Love Shot


AU where Joy & Irene are both in high school and there's an archery contest coming up. 


This is dedicated to @joanajoussef who wanted something centered around joyrene and ISAC. 

I must have been on crack when I wrote this. It's super cheesy and different from what I usually write. Hope you enjoy!


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Chapter 1: I loved this oneshot! Joyrene are so beautiful together and this Joy is so adorable. I always appreciate the Wenseul especially I laughed with Wendy loving idea for Seulgi's babies with her. I wish this story had a second part
Chapter 1: uuwwuu~
Chapter 1: soooo smooth joohyun eh? Hahahaha joyrene is so cute sksksk this fic is rly good and cute and soft and uwu. Thank u for writing this!! ^_^
NamyuLover #4
Chapter 1: :(( they're all so cute?^$@^ also irene's really so smooth here ooo. really nice read <3
Chapter 1: KaSkwjfjfjjgjgjaIAJDJFJF IM HAVING A HEART ATTACK AT THE CUTENESS THERE AHHHHHH. Irene is smooth as hell damn, and joy when she realized Irene liked her! Just AHHHHH and that bit of seuldy at the end. Everything is just perfect. (Side note: Loved the “imagine it’s yeri’s head”
Chapter 1: Irene is godly smooth holy .
dumpling5 #7
Chapter 1: Awww. How cute. I love me some dorky joy and suave irene. Thank you for writing this
THANK YOU FOR THIS!! i hope in the future you could write more stories especially wenseul and joyrene hehe
16 streak #9
Chapter 1: Joyrene is love ♡