
Look Ahead - CHANBAEK

I cover my ears with my hands as the siren pierces my eardrums. My legs pound in front of me fast and hard; my breaths get heavier and heavier.

"This is the government of the Republic of Korea. Everyone remain calm. This is not a drill. Proceed to the shelter in an orderly fashion. This is the government of the Republic of Korea. Everyone remain calm..." The voice on the speaker repeats over and over again. People are screaming, running, pushing, hurrying.

My whole body trembles in fear.

"Baek! Baek!" I stop and turn my head to make eye contact with my boyfriend before uncovering my ears.

"Yeol-ah!" I scream.

"Baek, go! Get to the shelter!"

There's a high pitched noise. I cover my ears once again.

"What about the hyungs?" I yell. My eyes burn and I squint to keep my vision focused.

"They're helping the others. Just go, Baek! I'm right behind you." The noise is getting higher; louder. "Hurry...GO!" I take off. The shelter is getting closer.

The noise is deafening. More screams. More people. More running. Large men in bright orange bodysuits help people through the shelter's entrance. I stop and close my eyes as adrenaline burns through my bloodstream. My heart pounds in my chest, my ears ring and scream, and I don't know what to do. I feel myself being pushed forward.

"Oh my God! Close the door, NOW! Hurry-" A man's voice yells from behind. The screams get louder. I open my eyes after a few seconds that felt like minutes. I am safe now, but people are pushing to get in; terror in their faces as the door starts to close.

"Chanyeol, what is going o-"

"Baek, get down!" Chanyeol screams. His eyes are wide as he jumps towards me.

Scream, scream, scream, scream.


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This was very good and well written. I hate that Baek had to leave Chanyeol behind, but he had to in order to survive.
A sequel would be great. Would love to see that President exposed and Chanyeol, by chance survived.
Marimoo #2
Chapter 14: SPOILERS AHEAD don't read my comment if you haven't read the fic yet!

Omg!!!! This was so good! I read this all at once (which proves how good it was because I can never read chaptered fics, I always get distracted and never end up finishing them). It kept me on the edge of my seat, it was suspenseful and made me want to keep reading more! The ending definitely surprised me, I was upset to find out that Baekhyun had to leave Chanyeol behind :( I wonder if he survived and if other people did too? Will there be a sequal, maybe of Baekhyun and Chanyeol meeting up at some point? (of course that's just my hopeful suggestion lol, that's your decision to make). Thank you for the wonderful story!
igidcbudu #3
Ayy a new Chanbaek story to read!