Two Peas in a Pod


Seungwan and Joohyun are best friends and decide to take a camping trip, just the two of them, to relive stress before this semester gets too crazy.


Joohyun being trans isn't that big? in the story, idk, I didn't want to make it outrightly stated because idk, that's weird. I'm trans and it was important to me that I made her trans as well because I just wanted to make a fic that just had a trans character without it being like, a big deal. It's kinda Way self-insert-y but I wanted that, I wanted to like imagine myself on a camping trip, where being trans isn't the terrifying all-encompassing thing it can be. So, yeah, idk why I felt the need to like, Disclaimer that because this is fic and it doesnt matter, but whatever. 

So, please enjoy this soft piece of fiction. Also, I've really gotten attached to the characters and I might write more of them in different parts of life and about different things. I'm not sure.



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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: I want more