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Minho is anxious, and he flees. Taemin though, he knows where to find him.


2min with a hint of OT5. Enjoy. I hope you do.


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Chapter 1: Nice 🌹
Chapter 1: this is really cute! i hope you feel well now too :)
Tayarisa #3
Chapter 1: Thanks so much for writing this.
Chapter 1: this story is amazing, the message behind it is also amazing. Minho has an understanding partner and surrounded by friends who are ready to support him if he finds it difficult and how sweet Taemin can know that Minho is having trouble just once.
Chapter 1: Minho is so lucky to have taemin and his friends... it's must be nice to have someone who can comfort you when you're feeling down...

Hope you are doing fine and feeling well... =)
fayrenz #6
Chapter 1: This was so tender and struck many chords... and it was just so reassuring about so many things. So heartwarming... from how Taemin just knew and went to Minho, to the other three rushing to Minho as well... and the message you've portrayed β™‘ Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece! I hope you're doing well now β™‘β™‘
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1394266/1'>one</a></span>
I loved it!
I'm happy you're using writing as a way to express yourself and let some pressure out, i hope everything will be okay, i'm sure you'll do good ! β™‘

I appreciate a lot how you portrayed their charcters;;; all of them actually but ofc 2min is on point! Minho's behavior was so realistic and taemin's words were as well;;;; there's this sort of relatable atmosphere, uni and school in general are more difficult to deal with that it might seem and you really GOT THE POINT.. aaaaaaa i meLTED WHEN TAEMIN KISSED MINHO ON HIS CHEEK sgdhehfjfjgkgkfkfb C U T I E S


How are you doing tho??
Chapter 1: I loved this!~
Taemin is so caring and they were so soft together, not to mention the others^^

It was so real, and I could feel Minho's situation because this is my last and most difficult semester in uni and now this story made me think and although I don't have a Taemin like Minho has here to tell me things like this...but maybe this story was my Taemin.

So thank you for writing it!β™‘
Chapter 1: PS2: needing more SHINee... how have you been?