prologue #2

ʚProduce Angelɞ / Do Idols Need to Be Saints? / Profiles Are Up!
prologue 2
Park Yuna

Yuna ran her fingers through her hair nervously, she looked into the bathroom mirror, preparing herself before she entered the meeting room. This was the first time she had been a producer, and she knew being a young woman would add to her being taken less seriously. She put a little makeup on to be seen as professional and put together, but not too much, so they didn't see her as shallow. The new heels she was wearing were far too tight, causing her toes to ache, but heels were needed to raise her height so she could look the men in their eyes. She played with the top button on her blouse, debating if she should leave her collarbone exposed or not. She knew if she left it open, the men might take her less seriously, but she could use the mindless attraction of their second heads to her advantage. She decided to keep the top button closed, wanting to be taken as seriously as she could be - as a young woman in a male-dominated industry.

Yuna grabbed a loose hair tie from her designer bag and pulled off the loose strands of hair that had wrapped around it. She gazed at herself in the mirror while holding her hair up, debating if she should put it in a ponytail or leave it. Flicking between the two options, her head running through scenarios. She decided that a slicked-back high ponytail made her look older, so without more thought, she twisted the band around her hair.

She took a deep breath and headed to the meeting room. She raised her shoulders in a stance of confidence putting on a mask of a cool, cold smile. She tried to balance being polite while still giving off an air of intimidation. As expected, there was only one other woman present, Jo Jahewa experienced in this field and who didn’t even react to misogynistic comments. Yuna had to resist the urge to hide behind her like a lost child and instead sat herself opposite the man she was most concerned about, Kim Junghoon. He had his arms folded behind his head with a smirk as he was chatting to the person next to him. Yuna kept her face calm and stoic as she sat down, damn her feet still ached. She needed to find a more comfortable pair of heels. She noticed people in the room looking at her she stuck out a lot, but Yuna had to remind herself not to cower. She was the one contributing the most money to this project she had power, and she reminded herself of that like a mantra in her head. She had power and she refused to forget it. Not again.


The room went silent when Woojin entered. Yuna, like everyone else, was intrigued by the man. But she couldn’t help but be a bitter that they clearly respected him more than her. Yuna reminded herself this was his idea, he was the brains; maybe she was jealous of that. But in some ways, she had more power than him because money talks. Knowing Woojin as a novice journalist, she suspected it was something he was lacking. He was just lucky enough to know Jaehwa, who had an endless collection of connections within the industry.

Woojin took the last seat next to her. He had a frown on his face while glaring at Junghoon.
Well, they have something in common.

The meeting started and Yuna tried to be present but she honestly couldn’t care less about TV production logistics. She couldn’t help but feel her mind wonder, but she did her best to put a fake listening face on with the occasional nod of her head. Hearing raised voices pulled Yuna back into the present. Things were getting heated. Junghoon and Woojin were arguing - Yuna cursed herself for spacing out as she tried to put together what they were arguing about.

“I’m just saying, if this flops, you get away scot-free unlike the rest of us. We're risking our reputations for this risky show.” Yuna tried to not snort at the mention of Junghoon's so-called reputation.

“I’m a nobody! Of course, my name isn’t going to be used to promote the show!”

Yuna didn’t understand the purpose of this argument and what Junghoon was trying to do. While Woojin was cracking at the seems, Junghoon stayed calm and collected with the smugness he always seemed to carry.

“I’m saying,” Junghoon started in a slightly condescending tone. “Your name should be attached to this since you're so reluctant to give up any control despite being a nobody.”

Woojin opened his mouth to respond, but Jaehwa interrupted with a sigh. “What are you getting at, Junghoon? Woojin is right - people aren’t going to watch this because of him.”

Junghoon smiled. “Of course, but put yourself in the shoes of the viewer for a second. What if Woojin stands on screen as the 'all so proud creator' of the show? Wouldn’t that cause intrigue? How did this nobody get this role? It’s already giving a unique appeal to other survival shows.”

Yuna's head spun. What was he suggesting? That Woojin feature as a prominent role on camera?

Woojin shook his head repeatedly like he had malfunctioned. “T-that that makes no sense? I have no experience on camera.” Jaehwa looked like she was trying to figure something out squinting at Junghoon.

Junghoon laughed. “With some training, you’ll be fine. I thought you wanted control 'all so great creator'. This will give you that on set as well.” He said while gesturing with his arms.

Junsu, the acclaimed director who had been awkwardly playing with his glasses for the entire meeting. Looked incredibly bewildered by this entire exchange, while Woojin looked like he wanted to call an end to this entire mess.

Yuna looked at Junghoon the same way Jaehwa had just a moment ago. What game was he playing here? Some elaborate game of chicken? Did he want Woojin to just fully give the rights of the idea to him and leave? For whatever reason, Yuna didn’t feel good about it. She looked at Woojin and could see him cracking.

Yuna didn’t know Woojin. She didn't know why he cared so deeply about this idea. But other than her, he was the only person who had any level of actual emotional investment in this. If Woojin ran away or gave up on the idea entirely, Yuna would be left to pick up the pieces of something she had put time and money into. She refused to let that happen. She had power.

With a deep breath, she put on a smile. “I like Junghoon’s idea.” It was the first time she had spoken in the entire meeting, and all eyes swung in her direction. She saw the smug smile falter on Junghoon’s face for the first time that afternoon. She tapped her fake nails on the table. “Woojin is handsome and charming. I’m sure he will have a mysterious appeal to many viewers. With some training, I’m sure he could handle an MC role.”

Woojin looked at her, flustered. She wasn’t sure if it was the forced compliments or her throwing him to the deep end, which she felt a little apologetic for. But the genuine shock on Junghoon's face told her everything she needed to know. Yuna was right. He was trying to scare Woojin off his own project. She just smiled back at him. He would have to learn that even if he scared off Woojin, she never would be.

Besides, she had money; she had power. Game on Kim Junghoon.


Authors note
More coming soon!
Sorry this is quite short, but I thought I’d put it out as another little teaser I wrote a while back, and give some more insight behind the scenes :) I am currently working on things for the story, in particular the contestant's profiles which will hopefully be out soon! I'm sorry it's taking so long to get this story started but I am passionate about it, which just leads me to want to do a lot of planning.

Also, this is your last chance to fill out the survey about voting rules, in a week I'll be setting the rules in stone. (though given the current answers to the survey it's pretty clear just thought I'd give one last chance for people who haven't yet) here
Coded by crusir
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Chapter 29: reading through this was a journey but so worth it bc it is so well done!! so surreal to see all the girlies in this format, it really feels like i'm on kprofiles for a survival show. i'm so excited for what comes next (at your own pace) :D
Chapter 29: Wow! I love the kpop profiles page! If looks well put-together! Anf the photos look so good!

I'm excited to read the POV chapters and other future chapters!
14 streak #3
Chapter 29: Beautiful
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Wow! This looks amazing! If I saw this and didn't know where it had come from, I would legit think it was an actual page. I'm getting more and more excited about this story.

As for main characters, I don't think you should announce them. I think it would discourage people to learn that their character isn't going to be a main character. Also, if I understand correctly how this fic is going to work, won't the voting affect who's going to be main characters?

Edited to add: OMG I just noticed that you put them in order by age! That is so kprofiles!
Chapter 28: After an exciting look into the pre-show drama and preparations, I'm excited to read about the contestants and how they will be presented in the beginning of the show!
Chapter 19: Have you heard of the Korean entertainer Harisu? She's clearly older than Jisoo is supposed to but maybe you could use older pictures of her (and we can pretend that she's just older looking). Between your choices, I'd vote for the thai celeb. Racebending is not ideal but I think it's a better option than using a cis woman for a trans character.
Chapter 28: I love this chapter - I'm getting more and more excited looking forward to this. I can't wait to see where things go from here! ^_^
Chapter 19: Hello, this is the author for Jeon So-hee's character! I am still active but I really am only active for this story (which I'm still excited for)! So-hee has the same height and weight as Jeon Somi (172cm, 46kg).

Regarding Jisoo's faceclaim, I think that given how you are considering the pros and cons of each option, you would do either with great care. I think that using a cis-female Korean celebrity for Jisoo's fc would be preferable, though I would suggest putting a disclaimer somewhere so people know you are aware the new fc is not trans, and that you are not maliciously mis-gendering someone (which we, the applicants, already know). I agree that race-bending is not great and that it is a sensitive topic, given that a lot of Western media doesn't care to distinguish between Asian people from different companies and simply lumps everyone in together. Ultimately, it's still up to you though and I hope that whatever you decide works out!
14 streak #9
Chapter 18: Hi sorry, please take note that I changed Yumi's fc to CSR Geumhee as I no longer feel comfortable using Yeojin as a fc due to the severe abuse Loona had suffered.
Chapter 19: HI LOVE IM STILL HERE! my girl cai yilin is 169 cm and 50 kg!