[N] To The Person I Want To Love (Jisoo x You)

Be My Last
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     While you were walking down the hallway, people turn their heads towards you and cast looks towards you. Some are giving you dirty looks. Some are giving you flirtatious looks. While others, maybe they're just looking. However, you roll your eyes as you walk into your class. 

" So they're still giving you dirty looks huh? " Bobby asks

You sigh and nod. 

" Then again, you did reject Kim Jisoo, the most popular girl in our school. " Jennie remarks. 

" Oh please, as if I owe an explanation to all their jealous asses. " You reply. 

" Savage, indeed. " Lisa comments. 

Students within your year are giving you a hard time because you rejected Kim Jisoo, the hot 3rd-year law student. I mean sure she's pretty but other than that you don't know anything about her. You've never had any classes with her, and you've never talked to her. So the question in your head is why is she so interested in you? Why couldn't she go after someone interested in her? 

" So we're all up for Wendy's party. " Jennie asks

" With all this heat people have been tossing at me, I need this. Plus I have three weeks to enjoy myself before summer classes start. " You answer. 

Your group of friends agree and whine. 

You all turn around when you hear your professor call for the class' attention. You were attentively listening to the professor's lecture when you feel Seulgi pass a note to you. You look at her confused but continue to listen to your professor's lecture. You decide that you were going to deal with the letter after class ends. 


" So what was in the note? " Bobby asks

You hand Bobby the note and allow him to read it. 

" No way, she wants to see you again? " He says. 

You nod. 

" So what are you going to tell her? " Lisa questions. 

" That I'm not interested. Just because she wants to see me again doesn't mean I'm going to accept her. " You remark, grabbing your stuff and grabbing the note you head to where Jisoo wants you to meet her. 


You head to the cherry blossom tree near the parking lot. 

" So you wanted to see me? " You ask 

Jisoo nods. 

" I was just wondering if you can tell me the reason why you rejected me. " Jisoo says. 

You look at her before answering. 

" I'm not interested. " You reply. 

" But weren't you dating- "

Your cold glare makes her stop. 

" I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. " You say before walking away.


    You were reading the reading assignment that was assigned to the class when someone grabs your book and throws it. You look up, and you see Hanbin. You roll your eyes as you stand up. 

" Do you have nothing to do? " You question. 

" Did you not realize that you've made Jisoo cry? " Hanbin states. 

Honestly, you felt terrible for rejecting her, but what other way was there to make rejecting a person more gentle? 

" And? What am I supposed to do if I don't like her? " You answer. 

Hanbin doesn't say anything, and next thing you know you feel his fist hit your face. Bobby pulls Hanbin away while Jennie checks on your face.

" I suggest you leave right now before you start something you regret. " Bobby says.

Hanbin pulls away and leaves the student lounge while you Bobby grabs your stuff and Jennie walks you to the nurse's office. 

The student aid Irene is the first one that greets you when you enter the nurse's office. 

" Whoa, so Hanbin did punch you. " She comments. 

" Hello to you too, Irene. " You reply. 

" Alright, come on, sit here. " Irene says as she guides you to a seat. 

You look at your friends staring at you while Irene's treating your wounds. 

" Guys, thanks for the concern but I'm not gonna die. You can go back to studying, you know? " You say. 

" Are you sure? " Bobby asks

You look at them, and they all decide to leave. 

" So, I'm guessing Hanbin punched you because you rejected Jisoo again? " Irene asks

You nod. 

Irene chuckles. 

" Typical Hanbin, huh? He's always trying to play the role of a prince. " Irene says. 

" It's not my fault she doesn't like him. " You answer. 

" So why did you reject her? " Irene asks. 

" I'm not interested. " You remark. 

Irene snickers. 

" Really? " She asks

You nod. 

" Last time I checked she's everything you like in a woman. She's cute, smart, well-mannered, and miss sunshine. " She states. 

" Irene, I barely even know her. I don't know anything else about her besides her name. " You answer

" Then why don't you get to know her? I'm sure she's not bad. " Irene remarks. 

You scoff. 

" You already know the answer. " You state. 

Irene nods. 

" Oh because of-"

" Yes, don't say her name ever again. " You state. 

Irene sighs. 

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So an interesting story I have to share. So remember when I was going to update during Christmas? Guess what... I spilled ramen all over my laptop. So sorry for the delays, I'll also have an announcement on the next update regarding this story. Until then!


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anightangel #1
Chapter 131: And thank you so much. Love your stories!
anightangel #2
Chapter 131: Omg! You continued “to the person I want to love”
That’s one of my faves. The angst and all. I hope you continue this multi shot . It’ll be awesome!!
Chapter 178: Authornim, is your favorite pastime tormenting your readers with super angsty oneshots???

Jkay lol but this is just-so sad
Helookpppp #4
1199 streak #5
Chapter 115: HOLY HELL 😳
Chapter 115: Did I just die? O_O
1199 streak #7
Chapter 93: Aww this was so sweet
Chapter 83: I loved it!
Chichi must be really happy and tired!
I can't wait to watch snowdrop.
Missed you, author!
Take care~ ^^
miaangel #9
Chapter 83: thank you for the update authornim