Chapter 27

Now that you are here

Thank you for reading my story and for voting in the poll. The winner was Wonwoo, so probably the next chapter will be in his point of view. This chapter is Jeonghan's POV and then Mingyu's POV. Hope you enjoy :D


He entered the bathroom and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

“This is not Yoon Jeonghan, heir of Yoon Hotels…who’s this Yoon Jeonghan?” He asked himself looking at his reflection before washing his face.

He could remember Jisoo saying he was sure Jeonghan would become a great general manager for Yoon Hotels and how Seungcheol was so sure he didn’t want to be general manager of Choi Company.

Jeonghan wondered if he even knew what he wanted to be.

It’s not like he hated his job or the idea of becoming the general manager, but after all this time it felt like he had sacrificed too much for a plan that was imposed on him since he was little. He had worked really hard to prove himself worthy, but he had lost the passion for his work long time ago.

But maybe it was time to regain that passion, after all he was about to become general manager and finally he would be able to push his ideas through without so much resistance. When he was in university he had traveled to Europe with Seungcheol and even when they had stayed at a fancy hotel, Jeonghan thought the idea of backpacking was fascinating and he wished he could open a hostel for that kind of travelers with a touch of Korean culture. He decided to stay positive with those thoughts instead of thinking of the real situation and the chaos he had made in Korea by leaving without notice.

He took a bath and went to a near café to drink and eat something after days of drinking alcohol. He still looked like a walking dead so he tried to cover his face with sunglasses and a hat. He sat near the window and looked at the people passing by. Los Angeles was a nice place, but it seemed that every time he visited he ended up heartbroken.

Jeonghan looked down at his arm, where Jisoo’s phone number once was and sighed. They didn’t talk enough to know more information about how to find the other again and Jeonghan was starting to regret leaving in such a rush. He wanted to see Jisoo, he had wanted to see the other for years and now even when he knew the other had completely moved on and his heart hurt, he didn’t want to have more regrets. He wanted to talk to Jisoo, the other had had a hard time after they departed, but now seemed to be enjoying his life; and Jeonghan wanted to tell him that it was okay, that he accepted his apology and that he was okay too, or at least he would be.

He felt his eyes starting to water with only thinking about that, so he grabbed his phone and decided to finally answer some of the messages he had received, he knew it was 1am or so in Seoul, but maybe it was the best time to avoid questions. He sent a message to Minhyuk, he had received a lot of calls and messages from him. His childhood friend seemed really worried and had probably threatened Seungcheol at least once after knowing they had broken up. Then he texted his mother, he felt sorry that he had avoided her for so many days, but he knew that as soon as she read his message, his father would make others track his location. Finally he took some pictures with his camera and sent them to Chan telling him he was okay and he would be back soon.

Jeonghan returned to the apartment after a couple of hours of staying at the café and when he opened the front door, he was faced with his alcohol-induced past actions. Before going out for breakfast he had focused on getting ready without looking around, but now he looked at the horrible state of the place. But since he had more strength after some food, he started collecting the empty bottles, cleaning the tables and the floor and making the bed. He had done all that only once in his life, when he was taking a hotel management course with Jisoo and they had to learn that in order to know the proper way to arrange a hotel room.

He actually enjoyed cleaning, feeling like he was starting anew after falling deeply in despair. He wasn’t sure how long he had been cleaning when his phone rang. He shuddered before reading the new arrived message only to find a picture of Chan’s smiling face. He smiled looking at it and as if no time had passed he asked the other about school and how he was doing. Chan answered excitedly saying he was getting ready for school and about how he was enjoying his dance lessons. Jeonghan sat on the bed looking at the variety of pictures the other started sending him and smiled even more, Chan would always be a source of happiness for him, since the day Seungcheol introduced to him years ago.

He was about to chastise the other to hurry up and go to school when Chan mentioned that he wished his older brother introduced him to Vernon, a rapper that was now all over the radio after his collaboration with Boo Seungkwan. Jeonghan remembered Seungcheol talking about covering the collaboration in the Choi Company magazine, but the word that stuck in his mind was ‘radio’. 

When he had met Jisoo at the beach festival the other had been previously on stage thanking a radio station and the chances that the other worked in it were pretty high. So after sending a ‘fighting’ message to Chan he started searching for the radio station that sponsored the beach festival. At their web page he found Jisoo was hosting one of their shows and he felt his hope returning.

Jisoo’s show ended up at 8pm, so he ate his lunch and walked around buying cheap souvenirs, something he hadn’t done before. He was used to buying expensive gifts from stores, but he didn’t want to use his card, it would be even easier to track him with that. And he actually liked the keychain, cup and fridge magnet he bought. He even bought a couple of postcards and wrote about his feelings and his hopes on them.

When nighttime arrived, he took a cab to Jisoo’s workplace and waited at the entrance. He had received new messages from his mother and Minhyuk through the day, but he hadn’t answered. And instead he waited, listening to Jisoo’s soothing voice presenting the last song of his show and saying goodbye. About 20 minutes after that, he saw the other leaving the building and as soon as he noticed Jeonghan he gave him a gentle smile.

“Hi, Jeonghan.” The other called him softly waving his hand.

 “Hi Jisoo, can we talk?” Jeonghan asked nervously.


And with just that word Jeonghan felt relief washing all over him.

“But…” Jeonghan looked at him worriedly. “Well, actually a few months ago my bandmates decided to make a reunion and we have been playing sporadically at some clubs. Can we talk in the way there?” Jisoo said pointing to a car.

Jeonghan nodded. He was not expecting for things to go like that, but at this point just anything about Jisoo’s actual life was a mystery to him. And he had thought talking to Jisoo during a car ride would be awkward, but it actually helped him express things that would have been difficult to say with the other’s eyes on him.

They talked again about the last time they saw each other at that club backstage and their feelings about it. Jisoo apologized again and Jeonghan felt like he didn’t deserve it, he had been at fault too and pushed the other too much and he said so. Jisoo had talked about his wife and Jeonghan barely mentioned Seungcheol, but somehow it felt good to talk to the other about those missing years. And just before they got down from the car Jisoo showed Jeonghan the picture of his son. It was a beautiful baby that had Jisoo’s eyes.

They entered the club and Jeonghan stayed at the bar waiting for Jisoo’s band to play and when they were finally on stage Jeonghan let himself smile. The club was definitely better than the one Jisoo used to play and his band’s music was different, but he looked so happy playing his guitar, just like the first time Jeonghan had seen him in Seoul.

“Here is my number, contact me if you want to see L.A as a local.” Jisoo had said with a smile after taking Jeonghan back to his apartment.

And even when their meeting had been fine, Jeonghan had a hard time calling the other. There was still something clutching his heart every time he saw Jisoo, but he knew he had to overcome that fear so he could return to Seoul with no regrets. So he called and Jisoo made sure he went to many interesting local stores and restaurants, and he even showed him his childhood home. They talked about many things, some memories, updates on people they met when they were teenagers and future plans, Jisoo encouraging him, telling him he had always been sure he would be a great general manager. And just like that, Jeonghan stayed three more days, his returning airplane ticket already bought since the moment Jisoo accepted his phone call.

“Have a safe flight. If you ever decide to come back to L.A, you know that you have a friend here.” Jisoo said with a smile.

Jeonghan gave him small smile back. “If you ever go to Korea, I’ll give you and your family a suite in any of our hotels”

“I want the presidential suite.” Jisoo chuckled.                       

Jeonghan managed to give him a big smile this time and Jisoo chuckled again.

Jisoo looked at him fondly as he waved his hand. “Goodbye Jeonghan.”

He waved back. “Goodbye Jisoo.”

He turned around to go, but before he entered the passengers’ area, he gave one last look at Jisoo with a small smile. Because maybe that was the goodbye they deserved. The goodbye his heart had been craving for.



He turned around surprised by his manager voice.

“I still think you should have taken a break before returning to work”

Mingyu looked at the other with a tired expression.

“No hyung, I need to be busy or my mind will fill with useless thoughts.”

His manager just nodded slightly before opening the door of the photography studio. Mingyu had accepted every project appointed to him as soon as he arrived to Europe and even when he knew his manager had been working really hard too, he didn’t want to stop for now.

He had actually thought about taking a couple of weeks in order to accommodate his new apartment, but since he completely focused on it, it turned to be just a couple of days. And after that he just felt empty. Mingyu had left almost everything that reminded him of Jihoon in Seoul, and he only took some clothes that the other had bought for him.

But there was something he had been having trouble deciding to throw or to keep. It was a picture of himself that Jihoon had taken when they were in university. Back then Mingyu had been sick, was having a hard time with his classes and was looking out for a new part-time job because he was fired from his previous one. And that day he had woken up late, barely registering that Jihoon had grabbed his instant camera and had taken the picture. But when he went to buy coffee to start his day, the picture fell from his wallet. He looked horrible with his ‘I just woke up’ look; messy hair, unwashed face and wrinkled pajama. But underneath the picture with Jihoon’s messy handwriting it said “Fighting Mingu”.

He never told the other that that had been the beginning of all. And after that they never mentioned the picture again, but Mingyu always carried it in his wallet, and looked at it before every casting.  Because many people during his life had told him he looked handsome, but Jihoon was the only one that always praised his hard work over his looks. Jihoon had always supported his work just like he had supported the other’s career and that was why Mingyu thought they would be always together.

So he really hated the way they had broken up. He wanted to believe that if things had ended before he moved to Korea, at least they could have tried to keep their friendship, but now he couldn't stop thinking about Jihoon lying and hiding things from him.

He took the picture out of his wallet and looked at it. No matter how many times he looked at it, he still looked horrible and yet, he couldn’t help but smile. University days were so far away from the life he had created for himself, however, now he missed them. Even when he really liked his actual life where he was able to buy the things he wanted and meet the important designers, models and photographers he admired, along the way he had lost many friends and now the only constant person in his life was gone too.

“Mingyu, it’s your turn.” His manager said patting his shoulder.

Mingyu looked back at him surprised. He had barely realized when he had his wardrobe change or his got his makeup done.

“Focus, Mingyu, focus.” He said softly as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He had worked really hard during the last years and now he had finally gotten a long-term contract in Europe. So he walked towards the photographer with a smile on his face.

A couple of hours later he was returning to his apartment when his phone rang.

“Hey” Minghao said as soon as Mingyu picked up the phone. “I just arrived to Korea only to find out that Jun and you are not going to be in the next issue of Choi Magazine.”

“Yeah…I got a three year contract and moved to Europe.” Mingyu said closing his eyes as he put his head on the car headrest.

“Congratulations, but….you don’t seem excited.” The other said.

“I…broke up with Jihoon.” Mingyu said tiredly. His manager knew the entire story as he was the one that received Mingyu in his apartment the day he fought with Jihoon.

“Oh…did you two talk about it?” His friend asked softly.

“Yeah…he chose somebody else.” He frowned.

The other stayed quiet for a moment before talking again.

“Then choose yourself Mingyu, before anything else choose yourself.” Minghao said and Mingyu felt his words like a warm hug.

Minghao was right; he needed to start choosing himself. He had been overworking himself and overthinking about the past, trying to run away from what happened and from all the knowing stares the other models were giving him. He had avoided the topic with his parents, only telling them about his new job and relationship status, and had dismissed his manager’s warm words; but Minghao had a thing with words or maybe it was just the way he said them. Nonetheless, Mingyu had decided he had to focus on his new possibilities and chances to be happy again, as he wasn’t about to quit on his dreams just because Jihoon was no longer by his side.

“Thanks Minghao.” He said with a small smile on his face.

“I’m going to be your special photographer for the Paris Fashion Week, so you better be in your best condition by then.” The other said with a serious voice, but Mingyu knew better.

“Yeah, yeah, no more drinking before the main event.” He said with a light chuckle and he heard his manager clearing his throat. “My manager here won’t let that mistake happen again, after all it was Changkyun-hyung’s fault, cause he wanted to do a pre-celebration.”

He heard Minghao giggle and after that a voice calling the photographer in the background.

“I gotta go now, but remember to call if you need to talk.”

He agreed and said goodbye before turning to look at his manager.

“Hyung, I think we should go over my schedule again, maybe take a break for some days.”

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Min_gyu6116 #1
Chapter 31: that was wonderful story and one best story I have read
Chapter 2: this is so wonderful!
Chapter 31: ;;; this was such a wonderful story to read and i really really enjoyed it a lot ?? thank you so so much for writing it ;;
Chapter 31: Bless. This was such a wonderful story. Thank toy so much for sharing it with us. I'm so glad Jihoon and Seungcheol got a second chance to love one another. Looking forward to your next. Thank you.
Chapter 31: aww finally it ended beautifully :') thank you! i'm looking forward to your next story
Chapter 30: It's almost the end but i have mixed feelings about it. A bit sad that it's ending but i'm happier how the story went since the first time i read this, it was all so intense. If you can only imagine how i was while reading this, like "wth is happening" was the kind of reactions i'm having.
Chapter 30: Thank you for a very well-written fiction. I love how the way you wrote could make me imagine as if as i'm watching a drama. hahahha I love the twists and the endings. I was kind of hoping Mingyu would end with Minghao but that's also fine. out of all characters, I love Soonyoung the most, since i can imagine him being that silly bestfriend! hahaha once again, thank you for writing this!
New relationships are awkward. Our friends and family take things harder sometimes. I'm glad Cheol and Han ca n be cordial perhaps someday they can be friends again. I'm happy for Jihoon and Mingyu as well. I'm mostly happy that Hoonie & Cheol didn't let the drama derail etsy they were trying for.
Chapter 27: I'm so proud of Hannie and Gyu.
Chapter 27: I wonder if we're nearing the end but anyway i'm happy that they are moving on and I like Minghao's advice (i'll keep that in mind haha)