
Royal Summer Love



Prince Chanyeol had been tired of Valkea before they even arrived to the capital. It was freezing cold, the clouds forever gray in the sky, light rain pouring most days. And the wind, the wind was like a demon throwing ice knives at his face.

The Valkean royal family was stationed at the palace’s gate, as it was the tradition when welcoming an important ally. The Queen was in the center, her royal gown a bright blue and silver, the colors of the crown. Beside her was her son, the Crown Prince, Oh Sehun. They looked forward, eerily still, like they weren’t seeing Chanyeol’s caravan at all. Both alphas had light brown hair and gray eyes, as was typical for Valkeans. In Sejon, Chanyeol’s country, most had dark hair, dark brown eyes and sun kissed skin. Chanyeol could dislike the Valkeans, but he had to admit their varied colors were beautiful.

Chanyeol’s accompanying party organized in two neat lines, allowing their prince to walk in the center. Only royalty could walk through the central path, he had been told. It seemed over the top and unnecessary.

In Sejon, it was customary to come forward and shake hands with allies as a greeting, but Chanyeol hesitated when he walked up the steps after his arrival and title were formally announced. He wasn’t even sure the Crown Prince and Queen were real and not wax statues, for god’s sake.

“Crown Prince Chanyeol of Sejon, it is with the utmost joy that we greet you today,” said the Crown Prince, and made a very small bow of his head.

Chanyeol did the same. “It’s my pleasure. I’ve been eager to meet you, after all our letters.” He smiled.

Prince Sehun didn’t. “Me too, brother. This is Do Kyungsoo, Minister of Foreign Affairs, he will ensure your stay is pleasant.” The short red haired man standing a few steps behind bowed mechanically. “There will be a feast tonight to celebrate your arrival.”

“Thank you.” Chanyeol’s eyes went from one royal to another, and then remembered why something seemed off. “I’m sorry, but I thought you had a brother.”

Both Prince Sehun and the Queen tensed. “My youngest son is indisposed,” the Queen said. “He will be at the banquet tonight to greet you.”




“What do you think?” Chanyeol asked Jongin, the Captain of his troops, and his most trusted friend. They were alone in the prince’s assigned chambers. Kyungsoo had offered them snacks, a bath, a tour of the castle, but Chanyeol just wanted to be left alone and relax after the long journey.

“I’d rather fight them,” Jongin replied with a half shrug.

“That isn’t helpful.”

“Haven’t you seen them? It’s like the cold froze their hearts too. Who knows what plans they have for us here.” Jongin made a grimace. “That Kyungsoo minister freaked me out. Who makes an omega a Minister of anything?”

“He must be talented, who knows.” Chanyeol shrugged. “Anyway, Valkea is too weak to attack. You know that. You just hate them.”

“Hating them is having common sense. I know war isn’t our intent, but your father sent me with you to be cautious, so I will be cautious, your highness.”

Chanyeol nodded. The peace negotiations were almost finished, and he was only here to discuss final details and sign the treaty. He was supposed to stay all summer. As much as they might dislike the Valkeans, peace was needed. War threatened to tear both countries apart. Chanyeol’s sword had slain many, he had spent most of his short adult life plotting and winning campaigns, he was now twenty three.

Rumors said he was a blood-thirsty savage. Those rumors were stupid. Chanyeol only fought to protect his people and his family. He didn’t enjoy war or killing, and there was nothing he wished for more than peace. In fact, he had tried to propose peace before, at the battle of Asan when he was twenty, but his father had ignored him.

“I think we both want the same things. Valkeans just... communicate in a different way. We must keep an open mind.”




Chanyeol spotted the youngest prince as soon as he stepped into the hall that evening. He had heard many things about the young omega, mostly about his beauty and distant character.

Prince Baekhyun didn’t have brown hair and gray eyes like the rest of his family. His silky hair was gold, almost white. His eyes were blue, the color of the clear sky at midday in Sejon. Chanyeol couldn’t take his eyes off him. He was an ethereal vision, like a painting on an angel had come to life. The pink elegant lips pursed upon noticing him approaching.

“It’s an honor to meet you,” Chanyeol said.

The blue jacket embroidered with gold was the same rich color of his eyes. Baekhyun merely bowed his head in a quick acknowledgement. It didn’t seem like he was going to speak at all.

“You’re... blond,” Chanyeol blurted out. He didn’t know why he said it, perhaps because it was his first time seeing someone like this, perhaps because after scanning the crowd he realized the color wasn’t common. Like most of his subjects', Chanyeol’s hair was black, his eyes dark chocolate.

“You are observant, Prince Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said, arching his brows. “I’m happy our peace negotiations and our nations’ destinies rest upon the shoulders of someone so clever.”

Chanyeol felt the tip of his ears burn. “I-I apologize. I only noticed because your family looks different.”

“No apology needed, I’m used to being gawked at. Like a painting being exhibited,” and with that, he turned around and left, leaving Chanyeol open mouthed, with all his apologies and explanations unsaid.

The alpha didn’t know if he was embarrassed, angry, or amused. A regular omega would’ve giggled and thanked him for his attention. Not even a beta would’ve dared speak to him in such way. Insolence like that was punishable, but something about Prince Baekhyun’s glare made him feel ashamed of himself. He had thought he looked like a painting, after all. Besides, he liked that Baekhyun didn’t seem afraid of him.

The young prince was very good at slipping away whenever the alpha tried to approach him, and Chanyeol didn’t have another chance to talk to him for the rest of the night. Why had his introduction been so clumsy? Baekhyun’s beauty took his breath away, but that hadn’t been a reason to spew nonsense at him. Chanyeol wanted to bang his head against a wall.




The next morning, Prince Sehun offered to show him around the palace. The castle was lavish, with high ceilings and massive windows, several floors and many stairs. In Sejon, the palaces were laid out horizontally, and divided in separate buildings, like a small town. This design felt claustrophobic to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol wanted to think that Prince Sehun was warming up to him. After all, he didn’t need to offer him a tour personally. He was still distant, and Chanyeol hadn’t seen him smile once. He didn’t scowl at him like the younger prince, at least.

Speaking of Baekhyun, they stumbled upon him at the library. He was sitting at one of the tables, giving his back to a large window.  The sunlight filtering through the window hit his hair, making it gleam like a halo around his head. Chanyeol felt the same nervousness in his body, but this time he was prepared for Baekhyun’s striking blue gaze when he looked up.

“Prince Baekhyun, what a nice surprise to see you here,” he said.

Baekhyun acknowledged him with a nod, and went back to his book.

“Baekhyun, at least speak to our guest,” Sehun said with a slight frown.

“I would, but I believe he enjoys my company more if I stay silent.” Baekhyun smiled, but it was bitter, not reaching his eyes.

Sehun was about to protest when Chanyeol interrupted. “Prince Sehun, I’ve insulted your brother without meaning to, I’d like to speak to him in private, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course,” Sehun replied. He shot Baekhyun a glare that clearly said ‘behave yourself’ before he left.

Chanyeol wondered if the younger prince had a grudge against his country and hated him specifically. Or perhaps he was one of those rare omegas who simply loathed alphas.

“Baekhyun, I really didn’t mean to offend you last night. I’m sorry,” Chanyeol said. He went to the table and took a seat beside the omega, who tensed and edged his chair a bit away.

“I didn’t give you permission to call me by my name,” Baekhyun said with narrowed eyes.

“Would you accept my apology?”

“There’s no need for an apology, I know it’s your alpha instinct. If you insist on apologizing then yes, I accept it.”

Chanyeol’s face lit up at that. “Would you like to join me and your brother for a ride this afternoon?”

“No, thank you.”

The alpha sighed. Baekhyun didn’t even bother giving a polite excuse, but he was starting to like the omega’s character. Usually omegas bowed their heads at him and were nothing but shy smiles and submissive behavior when they met him, ready to please in any way possible.

Chanyeol noticed the book then. “My favorite is the tale of the Frog and the Scorpion,” he said.

Baekhyun looked surprised by his comment. It was refreshing to see another expression on his beautiful face. “You’ve read our fables?” he asked, almost suspiciously.

Chanyeol nodded. “That one reminds you there are people you simply cannot save or help.”

“I think the scorpion had his reasons.”

“Reasons to drown himself and the frog who was helping him?”

“Of course,” Baekhyun said simply. “Would you kill for no reason?”

“Never,” Chanyeol said at once.

“They say you’re the most vicious wolf in your father’s army.”

“It’s not true.”

“If you say so,” Baekhyun said with a small smile, and went back to reading.

Chanyeol excused himself and left, feeling confused. He had heard the rumors many times, but they had never made him feel as guilty before. Something accusing in Baekhyun’s eyes messed with his head. Maybe deep down he was a villain and didn’t want to admit it. Was that how Baekhyun saw him?




Jongin stepped into his chambers with a flower and a note in one hand, and a scowl on his face. Chanyeol, who was at the desk full of documents preparing for the talks of later that day, wasn’t surprised to see him.

“Are you seriously trying to court him?” the Captain roared.

“Did he return the book?”

“What book?!”

Chanyeol smiled. He had sent Baekhyun a book of fables from his country, from his own collection, bound in leather and transcribed by his best scribe. He had added a note simply asking to see him and a flower. At least he had kept the book. “Did he write anything on the note?”

“Yes, he wrote the word, ‘no.’”

For some reason this made Chanyeol chuckle.

Jongin looked at the verge of a heart attack. “You can’t be serious. Your highness, you can’t fool around with the Second Prince of Valkea. I know you’re enthralled by his blond hair, but please imagine the consequences if things don’t go your way.”

“Who says I’m fooling around?”

Jongin opened and closed his mouth several times. “...You mean... you... you want to...?”

“Yes. If possible, want to claim and marry him.” Chanyeol grinned.

Jongin sat down. “Well, in that case I can’t do anything to stop you. Valkea is supposed to be our ally now and if your wolf feels like Prince Baekhyun is a good choice, then I can only hope he returns your feelings.” He glanced at the note again. “Eventually.”




Baekhyun flinched when Chanyeol sneakily came out of the bushes to join him after he stepped out of the castle. He recovered quickly, his face setting into his usual cold expression. Chanyeol felt just a bit guilty. He had been waiting for him, sitting behind a thick wall of bushes in the garden.

“I believe I rejected your offer for a walk today,” Prince Baekhyun said, continuing his way without looking at Chanyeol.

“I know, and I took the liberty of asking your brother where you would be this afternoon,” Chanyeol said brightly. “He told me you’d be training by yourself.”

Baekhyun frowned. Chanyeol could almost see what he was thinking. He was preparing himself for Chanyeol to say it wasn’t appropriate for an omega to train in anything besides singing, perhaps. Sejon and Valkea were very different, but both cultures treasured and protected omegas. They were expected to be beautiful and submissive, and fighting was neither.

“I thought I could join you. I haven’t trained since I arrived here,” Chanyeol added, and he got to see Baekhyun’s surprise for a brief second again.

“The training ring is a public place. I suppose I can’t stop you from following me there.”

“Would you care for a match?”

Baekhyun sighed. “Alright. The only alpha I practice with is my brother. Some variety is always welcome.”

Once inside the training ring, Baekhyun took off his ornamented black and gold jacket. He wore a simpler button up white shirt bellow and a black vest. He chose a wooden sword of a comfortable size for him and glanced at Chanyeol, a bit amused.

“Can you even fight in that?” he asked.

Chanyeol glanced down at his hanbok. The robe almost reached his ankles. Chanyeol could see why Valkeans would think their garments were too much, with their wide sleeves and length, but his hanbok was light and airy. He was freezing here most of the time, and it was nothing compared to the heavy weight of Valkean jackets and thick material of their trousers.

“Of course,” Chanyeol replied and chose his own sword.

Baekhyun attacked first, and his strength surprised the alpha. The wooden sword throbbed with the impact. Chanyeol spun and swung his weapon, Baekhyun avoided him swiftly. He saw the determination shining in Baekhyun’s blue eyes, and any ideas of this being an easy match left his mind.

Baekhyun fought using his smaller size and lighter complexion in his favor, with quick movements, avoiding Chanyeol’s brute force and direct attacks. He learned from his style fast, and tried to predict his movements to strike a weak point. Baekhyun managed to hit him twice before Chanyeol sent his sword flying from his hand. If they were real swords, Chanyeol would’ve been bleeding.

“You’re good,” Chanyeol said, amazed.

“Thanks,” Baekhyun replied. “Another round?”

Chanyeol nodded. “Pick it up.” He won four out of five matches, but ended up on the floor in the last one, with Baekhyun’s wooden sword pointing at his throat. The blond was panting heavily, his gold hair standing in all directions. He combed it back with his hand with a gesture of annoyance. “You’re dead, alpha.”

“After I killed you four times,” Chanyeol replied with a smile.

Baekhyun let the sword fall to the ground and went to grab his jacket without another word.

“Prince Baekhyun, wait!” He was surprised to see the omega stop on his tracks. Chanyeol got to his feet and approached him. “Would you have dinner with me tonight?”

“You’re one persistent alpha,” Baekhyun scoffed. “I will be direct, since your kind can’t seem to pick up hints. I'm not interested in having any sort of relationship with you. I tolerate you in my home because peace is what is best for our countries, that is all. If you think I will be your entertainment while you’re here and go to bed with you, you’re mistaken, so please, leave me alone.”

“Using you as entertainment is the last thing on my mind.” Chanyeol replied at once. “I know our cultures are different, I know there are still grudges because of the war, but I want to leave that in the past. I want to court you with the respect that you deserve.”

Baekhyun stared at him for a long time. “The answer is still no.”



and here's the royal!wolf au I meantioned in my blog x) Baek has a difficult character in this one, it's been so long since I don't make him anything but cute that it's a bit weird.

also Baek's look was inspired by these pictures:

please let me know what you think so far! :)

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194 streak #1
Chapter 7: 👍
194 streak #2
Chapter 6: 🌹
194 streak #3
Chapter 1: 🥰
Chapter 3: Even though I know that you are probably not listening to comments on this old story, I have to get it out. Seems like Baek is filled with shock at what just happened, guilt at what he told the gardener, embarrassment that he valued his fallen father's gift over common courtesy, safety and care for his living mom, denial that he cares that Chanyeol got hurt and he still has yet to apologize and just frustration that he is letting his emotions bleed over into his pride when it comes to Chanyeol.

I really like this story.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! I remember this hairstyle and color!!!! He looked so beautiful and I still wonder just HOW TF they are gonna put a uniform on someone THAT beautiful and not want to hand him a toy gun, put him in the living room to play for the day and send him home every night!!! I don't understand how they could just make him a soldier!!!
qassaa #6
Chapter 7: Thank you for writing 💐, I really enjoyed reading this masterpiece.
Royal summer love is your second story that I would like to translate into Persian*_* your stories are beautiful, can I translate it into Persian?
Imamon #9
Chapter 7: I come back to this story a lot, especially while waiting for the sequel to be completed, it’s really beautiful and I’m very grateful the world has a gifted writer like you ^^~ take care of your health and thank youu
ateeztic #10