Jinjoo: Lucid Dreaming

A Wizard's Tale Haven
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“I couldn’t have dreamed you into existence because I didn’t even know I needed you. You must have been sent to me.”
― Kamand Kojouri




Palms on her face, Yujin sighed exhaustingly. She pinched a little bit of her cheek wondering why on earth she had to dream of the same person and situation again.


She groaned before standing up to pick a marker. As she was raising her hand, she noticed the number of circles on the previous dates and frowned. 


"It's been 6 days," she said as she circled the 11th of July.


She walked towards her closet, beside it was a full-body mirror. She had to lean downwards to check her eyes. She quickly washed up and started her skin regimen, which included the eye cream. She knew it was bad to sleep less than 7 hours a day, but looking better physically was more of a priority.


Walking out of her bedroom, she immediately reached out for a pan and started cooking breakfast. She heard a faint beep from her digital clock indicating it was already time to eat breakfast or else, she'll be late for work. 


Yujin placed the warm vegetable for her bibimbap on the table and went straight to the bathroom. She knew it was better to have herself ready before eating or at least it'll help her leave her apartment quicker in case of emergency, or other words, being late. 


After changing clothes, she took a spoonul of rice and checked her phone. It was 7:23 AM, and she received a message from a co-worker that she had an emergency and wouldn't be able to attend work today, in short, Yujin needed to cover for her shift. She's going to pull a 16-hour shift today. Surely that means extra cash on her paycheck, but not a good habit for her body.


She has been working as a barista for a few months, she needed it to survive. Yujin has been living independently ever since she started working. She loved the fact of having the freedom to make her own decisions and control her space, schedule, and lifestyle.


 It's been enjoyable so far, but choosing this type of life has its own cons. Financial responsibility and loneliness were the biggest challenges.


But Yujin was convinced that this was just one of those life hurdles she'd experience anyway. It's not easy for everyone, even rich people have their issues.



Two hours later, Yujin found herself at the coffee shop, immersed in the faint sound of the coffee drip she was making. The quietness of the place made her realize that it must be a slow day. 



"Yujin, thanks for covering Liz's shift today," 


Yujin glanced behind her, Gaeul stood there as she wiped a glass at the counter. 


"How long have you been here?" Yujin asked, surprised.


"For about five minutes? You failed to notice me because you've been daydreaming for like, 10 minutes," Gaeul chuckled. "Are you okay?" She added.


Yujin stifled a laugh, "I guess, same dream, same headache," 


"Same girl? Wow, you must've liked her so much," Gaeul was now standing beside Yujin as she bumped her shoulder into the taller girl.


Yujin frowned and Gaeul raised both of her arms in a surrendered pose.



"You need to have a vacation, work must have caused you so much stress, I'll tell the boss that I'll cover your shift," 




Before Yujin could even react, Gaeul placed her finger on Yujin's lips, telling her to stop.


"Nope, nope, no need, and you're welcome," Gaeul smiled, she tiptoed and ruffled Yujin's hair playfully.


Gaeul has been a reliable colleague that Yujin was happy to have. She's not fond when someone would do her a favor, but with Gaeul, she doesn't have control as the latter is too stubborn for her own good. 


"Your new short hair suits you so much, I think you should maintain that,"


Yujin smiled as she looked at the cup of coffee in front of her.


"Yeah, less need to shampoo," she replied.


"Ew!" Gaeul slapped Yujin's shoulder. "So, where are you planning to go?"


"I haven't thought of it yet that much, but maybe.. Gyeonggi? Well, there's a lot to visit there,"


Gaeul nodded in agreement, "Just bear with it for today, and have fun tomorrow," she said with an assuring smile.



"Thanks, Unnie." 






Yujin was walking around Yangpyeong, a serene view welcomed her as she strolled along with the other hikers. She was wearing a white button-down, and her bangs were neatly placed, showing a small portion of her forehead. This summer isn't any like other summers, it's unusually hot, but still good enough for her to have a walk. 


She went to a Camera cafe, it was a popular shop known for its interior. As a coffee lover and employee, she decided this to be her first destination.


Inside the cafe were hanging polaroids and different types of old cameras, from Lomos to modern. Yujin was in awe, there was this feeling of excitement that she couldn't contain. She was into photos but never on the professional side of things.


As she indulged herself with some of the cute pictures and cameras, she felt a light tap behind her.


Turning her head, she saw a girl, wearing a navy blue hoodie. She was wearing a white face mask. 


"Excuse me, hi! Uhm, Sorry but some of the photos and cameras aren't allowed to be touched," The girl looked apologetic, and Yujin immediately placed the camera she was holding. 



"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Yujin bowed. 


"It's okay, but if you have any questions, feel free to let me know, I can help you," 


The girl removed her facemask revealing a pretty face, she had this warm and friendly smile, and her energy seemed to make Yujin calm..and familiar. 


"Minju..Kim Minju. Nice to meet you," Minju extended her arms, with the hopes of Yujin reaching it.


To her relief, Yujin shook her hand briefly. 


"Ahn Yujin, you can call me Yujin," 


"Nice! Uh..Well, I'm actually a photographer, so if you have any questions on these, just shoot," Minju managed to not fully stutter as socialization wasn't her expertise.


On the other hand, Yujin seems to have a slower comprehension of the scenario. She couldn't hear anything but Minju's voice, it was somehow familiar.


"Have we met before?" 


Minju looked surprised, a question mark was written all over her face. 


"Isn't that pick-up line a bit too old?" Minju mentally slapped herself for being over her socialization threshold, this wasn't in her practiced script every time she thought about talking to people before going to bed. 


"Sorry, I didn't intend to make you feel uncomfortable," Yujin scratched her head and was about to leave.


"Oh, no, wait!" Minju grabbed Yujin's arm, both of them looking down at the gesture. Realizing it, Minju released Yujin and chuckled awkwardly.


"I'm just joking, sorry I'm bad at being sociable, also, let's have coffee, I haven't had my morning coffee yet anyway, only if you like."


Yujin nodded, she was also weirded out, not sure where she got this sort of courage to just go with the flow. 



Both of them sat near the window, Minju looked at Yujin as she admired the view.


"I heard this coffee shop is very popular, I could see why," Yujin sipped on her coffee. This caused Minju to cut her train of thought.


"Yes, today is a slow day, I don't know, mostly people would fall in line, but not sure what's wrong today,"


"It's the same scene at our coffee shop yesterday,"


"You work in a coffee shop?" Minju asked.


Then that was the start of a better conversation. Kim Minju has been always awkward with people, but thankfully with the business, she developed her socialization skills. 


Yujin learned that Minju was the daughter of the owner and she was in charge of the interior displays of her photos. For Minju, learned about Yujin's life, it was very straightforward.


Both of them talked like they had been friends ever since. They talked for hours until both of them realized it was lunchtime.


Minju looked at her watch, "Want to grab lunch?" She said without even thinking. Then another wave of realization hit her. "Oh, sorry, I wasn't thinking." Minju chuckled nervously.


"No, it's okay, do you have somewhere you want to eat?" 


Somewhere within their minds, they gave each other a presence that they were not sure where it was coming from. It's bizarre. 


But both of them had set aside the idea, they went with the flow, and now both Yujin and Minju found themselves sitting in a different place.


They are currently in a restaurant somewhere in Incheon.


"I'm amazed that you know this place," Minju said. She saw a variety of food inside. She has this fuzzy feeling of just wanting to have a seat and start eating. 


"I've always visited this place whenever I'm nearby," 


"Really? Wow,"


"Why do you seem like you're super amazed?" Yujin chuckled. She was surprised to hear herself laughing. She suppressed it immediately.


This growing warmth between the two of them was too random, Yujin thought. She was happy and contented by just being with Minju today, although it was their first time meeting, it felt like they'd known each other for a long time. 


Yujin finds it amusing that this type of emotion exists. 


The two of them started checking the menu, and Minju excitedly called the Ahjumma waiting for them to order. The old woman smiled at Yujin.


"It's been a while since you've been here," 


Yujin only nodded, "Yes, I've been busy," 


The old woman then looked at Minju, "Aigoo, you're still pretty as ever,"


Minju wasn't paying too much attention since she was still looking at the menu, but nonetheless nodded and thanked the old lady. Then added another order.



Yujin looked at her and laughed, "Was it because you've been here before that's why you're amazed that I know this place?"


Minju looked at Yujin, "Me? No, I do see this place on the internet, it's very popular, that's why I'm very surprised we're eating here, it's my first time."


Yujin nodded, although confused, she heard the Ahjumma calling their attention to say it would take a few minutes for their order to be served. 


Then, Minju heard a little grumble from Yujin, she covered and laughed. The other girl was embarrassed.


"I didn't know you were this hungry," Minju added.


Yujin shyly looked down, And Minju even giggled. 


"That's adorable," Minju muttered enough for Yujin to hear.


Both of them looked at each other and then shied away.


"Haha! Sorry...I'm acting weird," 


Few minutes of waiting for their food, both of them went quiet, enjoying the sound of the busy street, Yujin was looking outside while Minju looked at her phone.


Then Yujin held her temples.


"Are you okay?" Minju worriedly asked. 


"Just..a little pain right here, it's okay." 


"Are you sure? Do you need anything? Hold on, let me check my bag,"


Minju rummaged through her stuff, placing anything on the table.


Yujin looked at some of the things Minju placed on the table coming from her bag. She saw a small orange canister and its name on it, quite familiar in fact. Yujin furrowed her eyebrows. 


Minju realized her stuff was all over the table, finally getting the Tylenol, she quickly grabbed her things and put them back inside her bag.


"Here, take this,"


Yujin reached for the medicine and looked at Minju.


"Thanks, do you...by any chance-" Before she could finish, Yujin heard the Ahjumma bringing their food to the table. 


"Sorry for the wait, you two enjoy your lunch okay? Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with,"


The two of them nodded and started grabbing their utensils.


"Wow, this looks really really good," Minju felt like drooling over her Jajangmyeon, she was used to eating this but this restaurant kind of gave her a different aroma and excitement. 


"Time to eat," Yujin said and both of them took the opportunity to have a spoonful in their mouths.


Yujin heard Minju's amazement, her eyes were bigger than usual. 


And it was another strange occurrence. 


Yujin was having these butterflies. 


She ignored it and continued eating. She tried enjoying the moment with Minju. 


"Is it delicious?" Yujin asked. 


"Totally, this is perfect!" The other one explained. 


The two of them continued eating as they told another set of random stories to each other.




Another thing that Yujin learned was that Minju stayed in Japan for 2 years. Yujin knew to herself that there was something off about Japan for her. She just didn't like the feeling of the country ever since.


She wondered if it was about the old war. But silly to think about, she wasn't even that patriotic enough to develop a certain emotion. 


"Did you have a lot of things to do when you were in Japan?"


"Well I did develop my liking for photography," she said. "Japan is just..it's beautiful, I've had my camera with me always and I started taking scenic pictures, it was awesome. You should go there when you have a chance," Minju excitedly told more stories about her photography journey.


Yujin listened. Her social battery wasn't running out and it makes her think that maybe there are really people who adopt introverts like her. But thinking about it, she thinks Minju has a very similar MBTI anyway, for some reason, they are clicking.


"Hold on one second, I'm just going to the comfort room," Yujin excused herself. She totally forgot that she needed to take another set of medicine.


"Yes, please take your time,"



Once Yujin took her way, Minju continued eating. She then pulled out her phone and found her sister's message.


From: Minji-saeng


Dad's been looking for you Unnie.


Tell him I just went out with a friend.


A friend?


Yes. Just someone I met earlier at the cafe.


Will you be okay Unnie? You know Dad wouldn't like it if he knew you escaped.


I haven't been making friends for years, I don't understand him.


Just go home safely okay? I'll try to stall Dad if anything happens.


Thanks, you're the best.


Don't forget to take your medicine.


Yes, Granma.




Yujin saw Minju smiling on her phone.


"I'm back,"


"Oh hey," Minju then hid her phone back in her pocket.


"I saw you on your phone, do you need to go back?"


Minju gestured, "No, no..that was my sister Minji. She was just checking up on me,"


"That's cute," 


"Yeah, she's super cute and thoughtful, I can't imagine her growing up, but she's already taller than me, probably as tall as you already?"


"Wow she's really tall then," Yujin agreed.


"Is that lowkey bragging about your height?" Minju teased.


"What? Of course not," Yujin laughed along.


"But seriously, I think she's very thoughtful?"


Minju nodded, "I'm not sure if it's okay to say this but our Dad makes my life a bit difficult, he's too strict, I don't have much friend either,"


Yujin looked down at her plate, "Is it okay to ask why?"


"I don't know, she doesn't like me interacting so much with people other than greeting or entertaining them whenever there's someone in the coffee shop, he always tells to me and my sister not befriend anyone aside from those people who he introduce to us, weird right?" She said as she sighed.


"I'm sorry to hear that,"


"Do you have many friends, Yujin?" 


"Yes, just a few, I tend to be picky with people,"


"Then, should I be honored that I'm eating with you right now?" Minju said in a teasing manner, but Yujin wasn't reacting.


This made Minju feel awkward.


"Just kidding,"


Then she saw Yujin placing her spoon on the table.


"I don't think you should be honored, people dislike me most of the time,"


Minju narrowed her eyebrows.


"If a person dislikes you then I am not a person at all,"


Yujin felt her heartache.


Was it because she was moved? 


She gazed at Minju, and there was it again, the same butterflies as earlier.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"


Then Minju stopped, as she saw Yujin smile. 


It's a smile that seems to hit her with a lot of emotions. A genuine one, not that kind of smile that's mannerly because someone said "Hi" to them.


Yujin couldn't help it, she let her emotions control her this time. There were a lot of times she had to suppress it, as she felt being weak was to show emotions, but for this afternoon, she couldn't hold it any longer. 



It felt refreshing, she thought, to smile again genuinely.


This girl she just met managed to give her this emotion she almost forgot that exists.


Minju felt her eyes blur. It's suddenly warm. She felt odd and moved by just looking at Yujin for no particular reason. 



She saw Yujin's lips turn the opposite, she was frowning.



"Minju, are you okay? Is everything alright?"



Yujin was looking at her intently and worried. 



"Oh, wait...what," 


Minju then realized she was crying.


She quickly wiped her face and looked at Yujin. Embarrassed, Minju stood up and excused herself, but she didn't go to the bathroom, she went out of the restaurant.


"Wait, Minju-ssi!"


Yujin couldn't run after her as she had to settle their bill, she quickly pulled out a few dollars and left it on the table, then rushed outside.


The Ahjumma from the small restaurant worriedly looked at them.







Outside, Yujin tried to catch up, but she didn't look around as she ran towards Minju. The bustling streets of Incheon didn't help her. She suddenly lost sight of Minju after crossing a street.


Yujin leaned down and held her knees, this time, catching her breath. 


"Where are you," she muttered to herself.


There was a major headache that hit Yujin at that moment, and she just decided to go home. Still with a worried heart, the emotions running in her chest had grown quite familiar, and she did not like it.


Minju was a stranger she just met today. But she felt an old soul haunting Yujin and triggering the other emotions she had suppressed for years.






"Where did you go?" Mr. Kim rested his hands on his waist. Angry at her eldest. She saw Minju looking distressed arriving home.


"I'm sorry Dad, I just met with a friend,"


Mr. Kim scoffed. "A friend without a name sounds a new one to me,"


"Dad, please, she's a friend I just met okay?" 


"None of this is okay Minju, I told you numerous times that I should know everyone in your life! This is for the best. What's the name of this friend huh? So I can make sure to block her if she has any business with you," Mr. Kim now crossing his arms, looked disappointingly at Minju.


There flashed a series of moments with Yujin, like an old camera slide show in her head, Minju saw Yujin's smile again and it was giving her a heartache for some unknown reasons. 


"Why..why do I always need to tell you everything, Dad?" Minju burst out in tears.


Mr. Kim looked at her surprised.


"Why do you always have to control my life?! Even in friendship! Even in the things I want to do, everything!" Minju raised her cracking voice as her tears fell down. She bit her lip in despair.


"Can't you see I'm doing this for your own good?" Mr. Kim asked. 


"Where's the good in my life if everything is controlled? Dad, you're not making my life any better, please! I couldn't even make my own decision!"


"Because I almost lost you when you did that!" Mr. Kim yelled. "Do you want us to lose you like how we lost your Mom?!" 


Minju was going to walk out but that question stopped her. She just couldn't accept this type of setup. 


"Why are you suddenly brining this up, Dad? Mom doesn't deserve to be brought up like this for you to have an excuse to tell me everything I had to do for your own happiness!" 


"You do know what happened to her right?" Mr. Kim asked her daughter, trying his best to explain himself in his decision-making.


Minju unbelievably looked at her Father.


"So, I'm probably right from the beginning," Minju wiped her tears and smiled sadly to her Father.


"...you're still blaming me for Mom's accident," 


"No, Minju I didn't mean-"


"Stop Dad, now I know, everything really made sense to me," 



And Minju left for her bedroom, shutting the door that everyone in the house could hear.



Minji was standing somewhere around the house, hearing everything. 






"I hope you had a really good day off!" Gaeul met Yujin with a cheerful smile. 


Yujin smiled back a little.


Gaeul hummed, "Anything you'd li

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1760 streak #1
Chapter 11: oh interesting, the text messages... is it foreshadowing something???
1760 streak #2
Chapter 11: slowly reading my way through but the start already has me hooked!!!!
future_mrs_liu #3
Chapter 11: I love this story! Finally something with a happy ending lol. Just kidding. At least there’s still that classic suspense. But thanks for the update author. Fighting!
you're really back now 😭

I hope you're doing good ep-nim.
j1njoo #6
Rich22 #7
Chapter 11: welcome back autor
Daeng_Daeng #8
Chapter 11: HELLO EP nim 😭😭 I just finished reading "Heartstrings" (which I read again and again and again) last 2 days and you don't know how much I miss u and your stories here 😭 BUT THANK YOU. I will read this when I get back home. And Hope u are fine, happy and healthy these years too
snsdsoshigg #9
Chapter 8: oh my god???? i didn't know there's a sequel for waiting game?
notghster #10
Chapter 10: I was just wondering, was this, perhaps, inspired by "Rec Create's Exes Play a Lie Detector Drinking Game"?