
i love her half to death but she's killing me.

“Noooo, I’m not going. I don’t play with demons.”

Nayeon can only feel the headache building behind her eyes, moving to rub her temples in hopes to alleviate at least some of the pressure. No one ever said dragging your fully grown, twenty-four-year-old girlfriend, to get a root canal at the dentist would be an easy job.

Everyone knows, if it were in the same situation, she’d be acting just like Momo. Laying on their bed, putting her entire weight into it as she remains laying on her belly, arm hooked through the bars of the headboard.

Maybe Sana was right when she said getting up an hour early just to drag Momo out of bed for this was a good idea.

At least Sana seems to be enjoying this as she giggles from the side of Momo, slightly smug at the fact she knew exactly how they would act.

“Momo, please, it’s not that bad! You won’t even feel it.”

Momo only quirks a brow, “That’s what they said about your cavity filling and you grumbled the whole rest of the day you were sore.”

“I-” Nayeon feels caught in a situation she can’t get out of but it’s Sana who just shakes her head.

“Well, that’s Nayeon’s fault for not telling the doctor that she needed something more to numb it. We don’t date Nayeon for her brains,” Sana teases at the end which makes Momo pout waver. However, it places one directly onto Nayeon’s face.

“Hey! You date me for all my amazing qualities, including how smart I can be!”

Nayeon moves from where she was standing to lay herself directly over Momo, succeeding in making the other girl huff, and having Sana just giggle once again next to them. Nayeon moves to press her face against her neck, placing tiny kisses to where ever she can get them. Momo’s tense muscles seem to relax, and the tension between them seems to dissipate just as easily.

“Baby, please. You’ve had that toothache for a while now, and I know you don’t want it but the minute you get this done, you’ll feel better. Or at the day after.”

Momo only groans and ends up shaking her head, not liking the words she’s hearing. Nayeon can only finally look up at Sana, pleading with her eyes the best way she can. She doesn’t know how Sana and Momo got her out of the house that day she had her cavity done, this is literally exhausting, and they only woke up half an hour ago.

Sana nods her head and Nayeon can barely hold in her sigh of relief.

“Hey baby, can you please at least let go of the bars, no one’s gonna drag you out of her kicking and screaming,” Sana says as Nayeon climbs off from Momo’s back and instead cuddles her from the side. Sana’s using the softest voice, and Nayeon and Momo can never really say no to that.

So Momo does, she moves so she’s untangled and turned around, Nayeon leans up on her elbow she’s able to see Momo, and Momo is looking at Sana, a pout back on her face.

“Hi, baby.”

“Hi, honey,” Momo finally responds after minutes of mostly silence or whines. She turns just for a moment to look up at Nayeon.

“Hi sweetheart,” Nayeon can only glance affectionately as she says it. She may be a pain in the right now, but that’s her pain in the . Momo smiles but looks between them a bit nervously.

“I really don’t want to go, he’s mean. And I saw it on the internet, it’s going to hurt.”

“It might a little, but would Nayeon or I really leave you to the hands of an evil man? I’m already annoyed enough we have to leave you in the hands of a man anyway. I’d probably definitely say no if it was an evil one.”

Nayeon laughs and it makes Momo laugh too. This is their normal between them. Somehow soft but sweet, bantering but always feels like coming home. Momo wouldn’t trade this for the world, and frankly neither would the other two.

“Besides, this is what you two get for eating candy every other day on your way home from classes.”

“Hey!” Nayeon’s the one that looks offended this time, frown clearly on her face, she ends up joining Momo in what seems to be a dual pout.

“Well, you two eat there this whole semester and you both end up with cavities! You should listen to me, I’m always right.”

“Psh, yeah okay,” Momo rolls her eyes, the glare between her and Sana only lasts a minute before Momo breaks out into a smile. Feeling resigned she sighs. “Okay, okay, let’s get this over with. But when we get back, I better have all the cuddles you both promised yesterday and the choice of dinner you promised the day before and -”

“What?” Sana’s the one to interrupt this time, somewhat confused, somewhat annoyed.

“I definitely don’t remember either of us agreeing to all that.”

Momo eyes between them, an eyebrow becomes raised at the words. “Are you saying you two won’t cuddle me after what could be the most traumatic thing to happen to me in my entire life?!”

Nayeon can only open and close , Sana doesn’t even attempt to close hers. They both look a little shocked, and a little played.

“I can not believe-”

“...we both really just got played.”

“Cuddles, and dinner and everything I want just for me,” Momo adds on looking a little smug. A frown only becomes apparent after she realizes what she has to do first. “After I die, that is.”


The truth is, when they got home as much as there had been teasing and growing about what they would give into when it came to Momo, there really hadn’t been much to tease about on the way back home.

Momo had been given extra medication to keep her from being in any extra pain, and between that and the anxiety of the trip itself, Momo got home and collapsed on the bed for a long nap.

Which is how Nayeon finds herself in her current situation, all but entrapped by a whiney but cute Momo. Sana not even trying to help the situation.

Even though it was the middle of the night. Three in the morning to be precise.

“Momo, we can’t get milkshakes in the middle of the night.”

“But you said you’d get me whatever I wanted after the root canal. You pinky promised! I even made Sana take a picture so you wouldn’t forget, remember?”

Nayeon lets out a huff, even as Momo moves from where she’s wrapped around her. Grumpy and comfortable between the two girls, she really does not want to give up and get up to go get her girlfriend a milkshake.

She’s really comfortable and they haven’t had a night together like this in a few days due to clashing work schedules.

“Babe, I love you but-”

It’s Sana who’s been spooning her from behind that interrupts, giving her a squeeze as she speaks.

“You would really a break a promise, baby?”

“You’re only saying that because you want one too.”

“Mm, maybe.”

Momo knows at this point she’s one because she has a smirk on her face, and somehow Nayeon knows that Sana’s got a matching one.

Nayeon’s the one pouting this time, Momo actually laughs as she watches it slowly appear.

“You know, I don’t remember you guys treating me to milkshakes at three in the morning when I was in pain from a horrible dental procedure.”

“That’s because you slept the whole night through and half of the next morning.”

“Also because you were convinced you had to keep up that fake charade of feeling okay after it just so we could pretend to believe you when you said you weren’t hurting.”

Nayeon takes a few breathes, not exactly sure how to respond, and ends up only doing so with a frown.

Sana at this point has crawled half on top of Nayeon, pressing a small trail of kisses along her jaw. “Stop pouting.”

“I can’t!”

“One would think you’re the one who got the root canal with how whiny you’re being.”

“Yeah well, you’re the one making me get up and-”

“Huh?” Momo gives a questioning look. “You don’t remember that the new delivery app has that like all night McDonald’s delivery?”

Nayeon only looks at Momo with a look of complete and utter confusion.

That only sends Sana into a fit of giggles, which means Momo is too.

A few minutes later, Nayeon can’t help but join them.


Later, after the delivery had come, they had all had milkshakes and fries, and probably way too much sugar for the middle of the night. And they had all been intertwined with each other, no one could have truly seen where one body started and the other ended. Nayeon’s not even sure she could tell someone herself either.

Momo interrupts the quiet with the softest voice, if they hadn’t been so close, Nayeon’s not sure she would have heard it.

“Thank you for being there with me.”

“Of course, baby.” 

“Always, honey.”

Momo tries to make sure she can at least kiss some part of the girls face, it lands on the corner of Nayeon’s eye, and Sana’s cheek. They both let out a soft laugh.

Sana breaks the silence this time.

“I love you,” it’s something they hear often, but every time it’s said it’s like hearing it for the first time. Immediate happiness, for all three of them.

“I love you too.”

“So much.”

“And always.”

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