Chapter 23

Emergency love
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Baekhyun finally wakes up feeling rather groggy and still quite tired. Sitting his head up a little he looks around the room noticing he is in one of the hospital rooms. "What the hell" he lays his head back down on the pillow trying to remember what has happened.


"You're awake , how are you feeling?" Minseok enters the room, closing the door behind him.


"Why am I here, was I working last night ? I'm so confused" 


" Baek you arrived here last night into the early hours of this morning in a taxi you were spiked"Minseok takes a seat on the edge of the bed touching his friend's hand as comfort.


"Wait so I made it here, nothing else happened to me. I wasn't was I Minseok. Please tell me I wasn't " Baekhyun begins to cry trying to sit up in bed as Minseok tries to relax him.


"Hey hey you are safe. You seemed to have known you were spiked and made yourself sick. The taxi brought you here and we looked after you. I ran all the tests there was no sign of so please try calm" Minseok watches as Baekhyun lays back looking up at the ceiling rather relieved.


"There is something else though baek" hearing the tone of Minseok's voice Baekhyun looks at him with a worried look.


"What is it Minseok, your starting to scare me now"


" Baekhyun, when did you have your last check up?"


"About a month or so ago and everything was fine. Why Minseok, what have you found?" Baekhyun uses all the strength he has right now and sits up in the bed.


"Here I'll let the chart tell you "


Taking the chart and opening to the page Minseok had opened, Baekhyun scans the page and closes the chart quickly and looks at Minseok with wide eyes.


"Tell me this is a joke Minseok and if it is it's a cruel one" Baekhyun holds the chart tight in his hands not believing what he just read.


"I am just as shocked as you baek but it's true" 


" This can't be happening. I am still asleep and dreaming all this from being spiked. I will wake up soon and this will all be one big nightmare" Baekhyun lays back into the pillow as a tear starts to fall down his plump cheek.


"Hey don't cry it will be ok " Minseok softly smiles down at his upset friend.


"I'm pregnant, how , when ?" Baekhyun looks puzzled up at his friend making Minseok smile and laugh 


"Hey you tell me, I take it Kai is the father?"


"What Kai ? Yeah yeah of course he is the only one I slept with " Baekhyun passes back his chart and with Minseok's help he sits up in the bed.


"I can't believe I'm pregnant, oh crap who else knows?" Baekhyun looks surprised at Minseok, hoping not many people know right now about his delicate condition.


"Just me and one other who did the test that's all but baek Kai was here after you arrived"


"Really he came here?"


"Baek we rang Sehun to tell him what had happened to you and Kai arrived with him. He didn't stay long as I told him to go home and get some rest as you would be asleep for awhile"


" Oh I can't believe he was here even after me being a dickhead to him" baek huffs a little feeling the pain in his head 


" Let me get you some fluids into a drip I'll be right back" Minseok leaves the room as Baekhyun can't believe what he is hearing 


Taking a few minutes he looks down at his stomach covered in a hospital gown and smiles. "A baby wow" as soon as the words leave his mouth Minseok returns with a IV drip.


"So I have to ask, are you going to tell Kai you're pregnant?" Minseok moves closer connecting the IV to the line in Baekhyun's arm.


" I'm not sure, I just found out " Baekhyun watches as Minseok connects him up.


" I'm gonna be horrible and ask this , are you going to keep it ?" Minseok sits on the edge of the bed holding Baekhyun's hand again knowing Baekhyun likes his work that much that he never really even had time to socialize outside of work till only recently.


" Wow I'm not sure I'm still a bit groggy and tired from last night. This is all just a bit to much for me right now" Baekhyun starts to cry a little till a soft knock comes to the door making them both turn to face the door.


" Hi, is the patient up to any visitors?" Kai pushes the door open standing there with his hair styled  up from his face, a beautiful black shirt rolled up at sleeves and black suit trousers hugging all the right parts of his legs while holding a small teddy.


"Sure come on in"  Minseok stands up from the bed as Baekhyun seems to have forgotten how to speak right now seeing the beauty in front of him.


"Hi, how are you feeling ? Kai stands close to the side of the bed not knowing how Baekhyun will react to him being there since everything that has happened between them.


"Feeling rather tired and confused. Minseok was filling me in on everything that happened" Baekhyun covers his body a little better with the blanket feeling rather exposed right now.


"I dropped by with Sehun last night I was so worried about you Baekhyun" Kai lowers his head a little playing with the teddy in his hands 


" Is that for me ?" Baekhyun smiles, making the taller now smile passing the teddy to him.


" Yeah it's the one that I had when I was here that  you told me to keep safe" Kai passes it to him and sits on the edge of the bed grateful that Baekhyun let's him.


" So, let me be your doctor. '' Kai reaches for Baekhyun's chart pretending to be the doctor and opens the chart.


" Well Mr Byun it looks here like you have had a very lucky escape last night " Kai changes his voice to try to sound like a doctor as Baekhyun tries to reach up and take the chart from him.


The room goes silent as Baekhyun sees Kai smile drop a little "pregnant" Kai says closing the chart putting it back onto the bed 


" I don't know what to say right now " Kai  stands up looking around the room as if looking for an answer to what he just saw


"Kai please sit " Baekhyun speaks softly making Kai turn to face him. 


"I'm so sorry " Baekhyun starts as Kai sits on the bed again


"Why are you sorry ?" 


" I'm pregnant "


" Being pregnant is ok , it's not the end of the world everything will be ok" Kai tries to hold his emotions in and is grateful that the door to the room is opened with Sehun rushing in to see his friend.


"I'll just step outside and let you both speak " Kai leaves the room and walks along the corridor and out of the hospital into the fresh air. Looking up at the sky he takes some deep breaths . 


Finally after filling his lungs with air he makes his way over to the tree he and Baek used to sit under for lunch when he had the food truck outside . Sitting on the bench he lets out a sigh not believing what he just read. Baekhyun is pregnant and if he is correct in thinking it's his baby.


Running through his head how he wants to jump up and down with excitement he also knows how much this work means to Baekhyun. He can't help but feel sad knowing at the end of the day it will be up to Baekhyun whether to keep the baby or not as it is his body after all.


He wants to hug Baekhyun and kiss him so much but he can't help but hear the soft angel voice telling him he smothers him too much.

As he sits under the tree his emotions get the better of him and a tear kisses his cheek.


"Kai" he hears his name being called as he turns looking over the back of the bench seeing Baekhyun sitting in a wheelchair and Sehun walking away with Minseok.


" Hi , are you ok , will I move you closer to the bench?" Kai gets nervous and it shows making Baekhyun smile "yes please " 


Moving closer to the bench Baekhyun fixes his blanket a little feeling nervous all of a sudden.


They both sit not knowing what to say to each other. "Fancy a tea or cold drink?" Kai stands up only to see Chenlee arrive carrying two cups .


"I already asked Chenlee to get us something " Baekhyun smiles, taking the cup from Chenlee as the younger rushes back inside.


" Nice coffee" Kai his lips making Baekhyun smile. "It's Minseok's favorite, don't tell him" he sips his tea before taking a deep breath himself .


"Kai the baby is yours" Baekhyun speaks so softly making Kai turn his head and smile a little. " I kinda had a feeling it was" he looks down at his cup wanting to cry happy tears but holds it back as best he can.


" I know I have been a total with you lately Kai and I'm so sorry. I don't treat people that way and it hurts me that I said those things to you" Baekhyun let's a tear fall as he quickly wipes his seeing Kai just caught him.


"You had your reasons baek I get that . You finally got out and about and wanted to live a little and not be told what to do. I get that " Kai sips his drink as Baekhyun can tell he is holding back something .


"You want to say something but you're afraid, " Baekhyun says as Kai looks at him while sitting up straight on the bench .


"I'm not afraid really , I just know that I really love you baekhyun and yes I may smother you but that's just because I fell so hard for you so quickly and didn't want to lose you. I haven't been in many relationships so this is all new to me" Baekhyun smiles reaching his hand out as the taller takes it 


"I am sorry for what I said and how I hurt you" 


"What happened last night baek?" 


Pulling his hand back feeling tiny all of a sudden Baekhyun gets upset " I wanted to forget the world and everyone in it I wanted to numb the pain " 

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Chapter 25: Oh finally everything is fine... but it's true that Baekhyun was about to go with the guy, before realizing that he had drugged him... I understand that Jongin has it a little across the throat.
Baekhyun will have to do his best to make him forget that, it's sad, but if it strengthens their relationship, that's good, because there's still a baby on the horizon and he deserves his dads be in love and happy.
Chapter 25: This is all that I ,needed!!!THANK U!!!! I hope they will make things work together!
Chapter 24: OMG! I was so excited to read this chapter! I'm sooo glad Kai knows! U just made my day! Thank u! I'm so excited for what comes next!
Chapter 24: Baekhyun finally is giving himself a chance to open up to others. I hope he really make use of this second chance. And kai is such a sweetheart
Chapter 23: Wait. Were pregnant? Like he lost the baby? Please no because that's just sad. But Baek didn't know so that's why he drank, right?
968 streak #6
Chapter 23: So much for alone time!
It's just good that he was able to throw up and get to the hospital.
If he was still knocked out, then something really bad could have happened to him.
I just hope the baby isn't harmed.
Thank you so much for the update.
Chapter 23: Oh my god ! Realy ?? OMG OMG OMG !!
NICE NEWS BUT for him.... perhaps not a good news 🤔
Chapter 23: WHAT?! MY LITTLE BAEK IS PREGGY?! This is such a nice surprise! I love it! And it's super interesting! I love Mpreg! I just love u !!!!!!! For makong my ty day much better!
Chapter 22: Oh no! Dont tell me Baek is not really into Kai!!! He doesnt deserve this :(
968 streak #10
Chapter 22: What's gotten into Baek?
Is he just using Jongin?