
apple juice


“Ahn Yujin!” A very familiar voice boomed through the spacious room. It also attracted so many people since it's a library for god's sake.

Yujin, who's reading that time— planted her face to the thick book, trying to hide away from her bestfriend, from embarrassment.

Some bothered people glared at the chirpy girl as she made her way to the table, finding Yujin, but she couldnt care less.

When she spotted that familiar shade of hair color, she squeaked and strides over the obviously hiding girl then hugged her from behind. “Yujin~” She chirped making the said girl groan and made a 'shush' gesture because the people are looking at them. Some let her, since she's beautiful and was well-known around.

“I want ice cream. Can we go to the usual place?” Minjoo asked, leaning her head closer. Yujin sighed and shook her head. “No. I have many things to do. Plus, dont bother me and the other people.” She half-whispered, continuing reading the book.

She heard the older girl whined. “Come on! I'm craving for one. Please? Pretty pleaseee?” Minjoo pleaded, flashing her infamous puppy that certainly Ahn Yujin herself couldnt resist. “I would also buy you that book you wanted badly, and the food is on me.” She added.

The younger girl clenched her jaw. Dont fall for the temptation.

Yujin turned her head, making her and Minjoo facing. She noticed how close they are and she can even see Minjoo's eyes were sparkling as her heart beats wildly.

Hhhhhh. I really want that book. Am i going to do this? For the book only or because i cant resist her?

After hesitating, she lets out a defeated sigh. “Fine. Lets just meet at the gate after class, got it?” The taller girl replied, making Minjoo squeal but in a low voice only because she knew that the other girl wouldnt like her to be loud in such a public place, nothing less in a library.

“Yiiieeee! You're the best Ahn Yujin, really!~” Minjoo said before placing a chaste and quick kiss on her cheek. “See you later, i'm excited.” She remarked before dashing to the exit of the library, earning another glances from the people.

Yujin cant help but to grin and shook her head in amusement before turning to her book again but before she could even continue reading, the person infront of her coughed.

“Wow, Minjoo-ssi is kind of bold.” Sakura, her foreign friend— retorted, smirking. “I like her.” She teased. The taller girl's smile faded and glared at her amused friend.

“Back off, dude,” She growled. “You already have Chaeyeon.”

Sakura chuckled. “Yeah, whatever. Your girl didnt even noticed me.” She said.

The statement made Yujin's lips curved into a arrogant smirk. “Because her full attention was only on me. Only me.” She responded.

The older out of the two scoffed. “But anyway, how about your track practice? You gonna ditch it for your bestfriend again? Coach will surely kill you.” She said making Yujin weak and lets out a sigh again.

“That's whats going to happen, i guess.” Yujin answered, leaning her back then massaged her temples. “I'm a dead meat tomorrow.”

Ugh, Minjoo should be thankful that i love her so much— as a bestfriend of course

She heard her friend snorted. “Huh, whipped for your girl, i see. I'll cover you up for as long as i can. You know Miss Kwon, she's not easy to fall for our lies.” Sakura remarked.

“Shut up,” Yujin mumbled. “But thank you so much, Sakura.” She added and her friend rose a brow to her.

“Who said i will doing it for free? Buy me lunch tomorrow.”

“Tch, i thought i got you this time!”



Yujin just found herself sitting infront of Minjoo, a strawberry ice cream on her hand.

After class, when she reached the gates, the older girl instantly grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the ice cream parlor shop before she could even greet her.

She watches her bestfriend slowly and delightfully her mint-choco ice cream.

Minjoo felt the gaze and saw the younger girl unmoving, the ice cream was slowly melting. “Hey, Yujinnie. Your ice cream is melting.” She muttered.

Yujin snapped back in reality and immediately the melted part of the ice cream. “You were a little bit, zoned off,” Minjoo announced. “Perhaps, is it because i made you ditch your track practice for this?” She said, her voice getting lower.

The younger girl's eyes widened in panic. “No, no! Hahaha, it's fine~ My feet doesnt really feel well today also, it's swollen.” She reasoned, wiping her sweat off from her forehead that she didnt even felt that was already forming.

Minjoo looks unconviced. “Sorry, Miss Kwon would probably scold you again.” She replied, sratching her nape. But before Yujin could open to answer, the older beams again. “I will talk to her tomorrow then! I'll explain it to her. And from now on, when we're going to get some ice cream, you will practice track first then i will wait you to finish. Sounds good?” She chirped.

Yujin liked the idea, she doesnt want Coach Kwon to make her run for another extra ten laps because she's missing last day.

“Okay! It's settled then.” Minjoo suddenly shouted before digging in to her ice cream once again. Yujin havent still answered her yet though.



(And it all really happened though. Yujin got her book also.)

The next day, as Yujin expected, Miss Kwon scolded her again. Sakura was giving her a pitiful look, indicating that she failed to do her 'mission' because the coach really wont buy her reason. She accepted her fate and punishment when Minjoo steps in and pleaded to not give the younger girl a punishment.

It was a miracle, Miss Kwon actually looked satisfied at Minjoo's explanation, the latter actually looked like she's on a report defense— Well, no one can resist Kim Minjoo anyway. She's popular among the students and teachers adore her, besides of being having beauty and brains, she's the vice-president of the student council and the captain of Wise Wizards, their university's volleyball team. Her convincing power is on another level.

Yujin's lucky to have her as a bestfriend since childhood. Even if their schedules are full, they managed to still make time for each other, that's how they love and important they are to each other.

Miss Kwon didnt gave her extra laps and just let her to continue her practice at peace.

When they're finished practicing, they went to their usual hang out place. They dragged Sakura and Chaeyeon with them. Technically, it was a double date, but of course, it was a typical besties date for Yujin and Minjoo, the other couple disagreed.

And the next day after that, it was the same but that day, Hyewon, Yena, and Yuri was with them.

And the cycle went on.

Everyday, Minjoo craves for ice cream, Yujin was bewildered that the older girl havent still caught tonsillitis after eating too much ice cream everyday. There would be a time that Yujin got sick of that frozen liquid and just accompanied her friend, trying not to gag at the sight of the ice cream she had for days.

Until the time came that Yujin was really sick of ice cream. She doesnt know why she still keep going with Minjoo. She really loves her bestfriend so much that she would do anything for her.

Sakura must be right, she's whipped.





“Okay! Practice is over, the competition is next week so avoid having injuries, especially you— Wonyoung, you clumsy idiot. You fell three times today.” Coach Kwon announced at the team. Wonyoung pouted.

“Coach Kwon! Chaewon tripped me in purpose in the last one!” The tall girl one whined. Yujin laughed at her. “Dont mind that dumb. She's just jealous that you're my stretching buddy for today.” She replied, grinning like an idiot.

“What do you mean, Ahnyu? Jealous? Huh, thats stupid. She hates me, argh.” Wonyoung grunted before marching towards the bleachers where her bag was located.

Yujin shook her head and she saw the two other foreign friends walking towards her.

“Huh, still oblivious as ever?” Nako piped in, clinging on Hitomi's arm. “Not suprised. Chaewon is frustrated.”

“Tss. This two doesnt have a bright future.” Yujin whispered and shook her head in disappointment.

She heard Hitomi snorted. “Oooh, why are you talking at them like that when you and Minjoo are not any better than them? Funny.” She said, and chuckled.

The younger's cheek felt warm. “W-What do you mean!? Shut up...” She groaned.

Nako giggled. “Look at your cheeks, and the tip of your ears are also red!” She answered, amused. “Them, and you two are in the same situation also. Except that Chaewon shows her feelings by doing unecessary actions to Wonyoung, but you and Minjoo...” The short girl tilted her head and even squinted her eyes like she's thinking deeply.

Yujin clearly knew they're teasing her, but she suddenly doesnt want to hear the answer.

“Well, you guys lived each other seeing each other as bestfriends so....” Nako looked at her girlfriend. Hitomi smirked.

You guys deny the kind of love you felt for each other now, because you guys thought it was just a bestfriends-type of love since you guys lived knowing that you two are only bffs forever

Yujin watched the two japanese girls making eye contact like they were talking each other through telepath.

“What y'all saying is a non-sense. I'm out! See you two around.” The younger said, sighing before striding towards the bleachers to grab her bag then walked away from the field.

Nako and Hitomi looked at their friend. “Huh, she and Minjoo are literally looking at each other with heart eyes. Even everyone was aware, how come that themselves are oblivious about it?” The shorter one among the two asked. Hitomi shrugged. “They only see it as a normal caring besties heart eyes.”

The couple laughed at the thought. Nako shook her head. “But for real though, Hiichan. They look so good together, like good GOOD. A superior couple.” She said. Hitomi agreed. “100% power couple.”





Yujin spotted her bestfriend at the spot near the track field. Minjoo was sitting at the grassy ground, looking up at the bright sky, while the wind blows her hair gently.

It was a breath-taking sight. Yujin was fully aware that Minjoo is a goddess. But there's many moment that the younger felt so swoon over her, like right now.

Yujin's heart was beating wildly again, it does everytime whenever she sees her bestfriend around. The words that the couple said invaded her mind. She cant help but to think as she gawk at Minjoo's beauty.

Her breath hitched when the latter slowly turned her head around to look at her direction and slowly tucked her messy hair then gave Yujin a so-sweet smile. Triple kill.

“Hey, Ahn Yujin! Come here, quick! Lets buy ice cream.” Minjoo said, smiling at her widely.

The younger went pale after hearing that sacred word.

She then slowly walked towards her bestfriend who stood up and dustied her skirt.

“Ice cream, again?” Yujin asked, unamused. Minjoo beams, and nodded like a kid. The younger girl unconciously dropped her gaze at her bestfriend's kissable and luscious lips.

Minjoo's lips is kind of tempting me

She stopped when she's close enough. Minjoo was looking up to her since she was way taller, and she found it cute, honestly.

I think i'll do something stupid

“How about i'll give you something sweeter than a ice cream?” Yujin mumbled and the latter looked confused at first.

“Oh, sure.” Minjoo replied, giving her a cheeky grin.

Yujin leaned foward, inches away from the older's face. Minjoo's heart stopped at the action and froze.

“Is it really fine? I dont know if you will like it or not.” The younger remarked, and Minjoo felt so nervous but she went on anyway.

“Y-Yeah, i mean, its sweet so why not?” She whispered, getting dizzy every second pass as she stared at Yujin's sparkling orbs.


Yujin slowly brought a hand over to cup Minjoo's cheek before slowly leaning in and closed ber eyes.

Minjoo felt something soft against her lips and it made her heart burst.

She never had her first kiss, and she's kind of glad that Ahn Yujin stole it. Even though this moment was confusing, she felt so overwhelmed.

The kiss was just simple and short, Yujin leaned away, realizing what she had did after.

Her eyes widened in horror. She retreated her hand away from Minjoo's warming cheek and slowly took a step backwards. Her face was red and her body was shaking badly.

“Uhhhh, i dont know what o-overcome me to do this... M-Minjoo-ah, i apologize.” Yujin stuttered, averting her gaze from the dazed woman and ran away before she could even move.

Minjoo looked at where her bestfriend ran while touching her lips.

“That's,” She mumbled. “Way more than sweeter than a ice cream or anything.” She added before smiling like an idiot.

“All this time, i love you more than a friend. I'm just denying since i thought this was just a bestfriend-like type of love. I guess i was wrong.” Minjoo whispered under her breath and chuckled.

Looks like she will be craving Yujin's lips instead of ice cream, starting now.




Yujin groaned and ruffled her hair in frustration. It was their break time at the practice, she told Sakura what happened and her friend was beyond happy while the taller girl herself wanted the ground to eat her up, knowing that Minjoo will probably appear after the practice.

“Dude, Minjoo surely hates me now.”

“Oh my god. It's the opposite, dumb dumb. Use your brain and eyes sometimes.” Sakura insisted and she could only sigh in frustration.

The practice continued after a little while. Yujin's mind was occupied, she's thinking of Minjoo only. Because she was thinking so deeply, she didnt even noticed that she was already done doing her laps and kept running making the coach frown and called her over if she was alright.

Then after an hour, it ended. Yujin was fixing her things when she saw Minjoo walking over to where she was. Her fear happened. She's panicking and alarmed. Her first thought was to run away but Minjoo spoke before she can even turn her heel around and run fast.

“Yujin.” She calls her softly as she walked closer to her.

The younger girl sighed in defeat. “L-Look Minjoo, i know i've been avoiding you all day but it was just a reflex, i swear i'm so embarrassed of what happened yester—” She was cutted off when a soft and delicate hands cupped her cheek then it happened so fast.

She felt a lips brushing on her own, making her mum. Realization hitted her after a few seconds of processing of what the hell was happening.

Minjoo is kissing her.

The girl pulled away after, staring at the dumbfounded girl and giggled. “You were talking too much,” Minjoo said. “And i was craving for you lips since yesterday after you kissed me.”

Yujin blinked multiple times, trying to convince herself that her bestfriend really said that but before she could open to speak when there's suddenly a loud whistle coming near them.

They turned their head both in sync where the noise came from and saw the whole squad, even Coach Kwon, watching them at the whole time with a smirk and smug expression on their faces. Especially Sakura, she was the one who whistled and looked very satisfied.

“Took you guys long enough.” The japanese girl remarked nudging her girlfriend who's giggling. “Yeah, instead, the people around you two first noticed that you were so much in love with each other.” Chaeyeon said.

Nako and Hitomi looked proud. “We stan a power couple.”

Hyewon piped in munching her donut. “I've been waiting since then. Congrats, i'm happy for you guys.” She said while Yena and Yuri laughed beside her and nodded in agreement.

Coach Kwon scratched her head. “Hmm, that's why Ahn was distracted all day. I aprove, i guess.” the woman said and smiled while the whole group errupted into a loud cheers.

Yujin was blushing while Minjoo was giggling.

“Ehehehe, thanks guys.” The older said, giggling.

The hell happened? Was all can Yujin think.




It all happened so fast, time flies quickly and they were official after a month, and the day continues. They exchange i love you's everyday, not that they dont say it to each other when they were still not so inlove with each other. But this i love you was way much more than special and held a deeper meaning for them.

This day was their first anniversary. Minjoo brought her at the ice cream parlor shop, Yujin wasnt suprised. It's been so long since they visited the shop because of their schedule and only hung out indoors, like watching movies and cuddling.

“Oh, hello there. Its been a while!” The worker named Jihyuk greeted them as they entered the shop. Minjoo smiled, “Ah yes, we're kinda busy, you know school.” She answered.

The guy smiled brightly at her. “The usual?” He asked. And the couple nodded.

They were about to pay when Jihyuk stopped then. “It's on me today.” He announced and winked, specifically on Minjoo. Yujin frowned.

“Really? Thanks!” The older beams and happily smiled. The guy blushed. “Well, only for you... two, beautiful ladies. Hehehe.” He replied, and glanced at the frowning Yujin.

He was clearly interested at Minjoo but no guts to ask her out. Yujin noticed that way before this day, he would only talk at Minjoo, and they rarely interact.

This worker only got in at this job three months ago and probably lived his life only knowing that they're only bestfriends, no more than that. Poor him.

The couple doesnt really much show affection when they're on public, they only hold hands when theyre out. Plus, many people still believe that they're straight and only close bffs, Yujin found it funny.

There's also a time that a guy asked Minjoo out (when they were only two months official) and the latter turned it down politely but he got furious, confident that he's the one who will make Minjoo happy. Only to go home, sobbing when Yujin finally reached her limit, blurting out they were girlfriends. The guy didnt believe at first, laughing at their faces and saying that they were only bestfriends, and just saying that because she wanted to get Minjoo away from him.

(“I mean, yeah, we're still bestfriends. Bestfriends slash lovers. You stand no chance, so get away from her.” Yujin growled, clearly getting annoyed and impatient.

The  guy snorted. “Tch. Shut up and just let me talk to Minjoo alone.” 

“Hell no, i wouldnt allow that, over my dead body.”

“Yujin...” Minjoo finally speaks out, noticing they attracted people and now, watching them.

“Look, ugly . I said that she's taken by me, where's the part there you cant understand? Leave her alone or i will surely break your neck. No jokes.” Yujin felt her anger rising and her fist was clenching below the table.

“Like i would believe that,” He huffed before looking into Minjoo and his face softened. “Minjoo-ssi, accept my confession. I'm handsome, rich, and hot. If you accepted it, i'll make you the happiest woman in the world. I would give you daily kisses and i will shower you with my passionate love.” The guy said so dreamily. 

And it really made Yujin snap.

She pulled Minjoo closer to her then crashed her lips into her's. Making the guy's eyes almost popped out on its socket.

Minjoo just went along, enjoying the kiss as the younger's lips dominate her. Although she can feel the frustration and jealousy from Yujin's hungry kisses.

The squad who's been silent and watching the scene, happily errupted into a cheers and the whole bunch of students at the cafeteria also cheered for them. Sakura gave the frozen guy a dirty look.

“People are gay, got that, boy?” She said before continuing to cheer for the couple.

The guy ran away from the scene, sobbing hard.)

“History will repeat itself, huh?” Yujin thought as the guy looked at her girlfriend with heart eyes. Minjoo knew that Jihyuk has a huge crush on her but decided to shrug it off, lowkey wanted to Yujin step in first.


“Here's your ice cream, my lady,” Jihyuk handed the cup of ice cream into Minjoo's hand very carefully and his eyes lit up when their hands touched for a second. The taller girl rose a brow.

The guy then smiled sweetly at her and looked at the now fuming Yujin. “Oh, and here you go.” Jihyuk handed her the other ice cream cup, and Yujin harshly took it from his hands. The worker was confused and smiled at her (he need to make good impression to her crush' bestfriend) even though Yujin can see that he's kind of annoyed at the attitude she showed.

Minjoo muttered a small thanks and dragged her girlfriend at their usual spot happily. Yujin gave Jihyuk a one last dirty glare before going with the older girl.

“I'm annoyed,” She exclaimed, crossing her arms over her chest, her eyebrows are furrowed. Minjoo chuckled. “I can tell.”

“That bastard. He's clearly annoyed at my presence also, and he's literally flirting with you.” Yujin added, harshly taking a scoop from her ice cream and brought it to . Her face was getting red from trying to contain her anger.

“Yujin-ah, ignore him, ok? Nothing good will happen if you will snap at him plus you'll just going to waste saliva and energy. Let him admire me, you know that my heart only belongs to you, and i wouldnt dare to look at other people with heart eyes beside you, much less than a guy.” Minjoo explained, gently, trying to reassure her fuming girlfriend.

“It helped my head to cool off a bit. But look at that piece of crap, he's staring at you like he's undressing you.” The younger growled as Minjoo looked over the counter, Jihyuk was indeed staring at them— at Minjoo. He then shot the older girl a wink when she turned.

Yujin sighed before standing up. “Where are you going—” Minjoo asked when the latter walked and sat down beside her before wrapping her arm to her shoulders, possessively.

“He better avert his gaze now or i'll rip his eyeballs.” Yujin grunted, glaring at Jihyuk.

The couple just minded their business, trying to ignore the guy who's watching them at the counter. Yujin made sure her action was extra sweeter than usual. Thankfully, Jihyuk wasnt a slacker at his job and served the customers instead of staring at them, but he would glance at them time to time.

Yujin decided to celebrate their anniversary to a more peaceful place. Hand to hand, they were about to exit the shop when Jihyuk called them over.

“H-Hey! Going out already?” The guy stuttered, rubbing his nape awkwardly. Yujin faced him. “Why not? We badly wanted to get away from this place, from you.” She spat.

Jihyuk blinked multiple times trying to sink in the words that the tall girl just threw. “E-Excuse me?”

“Me and my girlfriend just wanted to eat ice cream in peace to celebrate our first anniversary as a couple but thanks bro, you kinda ruined it. I'm not gonna blame you for having a huge crush on my girlfriend and flirting or staring, because you didnt knew she's taken already, by me. I admit, i got a little bit annoyed and jealous whenever you give her heart eyes, but find another girl, buddy. She's mine, mine only, got that? I'm just saying this so you'll be aware and not to brag, but it could work also.” Yujin explained, before showing him their interwined hands then gave him a cheeky grin. Minjoo blushed and smiled secretly.

Jihyuk paled. “Y-You two werent bestfriends?”

Minjoo finally meddles. “Yes, we started as bestfriends. Knew a thing about bestfriends slash or to lovers? And let me tell you, Jihyuk. People are gay,” She said, smiling brightly at him while the guy was still mum. “Hope you'll find better than me!”

Jihyuk sighed and weakly smiled. “I thought you're perfect for me, i guess i was just a extra character on your story. I hope so, i mean you're a big big catch, Minjoo-ssi. Yujin-ssi is lucky to have you, man, you're the luckiest, you have a whole goddess as your bestfriend and girlfriend. I could only dream.”  He said, and scratched his head.

“No, we're both lucky.” Minjoo replied before kissing Yujin at the cheek.

“I'm just a little bitter, i've been admiring you since like i first saw you but nonetheless, congrats and happy anniversary. Sorry if i ruined it.” He apologized. Yujin felt guilty all of a sudden.

“Uhm, thanks. We'll be going now, i dont mind you being friends with us.” The taller girl said and Jihyuk's face lit up then smiled at them.

The guy gave them another treat, ice cream cones. The couple refused as he might get fired but Jihyuk shrugged and said that the owner of that place was his close uncle and only working there to earn money to buy a car.

And after that, the couple exited the shop, holding ice cream cones while their free hands was interwined.

They decided to go to the park nearby where they first met. As they stroll around the park, they shared their funny stories when they were kids.

“Remember the first time we met? You accidently stepped on a dog poop and cried? I felt really sorry and wiped it off using my shirt...” Minjoo said, trying to surpass her laugh. Yujin groaned. “How can i forget it? If you didnt do that, we're probably not became bestfriends and a couple, worse we never met each other again.” She said.

The older girl smiled. “It's destined, i guess.”

They then settled at the bench nearby, watching some kids playing around and people walking by. Yujin unconciously took a glanced at her girlfriend. Minjoo was eating her ice cream happily like a 5 year old kid as she watches the children play around.

Maybe she's really the luckiest. Minjoo is a perfect girl, a dream girl of all people. Funny how she ended up with her. Yujin thought she'll be that bestfriend that will pursue Minjoo to date this popular and hot guy turns out they're soulmates.

Minjoo felt the gaze and turned to face her girlfriend. “Yeah?” She asked but Yujin's just staring at her.

Her gaze suddenly went down to her lips. Without hesitating, Yujin leaned closer to press their lips together, and off the excess ice cream on Minjoo's lips on process.

The younger pulled away, smirking. “That's sweet,” She said. “Happy Anniversary, baby.” She added and gave her blushing girlfriend a grin.

“Yeah, Happy Anniversary too,” Minjoo mumbled. “But can we kiss again? I'm suddenly craving for your lips.”

(Gladly, the innocent kids didnt saw that, nor anyone since they were busy doing their own business. Yujin's glad with that, especially that she cant resist the temptation to kiss Minjoo's lips.)


thats it lol so i have decided make this book a one shot collection of jinjoo. And hey i'm open with request but i'll choose it by using an app that shuffles or color wheel(?) dont know what is that called. but anyways

just drop down the short description, genre, and plot. but dont expect too much since its my first time taking such request :]

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read the chapter three's author note for the short information about requesting :]


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Chapter 2: oh that was cute… that was really cute 🥹
Chapter 2: I don't know how many times I've read this but this is still really adorable <3
Chapter 3: im squealing so hard rn
Chapter 3: that was so good jdhshdhd
Chapter 3: smoochies here and there~
Chapter 3: there was a squint of jangchae but yeah jinjoo pinned my heart again. Thank youuu author-nim~
mojojojoycee #7
Chapter 1: Yess
sclocksmith #8
Chapter 2: I need more for "apple juice", what a good story!
dakbaljokbal #9
Chapter 3: i liked the content !
Chapter 3: This was a short and sweet story. I was expecting this to be a sequel of Apple Juice.

I like all kind of genres except horror lol. Right now, I'm craving for some fantasy-genre/plot.

Short Description: Minju is a princess of X kingdom and due to politics reason Minju will need to marry a royalty from the Y Kingdom. The 3rd princess of Y Kingdom, Yujin, has a special magic skill where she can turn into a golden retriever (big golden dog) - not many people know this secret. One day Yujin (in her puppy form) saw Minju crying at the garden, and Yujin is determined to stay with the girl until she stop crying. Basically, a short story of how Yujin trying to comfort Minju as a puppy while making sure her secret stays hidden :)