cherry blossoms。 a graphic shop ╱ ʙᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ !! ╱ ᴘᴏsᴛᴇʀs, ᴍᴏᴏᴅʙᴏᴀʀᴅs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴛs。HIRING DESIGNERS!!

Please Subscribe to read further chapters


cherry blossoms is currently open for batch 3!! if you wanted to see our past edits / batch 1 requests, then click the archive that is located above. note that the archive is password protected. you'll only know the password if you're using a computer / laptop when you hover onto the word: archive.

cherry blossoms is a multi-around graphic shop, offering posters, moodboards  and character charts. since i don't have any samples that can be provided for those graphic types (moodboards & character charts), i am  offering free services for those. but i have some banners in my portfolio. 
shop status open
accepting any kind of story genre
with 2 active designers and 2 busy ones
Rules & Regulations
1. subscribe to this shop
for you to have immediate updates or notifications from the designers, though, upvotes are compulsory upon delivery of your requested graphic.
2. no shop-hopping
means you shouldn't request in other graphic shop just because we've been taking so long to deliver your request nor you'll request here when you already requested in other graphic shop, is more likely not a good act. be patient and responsible enough.
3. don't rip / cover / tamper / edit / tweak / erase the designer's watermark
on the requested graphic then claim it as yours or upload it to other sites. learn the word respect. unless you wanted to be a thief?
4. as much as possible, no cancellation of request
cancellation of a request is okay but within 24 hours only, be a hundred-percent sure when requesting.
5. support the shop
doing a blog post (include the banner + link it back to the shop) is a compulsory act and very mandatory. you are ought to comment the link of your blog post in the comment box below. this will be the only way you'll be supporting us, still, even after you've received your request and you've decided to unsubscribe already.
6. always review your form
if you forgot to put something in your form and the chosen designer had already made your request then you wanted him/her to revise it or something, private message them directly. but in my case, i won't allow it because what i see is what you get. so make sure that your form is really what you needed it to be if you will choose me as your designer.
7. credit the shop and the designer properly
you shall credit the shop in the description / foreword box of your story. use the banner provided and provide a link to this shop plus add the profile link of the designer who made your graphic request.
8. duration and usage
use the requested graphic for at least a month. please, the designer put effort into it, don't just take us for granted.
9. don't remove the credits
even though you already changed your requested graphic, the requested graphic itself shall remain in the description / foreword box means, the banner + profile link should remain there as well. this is to state that we are one of the past graphic editors of your story.
10. you're free to voice out ideas
don't be demanding, you can give us ideas about your request but you must not demand at all. we'll be the one who's going to decide what your graphic request should come up with.
11. don't rush the designers
we are just merely humans like you and we definitely have our own lives too. you must understand that.
12. the support to the shop must remain forever
the blog post and credits shouldn't be erased / deleted even though you're already done requesting.
13. break any rules
and it will result to an immediate blocking of your account and you'll be refrained from requesting any graphic services coming from our end.
14. payments
the payments may vary. it will depend on the chosen designer since each designers have their own set of payments.
— ddmmyy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, his convenire eloquentiam disputationi ut,
— ddmmyy
Eum ea albucius placerat expetendis. Ius facer moderatius ea. No alii dissentiunt est, tantas postea eum te, mei cu quaeque commune dignissim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, his convenire eloquentiam disputationi ut, at est utinam graeco cotidieque.
Eum ea albucius placerat expetendis. Ius facer moderatius ea. No alii dissentiunt est, tantas postea eum te, mei cu quaeque commune dignissim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, his convenire eloquentiam disputationi ut, at est utinam graeco cotidieque.
Eum ea albucius placerat expetendis. Ius facer moderatius ea. No alii dissentiunt est, tantas postea eum te, mei cu quaeque commune dignissim.
Lyn's Note
if your request is already made, it will be featured above. the poster will be posted there and it will be hyperlinked with the story link. this is somehow, a free advertisement of your story once you've done the rules and payments well. 
Trashed List
1. serenitea / deleted blog post & erased the credits in the story's foreword
2. qweenb / didn't use the poster for a month and deleted the story itself
3. username / reason
4. username / reason
5. username / reason
— affiliate link —
— affiliate link —
— affiliate link —
— affiliate link —
— affiliate link —
— affiliate link —
comment to be affiliates!
click the name to be redirected to the affiliates


please fill in the form neatly and completely, lacking forms will
be immediately voided
Form for Posters
  1. chosen designer:
    pen name:
    story title + link:
    color scheme:

    theme: dark theme or light theme
    subtitle: this is optional. the designer may or may not include this in the poster.
    though the designer may or may not follow the suggestions 100%.
    characters: 0-3 individual artists. if involves with group, 1 only + 1 individual character.
    time limit chosen: listed below

    Form for Moodboards
    1. chosen designer:
      story title + link:

      text: any quote or anything as long as it is short.
      characters: 1-4 individual artists only and not accepting groups.
      concept theme: cherry blossoms, neon lights, black & white, etc.
      suggestions: though the designer may or may not follow the suggestions 100%.
      theme: dark theme or light theme
      color scheme:
      time limit chosen:
      listed below

      Form for Character Charts
      1. chosen designer:
        story title + link:
        pen name: this is optional. you can leave this

        characters: 1-6 individual artists. if involves
        with group, 1 only + 1 individual character.

        characters' names: e.g., jungkook as dandreb
        kim & yerim as euryelle jung.

        suggestions: though the designer may or may
        not follow the suggestions 100%.

        pixel size: width x height
        theme: dark theme or light theme
        color scheme:
        time limit chosen:
        listed below



      Time Limits

      (choosing no time limit,
      means you may or may not wait for weeks or even months)

      6 hour finish
      595 kps

      12 hour finish
      495 kps 

      24 hour finish
      300 kps 

      2 day finish
      200 kps 

      3 day finish
      100 kps 

      no time limit
       0 kps 

Hi everyone, this is Loreleia!
Sorry to everyone who has been thinking of requesting from this shop
But it is now "unofficially" closed
I don't know why the shop has been inactive for quite some time
Feel free to request from other shops in the meantime!
Or PM me for a request


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745 streak #1
Hi! ^^

Can I make a request?
Hi, this shop is still open, right?? I would want to make a request...
hi , you guys still taking request??
Chosen designer: Lai / @exudoxialee

Pen name: Sophie (Author's name: yoongsjen)

Story Title + Link: Tempting Encounters |

Color scheme: Up to you

Theme: Light theme but still mysterious

Subtitle: "The One-Shot Collection"

Genre: Romance, , Comedy, Drama

Suggestions: You'll see that I already have a poster and a background for this story but since I've changed my username, I need new ones. And ofc, I'd like to try something new while I'm at it. It can be similar to the current ones (to have an idea) but I'll trust the designer's taste and point of view.

Characters: All members of Blackpink and BTS. If it's possible, I'd like it if Min Yoongi and Jennie Kim are near each other in the poster because they are my fave couple.

Time limit chosen: No time limit

P.D: I'd like to know where do I have to gift the KP once I have the poster, please. That's the only part I didn't understand from the rules.

I'll wait patiently for the result, thank you in advance :-)
justminaa #5
Chapter 5: Hi! I have picked up my poster and wow, I'm in love with it! Thank you so much Lai for the amazing artwork <3 Here is the link to my blog post: . I have already gifted the kp and also credited on my book's foreword :) I will come by again in the future and drop a request! :)
justminaa #6
Chosen designer: Lai / @exudoxialee

Pen name: MINA (Author's name: nctfictionalw)

Story Title + Link: Let's Divorce! |

Color scheme: Up to you

Theme: Light theme

Subtitle: "My love story revolves around two people: me as the main character and you as the man who will no longer wears the same ring as I do."

Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy, Drama

Suggestions: This story has a bit of emotional roller coaster in it so it would be great if the mood of the poster isn't too happy-go-lucky but more towards a nostalgic kind of vibe.

Characters: Kim Jungwoo from NCT

Time limit chosen: No time limit

Take your time and thank you in advance! :)