Chapter 7

Humans and Robots
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Two months had passed since Taeyeon came back. For the past two months, the Chosen Ones had been working hard to improve and overcome their weaknesses. Taeyeon had achieved a 100% recovery and she'll be starting her training today after she got the green light from Seohyun. Thankfully the stubborn Taeyeon did not push herself during her recovery period and with Tiffany by her side, the former did not dare to disobey her.

Yeri is working on a medicine for Taeyeon because she claimed that the products that are found in stores are loaded with all kinds of chemicals. Yeri wants to create a medicine that only uses natural and organic ingredients to heal the scars and do not have any side effects. The medicine has since achieved 60% progress. Joy is doing fine too. Despite being a senior doctor at a young age, she is handling the workload well. Seohyun has been in contact with Yoona as well. If everything goes according to plan, they will be able to launch an attack in two months' time.



Taeyeon woke up early and got herself ready to start her training after a long time. 'Everyone has been improving well...' Taeyeon grinned and after checking her appearance she left her room. 'I can't wait to spar with them.' Tiffany was cooking in the kitchen when Taeyeon arrived.

"Good morning, Taetae!" Taeyeon returned the greeting with a warm smile before snaking her hands over Tiffany's waist. "Do you need any help?" Tiffany then asked Taeyeon to pass her the plates which the latter gladly did so.

"You're resuming your training today, right? I will be there to watch!" Tiffany grinned widely before leaning in to kiss her Taetae on the lips. "Do your best!" 

'Oh no, I forgot... Damn, this is worrisome..' Taeyeon inwardly sighed before reassuring herself that everything will be fine.

"I will give my very best because you will be watching." Taeyeon winked and went to set the table for them. Taeyeon inwardly sighed as she arranged the utensils. 'I'll be sparing with Seohyun and the whole team will be there to watch, not to forget Fany too.' Taeyeon hopes that the others will be able to learn something out of the sparring session.

'But it's been a while since I last sparred and before I was asked to focus on recuperating, I had some issues on controlling my strength.' Taeyeon sighed before telling herself to hold back.



The whole team is already at the training ground, waiting for Seohyun and Taeyeon. Yuri looked around with a frown on her face. "Sica, have you seen Taeyeon?" Jessica shook her head and Yuri let out a sigh. 'Where are these people...'

Just as Yuri was about to call them, they both came with Tiffany. The three apologized for being late as they were caught up with other matters. Yuri nodded her head in understanding but wondered why Tiffany was here.

"I'm here to see Taeyeon train." Yuri hummed in understanding before asking the two to prepare for their sparring session. 

Yuri instructed for everyone to gather at the spectator seating for her briefing as Seohyun and Taeyeon then made their way on to the training ground and did some light stretches.

"As you all are aware of, Taeyeon will be officially back in the team and today she'll be having a sparring session with Seohyun. They will be doing hand to hand battle today with no weapons allowed. I hope that everyone will focus and try to learn something from this session." 

"Alright already Yul! Let's get this started!!" Sooyoung hollered aloud. Sunny smacked her on the head for being a nuisance and all Yuri could do is shake her head.

"I can't wait to see Taeyeon-unnie fight." Seulgi mumbled, eyes glowing with excitement. 

"Yuri, we're ready." Taeyeon's voice could be heard through the intercom.

"Alright then, let's begin."



'Don't go all out.' A voice echoed in Taeyeon's head as she got into position.

"It's been a while since we last sparred together, Taeyeon-unnie." Taeyeon agreed with a small smile.

"Let's see what you have under your sleeves! I won't go easy on you!" Seohyun said with a fire burning in her eyes. "Good, cause I would hate for you to do that." Taeyeon grinned in return.

Both took their stance and their eyes meet for a brief moment before they were instantly in close range combat. Seohyun moves in on Taeyeon, delivering punches from all direction. Taeyeon dodged the attacks before retaliating with her own punches but the younger woman was able to dodge it. Taeyeon continued her attack with a wide arc kick, landing a direct hit on Seohyun's abdomen, sending her a few meter backs.

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FINALLY! The story is completed and the cover art is finally up! To my fellow readers, thank you for being patient with me and for reading my story. Although I am lacking in many areas, a big thank you to those who subscribed, upvoted and took the time to comment on this story! JoeYee out!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 26: so cute 😭🤍🤍
cutiegurll #2
Chapter 26: ommmmg this fanfic issss sooooo awesome!!!!! ammaaazing I LOVVVVVE IT
Chapter 26: re-read this cuz i loved this fanfic a lot when i first read it :)
I’ve always liked futuristic stories and all I can say is this one did not disappoint me. Thank you for writing this story I enjoyed reading it!
Muse_Lover #5
Chapter 26: Action and romance ~
With so many cute couples as well~
Thank you for this story~
Write more~
Chapter 15: Waoo como es posible que ambas estuviesen trabajando en aspectos diferente??
Seulrene siendo tan lindas!! Me encantan.
Y tae mostrando su fuerza, sorprendiendo a todos.
Chapter 26: This story was amazing to read, I finally made it to the end and I'm so happy my ships are together and happy T_T)

This is underrated, ffs
Chapter 26: The end already? ㅠㅡㅠ
I wanna go to Hawaii too ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 25: Its going to end soon? O.O
Chapter 25: Lol Moonbyul