
Tadoma | Kim Jongin Fanfiction


The plan was all set out, Kyungsoo had gotten both Chanyeol and Jongin to talk, who knew how much a little bit of bribing could help. “Chanyeol, if you give it a shot and get to know Jongin, I’ll buy you anything you want for 2 days.” Chanyeol agreed, and since Jongin’s hand was being forced to listen to Kyungsoo’s words, his sulkiness only grew. “Jongin, stop pouting and talk to him, if you do, I won’t tell Baekhyun if you had a milkshake everyday at lunch.”


Jongin tried to fight the urge to give in, but a milkshake everyday sounded great. How bad would talking be anyway? “Fine,” he sighed, his eyebrows furrowing as Kyungsoo called Chanyeol over to sit with them on his bed.  “Your face better be clean.”


“You little runt…” Chanyeol rolled his eyes, wiping his cheek with his shirt before Jongin placed his hand upon it.


Now with Jongin in front of both men, both of his hands on either of their faces, he huffed. “What now?” He asked, unamused by the situation.


Kyungsoo thought for a moment, not really sure of where to go from there. “Let’s just talk and ask each other questions, but be nice or the deals are off.”


“I’ll go first,” Chanyeol spoke up, “So, Jongin, when did you become.. Like this?”


“I lost my sight when I was six, hearing at 7.” He explained, “My mother taught me fingerspelling and tadoma.”




“It’s what we’re doing right now,” Kyungsoo announced. He had done a little bit of research on deafblind people and their ways of communications after meeting Jongin.


Jongin nodded, proving Kyungsoo’s words as true. “What are you studying in college?” he asked, wanted to stray away from too personal questions for the time being.


“Business and psychology. What about you?” Chanyeol finished his answer with another question.


“Business. I’d like to run my own company in the future.”


Chanyeol and Jongin were surprisingly civil throughout their questioning, each learning a bit more about the other while Kyungsoo just listened happily. Out of his 3 years at the college, he knew Chanyeol for two of them. They were friends for the first year, but Chanyeol had changed by the time his second year rolled around. It’s like something in him snapped and he became the monster he is today. He lost most of his friends but soon enough made new ones, including Jongdae and Sehun. Kyungsoo was always curious as to what happened and why he changed, but Chanyeol had always sworn he hadn’t and that Kyungsoo was just crazy.


Soon it was late into night and The boys were all tired, Jongin asked to go back to his dorm for the night, so Kyungsoo happily obliged and helped him get settled for bed. He cleaned and put away the dishes they used for dinner, wanting to straighten up the place so Baekhyun wouldn’t have to when he got back. It was only when Jongin called for him before he left that he sat next to him on the bed. “I don’t want to be here alone..” Jongin said, peeking from under the blanket as Kyungsoo his hair soothingly, “stay with me, please.” Kyungsoo couldn’t resist the sad look on Jongin’s face, too entrapped in his empty gaze to say no, and before he knew it, he had already kicked off his shoes and slid beneath the covers to lay next to Jongin. They laid face to face, just a few inches apart. “Kiss me again?”


Kyungsoo was still not sure about how he felt about the first kiss and the shared pecks, it almost felt wrong to carry on like that. It felt more so strange to feel so warm with Jongin around. Was it supposed to be that way, or was he ruining the innocence of someone he cared for so much? “ it, just this once,” he whispered to himself and sealed their lips together, not ignoring the small smile he felt on Jongin’s lips.


Morning came and Jongin woke up without any trouble, though when he felt around, Kyungsoo wasn’t by his side. His long legs swung over the side of the bed as he let out a rather loud yawn whilst stretching. He assumed his night time companion had left to attend his classes so he’d have to keep himself busy until Baekhyun returned. Heading over to the couch to sit, he got lost in his own train of thought; thinking back to the night before when Kyungsoo’s lips ghosted over his own, the feeling still lingering in his mind. He remembered everything about it, even through his tired haze. He remembered the heart shape of Kyungsoo’s lips and how incredibly soft they were. He remembered how he himself, encouraged more and how his fingers twisted around locks of hair as Kyungsoo’s lips slowly made their way down to his neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses and the occasional nip of the skin.


He wondered what it would have been like if they took things any further than that, or if Kyungsoo would even want to. He questioned if Kyungsoo shared the same feelings he did, though they were confusing feelings. ‘I need to talk to Baekhyun,’ he thought, hoping afternoon would come quick so he could vent.


Kyungsoo felt bad for leaving so early, but he felt the need to go back to his dorm after having such a tainted dream,which he presumed to be from the more risque moment he and Jongin shared. He took a long, cold shower in hopes of curing the heat he felt within his own body, not knowing what had gotten into himself that night. All Jongin asked for was a simple goodnight kiss, yet something seemed to have taken over his mind and the only thing he could recall was pressing his lips against the honey toned skin of Jongin’s nape, the soft breaths playing over in his head. None of it was helping his case. “,” he groaned, splashing his face with the cold water, “Get it together, Soo.” His self aimed peptalk didn’t help, reminiscent memories clouding his mind one after another.


Two o’clock took what felt like forever to roll around since Jongin didn’t have any classes that day and he was alone, leaving him trapped on the sofa whilst being suffocated by the thoughts racking up in his brain. He prayed and begged what ever higher power that Baekhyun get to the dorm as soon as possible.


They answered his cries, having mercy on him it only took a while longer for his roommate to return from his night out. Baekhyun unlocked the door and stepped inside, surprised to see Jongin out of bed on his day off. He found it odd that he sitting on the sofa with his neck craned toward the ceiling though, even more strange was the small red mark just below his adam’s apple. “Kim Jongin that better not be what I think it is.”

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Chapter 21: That would be awesome.
Chapter 20: Best of luck on your writing adventure! As sad as I am to not have anymore updates on this, I look forward to seeing how it all goes for you! Thank you for this fic and stay safe :)
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 20: Oh its ok though its quite sad... but i support whatever makes you happy dear. . Thanks and keep safe ...
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 19: This is scary.. thought Baekkie accidentally killed Channie hahaha
sejonglove #5
Chapter 19: I know i shouldn't laugh, but what happened to Chanyeol is funny
Marol_tkb #6
Chapter 19: Thank you for updating
Marol_tkb #7
Chapter 19: Jongine is so cute and beautiful
Marol_tkb #8
Chapter 19: Funny moment?
Marol_tkb #9
Chapter 19: I really believed that chanyeol was dead
Marol_tkb #10
Chapter 19: Baek and kai are so cuteee