
The Sweetest Thing
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After Donghae’s failed attempt at a confession, things go back to normal for a while. He stops at Hyukjae’s sweet shop on the way to work, then waves at him shyly if he finishes early enough to pass by on his way home. Maybe it’s his imagination, but sometimes it seems like Hyukjae is looking out for him as well on those evenings.

Donghae’s heart beats a little faster at the thought.

Then he remembers how much money he is spending at Hyukjae’s little shop and thinks that he too would be happy to see a customer like himself if he were the other man. Donghae’s joyful hope that Hyukjae looks forward to seeing him is tempered by the more realistic view that Hyukjae is looking forward to making another good sale.

No! Hyukjae is good and kind and sweet! He’s not just thinking of Donghae as a walking bank account!

Donghae forgets his good dentistry habits for a moment and gnaws anxiously at the side of his fingernail.

Would- would Hyukjae be just as friendly if Donghae just said hi and didn’t buy anything?

Donghae finds himself unable to let go of the thought once it takes root. He- he sort of wants to test this theory, even though he hates himself for it, even though he can’t work out why since Hyukjae would not be doing anything wrong either way.

‘My best customer’ is what the confectioner calls him.

How will he greet him if Donghae stops buying anything?

Donghae can’t sleep that night.


The next morning he strides up to the counter of the tiny shop and Hyukjae smiles at him.

‘Hi,’ he says.

‘I’m not buying anything today,’ Donghae says, before his resolve can waver.

Hyukjae blinks.

‘Okay?’ he says.

Donghae blinks back.

‘Um- thank you for telling me?’ Hyukjae looks a bit confused.

Donghae is already regretting everything.

‘Not- not because-’

Donghae stumbles to a stop, because he’s suddenly realized that he can’t explain himself at all. If he says it’s not because of the candies then he’s making it sound like it’s Hyukjae’s fault! He’s desperately searching for some sort of reasonable excuse and he’s cursing at himself for the stupid idea now, and he doesn’t know what to say when-

Hyukjae sneezes.

‘Sorry,’ he says, and he’s rummaging under the counter for a face mask, and Donghae notices for the first time his nose is red, his voice is a bit raspy.

‘Are you sick?’ he asks, alarmed.

‘Just a cold,’ Hyukjae tells him, muffled now behind the mask. He looks tired and there are bags under his eyes, and Donghae sees him wince as he swallows.

Without a word Donghae turns and hurries away.


Twenty minutes later, he’s back again. Hyukjae, who had been leaning wearily against the counter, stares at him perplexed, but before he can say anything Donghae is placing a fragrant extra-large lemon tea in a takeaway cup down in front of him, along with a big packet of throat lozenges and a sausage roll.

‘What-’ Hyukjae begins.

‘Your- um,’ Donghae says. ‘Tea. For your throat.’

‘It’s for me?’

Donghae nods and sees how Hyukjae wraps his cold hands gratefully around the hot cup.

‘And these,’ Donghae says, pushing the throat lozenges nearer. ‘And this too.’

Hyukjae stares at the sausage roll.

‘I always want to eat when I don’t feel well,’ Donghae says, a little defensively. It had been a spur of the moment purchase.

Hyukjae’s eyes are watery from his cold, but those little crinkles at the corners show he’s smiling beneath the mask.

‘Thank you,’ he says.

He sounds so soft and grateful and genuine that Donghae can’t handle it. If he stays for even one moment longer he’s going to say or do something stupid, like take off his own coat to wrap around the other, or offer to buy every candy in the whole damn shop.

‘Take care of yourself,’ he says gruffly instead.

He’s almost 45min late to work and receives a scolding from the senior dentist, but he can’t bring himself to regret it for even one moment.


The next day Hyukjae is busy with a group of school kids when Donghae walks up to the counter and slides another hot tea over to him. This time it’s accompanied by a sweet pastry and a little cooked sausage for Choco (Donghae had asked the girl at the bakery to write the dog’s name on that packet in case Hyukjae started to think he was hinting at something by always gifting him sausages).

‘Wait, Donghae!’

Hyukjae calls after

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OMG 2000 subscribers!! thank you so much everyone, for reading... i'm very sorry i haven't updated for so long, i have not abandoned this story! as soon as i finish my (almost finished) studies, i'll be back!


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164 streak #1
Chapter 27: Tsk~ Siwon the voyeur. That's not so nice!! But... I admit I might've acted like that too if I see those two. 🫣

Hae mom is still disappointing. She's too busy painting the perfect son in her eyes. Too busy chasing her happiness, she forgot her son's happiness. 🥹😭

...I hope we can still get an update 👉👈
164 streak #2
Chapter 4: I've been waiting for this to be updated but am still waiting now so, I figured why not read it again from the start? 😅

It still irks me how Hae never once tried to check what Hyuk was giving him. I mean, sure he doesn't like sweets. But atleast try to appreciate what he's given you. 😒 It'll save him a lot from the troubles 😅
lety0000 #3
Chapter 27: Ay no! No he dormido en dos dias leyendo este fic sin dejar de leerlo porque me encantó! Y ahora veo que no esta actualizado hace años😭😭😭. Muero de dolor! Por favor actualizalo señora autora!! 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
purple_88 #4
Chapter 1: OMG...this is so romantic and the narrative suit Donghae!!
Re-reading this again because I love how much of a love fool Donghae is around Hyukjae.
And I still get tears from reading Hyukjae’s terrible situation but Mrs Kim is so kind to help him subtly! I hope he does pull through and things will get better for him :’))
mukupriya #6
Please update this fic
Chapter 27: J'aime tellement cette fic, que je viens de la relire, ils sont si adorable tous les deux. J'espère pouvoir lire la suite. Merci pour ton travail💙❤️❤️❤️
0donghaek #8
Chapter 27: This will be my first time commenting on a fanfic. I hope you'll update this story, I really really like it!!
Chapter 26: I’m on the current chapter! Aaahh will patiently wait for your next update! Please take care ♥️
Chapter 14: Please come home. :((((( I cried 😭😭😭😭