After It Starts, I Tell You My Name

The Moments I Live For
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When Wendy had gone back to Korea, there was a lot of things she wasn’t used to.  The language, which she thought she spoke fluently, turned out to be difficult for her to speak 24/7.  But that was an easy fix, she simply studied vocabulary that she never learned when she was younger.  The food was delicious, but sometimes she found herself missing some meals you could only find in Canada.  But that’s alright, she needs to stay healthy and thin anyways.  But one of the things she could not get used to was the skinship.  Wendy liked girls, she had known this for a long time, so when she came to Korea and girls started suddenly clinging to her arm, alarms blared in her head.


Pretty trainees that she had befriended would constantly cling to Wendy’s arm, causing her to blush and stutter.  The girls would giggle at Wendy’s strange behavior, only making her blush more.  It was because of this that she found herself surrounded by less clingy people.  


Bae Joohyun has never touched Wendy, which was a good thing because Wendy would combust due to the latter’s beauty.  Kang Seulgi was Wendy’s best friend and wasn’t that clingy, but she liked hugs which Wendy was alright with.  Then there was Yerim, Wendy’s little sunshine.  This girl was so young, so her clingyness never bothered Wendy, she treated her like her daughter.  And finally there was Park Sooyoung.  This girl was the death of Wendy.  She was the most clingy out their little group of friends, and she seemed to target Wendy the most.  It didn’t help that she was unbelievably hot, with long legs and nice curves to compliment her beautiful face.


Eventually Wendy got used to it though, and she found herself getting closer to the four other girls.  When it was announced that they would be debuting together, she was beyond happy.  Her only worry was the dorm that they would have to share, for the remainder of their training and even after they debut.  She was bound to room with someone, and Wendy just hoped it wasn’t Bae Joohyun or Park Sooyoung.


Wendy was relieved to find out that she was roomed with Seulgi.  They have been in the dorm together for a week now, and she was happy to be close to all of her friends.  Tonight, the five decided to watch a movie together, and it was a scary one.  They all squished on the couch, and Wendy was smack dab in the middle.  To her left was Joohyun, looking as beautiful as ever, even with her bare face.  And to Wendy’s right was Sooyoung, grabbing onto Wendy’s arm as per usual.  Next to Sooyoung was Seulgi, and next to Joohyun was Yerim. 


The movie started off fine, but as the jump-scares started coming, the inevitable happened.  Sooyoung, surprisingly, had taken to hugging Seulgi, the two holding onto each other for dear life.  Just as Wendy began to relax, she felt her arm being grabbed and held tightly.  Wendy didn’t dare look over, she focused on slowing her heartbeat down.  Joohyun had never touched Wendy before this, but here she was, pressing herself to Wendy’s side. 


Wendy felt her cheeks go warm as Joohyun put her head in the crook of Wendy’s neck, probably due to a jump-scare but Wendy wasn’t even paying attention anymore.  That night was the worst and best night of her life.  Worst because she found out she had a crush on Joohyun, best because her crush clung to her for the first time.


Since that night, Joohyun had taken Sooyoung’s place as clingiest member.  When they were walking outside Joohyun would grab onto Wendy’s arm, when she was cold Wendy would become her personal heater, and when ever they watched a movie she’d be next to Wendy on the couch.  Wendy enjoyed this new found closeness very much, but it also saddened her because it probably was nothing but friendship in Joohyun’s eyes.  Either way, Wendy lived for these moments, and as their debut date drew near, those moments were her only relaxer.




Wendy turned to find Joohyun wrapped in a blanket standing by the kitchen doorway.  It was late, but Wendy couldn’t sleep so she decided to bake, and she wasn’t surprised to find that their leader couldn’t

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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 39: I love those Halloween pictures of wr so much It was wild back then
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 38: That iconic Halloween party and Seungwan's coat that Ms. Bae was wearing ha!
Chapter 39: Thanks for this AU. Sorry I just found you. The story is very good. I look forward to your work.
1702 streak #5
Chapter 39: Thanks for updates~ I remember Irene went viral, they want to know who's jacket she wears lol
Chapter 38: Thanks you for update. And happy new year
baejoonism #7
Chapter 38: Thanks for the update!! Will be waiting for the next updates!
WluvsBaetokki #8
Chapter 38: Yasssss author-nim is back! Happy holidays to you! And thank you for updating. Be looking forward to your updates...
Chapter 38: Your comeback...
Thank you
Chapter 38: Welcome back author!! Thanks for the update. I will be waiting for more but don't worry, take your time. Happy holidays for you, stay safe!