gave her a peck on the lips and everyone's hollering and cheering, all the while I heard my cousin's soft cries before she ran away."

Yeri looked cringing.   "Ohhh, that's... God, how can I explain this. That's painfully... Awkward?"

"Beyond, actually. But, what's worse is that I saw Jennie noticed my cousin ran, but she didn't run after her. Jennie remained seated while I ran after Jisoo and try to console her until she confessed that she's actually dating Jennie that time. Then you know what happens next, the ultimate brawl of the century."   I took a sip of my drink shortly before I spoke again.   "To think that it's a drunken brawl so it's hell of a mess. But then, Lisa begged for Jisoo's forgiveness after. And of course, my cousin can't stay mad. Plus, Lisa's genuinely sorry, given that she didn't know as well. They've been friends since then." 


Yeri huffed.  "CEO-nim deserves your wrath then. That's a pretty stupid move. But it seems she still won over your cousin's heart eventually."    She commented making me sigh.


"Unfortunately, yes. Jisoo adores her. She always tells me that Jennie is different with her as against with everyone else. Through the years, Jennie seems to change though. She's quite tolerable now. And well, Jisoo also wanted me to act civil with her, so I'm doing the best that I could. Well, it's her wife so I'm not gonna argue much. As long as she's not hurting my cousin."

The blonde nodded in understanding too, then she suddenly looked like she remembered something.


"Wait, I still don't get why Manager-Park is affected by CEO-nim."  She impatiently jumps on her seat.

Seriously, how old is she? 


"Jennie and Rosé are childhood best friends."   I replied.   "I think Rosè is worried about what Jennie might think and the fact that she'll be dating her best friend's ex." 


Yeri's jaw dropped.  "You mean they both grew up abroad? CEO-nim grew up in New Zealand, right? God, this is like family affair." 

The remark made me wheeze.   "Oh, we're just getting started. Wait until you've heard of Byulyi's affairs." 







"What the actual , Kang Seulgi?!" 


The sudden outburst made me choke on my own drink. I turned to the person, glaring. 


"Oh, hello to you, too, Manager-Manoban."   I greeted sarcastically. 


The tall blonde approached me then took my almost emptied drink.   "Tell me my eyes are deceiving me. Is this a frappé??"   She eyed the drink then back to me.   "And don't call me that. I swear, you're the only stubborn left who still insists on calling me 'Manager-Manoban'. As much as I love my surname, I prefer my English name. Now enough with the lame , COO-Kang, tell me, is the new gossip true?" 


That made me roll my eyes as I snatched my drink back, then slumped down my chair lazily. 


"What's on the headline this time?" 


Lisa sat crossed-legged on the seat across from me.    "That you're currently off-limits now 'cause you're dating somebody already? Like-- how, Seul?? You don't even want to accompany me to a night-out and stuff, then now you're suddenly taken?? What else am I missing, Seulgi? Should I call Jisoo now to ask---" 

I immediately cut her off.  "Oh hush now! No need to interrupt Jisoo. She doesn't even know yet. I purposely kept it secret for now, not only to you. First, because it wasn't official yet and I have no idea if it will ever be. Second, it's only recent. Not even Sooyoung knows her name yet. But I'm guessing my lovely assistant is the source of this new gossip?" 

Lisa sighed before replying.  "Fine. But I want details too! Lord spare me, I think I'll be the last single standing amongst us. Byul is married, Hani is still dating that gay businessman, and now, your about to be taken too."   She dramatically held her forehead.   "Anywho, surprisingly, Yerimie's not our source though."

That made me sat straight.




"Nayeon told us. The news earned the interest of gossipers now. It's been a while since you become the headline and get linked with somebody. Its rare, so everyone's taking very much interest on COO-nim's dating status. Plus, Nayeon said she saw you with this masked woman exiting 'Signature Velvet'. That's quite far from here, and I didn't know you go to places like that. They said a number of actresses and actors, especially the idols frequent the place. Probably why Nayeon is there. You know she's the most fangirl we ever met. But, how about you? Since when did you bring dates to places like that? And why there? Unless they are a celebrity... "  Lisa eyed me questioningly.


Damn it, these Assistants are giving me headaches already. I should probably call a conference meeting for the Managers now.

"It's my first time there actually. She's the one who decided to go there. But the place is cozy if you ask me. Not too crowded like Starbucks."   I shrugged.

Lisa looked surprised from my answer.   "You--- what th--- oh my god, who are you even?? First, you're drinking frappé and now your being dragged by your own date to some place? Where's my Seulgi???"


The dramatic actress has begun.


"Shut it, Lisa. A few change doesn't hurt."   I responded nonchalantly.   "Plus, it's a good change." 


"Screw you, fake-Seulgi!"


"Stop being a drama queen, Manoban!"


"What's with the shouting?"  Someone intervened making the two of us quiet down.


I sighed.   "Yeri, good timing, please arrange a short meeting with all the Managers. Let's use conference B at the 5th floor."


The short blonde looked surprised while the Manager across from me has her jaw dropped.   "Huh? O-okay. Consider that done."   Yeri was about to leave but spun on her heels back.   "Oh, by the way boss, Nayeon said that CEO-nim wanted to tell you that she'll be leaving early today. She said it was all sudden and there's an email for you to check."


My eyebrows furrowed a little in confusion.   "Did she say anything else?" 


Yeri gave it a thought then shook her head.   "Nothing more as far as Nayeon said." 


"Alright, thanks Yeri." 


She nodded then turned to the blonde across from me.    "Manager-Lisa, you're being summoned by COO-nim to the conference. Please be there in 10."   Then she politely nod before leaving. 


Lisa turned to me with raised eyebrows.   "Huh? Me too?" 


"You heard her, now let's go. Chop, chop~ " 




The short meeting turned well at first before complaints got thrown. Once I raised my concern, the four Managers took it with seriousness. Manager-Park and Manager-Ahn agreed that the gossiping drama inside the office is getting out of hand already. Apparently, Byul is also being the receiving end at times. It was meant to be short but, suddenly, Manager-Park asked about the report given to them, asking if there's no more room for consideration with regards to the deadline. Then, Lisa and Byul seconded. Good thing, Hani intervened, taking my side. Apparently, CEO-nim has even given her separate assignment plus the report I am asking them. The other three asked for a little consideration instead. In the end, we all compromised with our own schedules. Deadline's pushed towards the weekend, leaving me to review it on a Sunday again. Farewell rest day.




A voice called me from the hallway as I was heading to the elevators. I turned to my assistant who's gasping for air but a prominent smile on her face.

"What is it, Yeri?"


"Guess what you have in your desk now."   Her reply made me more confused.


"Desk?"  I repeated, while we

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Thank you!
By your warm appreciation and constant support with this story, I decided to make this a full story (a short one tho). Just a few more chapters. Also, I'd try to write longer chapters for the next ones as I stir the plot. I hope this update makes you stay with the story.
~ H. S.


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morphine007 #1
i 🤍 coffee
Elatedbliss #2
Chapter 8: Hello Author! I hope you are doing well. I just started reading this and I love it so much. I hope you’ll find time to get back on this story and continue it. Take care.
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 8: Loved it , still waiting for the next chapters ❤
Chapter 8: One of the sweetest stories read in recent days 😍
Dreizhn #5
Super late, but-- congratulations!
Chapter 6: Didn't Irene send flowers to Seulgi's office when she returned from Japan? Why in this chapter she ask for Seulgi's office address?
ereni_r #7
Chapter 7: This is so well-written. Slow burns are always beautiful and I love how you made the relationships in this fic. Everyone is connected in some way. ❤️ thank you for this!
2077 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
Grats on the feature
Jamess #10
congrats on the features 👍👍