Chapter 9


It’s been a few weeks since the day they all drank hot chocolate together and Yukhei’s got it bad, like terribly bad.

His crush on Mark was taking over his body and his lips were trying to spill the secret everywhere.

Which didn’t help now that they -and their kids- were friends, and they met up at least once a week.

Not that Yukhei minded that he got a chance to see Mark but the more he saw him the worse it got.

He had been dreaming about the boy nearly every night this week, and everything he saw suddenly reminded him of Mark.

Yukhei knew he had to spill this secret as soon as possible before his stupid mouth decided to spill it itself.

But he was scared, he didn’t think Marks feelings were mutual especially after he had come to know about his previous relationship.

According to him, the situation could only end badly when his feelings would be acknowledged.

He had talked to Johnny and Yuta about the matter, well talked, they were forced to listen about him ranting about Mark for hours a day.

But they hadn’t been of much help since they also didn't know how to deal with a situation like this.

In order not to spill the words lying on his lips he had been extra careful causing him to act a little different than he normally did, but he didn’t think Mark had noticed yet.

His daughter, however, did notice it.

“Daddy are you sure you’re not sick” Mei asked for the third time in a couple of days looking concerned.

“No princess I’m not sick” Yukhei answered back. Lovesick that was the only thing he was.

Mei looked like she was thinking hard. She ran away to her room and came back a couple of minutes later with her doctor's suitcase in her hands.

“Well the doctor is going to do a check up anyways” she said guiding to lie down on the couch.

Yukhei played his part of the patient, but when Mei was listening to his heart with her stethoscope his phone rang.

It happens to be Mark, thank god he was already lying down or he might have fallen. “So, how late should Ash and I come to pick you guys up?” he stared.

“Ehmm, I don’t know at 13:50 maybe? We live nearby so it won’t take that long” Yukhei said.

Before Mark could respond Mei said, “Daddy I think I your heart is sick, it’s beating very fast”.

He heard Mark chuckle on the other side of the line “Playing the patient again”. “You know that role was made for me” Yukhei said back playfully.

“Well maybe I should play the role of doctor someday then” Mark said in a tone Yukhei hadn’t heard before.

It would have been somebody else he would have interpreted the tone as flirty but it was
Mark so his mind must be making things up.

“We’ll see, I need to go or the doctor will get mad, see you later” Yukhei said and he ended the call, his heart still beating fast.

Little did he know Mark’s heart was beating just as fast.


When Mark and Ash arrived Yukhei and Mei were just putting their shoes on.

Mark let out a laugh when he saw how Yukhei had tied his tie. “Didn’t your dad ever learn you how to do it?” he said while walking up to him to fix it.

“No” Yukhei said with a sad tone and Mark was reminded that of the relationship the man had with his parents.

He looked up to Yukhei, apologizing with his eyes for what he had said, hands still holding onto his tie.

“Doesn’t matter.” the taller one said understanding Mark perfectly. He turned Mark around in and said: “Let’s go”.


They arrived at the kid's school shortly after, they walked through the now decorated hallways on their way to the gym.

When they entered the gym they were greeted by Taeyong, Jaehyun and a couple of other teachers they didn’t know.

The gym was turned into a big dancefloor, there were sweets and drinks and some kids had already started flossing.

Yukhei remembered why he didn’t come to the parents, kids dance before. But Mei and Ash had been begging them to go since “Mister Taeyong has learned us the macarena so we could do it at the dance”.

Plus was he going to let an opportunity to see Mark in a suit slip through his fingers, definitely not.

He and Mark got seated at some chairs in the corners while the kids started flossing with their classmates.

After a while, they were approached by Taeyong. “So why are you two sitting here?”.

“Because of that” Yukhei said pointing to a 30-year-old something mom that was trying to floss as well.

“Well maybe you should teach her then” Taeyong said while dragging Yukhei on the dancefloor towards the woman.

“Aren’t you the teacher here?” Yukhei responds, looking back at Mark mouthing a ‘help me’ but Mark just laughed uncontrollably.

Taeyong didn’t respond to that and left Yukhei to teach the woman.

Now that he could see her up close he saw it was that one mom who tried to flirt with every single dude out there, and he felt sorry for himself.

He felt even more sorry for himself when she tried to make him hold her hips because ‘she couldn’t quite get the swinging part right’.


Yukhei was just going to explain to her that he wasn’t interested and didn’t even wanted to do this when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry but I guess this is my private teacher” he heard Mark say before dragging Yukhei away from the desperate woman who was trying to make him stay.

They both failed to see Taeyong and Jaehyun laughing while watching the whole scene.

Their laughing didn’t last long as it was time for their classes macarena battle.

“My students are way better than yours, yours don’t even go in sync” Jaehyun said. “Oh, darling yours don’t even remember what they are supposed to do” Taeyong snapped back.

After the battle which wasn’t really a battle anyways, the kids got an applause from the parents who were all watching.

The music changed and it was time for a slow song. The parents and kids all soon decided to find a partner, following Taeyong and Jaehyun’s example.

Yukhei saw Mei running towards him and Mark. Mark was surprised to see her self proclaimed bff wasn’t with her “Where is Ash?” he asked.

“Sofia made him dance with her” the girl responded giggling. (who remembers Sophia?)

“So do you want to dance with me?” Yukhei asked her.

She smiled and nodded her head but looked up at Mark, “But can Mark also dance with us otherwise he is lonely”.

And that really wasn’t supposed to be funny but it made both of them laugh. “Of course he can if he wants to” Yukhei says looking expectantly at Mark.

“Fine with me” Mark responded and they let Mei pull them back on the dancefloor.


It was 5 pm the dance was over and after they were able to free Ash from Sophia's grasp they made their way over to a restaurant.

Or restaurant who were they kidding it was just McDonald's. The other people looked weirdly at them: all dressed in their suits -even Ash wore one- and Mei in her party dress.

They were eating and having a nice conversation when Mei decided this was the moment to blurt out to Mark “My daddy dreamt about you last night”.

And Yukhei the noise of Yukhei choking on his coke was that loud that one of the workers came to check up on him.

Mark blushed and asked, “Oh yeah, how do you know?”.

“He said something about that you are cute and that he was going to be asking you out on a date”
Mei responded casually, and Yukhei wanted to hide under the table.

“Baby animals are cute not my dad” Ash stated wrinkling his nose.

“But your dad is like a baby lion” Yukhei said, only realizing he spilled his thoughts after he said spoke them out loud.

While the kids were trying to find the resemblance of Mark and a baby lion, Mark said:

“So you really thought I was hot”

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Chapter 20: i really am a er for these kinds of stories and i finally found a lumark one which is this beauty. my luck must be amazing because this story has me uwuing 24/7. can’t wait for future chapters! ?
myshipsareimportant #2
Chapter 18: This story needs more views.
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Chapter 18: This story needs more views.